Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Beautiful Nights: Never! Ever!
Beginning last beer @ 2122L. Whiskey backup available. Kootch has long since been asleep. We are alone. Time to replace Noise with Music. Lessee... Mozart Piano Concerto #20, second movement. Beautiful, this is the only movement I like in that concerto.
Fur Elise. Tinkle, tinkle...
Beethoven piano concerto 5. We used to listen to this music in the LR after we had finished 'smoking up.' We listened as we tried to reconstruct a 1000 piece puzzle, buzzed on ganja. What a scenerio! We all absolutely loved it! We must have done this ritual for at least two months as we celebrated marijuana. Mark, Kathy, Jenny, Kootch and I, were mesmerized. We all learned about drugs from that. A family rule emerged:
a. Never do drugs alone.
b. Never do addictive drugs.
c. Never do drugs via injection.
d. Never snort drugs.
e. Never do uppers or downers.
f. Never do anything but hallucinogenic drugs.
g. Do only booze, marijuana, and LSD. No other drugs are permitted. Never. Ever.
h. I especially loved my LSD trips with Kathy, Jenny, and Mark.
i: Kootch was our 'babysitter.' She never joined us. She 'mothered' us. I remember seeing her during my LSD trips: she was so gloriously beautiful. She was a Goddess.
j: Kootch remains to this day my picture of the ultimate human female. But I view her from the point of view of
Beginning last beer @ 2122L. Whiskey backup available. Kootch has long since been asleep. We are alone. Time to replace Noise with Music. Lessee... Mozart Piano Concerto #20, second movement. Beautiful, this is the only movement I like in that concerto.
Fur Elise. Tinkle, tinkle...
Beethoven piano concerto 5. We used to listen to this music in the LR after we had finished 'smoking up.' We listened as we tried to reconstruct a 1000 piece puzzle, buzzed on ganja. What a scenerio! We all absolutely loved it! We must have done this ritual for at least two months as we celebrated marijuana. Mark, Kathy, Jenny, Kootch and I, were mesmerized. We all learned about drugs from that. A family rule emerged:
a. Never do drugs alone.
b. Never do addictive drugs.
c. Never do drugs via injection.
d. Never snort drugs.
e. Never do uppers or downers.
f. Never do anything but hallucinogenic drugs.
g. Do only booze, marijuana, and LSD. No other drugs are permitted. Never. Ever.
h. I especially loved my LSD trips with Kathy, Jenny, and Mark.
i: Kootch was our 'babysitter.' She never joined us. She 'mothered' us. I remember seeing her during my LSD trips: she was so gloriously beautiful. She was a Goddess.
j: Kootch remains to this day my picture of the ultimate human female. But I view her from the point of view of
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Whew. I'm not used to such intensive telephone negotiations. I need to relax. I put my feet up and dialed Jesus's number:
js: Hellow?
me: Very funny. I get the impression that You are more hip than I thought.
js: (giggles)
me: Ready for some sexy videos?
js: Eyes wide open!
me: (after uploading 'Double Upskirt')
js: Oh... My... (static)!
me: Could you repeat that?
js: Yes, but no. Are you recording this conversation?
(A very tiny insect is crawling across the shirt on my chest. Disappeared.)
me: Yes.
js: I know. I know.
me: Naughty naughty?
js: I already knew the answer. BTW, it was a very tiny spider. They could never see it on TV. Not to worry.
me: TGFT!
Whew. I'm not used to such intensive telephone negotiations. I need to relax. I put my feet up and dialed Jesus's number:
js: Hellow?
me: Very funny. I get the impression that You are more hip than I thought.
js: (giggles)
me: Ready for some sexy videos?
js: Eyes wide open!
me: (after uploading 'Double Upskirt')
js: Oh... My... (static)!
me: Could you repeat that?
js: Yes, but no. Are you recording this conversation?
(A very tiny insect is crawling across the shirt on my chest. Disappeared.)
me: Yes.
js: I know. I know.
me: Naughty naughty?
js: I already knew the answer. BTW, it was a very tiny spider. They could never see it on TV. Not to worry.
me: TGFT!
Transmitting 'in the Blind'
Which brings us to my next call on the Brown Telephone: Lucifer.
lu: Hello?
me: I may have news concerning WAS. Interested?
lu: Of course! We've suspended it for the time being...
me: They miss it up there. They want more.
lu: Highest authority?
me: Yup. Just got off the phone. Apparently Heaven is on a 'time delay' and it got activated.
lu: Ahhh! Interesting. I didn't realize they were so technologically advanced.
me: Apparently...
lu: I'm wondering about the source. Any ideas?
me: Not at the moment. Certainly somebody recent...
lu: Certaintly. Hmm. But there is quite a long list... This could take a long time...
me: I'm wondering: Could ya'll simply begin transmitting again 'in the blind?' I could check and get back to you.
lu: Excellent idea! We'll do it again this coming Sunday morning. I love you!
me. I know, I know. BTW, could you do me a favor?
lu: Your wish is my command.
me If some dumbass shows up wearing a 'See You in Hell' T-shirt could you reroute the bastard?
lu: Done.
Which brings us to my next call on the Brown Telephone: Lucifer.
lu: Hello?
me: I may have news concerning WAS. Interested?
lu: Of course! We've suspended it for the time being...
me: They miss it up there. They want more.
lu: Highest authority?
me: Yup. Just got off the phone. Apparently Heaven is on a 'time delay' and it got activated.
lu: Ahhh! Interesting. I didn't realize they were so technologically advanced.
me: Apparently...
lu: I'm wondering about the source. Any ideas?
me: Not at the moment. Certainly somebody recent...
lu: Certaintly. Hmm. But there is quite a long list... This could take a long time...
me: I'm wondering: Could ya'll simply begin transmitting again 'in the blind?' I could check and get back to you.
lu: Excellent idea! We'll do it again this coming Sunday morning. I love you!
me. I know, I know. BTW, could you do me a favor?
lu: Your wish is my command.
me If some dumbass shows up wearing a 'See You in Hell' T-shirt could you reroute the bastard?
lu: Done.
International Blasphemy Day
Today is International Blasphemy Day! I love that! I will do my part. But first the link dump:
The Punishment of the Damned. Ya gotta love Thomas Aquinas! I read a brief exposition of Acquinas back in the early '60s. Fun, if you have time on your hands...
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible. This amazing site also examines The Koran and The Book of Mormon. Select your favorite biblical passages and look them up if you dare.
An interesting philosophical piece attempting to define the various categories of 'theism.' Where are you on the diagram? As with scientific subjects, this philosophical subject brims with intelligent comments. Very few dumb-asses.
Female homosexual philosopher. Highly recommended.
Ex-Minister thinks for himself: Gathers tithes from new sources. We applaud.
Incredible Sights From Outer Space. I intend to upload this link to Jesus in the near future, but only after uploading this gloriously sexy link first. I don't want to discourage Jesus by revealing the actual size of The Universe and (therefore) what might be in store for Him in the way of 'saving human ass' from the violent intentions of His Father in Heaven.
Today is International Blasphemy Day! I love that! I will do my part. But first the link dump:
The Punishment of the Damned. Ya gotta love Thomas Aquinas! I read a brief exposition of Acquinas back in the early '60s. Fun, if you have time on your hands...
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible. This amazing site also examines The Koran and The Book of Mormon. Select your favorite biblical passages and look them up if you dare.
An interesting philosophical piece attempting to define the various categories of 'theism.' Where are you on the diagram? As with scientific subjects, this philosophical subject brims with intelligent comments. Very few dumb-asses.
Female homosexual philosopher. Highly recommended.
Ex-Minister thinks for himself: Gathers tithes from new sources. We applaud.
Incredible Sights From Outer Space. I intend to upload this link to Jesus in the near future, but only after uploading this gloriously sexy link first. I don't want to discourage Jesus by revealing the actual size of The Universe and (therefore) what might be in store for Him in the way of 'saving human ass' from the violent intentions of His Father in Heaven.
