Saturday, October 29, 2011



Here is yet another beautiful version. Goodnight my lovely and glorious pets!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Signing Off...

But first I need to point you all in the direction of Cosi Fan Tutte! The colors are all there. Take your pick! Women are so beautiful.

The List of Interesting Sites

I'm a bit too buzzed to call it a night just yet, so I thought I'd present to all my lovely and glorious 'followers' (who shall remain anonymous) some excellent links:
Periodic Table of the Elements. Jesus did not know this!
Disposable Web Page. I have yet to work out the implications of this. I'll work on it when I'm soberer. Next week maybe. Stay tuned.
Red-remover: The game. Loved it.
Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense. This link is a MUST! Do not inform your current Science Teacher about this URL!
Spiders on Drugs. Everything you suspected. Slurp.
HULU. You gotta love it! I do.
LSD Archives. (By growabrain.) This blog should live forever! Yes! Do not let this blog die! Immortalize this blog!!
Sento, oh Dieo. Mozart Opera. (Cosi Fan Tutte). Beautiful.
File Dropper. Sounds interesting... We'll see...

Sexy Wet Female

Time to wrap this up. I offer the above lovely wet butt as tonight's tribute to female sexual beauty. What an ass on that woman! Glorious!

Wall Street Morphing.

Well, I must admit that I underestimated my 'liver function.' Zat sucker rearry rocks! I can barely keep up! Slurp.
A discussion on CNN just now is, 'Wall Street.' I Can hear it from the LR. 'Wall Street' is actually code for 'The Jewish Establishment.' America is 'waking up.' About time.

Enjoy it While You Can!

We make more life. Life 'overflows the cup.' Life starves onto death. Life oscillates up and down between life and death, maintaining a natural balance. Both life and death are normal expressions of our glorious universe: We are born; we die. Enjoy it while you can! 'You' will never return. Never.
But what if another form of life 'discovers us?' Eats us all?
Not bloody likely. Although The Universe is literally 'brimming with life,' 'distance' protects us. 'They' won't even know that we exist for many years. So we have time to prepare.
But us individuals will die very soon and will never live again. What is the implication of that?
My take is that those of us who are truly intelligent recognize the various constructs which produce 'happiness,' and that 'happiness' is the ultimate human achievement. Live happy. Die happy! Only idiots 'live long and prosper,' unhappy.

The Way; The Truth; The Light...

(Little Blogger save error just now so I published a blank post. Did it work? Yep.)
CNN Political Ticker. Speaks for itself. Now for some really interesting stuff:
Stars Make the Fundamental Components of Us! In a star long ago and far away... Young Suns were born... Celestial Sperm and eggs emerged... and they became us! What are the implications of that?
My take is that The Universe is rich with various forms of life. Life is everywhere around us. Life is ubiquitous in The Universe. But unfortunately Life is ferocious. Life kills other life in order to survive! Kill or be killed! That is the law of survival. It is THE law of the Living Universe. (Back from the fridge with beer #9. Sip. Only six beers left.) Bad news for us who are alive; very bad news.
But us humans occupy the top slot in the food chain. Good news! Very good news: We eat; we poop out other, less fortunate life. It is The Way of The Earth, The Way of the Universe. Yum. Life is delicious! Sip. We masturbate.
We fuck.

Yas! Yas!

Kootch and I just had one of our rare arguments. I had to use the 'vampire sign' on her for the first time. I invented the 'vampire sign' many years ago as a method by which she could tell me that my drunken behavior was totally inappropriate. It always worked. What is the 'Vampire Sign?' I think I saw it being used in old Vampire movies: you cross your index fingers to form a (Christian) cross and hold that pose between you and the 'Vampire.' It didn't work with Kootch just now. Oh, well. We are all human...
I am an advocate of Marijuana of course, and my sense of propriety causes me to issue this warning in that regard. Smoke it if you got it, but be careful.
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. (LEAP). Not all cops are complete fucking idiots! There may yet be hope...
O'bama not really Oh,Bummer? Hmm! I like it! Sip.
Back from the fridge with beer #8 (I think). Slurp. Buzzing nicely again. Yum!
The Importance of Mind-Wandering. I do this at night during Radiation Torture.
Michael Moore is on Anderson Cooper 360 regarding 'The Occupation.' Yas!
Colorado Issues First Medical Cannabis Business Licenses in US. Yas!


Whew! That was like expelling a huge buildup of shit, with laxatives. I hate this Microsoft browser. Slurp. Oh, speaking of 'shit,' Gerash apparently likes to 'intercept' occasional samples of mine from time to time, judging by our toilet 'behavior.' Apparently there is a 'divert valve' in 104 which can be used to shunt shit from the 'waste line' to a 'Poop tank' down there. The valve can then be reset to 'normal.' The problem seems to be that 'timing' is critical. Flipping the valve too soon or too late causes strange behavior in our potty, including unflushed shit. Garash is apparently hooked on my shit. Yes, I know the theory is 'out there' but it is the only theory which 'explains the facts.' Yeesh.

