Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Bring it On!

I am always available to be sued, of course, by the previously photographed scum. Bring it on! And I have more photographs! But I tire of local revelations just now... Beer #7 at 1612L.
Time for some more... (Heavy facial radiation causing very uncomfortable feelings in my eyes. The source may be from above (304) or from the Jewish Scum in 203 or 303. Hard to tell. (tap)
My eyes seem to be the target lately, and my vision seems to be changing rapidly. The Kaiser Optometrist Bitch (Kristine?) diagnosed me with cataract in my right eye, recently. She minimized the problem by telling me that the condition was sorta like 'grey hair,' an affliction of old age. Not to worry. But Kristine's 'eyeglass prescription' was waaay off. Was it designed to improve my vision as the cataract in my left eye progressed? I think so. I think that the lenses in both eyes are being affected by radiation heating. I suspect this because of (tap) diffraction effects in both eyes when looking at point sources of light at night. The bitch Kristine did not detect a cataract in the left eye... or so she noted. But I can detect it. Furthermore, I can actually feel the microwave radiation which is slowly destroying my eyesight.
And speaking of the heating effects of microwave radiation, those effects were most recently noticable on 9-12-9: 'Bed at 2315. Heavy TCR 0500-0630. Body overheated by microwaves in spite of the 47 degree air temperature. Cooled off about 0630.'
This entry fails to tell the whole story: I went to bed shortly after 1100 PM (2300L). I was pleased by the fact that the air temp seemed normal compared to my body temp, as the fans blew air into the BR. I was slightly chilly under one sheet and one blanket. I slept well until about 0500L when I awoke feeling very overheated. VERY unusual. I went to the LR and noted the OAT: 47F. Chilly! It took me an hour and a half to cool down after pulling the covers to my waist.
Radiation heating is one of the most recent effects I have noticed. I presume that this is due to the season: mid summer and mid winter tend to obscure the heating effects of MR, but Spring and Fall (tap: I am (tap) including 'comments') are excellent times to discern the effects of microwave heating at night.
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