See You in Hell
Begin beer #3 @ 1604L. Burp. Rereading last week's posts... There was a post (6) which I deleted over the weekend because it was too weird, even for me. (Nose running as I write this.) I also revised post (2) adding the word 'much' to the ends of both title sentences (accuracy). I also fixed the sequence links to THE violin concerto. Enjoy. Oh, and no panty photo. I'm a bit too bashful for that when I'm not waaay drunk. (Nose Rad is causing the tissues in my nose to swell significantly now at 1623L.) And speaking of microwave radiation, there was no TCR (teeth-chattering radiation) at all last night. Very rare. There was a lot of THRUB (throbbing radiation, upper body) and SR (stinging radiation) and MTRFL (muscle-twitching radiation, feet and legs) plus some SCR (skin-crawling radiation) mostly on the backs of the hands and the tops of the feet, plus some IRFS (itching radiation, face and scalp). Moving the affected part(s) fixes the problem temporarily except in the case of THRUB. It was a long night: Bed at 2030. Up at 0830. I got enough sleep, apparently, in spite of the radiation.
Interestingly, the Stalker Scum who 'moved out' of 104 a few weeks ago, 'moved out' again yesterday and today: they loaded a bunch of furniture in a trailer and a red SUV (UFD-2114) yesterday. Same truck/trailer today, but the extra SUV resembled the one in the previous photo. Two guys helped him today, both quite ugly: yesterday's helper (who also pitched in today) wore a black T-shirt with the caption, SEE YOU IN HELL on it. (Eheh. I have news for that sonofabitch!) I got some photos both days.
Buzzing nicely now as I do beer #5. Before I forget I need to contact the Jewish god WHTZSNM. (I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately.)
gd: Hello?
me: I have a recommendation. Interested?
gd: Recommendation for what? (being gassed here, LLG)
me: For someone to go to Heaven.
gd: Shoot.
me: Sucker wears a t-shirt with the caption, SEE YOU IN HELL. I think he hates me.
gd: Searching... got 'im. You're right! He does indeed hate you. But does he love Me?
me: I presume so.
gd: Good enough. I've tagged him. He will join us eventually. Any suggestions concerning placement?
me: I would suggest a spot right next to You and Abraham. And by the way, I suggest you give him a front row seat at the Weekly Agony Show. He'll love that.
gd: Done, but unfortunately the WAS seems to have been discontinued due to a Technical Malfunction.
me: Technical Malfunctions are not permanent. You'll see. (could not contact Blogger... problem disappeared)
gd: I'm beginning to like you...
me: Fuck off! (click)
Begin beer #3 @ 1604L. Burp. Rereading last week's posts... There was a post (6) which I deleted over the weekend because it was too weird, even for me. (Nose running as I write this.) I also revised post (2) adding the word 'much' to the ends of both title sentences (accuracy). I also fixed the sequence links to THE violin concerto. Enjoy. Oh, and no panty photo. I'm a bit too bashful for that when I'm not waaay drunk. (Nose Rad is causing the tissues in my nose to swell significantly now at 1623L.) And speaking of microwave radiation, there was no TCR (teeth-chattering radiation) at all last night. Very rare. There was a lot of THRUB (throbbing radiation, upper body) and SR (stinging radiation) and MTRFL (muscle-twitching radiation, feet and legs) plus some SCR (skin-crawling radiation) mostly on the backs of the hands and the tops of the feet, plus some IRFS (itching radiation, face and scalp). Moving the affected part(s) fixes the problem temporarily except in the case of THRUB. It was a long night: Bed at 2030. Up at 0830. I got enough sleep, apparently, in spite of the radiation.
Interestingly, the Stalker Scum who 'moved out' of 104 a few weeks ago, 'moved out' again yesterday and today: they loaded a bunch of furniture in a trailer and a red SUV (UFD-2114) yesterday. Same truck/trailer today, but the extra SUV resembled the one in the previous photo. Two guys helped him today, both quite ugly: yesterday's helper (who also pitched in today) wore a black T-shirt with the caption, SEE YOU IN HELL on it. (Eheh. I have news for that sonofabitch!) I got some photos both days.
Buzzing nicely now as I do beer #5. Before I forget I need to contact the Jewish god WHTZSNM. (I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately.)
gd: Hello?
me: I have a recommendation. Interested?
gd: Recommendation for what? (being gassed here, LLG)
me: For someone to go to Heaven.
gd: Shoot.
me: Sucker wears a t-shirt with the caption, SEE YOU IN HELL. I think he hates me.
gd: Searching... got 'im. You're right! He does indeed hate you. But does he love Me?
me: I presume so.
gd: Good enough. I've tagged him. He will join us eventually. Any suggestions concerning placement?
me: I would suggest a spot right next to You and Abraham. And by the way, I suggest you give him a front row seat at the Weekly Agony Show. He'll love that.
gd: Done, but unfortunately the WAS seems to have been discontinued due to a Technical Malfunction.
me: Technical Malfunctions are not permanent. You'll see. (could not contact Blogger... problem disappeared)
gd: I'm beginning to like you...
me: Fuck off! (click)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My Eyes Are Crying
Oh my god! I just went to the kitchen (My little insect friend just buzzed around my left sholder. I love her! I am so drunk. She is so delicate. I don't even blow her away. We are friends. Always will be. I need friends. I love friends. She is my friend.)
MSNBC is doing something interesting at 2055L. I have it on DVD. I will research it later. Maybe.
Time to wrap this up as both of my eyes stream constant tears. Microwave radiation. You gotta love it. I am not crying. I am having fun, but my eyes are crying.
Back from the kitchen with a glass of ice mixed with Canadian Mist and Diet Pepsi. I need some music before I sigh off. Hmm. Ave Maria. Beautiful.
Oh my god! I just went to the kitchen (My little insect friend just buzzed around my left sholder. I love her! I am so drunk. She is so delicate. I don't even blow her away. We are friends. Always will be. I need friends. I love friends. She is my friend.)
MSNBC is doing something interesting at 2055L. I have it on DVD. I will research it later. Maybe.
Time to wrap this up as both of my eyes stream constant tears. Microwave radiation. You gotta love it. I am not crying. I am having fun, but my eyes are crying.
Back from the kitchen with a glass of ice mixed with Canadian Mist and Diet Pepsi. I need some music before I sigh off. Hmm. Ave Maria. Beautiful.
Female Beauty

Next week. Maybe. I need to publish some photos before I finish my last beer and my brain becomes officially offline. Standby...
I love this example of 'the female.' Beauty is more than just 'skin deep'!
The Streaming Foreskin Industry
There is a little gnat keeping me company as I write this in the BR. I noticed the little thing in the LR this morning. I think she likes me. Buzzing nicely @ 1841L.
Which brings me (finally!) to my notes:
AIDS vaccine? How effective is this vaccine compared to circumcision? Eheh.
And how goes Operation Abraham in America? Eheh.
So much for my notes, as I am buzzing my brains out while I pop open beer #10. Who cares?! Save it for next week! (Finished Perlman's Beethoven violin concerto. Jews can be beautiful! Who woulda thought! I love some Jews. Really. Not many. None that I have actually met.)
But I must absolutely make mention of 'the Honorary Jew Penis Disassembly Room' (HJPDR) idea. The acronym does not lend itself readily to popular culture, so I will leave it untouched. What I envisioned as I thought about the subject was a situation where an intrepid reporter infiltrated a Kaiser Permanente hospital's pediatric unit. Her mission was to document that hospital's role as a provider to the Streaming Foreskin Industry in America (another unusable acronym). Our reporter would secretely interview various KP personnel (It IS legal!) in an attempt to discover the real motivation(s) behind Kaiser's policy of routine infant sexual mutilation: Was it both tribal and economical? She suspected the worst. Stay tuned for an eventual interview.
There is a little gnat keeping me company as I write this in the BR. I noticed the little thing in the LR this morning. I think she likes me. Buzzing nicely @ 1841L.