TMI Dump

Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1640. Yum! A little editing of the previous posts... Now what...? UNIQLOCK! I love it!
(Gotta do an 'information dump' before continuing. My stupid Microsoft browser insists on retaining TMI, causing huge memory/disk storage problems. What crap!)

The Synergy

Sipping on beer #4 at 1601. Only 11 beers left. Sip. Buzz has been significantly blunted by heroic liver action. (Gee, thanks. I think. Sip.)
Poor Amy Winehouse drank herself to death. Was it intentional? We'll never know, of course. But in any case, Amy most probably had no clue about what I call 'The Synergy' between Alcohol and Marijuana: She only needed to take a couple hits of Good Weed after her first half-pint. Really. The Synergy would then have protected her: Buzz increases suddenly and dramatically and takes on a magical/mystical quality. Really mystical: Certain events of recent memory acquire a completely new perspective, often bringing the boozer/toker to tears of joy and understanding not possible with sobriety or booze alone. The Star Wars series produced the mantra, 'Trust The Force, Luke!' I have a new mantra for you: 'Trust The Synergy, Luke!'
The mystical awareness of The Synergy evaporates soon enough, of course, and you are left with only one desire: Pizza! (Or whatever.) You have come back down to earth and you are hooongry! You have 'the munchies.' You eat everything in sight! No more booze.
Is there a company called, 'Mystic Pizza?'

It's The Money, Honey

Sip. I predict this blog will go downhill rapidly. Sip. Buzzing brains out!
Sniff. Last sniff of beer #2 at 1517. Off to the fridge for beer #3... Back at 1519. Candy is on CNN talking with Wolf about Herman. Eheh. CNN played right into my hands. Yas. Let's do a little thingie on Herman Cain. Shall we? Yes we shall:
Herman Cain seems to be an unemployed former CEO who is both 'running for the Republican Presidential Nomination' and 'doing a book tour.' Multi-tasking! I am, of course, impressed. But Cain is not a serious candidate. Here's why:
Strike 1: Cain is black, not half-white like Obama.
Strike 2: Cain is named after the second moral disaster in Jewish Mythology (Very Old and Odious Testament (AKA VOOT)): Cain killed his brother, Abel. We tend to 'act out' our names, psychologically speaking.
Strike 3: Cain is a former CEO of a company called 'Godfather's Pizza.' Heh. Acting out.
Strike 4. Cain is actually a 'Jewish Joke' on the American People, perpetrated by the Koch Brothers. At least one of the Koch Brothers contributes to various PBS programs that I watch, so they can't be all bad. I've created a little poem about Herman Cain:
Herman Cain: a Jewish joke;
Brought to you by Brothers Koch.
Herman Cain: Not exactly Economicus Cognicious.
I have been literally laughing out loud at every 'political commentator' on American TV who 'doesn't seem to get it' because they all work for various Jew-dominated television networks. They know it as well as I do, but they just can't say it!
It is the money, honey. Ain't it always?

Missed Again, Idiot!

Now about to shamelessly take my third sip of my first beer... on an empty stomach! Ha. Sip. I went to bed early last night knowing that I would have to deal with hellish amounts of microwave radiation from above and below, compliments of Gerash and his minions. I was correct: after 13.5 hours in bed I managed to sleep for (about) six hours, the rest of which was mostly more or less intense torture (AKA 'rest'). Slurp.
Coulda been worse, of course, but also coulda been much, much, better. I don't use 'sleeping meds' - don't trust them - so when I sense a decrease in the nightly bombardment I attempt to sleep instead of 'plotting' my next blog... Yassss....... ('They' are doing the usual 'taps' but I am not bothering to record them because it only encourages more.)
Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1452. Sip. Buzzing nicely already.
The world didn't end, darn it. Sip. Buzzing nicely at 1300.
Speaking of 'buzzing'... huge asteroid to buzz Earth on November 8. Notice that various religious fools predict 'the end' from time to time, while modern science predicts 'not yet' from time to time. Whew. Whoa! Really buzzing! Sniff. Snort. (mucus, not 'coke.' I don't do coke.)

Friday, October 21, 2011


Oh No. We Can't.

My buzz has leveled out as I have listened to the music. Beautiful stuff. Sip.
But I ain't done yet! Sip.
The Third Movement always presented problems to me while I was on Acid because of its violence. 'Violence' and 'Acid' were not at all compatible. I loved the last movement, but hated the third movement on Acid, so I rarely turned the record over. But I loved the last (5th) movement, and played it often as I regained my sense of 'reality.' The sequence appears to be somewhat fucked up as I sort out the next (4th) movement. Oh well. What the hell. The problem seems to be related to my stupid browser which insists on 'remembering everything' even if I want to forget it all. So stupid! But that's Microsoft for you. So dumb! Lastly there is the 5th Movement which I cannot find right now in my drunken state. Barf.
So much for 'music.' Pussy? Ha! Check out this glorious photo of a yum-yum feeling her Clit!
Now what? 13 bears and Marijuana. Fun! This reminds me of the times when we all watched TV in the family room while stoned.
Colorado favors legal Pot. Are we a 'critical state?' Yes we are!
Why are American women so depressed? Circumcised sexual partners are unable to satisfy (my diagnosis). (Oh no. We can't.)

