Friday, September 16, 2011
I Love Zen! Now!
Yas! (I stole this 'corruption' of 'yes' from the book, 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'. But I don't recall reading anything at all about 'Zen' in that book.)
Sip. But it was a long time ago. I love Zen. You will too. Zen is such fun!
I think you will find, after proper investigation, that Zen is far superior to Monotheism. Prove me wrong if you can. Try it!
Hint: Monotheism seeks to 'awaken you' by threatening you with eternal punishment after you die. Zen seeks to awaken you by another method: Now!
Oh, threats of Hell and hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain: This life flies!
One thing is certain, and the rest is lies:
The flower that once has blown forever dies.
Yas! (I stole this 'corruption' of 'yes' from the book, 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'. But I don't recall reading anything at all about 'Zen' in that book.)
Sip. But it was a long time ago. I love Zen. You will too. Zen is such fun!
I think you will find, after proper investigation, that Zen is far superior to Monotheism. Prove me wrong if you can. Try it!
Hint: Monotheism seeks to 'awaken you' by threatening you with eternal punishment after you die. Zen seeks to awaken you by another method: Now!
Oh, threats of Hell and hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain: This life flies!
One thing is certain, and the rest is lies:
The flower that once has blown forever dies.