Which brings me (finally!) to my notes:
AIDS vaccine? How effective is this vaccine compared to circumcision? Eheh.
And how goes Operation Abraham in America? Eheh.
So much for my notes, as I am buzzing my brains out while I pop open beer #10. Who cares?! Save it for next week! (Finished Perlman's Beethoven violin concerto. Jews can be beautiful! Who woulda thought! I love some Jews. Really. Not many. None that I have actually met.)
But I must absolutely make mention of 'the Honorary Jew Penis Disassembly Room' (HJPDR) idea. The acronym does not lend itself readily to popular culture, so I will leave it untouched. What I envisioned as I thought about the subject was a situation where an intrepid reporter infiltrated a Kaiser Permanente hospital's pediatric unit. Her mission was to document that hospital's role as a provider to the Streaming Foreskin Industry in America (another unusable acronym). Our reporter would secretely interview various KP personnel (It IS legal!) in an attempt to discover the real motivation(s) behind Kaiser's policy of routine infant sexual mutilation: Was it both tribal and economical? She suspected the worst. Stay tuned for an eventual interview.
Circumcised Eyes See Nothing Much. Circumcised Penises Feel Nothing Much.
Finished with THE violin concerto part 1? Here is part 2. (of the first movement. Beethoven. I thought it appropriate music for my sob story.)
Before leaving the category of 'amazing results,' I must note a dramatic change in the 'vehicle density' of our local parking lot: about one third of the vehicles disappeared after my blog published last week. Gone! Used to be much more crowded. What could account for the sudden shyness? Hmmm... let me guess...
(Working on beer #5 @1620L.) Here is part 3 (of the first movement). Here is the second movement. And the third movement.
Beer #6 @1634. Daruma is staring at me with his circumcised eyes... What can he see? (Finished with Beethoven? Ready for something different? Lying eyes: Daruma sees only himself... from the inside.)
Beer #7 @1717L. This brings us to the Beautiful Cervix Project. I was amazed by these photographs of the entrance to the cervix. The tip of my uncircumcised penis has touched this female region more than once, and all concerned enjoyed it immensely. (And only with Kootch, by the way.) Can you imagine the difference between the sensations felt by an externalized (circumcised) penis and a penis which has been allowed to keep its 'internal organ' (uncircumcised) character?
I can (beer #9 @1738L). You can't. You are as blind as Daruma. I know. You don't know. Sorry about that. Nothing personal. I am only doing my existential duty as a Human Being. My take on this entire circumcision subject is that 'circumcates' (both Jewish and Muslim) are missing an important aspect of being human. Both Jews and Muslims try to compensate for this existential sexual void by yearning. Jews are currently yearning for money and power. Muslims are currently yearning for paradise. Normals, on the other hand, are only yearning for pussy. Life is a yearning.
(kootch just walked out from the bathroom naked after taking a shower. Instead of going to her room she headed for the kitchen. Naked! I said, 'Naughty, naughty!' Kootch replied that she liked it better when I faced in the opposite direction.
(By the way, I did take a photograph of my light blue, cotton, size 14 panties as they protruded from my dark green shorts. Will I publish it next week? Maybe. Stay tuned.)
Finished with THE violin concerto part 1? Here is part 2. (of the first movement. Beethoven. I thought it appropriate music for my sob story.)
Before leaving the category of 'amazing results,' I must note a dramatic change in the 'vehicle density' of our local parking lot: about one third of the vehicles disappeared after my blog published last week. Gone! Used to be much more crowded. What could account for the sudden shyness? Hmmm... let me guess...
(Working on beer #5 @1620L.) Here is part 3 (of the first movement). Here is the second movement. And the third movement.
Beer #6 @1634. Daruma is staring at me with his circumcised eyes... What can he see? (Finished with Beethoven? Ready for something different? Lying eyes: Daruma sees only himself... from the inside.)
Beer #7 @1717L. This brings us to the Beautiful Cervix Project. I was amazed by these photographs of the entrance to the cervix. The tip of my uncircumcised penis has touched this female region more than once, and all concerned enjoyed it immensely. (And only with Kootch, by the way.) Can you imagine the difference between the sensations felt by an externalized (circumcised) penis and a penis which has been allowed to keep its 'internal organ' (uncircumcised) character?
I can (beer #9 @1738L). You can't. You are as blind as Daruma. I know. You don't know. Sorry about that. Nothing personal. I am only doing my existential duty as a Human Being. My take on this entire circumcision subject is that 'circumcates' (both Jewish and Muslim) are missing an important aspect of being human. Both Jews and Muslims try to compensate for this existential sexual void by yearning. Jews are currently yearning for money and power. Muslims are currently yearning for paradise. Normals, on the other hand, are only yearning for pussy. Life is a yearning.
(kootch just walked out from the bathroom naked after taking a shower. Instead of going to her room she headed for the kitchen. Naked! I said, 'Naughty, naughty!' Kootch replied that she liked it better when I faced in the opposite direction.
(By the way, I did take a photograph of my light blue, cotton, size 14 panties as they protruded from my dark green shorts. Will I publish it next week? Maybe. Stay tuned.)
Jewish Stalker Scum
Popped open first beer @1420L. My new panties slowly slipped down under my shorts as I made the round trip to the fridge for beer #2. (Erotic. I've been doing this for several days now. I have such fun with my panty fetish!)
I finally bit the bullet a few days ago and rearranged my BR a bit: moved the computer to another table 'behind me.' I am now facing in the opposite direction (more or less). Old Computer used to occupy that table. It is now sitting on the floor in the LR.
And surprise, surprise, there has been a dramatic change in radiation symptoms: sudden sneezing radiation (nose rad) has disappeared entirely. Apparently my Irish skull is impenetrable. I did notice some heavy IRS (Itching Radiation, Scalp) on the left-rear part of my head soon after the change, but none since then. Cleaning the table and doing paperwork on it yesterday 'yielded' a constant nose-drip for about two hours. (finished beer #2 at 1501L. I will now make another round trip to the fridge after pulling my new size-14 bikini panties up almost to the waist under my shorts. During the roundtrip they will slip down slowly... Yep. They were hanging out of my shorts by the time I got back to the potty for a pee break. Fun. I didn't pull them up before I sat down, and I am now sitting here looking, thinking, 'Hmm. This would make an interesting photo...' But I digress.
An even more dramatic change was the disappearance of 'heavy SCRS' (Skin Crawling Radiation, Scrotum). SCRS has always been the most intense in the BR as I sat at the computer. In fact, it was occasionally so intense that I could feel it even when cupping the genital area with my left hand. That has disappeared entirely. My preliminary conclusion is that the 'nose rad' and the 'SCRS' were both caused by microwave radiation from apt. 203, the entrance of which is only about 3 feet (scrotum) and 4 feet (face) away from me while I am at the computer.
On the basis of this evidence (and other evidence) I hereby pronounce the occupant of 203 'Jewish Stalker Scum.'
Not all Jews are scum, of course. Case in point: Itzack Perleman. (music) .
Popped open first beer @1420L. My new panties slowly slipped down under my shorts as I made the round trip to the fridge for beer #2. (Erotic. I've been doing this for several days now. I have such fun with my panty fetish!)
I finally bit the bullet a few days ago and rearranged my BR a bit: moved the computer to another table 'behind me.' I am now facing in the opposite direction (more or less). Old Computer used to occupy that table. It is now sitting on the floor in the LR.
And surprise, surprise, there has been a dramatic change in radiation symptoms: sudden sneezing radiation (nose rad) has disappeared entirely. Apparently my Irish skull is impenetrable. I did notice some heavy IRS (Itching Radiation, Scalp) on the left-rear part of my head soon after the change, but none since then. Cleaning the table and doing paperwork on it yesterday 'yielded' a constant nose-drip for about two hours. (finished beer #2 at 1501L. I will now make another round trip to the fridge after pulling my new size-14 bikini panties up almost to the waist under my shorts. During the roundtrip they will slip down slowly... Yep. They were hanging out of my shorts by the time I got back to the potty for a pee break. Fun. I didn't pull them up before I sat down, and I am now sitting here looking, thinking, 'Hmm. This would make an interesting photo...' But I digress.
