Friday, September 02, 2011


Omniolfactionality and other attributes of God.

me: The general subject is, Your Attributtes.
gd: And I have many.
me: Omnipresence?
gd: Yes. I am everywhere.
me: Omniscience?
gd: Yes. I know everything.
me: Omniolfactionality?
gd: Yes. Of course. I smell everything. Can we please get to the point? I am very busy.
me: Would You be willing to answer one last question? Then I will let You go. Promise.
gd: One last question. Make it quick or I will hang up.
me: Here is the scenerio: You are in Omnipresence Mode.
gd: Always...
me: You are just at the surface of a small body of water, looking up. Familiar?
gd: Very familiar. Happens all the time. Many, many millions of times per day, in fact. Can you hurry this up?
me: Suddenly the view from above turns brown as a turd splashes into Your eye. What mode follows from that?
gd: (Hangs up)

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