Wednesday, September 30, 2009


See You in Hell

Begin beer #3 @ 1604L. Burp. Rereading last week's posts... There was a post (6) which I deleted over the weekend because it was too weird, even for me. (Nose running as I write this.) I also revised post (2) adding the word 'much' to the ends of both title sentences (accuracy). I also fixed the sequence links to THE violin concerto. Enjoy. Oh, and no panty photo. I'm a bit too bashful for that when I'm not waaay drunk. (Nose Rad is causing the tissues in my nose to swell significantly now at 1623L.) And speaking of microwave radiation, there was no TCR (teeth-chattering radiation) at all last night. Very rare. There was a lot of THRUB (throbbing radiation, upper body) and SR (stinging radiation) and MTRFL (muscle-twitching radiation, feet and legs) plus some SCR (skin-crawling radiation) mostly on the backs of the hands and the tops of the feet, plus some IRFS (itching radiation, face and scalp). Moving the affected part(s) fixes the problem temporarily except in the case of THRUB. It was a long night: Bed at 2030. Up at 0830. I got enough sleep, apparently, in spite of the radiation.
Interestingly, the Stalker Scum who 'moved out' of 104 a few weeks ago, 'moved out' again yesterday and today: they loaded a bunch of furniture in a trailer and a red SUV (UFD-2114) yesterday. Same truck/trailer today, but the extra SUV resembled the one in the previous photo. Two guys helped him today, both quite ugly: yesterday's helper (who also pitched in today) wore a black T-shirt with the caption, SEE YOU IN HELL on it. (Eheh. I have news for that sonofabitch!) I got some photos both days.
Buzzing nicely now as I do beer #5. Before I forget I need to contact the Jewish god WHTZSNM. (I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately.)
gd: Hello?
me: I have a recommendation. Interested?
gd: Recommendation for what? (being gassed here, LLG)
me: For someone to go to Heaven.
gd: Shoot.
me: Sucker wears a t-shirt with the caption, SEE YOU IN HELL. I think he hates me.
gd: Searching... got 'im. You're right! He does indeed hate you. But does he love Me?
me: I presume so.
gd: Good enough. I've tagged him. He will join us eventually. Any suggestions concerning placement?
me: I would suggest a spot right next to You and Abraham. And by the way, I suggest you give him a front row seat at the Weekly Agony Show. He'll love that.
gd: Done, but unfortunately the WAS seems to have been discontinued due to a Technical Malfunction.
me: Technical Malfunctions are not permanent. You'll see. (could not contact Blogger... problem disappeared)
gd: I'm beginning to like you...
me: Fuck off! (click)

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