An even more dramatic change was the disappearance of 'heavy SCRS' (Skin Crawling Radiation, Scrotum). SCRS has always been the most intense in the BR as I sat at the computer. In fact, it was occasionally so intense that I could feel it even when cupping the genital area with my left hand. That has disappeared entirely. My preliminary conclusion is that the 'nose rad' and the 'SCRS' were both caused by microwave radiation from apt. 203, the entrance of which is only about 3 feet (scrotum) and 4 feet (face) away from me while I am at the computer.
On the basis of this evidence (and other evidence) I hereby pronounce the occupant of 203 'Jewish Stalker Scum.'
Not all Jews are scum, of course. Case in point: Itzack Perleman. (music) .
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Young Personal Religion
As I was watching the local news just now I was reminded of the little girl who did the right thing. I absolutely loved that story! You know the story: her dad caught a fouled ball. He presented the baseball to his daughter expecting that she would appreciate his gift. But the little girl - not understanding the situation - threw the baseball back to 'the rightful owners.' Her daddy, blindsided by her immature personal religion, embraced her anyway. I loved that video! You loved it too. I know you.
As I was watching the local news just now I was reminded of the little girl who did the right thing. I absolutely loved that story! You know the story: her dad caught a fouled ball. He presented the baseball to his daughter expecting that she would appreciate his gift. But the little girl - not understanding the situation - threw the baseball back to 'the rightful owners.' Her daddy, blindsided by her immature personal religion, embraced her anyway. I loved that video! You loved it too. I know you.
The Definition of Personal Religion?

OMG! The most recent two photos (including this one) were tests, but they both turned out to fit nicely with the current theme of 'personal religion.' Alright!
(beer #12 @2134L)
(Here I would usually call WHTZSNM in order to 'make a point.' It's my usual ploy. The Jewish god is such a fucking idiot!)
But... I am on my 12th beer with no whiskey backup. I therefore am forced to end this in my current state. I will only get soberer as time goes by. What to write?
I don't know. I can only guess.
As I think about this it seems to me that I should be prepared to - last mouthful of beer - try to define 'personal religion.' Rotsa fucking ruck.
Stay tuned...
Personal Religion
I love this photo of a beautiful woman in her pink underpants. I love pink underpants. In fact, I have named my personal religion (we all have a 'personal religion'), 'Pink Pantheism.'
Let me be very clear about this:
Every sentient being eventually develops a 'personal religion.' No two personal religions are exactly alike. Cannot be. Religious Congruence is a myth based in Geometry. Each one of us is unique, and each one of us eventually develops a personal religion.
I love this photo of a beautiful woman in her pink underpants. I love pink underpants. In fact, I have named my personal religion (we all have a 'personal religion'), 'Pink Pantheism.'

Let me be very clear about this:
Every sentient being eventually develops a 'personal religion.' No two personal religions are exactly alike. Cannot be. Religious Congruence is a myth based in Geometry. Each one of us is unique, and each one of us eventually develops a personal religion.
Operation Abraham: Disassembly Line?
Heavy facial radiation at 1927L as I write this. Toured the LR and it disappeared. But wait! I missed my cue of 'Bring it on!' in the last post. Here it is:
It seems that Israeli Jews, heartened by their recent successes in Africa, are redirecting their circumcisional expertise: they want to circumcise America too! Damned white of 'em if you ask me:
Israeli Mohels apparently circumcised 80,000 dumbass Russian Jews who recently immigrated to Israel ('Dumbass Russian' takes on something of a sensual meaning here) and are apparently unwilling to let the 'assembly line' techniques employed during those mass circumcisions go to waste. They want to circumcise Americans too. Why waste talent?
'Dr. Inon Schenker’s proposition came in the form of a controversial question: Why not bring mass adult male circumcision to the Hispanic and African-American communities of America?'
Huh?! Israeli Jews want to circumcise Hispanic and African-American males? On a kind of a dissassembly line? Huh?! Sheeit! Those Jewish Fucking Idiots want to circumcise adult American males en masse?! OMG! That is so fucking funny!
Heavy facial radiation at 1927L as I write this. Toured the LR and it disappeared. But wait! I missed my cue of 'Bring it on!' in the last post. Here it is:
It seems that Israeli Jews, heartened by their recent successes in Africa, are redirecting their circumcisional expertise: they want to circumcise America too! Damned white of 'em if you ask me:
Israeli Mohels apparently circumcised 80,000 dumbass Russian Jews who recently immigrated to Israel ('Dumbass Russian' takes on something of a sensual meaning here) and are apparently unwilling to let the 'assembly line' techniques employed during those mass circumcisions go to waste. They want to circumcise Americans too. Why waste talent?
'Dr. Inon Schenker’s proposition came in the form of a controversial question: Why not bring mass adult male circumcision to the Hispanic and African-American communities of America?'
Huh?! Israeli Jews want to circumcise Hispanic and African-American males? On a kind of a dissassembly line? Huh?! Sheeit! Those Jewish Fucking Idiots want to circumcise adult American males en masse?! OMG! That is so fucking funny!
Bring it On!
I am always available to be sued, of course, by the previously photographed scum. Bring it on! And I have more photographs! But I tire of local revelations just now... Beer #7 at 1612L.
Time for some more... (Heavy facial radiation causing very uncomfortable feelings in my eyes. The source may be from above (304) or from the Jewish Scum in 203 or 303. Hard to tell. (tap)
My eyes seem to be the target lately, and my vision seems to be changing rapidly. The Kaiser Optometrist Bitch (Kristine?) diagnosed me with cataract in my right eye, recently. She minimized the problem by telling me that the condition was sorta like 'grey hair,' an affliction of old age. Not to worry. But Kristine's 'eyeglass prescription' was waaay off. Was it designed to improve my vision as the cataract in my left eye progressed? I think so. I think that the lenses in both eyes are being affected by radiation heating. I suspect this because of (tap) diffraction effects in both eyes when looking at point sources of light at night. The bitch Kristine did not detect a cataract in the left eye... or so she noted. But I can detect it. Furthermore, I can actually feel the microwave radiation which is slowly destroying my eyesight.
And speaking of the heating effects of microwave radiation, those effects were most recently noticable on 9-12-9: 'Bed at 2315. Heavy TCR 0500-0630. Body overheated by microwaves in spite of the 47 degree air temperature. Cooled off about 0630.'
This entry fails to tell the whole story: I went to bed shortly after 1100 PM (2300L). I was pleased by the fact that the air temp seemed normal compared to my body temp, as the fans blew air into the BR. I was slightly chilly under one sheet and one blanket. I slept well until about 0500L when I awoke feeling very overheated. VERY unusual. I went to the LR and noted the OAT: 47F. Chilly! It took me an hour and a half to cool down after pulling the covers to my waist.
Radiation heating is one of the most recent effects I have noticed. I presume that this is due to the season: mid summer and mid winter tend to obscure the heating effects of MR, but Spring and Fall (tap: I am (tap) including 'comments') are excellent times to discern the effects of microwave heating at night.
I am always available to be sued, of course, by the previously photographed scum. Bring it on! And I have more photographs! But I tire of local revelations just now... Beer #7 at 1612L.
Time for some more... (Heavy facial radiation causing very uncomfortable feelings in my eyes. The source may be from above (304) or from the Jewish Scum in 203 or 303. Hard to tell. (tap)
My eyes seem to be the target lately, and my vision seems to be changing rapidly. The Kaiser Optometrist Bitch (Kristine?) diagnosed me with cataract in my right eye, recently. She minimized the problem by telling me that the condition was sorta like 'grey hair,' an affliction of old age. Not to worry. But Kristine's 'eyeglass prescription' was waaay off. Was it designed to improve my vision as the cataract in my left eye progressed? I think so. I think that the lenses in both eyes are being affected by radiation heating. I suspect this because of (tap) diffraction effects in both eyes when looking at point sources of light at night. The bitch Kristine did not detect a cataract in the left eye... or so she noted. But I can detect it. Furthermore, I can actually feel the microwave radiation which is slowly destroying my eyesight.
