Friday, September 30, 2011


The Ultimate Question.

Whew. Working on beer #10 I think. Sip. Metaphysics?! Fuck. What is 'Metaphysics?! Fuck!
I knew it would eventually come down to this. Fuck. So now I have to explain 'metaphysics?' Really? Sheeit.
Ok. Are you all ready for this? Metafuckingphysics? Really? Ok. I will explain, but you must follow me precisely. Exactly.
Let's begin with Twelve Particles, Four Forces: 'Metaphysics' is a 'bridge' which explains 'orgasm' in terms of 'fundamental physics.' It's a very long chain of definitions and explanations, eventually culminating in a complete understanding of 'Orgasm' from the theoretical scientific point of view. (Back from the fridge with beer #11. Sip!) What Metaphysics 'does' is to 'simplify an infinitely complex chain of information' such that the eventual result 'makes sense' to a complex brain which is itself based on that same information. Magic! Metaphysics is magic! Aristotle loved it. So did Aquinas. But as Scientific processes evolved in the age of Newton, 'Metaphysics' itself became suspect. Science dropped the idea, leaving Religion stuck with it. Nowadays we don't bother to follow the details because we know full well that there will be no end to our investigations: Brain can never understand fundamental processes; never, ever, because it is based on those very same procesesses. Who created The Creator?
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