Friday, September 02, 2011
Our Racial/Tribal Society.
Finally tonight, I am an Obama admirer. I love Obama. Indeed, I consider Obama to be a 'White American' (instead of 'an African American'). I see Obama's white mother and her white family whenever I see Obama on TV. They obviously raised him beautifully. I do not see Obama's 'blackness' at all, even though he is obviously 'half and half' genetically. To me Obama is a 'white man' with all that implies (education, sophistication, enlightened Western knowlege, etc.).
Furthermore I see Obama as a role model for Blacks and Hispanics and others in the presense of a predominently 'American White Race.'
But most people don't think like me. They think in racial terms: Black. Yuck. Those people don't see his 'whiteness' (which is cultural, not colorful).
And there have been problems 'expectationwise:' Obama 'has not performed to expectations. Obama is too gentle, too cerebral, too White.' He knows that.
How would America react if Obama suddenly 'morphed into Donald Trump?'
Disaster! 'The Niggers have finally taken over America!'
So, Obama walks the tightrope, balancing and re-balancing as necessary in an extremely racial/tribal society which is still suffering (tap) from the Judeo-Bush administration.
Finally tonight, I am an Obama admirer. I love Obama. Indeed, I consider Obama to be a 'White American' (instead of 'an African American'). I see Obama's white mother and her white family whenever I see Obama on TV. They obviously raised him beautifully. I do not see Obama's 'blackness' at all, even though he is obviously 'half and half' genetically. To me Obama is a 'white man' with all that implies (education, sophistication, enlightened Western knowlege, etc.).
Furthermore I see Obama as a role model for Blacks and Hispanics and others in the presense of a predominently 'American White Race.'
But most people don't think like me. They think in racial terms: Black. Yuck. Those people don't see his 'whiteness' (which is cultural, not colorful).
And there have been problems 'expectationwise:' Obama 'has not performed to expectations. Obama is too gentle, too cerebral, too White.' He knows that.
How would America react if Obama suddenly 'morphed into Donald Trump?'
Disaster! 'The Niggers have finally taken over America!'
So, Obama walks the tightrope, balancing and re-balancing as necessary in an extremely racial/tribal society which is still suffering (tap) from the Judeo-Bush administration.