And speaking of the heating effects of microwave radiation, those effects were most recently noticable on 9-12-9: 'Bed at 2315. Heavy TCR 0500-0630. Body overheated by microwaves in spite of the 47 degree air temperature. Cooled off about 0630.'
This entry fails to tell the whole story: I went to bed shortly after 1100 PM (2300L). I was pleased by the fact that the air temp seemed normal compared to my body temp, as the fans blew air into the BR. I was slightly chilly under one sheet and one blanket. I slept well until about 0500L when I awoke feeling very overheated. VERY unusual. I went to the LR and noted the OAT: 47F. Chilly! It took me an hour and a half to cool down after pulling the covers to my waist.
Radiation heating is one of the most recent effects I have noticed. I presume that this is due to the season: mid summer and mid winter tend to obscure the heating effects of MR, but Spring and Fall (tap: I am (tap) including 'comments') are excellent times to discern the effects of microwave heating at night.
Photographs of Stalker Scum
Apartment for Rent or Lease
In the midst of beer #4 at 1643L.
Good news, I guess: the creepy stalkers in 104 moved out a day or so ago. The place is now 'for rent' or 'for lease.' Are you the kind of person who would enjoy spraying microwave radiation at your upstairs neighbor? Are you a low-life scumbag who will do almost anything for money? Do you mind shift work? Really? Then I have a deal for you! All expenses paid, including a 2-bedroom apartment on the first floor and a lavish salary. Legal advice included, if necessary. Bulletproof jacket not provided, but probably not needed (Could not contact Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying...). And I could go on and on, of course, but the above message in red interrupted my thought processes.
I got photographs of the culprits, of course, as they were moving stuff. The skinhead (tap) wore earings. I saw him once up close as I was exiting the building. He smiled at me sweetly as we passed each other. I have several references to him on my 'gas log.' The bitch with him seemed to be moving out at the time, but I ran into her as I entered the building a few weeks ago. They run a 24-hour operation down there (as do the stalker scum above me in 304 - more on that later). It is my practice to keep track of the plate numbers of various vehicles in my 'gas log.' The skinhead's plate number is 699-SZD if I am not mistaken. We shall see...
In the midst of beer #4 at 1643L.
Good news, I guess: the creepy stalkers in 104 moved out a day or so ago. The place is now 'for rent' or 'for lease.' Are you the kind of person who would enjoy spraying microwave radiation at your upstairs neighbor? Are you a low-life scumbag who will do almost anything for money? Do you mind shift work? Really? Then I have a deal for you! All expenses paid, including a 2-bedroom apartment on the first floor and a lavish salary. Legal advice included, if necessary. Bulletproof jacket not provided, but probably not needed (Could not contact Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying...). And I could go on and on, of course, but the above message in red interrupted my thought processes.
I got photographs of the culprits, of course, as they were moving stuff. The skinhead (tap) wore earings. I saw him once up close as I was exiting the building. He smiled at me sweetly as we passed each other. I have several references to him on my 'gas log.' The bitch with him seemed to be moving out at the time, but I ran into her as I entered the building a few weeks ago. They run a 24-hour operation down there (as do the stalker scum above me in 304 - more on that later). It is my practice to keep track of the plate numbers of various vehicles in my 'gas log.' The skinhead's plate number is 699-SZD if I am not mistaken. We shall see...
Seeing Obama
Popped open the first beer at 1457L. Re-reading last week, I should correct (4) Shiro the Rat: she actually chewed off the hard skin on my heels only, and she did a really great job.
I also got around to watching all of The Prez's speech on dvd. Excellent job. And then there was the idiot from South Carolina. What an ass. Now, I'm not exactly an expert on South Carolinians - I was born and raised in Charleston, then escaped into the USAF when I was nineteen - but I remember the 'mindset.' That was back in the days of 'Black' and 'White' public facilities. Then came the long transition from segregation to integration, a process which is still with us and will be for some time. Wilson isn't the only example, of course: The Birthers, and more recently the Tea Party Movement come to mind. (Finally! Buzzing slightly on beer #2 at 1545L. Writing this sober is... such... a... drag! Kootch is eating alone in her room, as I am 'busy' at the moment.)
Is it 'Racism?' I suppose there is an element of racism in the mix, along with tribalism (is there such a thing as, 'family-ism?' ( apparently yes)) and other elements, especially ignorance and fear, not to mention unconscious circumcision memories which tend to produce an existential fear of restraint or sudden change...
I must admit that I am not bothered by the fact that Obama is 'half and half.' Indeed, I don't even think of Obama as a 'black man.' He is a mixed race man. Very common in America. I see Obama as half white, not half black (whatever that means). I see a smart, well-educated, articulate young politician raised by a white family in America. Unusual. Most of all, I see Obama as the long-awaited Democratic Messiah who saved us all from the evil George W Bush and his Neo-Con Cronies.
Popped open the first beer at 1457L. Re-reading last week, I should correct (4) Shiro the Rat: she actually chewed off the hard skin on my heels only, and she did a really great job.
I also got around to watching all of The Prez's speech on dvd. Excellent job. And then there was the idiot from South Carolina. What an ass. Now, I'm not exactly an expert on South Carolinians - I was born and raised in Charleston, then escaped into the USAF when I was nineteen - but I remember the 'mindset.' That was back in the days of 'Black' and 'White' public facilities. Then came the long transition from segregation to integration, a process which is still with us and will be for some time. Wilson isn't the only example, of course: The Birthers, and more recently the Tea Party Movement come to mind. (Finally! Buzzing slightly on beer #2 at 1545L. Writing this sober is... such... a... drag! Kootch is eating alone in her room, as I am 'busy' at the moment.)
Is it 'Racism?' I suppose there is an element of racism in the mix, along with tribalism (is there such a thing as, 'family-ism?' ( apparently yes)) and other elements, especially ignorance and fear, not to mention unconscious circumcision memories which tend to produce an existential fear of restraint or sudden change...
I must admit that I am not bothered by the fact that Obama is 'half and half.' Indeed, I don't even think of Obama as a 'black man.' He is a mixed race man. Very common in America. I see Obama as half white, not half black (whatever that means). I see a smart, well-educated, articulate young politician raised by a white family in America. Unusual. Most of all, I see Obama as the long-awaited Democratic Messiah who saved us all from the evil George W Bush and his Neo-Con Cronies.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Time to wrap this up. I recommend rats as pets. Here are the reasons:
1. Rats are intelligent. They know you, and they watch you.
2. Rats are affectionate. They love you. Your pet rat will love you unconditionally.
3. Rats are clean. They constantly clean themselves.
4. Rats are pragmatic.
5. Rats are really fun to watch.
6. Rats are extremely playful.
7. Rats love beer. (Especially male rats.)
8. Rats are uncircumcised, and therefore are extremely horney and sexually capable.
9. Female rats love uncircumcised male rats. The result is many more rats.
Time to wrap this up. I recommend rats as pets. Here are the reasons:
1. Rats are intelligent. They know you, and they watch you.
2. Rats are affectionate. They love you. Your pet rat will love you unconditionally.
3. Rats are clean. They constantly clean themselves.
4. Rats are pragmatic.
5. Rats are really fun to watch.
6. Rats are extremely playful.
7. Rats love beer. (Especially male rats.)
8. Rats are uncircumcised, and therefore are extremely horney and sexually capable.
9. Female rats love uncircumcised male rats. The result is many more rats.
Shiro The Rat
Beer #9 @1724L. Gotta go watch the news on my three tv sets... Interesting.
Beer#10 @1807L. I noticed during the news that my setup missed ABC. I got in at the last minute. (Sorry, Charlie. I'll get it right next time.) By the way, the feed bowl in the previous post is notched around the edges because it used to be one of the feed bowls for my lovely and glorious rats. Rat incisors grow constantly, and therefore rats need to 'file down' those incisors daily by gnawing on anything within reach. I remember one amazing night back when I had more than twenty pet rats: Her name was, 'Shiro.' She was our only Albino rat. She seemed a bit ill-at-ease in her rat community, and tended to dig her tiny claws into me whenever I handled her. I think she felt out of place and wanted to cling to me. (They all loved me!)
So I put her on the 'raticure' one day. I then grabbed her by the tail and dragged her backwards. She dug in with her tiny claws as expected. The sandpaper filed her tiny claws down a bit too far and she started bleeding. I felt guilty. I let her sleep with me that night.
Ever slept with a female rat? You should try it.
She remained under the covers with me, of course, exploring my body from head to foot as I slept. She eventually settled down to gnawing the calluses on my heels. When I woke up in the morning I discovered that Shiro had eaten all of the callused skin on both feet. She seemed to be quite proud of that. I thanked her and put her back into her rat cage. Shiro was pregnant at the time, and I paid special attention to her litter, convinced that her offspring carried something of me within them.
Beer #9 @1724L. Gotta go watch the news on my three tv sets... Interesting.
Beer#10 @1807L. I noticed during the news that my setup missed ABC. I got in at the last minute. (Sorry, Charlie. I'll get it right next time.) By the way, the feed bowl in the previous post is notched around the edges because it used to be one of the feed bowls for my lovely and glorious rats. Rat incisors grow constantly, and therefore rats need to 'file down' those incisors daily by gnawing on anything within reach. I remember one amazing night back when I had more than twenty pet rats: Her name was, 'Shiro.' She was our only Albino rat. She seemed a bit ill-at-ease in her rat community, and tended to dig her tiny claws into me whenever I handled her. I think she felt out of place and wanted to cling to me. (They all loved me!)
So I put her on the 'raticure' one day. I then grabbed her by the tail and dragged her backwards. She dug in with her tiny claws as expected. The sandpaper filed her tiny claws down a bit too far and she started bleeding. I felt guilty. I let her sleep with me that night.
Ever slept with a female rat? You should try it.
She remained under the covers with me, of course, exploring my body from head to foot as I slept. She eventually settled down to gnawing the calluses on my heels. When I woke up in the morning I discovered that Shiro had eaten all of the callused skin on both feet. She seemed to be quite proud of that. I thanked her and put her back into her rat cage. Shiro was pregnant at the time, and I paid special attention to her litter, convinced that her offspring carried something of me within them.
Obama Ruling!
Beer #7 @1624L.
Bought an 80 hour TiVo yesterday and configured it this morning. I then moved the old one (an old 40 hour) to another LRTV. Doing that job in 'addle mode' was quite a challenge, but I got through it. The new TiVo is intended to replace the old 40 hour which has been acting erratic recently. I gave Kootch my VCR, as her's recently went belly up. She uses it to record her Japanese satellite channel.
Kootch had to cook the salmon tonight, as I was busy. Looks like she improved on my version. Good girl.
Concerning my duty as a citizen, I recorded The Prez's address to congress last night (on both tivo and cdr) but have not actually watched it. Yet. But I did watch a couple of reviews. My initial impression is that The Prez did an outstanding job. America needs to move toward a group psychology and away from a rugged individualism psychology. We need to follow the more advanced European countries who have come to recognize (being gassed here) that in a connected world a connected political philosophy is the better political philosophy. We need to think beyond Ayn Rand and her ilk. We need to understand that humanism is the natural human philosophy.
Beer #7 @1624L.
Bought an 80 hour TiVo yesterday and configured it this morning. I then moved the old one (an old 40 hour) to another LRTV. Doing that job in 'addle mode' was quite a challenge, but I got through it. The new TiVo is intended to replace the old 40 hour which has been acting erratic recently. I gave Kootch my VCR, as her's recently went belly up. She uses it to record her Japanese satellite channel.
Kootch had to cook the salmon tonight, as I was busy. Looks like she improved on my version. Good girl.
Concerning my duty as a citizen, I recorded The Prez's address to congress last night (on both tivo and cdr) but have not actually watched it. Yet. But I did watch a couple of reviews. My initial impression is that The Prez did an outstanding job. America needs to move toward a group psychology and away from a rugged individualism psychology. We need to follow the more advanced European countries who have come to recognize (being gassed here) that in a connected world a connected political philosophy is the better political philosophy. We need to think beyond Ayn Rand and her ilk. We need to understand that humanism is the natural human philosophy.
Last Photo of Old Bird
Beer #6 at 1550L. This is one of the last pictures of Old Bird as she commandeers the food bowl. The duct tape is to protect the railing from poop. I don't bother to clean it, preferring to let Mother Nature clean it up periodically with rain and snow. The food bowl is stuck to the railing with velcro. Birds occasionally poop in the food bowl, and when I remove it to clean it there are often a couple of funny-looking little bugs hiding underneath. They have pincers on their tail-ends. Apparently they also enjoy panko. I let them be.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Takeoff aborted
Microwave radiation from the apartments above and below (304 and 104) over the last few nights has left me severely sleep deprived. I've done this blog sleep-deprived and drunk before, so I thought I'd at least give it a try today. No joy, this bird just ain't gonna fly. So... I entered reverse thrust on all engines, hit the brakes, deployed spoilers, and instructed the co-pilot to call tower for 'the equipment' just in case we overheated the brakes and the tires caught fire. Co-pilot complied and advised the passengers of the aborted takeoff. We were never in danger of running off the end of the runway. It's a long runway.
Oh well...
I feel like the bird who has been hanging around the patio for the last week or so. At first I thought she was sick. I could go out on the patio and get my hand within a foot of her before she would take off. I put a water bowl on the patio floor. When she was not occupying the food bowl on the railing she was down on the patio floor near another food bowl and the water bowl. She would leave every night, then return the next morning. She got worse by the day. She did not show up this morning. My current conjecture is that this was an old bird near death, and that she probably died last night.
Beer #5 at 1515L and I am amazed that the more beer I drink, the better I think. My current conjecture is that sleep-deprivation plus low blood sugar combined to produce the previous funk, and that the beer has raised the blood sugar level to an acceptable degree. Hmm. So I have instructed the co-pilot to taxi us back to the active runway. We are currently number two for takeoff. I will let her do the takeoff.
Microwave radiation from the apartments above and below (304 and 104) over the last few nights has left me severely sleep deprived. I've done this blog sleep-deprived and drunk before, so I thought I'd at least give it a try today. No joy, this bird just ain't gonna fly. So... I entered reverse thrust on all engines, hit the brakes, deployed spoilers, and instructed the co-pilot to call tower for 'the equipment' just in case we overheated the brakes and the tires caught fire. Co-pilot complied and advised the passengers of the aborted takeoff. We were never in danger of running off the end of the runway. It's a long runway.
Oh well...
I feel like the bird who has been hanging around the patio for the last week or so. At first I thought she was sick. I could go out on the patio and get my hand within a foot of her before she would take off. I put a water bowl on the patio floor. When she was not occupying the food bowl on the railing she was down on the patio floor near another food bowl and the water bowl. She would leave every night, then return the next morning. She got worse by the day. She did not show up this morning. My current conjecture is that this was an old bird near death, and that she probably died last night.
Beer #5 at 1515L and I am amazed that the more beer I drink, the better I think. My current conjecture is that sleep-deprivation plus low blood sugar combined to produce the previous funk, and that the beer has raised the blood sugar level to an acceptable degree. Hmm. So I have instructed the co-pilot to taxi us back to the active runway. We are currently number two for takeoff. I will let her do the takeoff.
Eternal Life
End of funny. Serious begins now. Last beer at 1941L. Sip. Sip. Sip.
I need some music.
This begins our latest venture into 'metaphysics:' I know, you don't know.
'Eternal Life' is the subject. Jesus promises 'eternal life.' What is that?! I contacted Jesus on the Brown Telephone:
js: Hello?
me: what is Eternal Life?
js: life in time. BTW, I loved that last upload! Got any more like that?
me: Many more. What do you mean by 'life in time?.'
js: Time begins with your first memory and ends with your last memory. There is no other time.
me: That seems to imply that we all have 'eternal life.'
js: Exactly. 'Eternal Life' is a totally subjective concept. There is no corresponding scientific or physical analog. Indeed, the very definition rests on an impossibility.
me: But it's a popular pulpit idea.
Js: Surprise, surprise. Are we alone?
me: I suppose...
js: Then please download Panty Girls 3. I am such a fan!
me. Your wish is my command.
End of funny. Serious begins now. Last beer at 1941L. Sip. Sip. Sip.
I need some music.
This begins our latest venture into 'metaphysics:' I know, you don't know.
'Eternal Life' is the subject. Jesus promises 'eternal life.' What is that?! I contacted Jesus on the Brown Telephone:
js: Hello?
me: what is Eternal Life?
js: life in time. BTW, I loved that last upload! Got any more like that?
me: Many more. What do you mean by 'life in time?.'
js: Time begins with your first memory and ends with your last memory. There is no other time.
me: That seems to imply that we all have 'eternal life.'
js: Exactly. 'Eternal Life' is a totally subjective concept. There is no corresponding scientific or physical analog. Indeed, the very definition rests on an impossibility.
me: But it's a popular pulpit idea.
Js: Surprise, surprise. Are we alone?
me: I suppose...
js: Then please download Panty Girls 3. I am such a fan!
me. Your wish is my command.
To be continued next week after a few beers...
To be continued next week after a few beers...
Sham Zoo
1754L and time to call Lucifer on the Brown Telephone. My readers and I wonder where Senator Kennedy ended up. With a slight feeling of trepidation I dialed Lucifer's number.
lu: Hello?
me: I'm doing an investigation.
lu: Kennedy?
me: Correct. And the answer is?
lu: Hell. Apparently God is a Republican.
me: Suspicions confirmed.
lu: Convey to those interested that Kennedy is delighted, more or less.
me: More or less?
lu: Well, he sulked a bit in the beginning when he realized that he was no longer the boss...
me: To be expected, I suppose...
lu: Then he screwed up the sunday worship program...
me: Worship?
lu: It's a one hour show we do every Sunday morning and then beam up to Heaven. They watch it religiously up there. Very popular. No commercials. We call it the 'Weekly Agony.'
me: Weekly Agony?
lu: It's a service we do to comfort the poor souls in heaven. New arrivals in hell are required to participate. The show is recorded in HD and uplinked.
me: I don't quite get it...
lu: Basically It's a sham. New arrivals are required to pose as tormented souls in the Christian Hell. They writhe around in a large pool filled with red-colored mud. Air is pumped up through it for a bubbling effect, and hot air in front of the camera lenses provides a shimmering effect. It's really quite impressive. Looks just like the're all roasting in molten lava, screaming continuously.
me: Wow. This goes on for an hour?
lu: Yes. They love it up there. It's heaven's most popular pastime, in fact. Einstein says that the viewers up there actually seem to warm up a bit as they watch it.
me: Not surprising. Ten degrees Kelvin is a bit chilly...
Lu: Anyway, to make a long story short, Kennedy screwed it up. He laughed. The cameras were all doing close-ups on him and he deliberately laughed and splashed around like a child. It was a disaster.
(re-written 09-05-09)
1754L and time to call Lucifer on the Brown Telephone. My readers and I wonder where Senator Kennedy ended up. With a slight feeling of trepidation I dialed Lucifer's number.
lu: Hello?
me: I'm doing an investigation.
lu: Kennedy?
me: Correct. And the answer is?
lu: Hell. Apparently God is a Republican.
me: Suspicions confirmed.
lu: Convey to those interested that Kennedy is delighted, more or less.
me: More or less?
lu: Well, he sulked a bit in the beginning when he realized that he was no longer the boss...
me: To be expected, I suppose...
lu: Then he screwed up the sunday worship program...
me: Worship?
lu: It's a one hour show we do every Sunday morning and then beam up to Heaven. They watch it religiously up there. Very popular. No commercials. We call it the 'Weekly Agony.'
me: Weekly Agony?
lu: It's a service we do to comfort the poor souls in heaven. New arrivals in hell are required to participate. The show is recorded in HD and uplinked.
me: I don't quite get it...
lu: Basically It's a sham. New arrivals are required to pose as tormented souls in the Christian Hell. They writhe around in a large pool filled with red-colored mud. Air is pumped up through it for a bubbling effect, and hot air in front of the camera lenses provides a shimmering effect. It's really quite impressive. Looks just like the're all roasting in molten lava, screaming continuously.
me: Wow. This goes on for an hour?
lu: Yes. They love it up there. It's heaven's most popular pastime, in fact. Einstein says that the viewers up there actually seem to warm up a bit as they watch it.
me: Not surprising. Ten degrees Kelvin is a bit chilly...
Lu: Anyway, to make a long story short, Kennedy screwed it up. He laughed. The cameras were all doing close-ups on him and he deliberately laughed and splashed around like a child. It was a disaster.
(re-written 09-05-09)
Jesus' Dream. Oops!
Beer #9 at 1700. Buzz has stabilized. Time to call Jesus.
js: Hello?
(Just checked up on Kootch. She is playing one of the video games I bought her. 'Broncos gonna play tonight.' 'We're gonna be up late!' I said, then I closed the door.)
me: I was wondering whether you were ready for a really hot upload.
js: Is the pope catholic?
me: Ok. Here it comes. It will take awhile. Enjoy.
js: Meanwhile, do you know anything about psychology?
me: Yes, a little...
js: Dream psychology?
me: Yes...
js: Good. Here is the question: I have recently been dreaming a strange dream where thousands of teenagers are telling me to 'get out of their underpants.' Do you have an interpretation?
me: Oops.
js: There's some static on the line. Could you repeat that?
me: I have more readers than I thought. Don't worry about it. This too shall pass.
js: The upload is almost complete... Oh My (static)!
me: I knew you'd like it. Enjoy.
Beer #9 at 1700. Buzz has stabilized. Time to call Jesus.
js: Hello?
(Just checked up on Kootch. She is playing one of the video games I bought her. 'Broncos gonna play tonight.' 'We're gonna be up late!' I said, then I closed the door.)
me: I was wondering whether you were ready for a really hot upload.
js: Is the pope catholic?
me: Ok. Here it comes. It will take awhile. Enjoy.
js: Meanwhile, do you know anything about psychology?
me: Yes, a little...
js: Dream psychology?
me: Yes...
js: Good. Here is the question: I have recently been dreaming a strange dream where thousands of teenagers are telling me to 'get out of their underpants.' Do you have an interpretation?
me: Oops.
js: There's some static on the line. Could you repeat that?
me: I have more readers than I thought. Don't worry about it. This too shall pass.
js: The upload is almost complete... Oh My (static)!
me: I knew you'd like it. Enjoy.
After Church
Beer #6 at 1608L. This is getting interesting. I have two 'blogpoint' notes: 'Jesus,' and 'Kennedy.' Hmm. Am I drunk enough yet? Maybe not. Maybe I need to call the Jewish god WHTZSNM first in order to 'warm up.' WHTZSNM is such a pussy. You can't go wrong talking to WHTZSNM. I whipped out the Brown Telephone and dialed 666. No answer. I extended the antenna. God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: I've been reading The Bible.
gd: It's about (static) time.
me: Actually, I've been doing research on the web.
gd: Web?
me: Our database. Been researching, 'The Covenant.'
gd: As well you should. Database?
me: My interest centered on Abraham.
gd: My bosom buddy. What do you need to know?
me: Who circumcised Abraham?
gd (hangs up)
Beer #7 at 1635L. I am really having fun at this point. Here is the situation: Kennedy died recently, and many of my readers would like to know: Did Kennedy go to Heaven? To Purgatory? To Hell? And if not, why not? They know furthermore that I have the power discover the answer to that question. They wonder. They speculate. They look to me for answers. They read my blog once a week. Usually on Sundays. After church.
Beer #6 at 1608L. This is getting interesting. I have two 'blogpoint' notes: 'Jesus,' and 'Kennedy.' Hmm. Am I drunk enough yet? Maybe not. Maybe I need to call the Jewish god WHTZSNM first in order to 'warm up.' WHTZSNM is such a pussy. You can't go wrong talking to WHTZSNM. I whipped out the Brown Telephone and dialed 666. No answer. I extended the antenna. God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: I've been reading The Bible.
gd: It's about (static) time.
me: Actually, I've been doing research on the web.
gd: Web?
me: Our database. Been researching, 'The Covenant.'
gd: As well you should. Database?
me: My interest centered on Abraham.
gd: My bosom buddy. What do you need to know?
me: Who circumcised Abraham?
gd (hangs up)
Beer #7 at 1635L. I am really having fun at this point. Here is the situation: Kennedy died recently, and many of my readers would like to know: Did Kennedy go to Heaven? To Purgatory? To Hell? And if not, why not? They know furthermore that I have the power discover the answer to that question. They wonder. They speculate. They look to me for answers. They read my blog once a week. Usually on Sundays. After church.
String Theory and Test Dummy Report
Beer #4 at 1500L. Slight buzz. Kootch just yelled at me from the kitchen. I have NOISE turned on, so I couldn't hear what she said. Investigation revealed the query: 'You wanna do Millionaire or you too busy?' 'Too busy,' I said. Kootch was cooking supper. 'Flied Lice.' Smells yummy. BTW, Kootch is a compulsive crocheter, and is in the process of making a really fun-looking crocheted summer jacket. Looks like it's made of white yarn fashioned into half-inch squares. Six inch sections of various-colored yarn are then tied into the jacket at many points, giving it a colorful mobile appearance. Should be fun on a warm windy day. I told Kootch that I loved it, and that she ought to find a way to attach the words, 'String Theory.' 'Huh?' I explained to her that only one in a hundred would 'get it.' Kootch was not impressed.
Beer #5 at 1535. Got enough sleep last night by staying in bed for about 13 hours. Heavy microwave radiation polluted the night for about 7 hours (mostly THRUB, IRFS, and SCRS). Other rad filled the gaps, mostly MWR (Muscle Writhing Radiation) which seems to have replaced TCR (Teeth Chattering Radiation). My conjecture is that TCR is a two-device effect, and that MWR is a three or four device effect. Reinforcing the conjecture is the fact that I needed to keep the covers pulled down to my thighs much of the time in order to aid my wet panties in their valiant attempt to cool me by evaporation. The fans, meanwhile were blowing 62 degree air into the BR right next to me. For a while I was too warm to sleep but freezing my ass off simultaneously. I live a complex life.
Beer #4 at 1500L. Slight buzz. Kootch just yelled at me from the kitchen. I have NOISE turned on, so I couldn't hear what she said. Investigation revealed the query: 'You wanna do Millionaire or you too busy?' 'Too busy,' I said. Kootch was cooking supper. 'Flied Lice.' Smells yummy. BTW, Kootch is a compulsive crocheter, and is in the process of making a really fun-looking crocheted summer jacket. Looks like it's made of white yarn fashioned into half-inch squares. Six inch sections of various-colored yarn are then tied into the jacket at many points, giving it a colorful mobile appearance. Should be fun on a warm windy day. I told Kootch that I loved it, and that she ought to find a way to attach the words, 'String Theory.' 'Huh?' I explained to her that only one in a hundred would 'get it.' Kootch was not impressed.
Beer #5 at 1535. Got enough sleep last night by staying in bed for about 13 hours. Heavy microwave radiation polluted the night for about 7 hours (mostly THRUB, IRFS, and SCRS). Other rad filled the gaps, mostly MWR (Muscle Writhing Radiation) which seems to have replaced TCR (Teeth Chattering Radiation). My conjecture is that TCR is a two-device effect, and that MWR is a three or four device effect. Reinforcing the conjecture is the fact that I needed to keep the covers pulled down to my thighs much of the time in order to aid my wet panties in their valiant attempt to cool me by evaporation. The fans, meanwhile were blowing 62 degree air into the BR right next to me. For a while I was too warm to sleep but freezing my ass off simultaneously. I live a complex life.
Linkdump City Continued...
Linkdump continued.
We know from reading our bibles that Abraham was batty in his old age. Here is another case in point. If you bother to read through these 'expositions,' notice the lies, if you can. God lies. Even as a child hearing this story for the first time I was appalled by it. The circumcision part didn't make much of an impression on me at the time because I was intact, but now I wonder how much of an impression it made on my brother who was circumcised at the age of 11 to 'cure' his eneuresis. (Yep, it cured him.) But I digress.
Why we need government run universal socialized health insurance. Succinct analogy. The Prez ought to play this four and a half minute YouTube blurb to congress. It's on a level they will be able to understand.
Obama's doctor speaks out for single payer health care reform. Interesting.
Why Obama should learn to love the bomb. This is an interesting argument for nuclear weapons. I think most of us will agree with it on some level. I do.
Apostates of Islam. Not all Muslims are complete fucking idiots. Amazing. Who woulda thought!?
Whew. That was work. Now for the fun.
Linkdump continued.
We know from reading our bibles that Abraham was batty in his old age. Here is another case in point. If you bother to read through these 'expositions,' notice the lies, if you can. God lies. Even as a child hearing this story for the first time I was appalled by it. The circumcision part didn't make much of an impression on me at the time because I was intact, but now I wonder how much of an impression it made on my brother who was circumcised at the age of 11 to 'cure' his eneuresis. (Yep, it cured him.) But I digress.
Why we need government run universal socialized health insurance. Succinct analogy. The Prez ought to play this four and a half minute YouTube blurb to congress. It's on a level they will be able to understand.
Obama's doctor speaks out for single payer health care reform. Interesting.
Why Obama should learn to love the bomb. This is an interesting argument for nuclear weapons. I think most of us will agree with it on some level. I do.
Apostates of Islam. Not all Muslims are complete fucking idiots. Amazing. Who woulda thought!?
Whew. That was work. Now for the fun.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Link Dump.
Intact, mutilated, largely restored. Idiot partially reverses a self-inflicted disaster.
Like father, like son. But not always!
Circumcision quotations. Very interesting.
Men's Health Information. The Webmagician is angry!
A Controversial Study about circumcision/HIV. Famous flawed 'study.' Aren't they all?
The New York Times investigates: Hot on the trail of Operation Abraham. Israel wants to circumcise Africa for 'health reasons.' Sound familiar?
Fetish/Circumcision. Bizarre messages.
Circumcision Images. Bizarre stories and photographs from CIRCLIST, a circumfetish site. (Yuck. Some really fucked-up penises here. Check out the before and after photos located about halfway down.)
After doing this series I began to wonder about the very first circumfetish pervert, Abraham. Who circumcised Abraham? Abraham? Aparently so, according to this study.
Link Dump.
Intact, mutilated, largely restored. Idiot partially reverses a self-inflicted disaster.
Like father, like son. But not always!
Circumcision quotations. Very interesting.
Men's Health Information. The Webmagician is angry!
A Controversial Study about circumcision/HIV. Famous flawed 'study.' Aren't they all?
The New York Times investigates: Hot on the trail of Operation Abraham. Israel wants to circumcise Africa for 'health reasons.' Sound familiar?
Fetish/Circumcision. Bizarre messages.
Circumcision Images. Bizarre stories and photographs from CIRCLIST, a circumfetish site. (Yuck. Some really fucked-up penises here. Check out the before and after photos located about halfway down.)
After doing this series I began to wonder about the very first circumfetish pervert, Abraham. Who circumcised Abraham? Abraham? Aparently so, according to this study.