You MUST Do LSD before You Die Forever!

By the way, I've never had a 'wet dream.' Never. Now I know why. (jiggle, jiggle!) I've had many 'sex dreams' (usually involving women and their panties - never men) but none lately. Indeed, nowadays I rarely remember my dreams.
Back from the fridge with beer #8. Sip. Now what? Shall we do a little 'philosophy?' Yas!
But wait! We need music. Hmm. Beethoven Piano Concerto #5. Glorious! We used to play this music very often during the late '70s while we were all stoned and working together on a very large puzzle in the living room at night. It was 'puzzle music.' Whenever we did Acid this music was 'trip music.' I was usually alone in the LR listening to this music while Kootch and the kids were in the family room watching TV. This music was often my only link to reality as I tripped my brains out. The music produced visual 'synesthesia' which presented as a river of flowing color far surpassing natural color. My favorite part was the beginning of the next movement which always produced a spectular 'bloom of color' in the colorful flow which always replaced the darkness of my closed eyes. The time between the ending of the first movement and the beginning of the second movement produced a kind of random colorful background riverlike flow (instead of the usual blackness) and this music always produced a spectacular 'bloom of color.' So beautiful! Even 'blinking' my closed eyes affected the colorful flow. You absolutely must try LSD before you die forever! You must!

Sexually Maim, Sexually Lame...

Back from the fridge with beer #6. Yum! Sip. Only 8 beers left (2 leftover from last week.) Now what? Ha!
Another 'social problem' which needs to be addressed in today's America is the problem of infant sexual mutilation. It is a huge cultural problem which decreases our National Net Happiness Quotient (NNHQ) significantly. You wanna outlaw something Mister President? Good: Outlaw infant sexual mutilation (circumcision). We don't need it. We would be much happier without it. Circumcision is an ancient Jewish procedure designed to prevent illicit male orgasms. It's ok for The Jews, who see it as a sign of 'solidarity' with their stupid little god, WHTZSNM (and better them than us!).
But Circumcision enriches unscrupulous 'doctors' and sexually maims defenseless infants. Sip. Gotta check in on the news... back with beer #7, listening to ABC as I type this. NBC and CBS on TiVo.
The 'circumcision procedure' was introduced into American medicine by Jews. It was a 'money thing' but also a 'tribal thing.' Jews knew that the natural penis was far superior to the mutilated Jewish penis. Penis Envy. Jews wanted a 'sexually level playing field.' And there was money in it! Mostly it was the money. Take away the money and the circumcision rate drops significantly.
I therefore offer as supporting evidence, this link which explains the functions of the foreskin. I wholeheartedly agree! Masturbatory orgasms are a huge psychological (self-nurturing) resource for males and females alike, and in the males are significant alternatives to nature's way of 'wet dreams' as a method of eliminating 'old sperm' (which tends to produce more abortions and birth defects). New sperm is better sperm. And the penile foreskin makes it very easy for the male to eject old sperm via masturbation. It also allows young males to teach themselves sexually through masturbation. I know. Furthermore, the uncircumcised male is a far superior sexual partner so far as the female is concerned. Circumcates are sexually lame.
The 'drug problem' and the 'circumcision problem' appear to be related in the sense of 'illicit pleasure.'

Gerash's Big Mistake.

Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1545. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Sip. Snort (face rad - nasal mucosa swollen).
The REAL drug problem concerns the modern products of Big Pharma. Let's fix that drug problem, Mister Prez. Here is a humerous example.
I love that skit!
The 'drug problem in America' began with a big lie: Marijuana is a drug which deserves to be placed on 'schedule 1.' Not true. Marijuana is actually quite a good drug when used properly. (This link is a 'gold mine' of information. I've read a couple of Grinspoon's books. Highly recommended.) Indeed, it seems difficult not to use it 'properly!'
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1620 (Ha! 420!) Sip.
I know about Marijuana. I've smoked it and grown it. I love it. Back in the late '70s we were introduced to Ganja (Marijuana) by my 'son in law,' Mark. It was an instant 'hit' with us. Mark later introduced us to LSD, another instant hit. Neither Marijuana nor LSD should be 'schedule 1' drugs. Both of those drugs are actually safer than Aspirin, and neither is 'addictive' in the accepted sense of that term. We enjoyed both. I disliked being 'dependent' on a 'drug supplier' and learned to grow my own. Simple. Anybody can do it. I grew the most basic plants: no 'buds,' only rotsa reaves! We harvested leaves only. We chopped them up and dried them out. Three plants became about a cubic foot of dried leaf particulate which we smoked in a hot water bong. We loved it and it drew our family together. So did the LSD. Gerash was not pleased. He wanted to 'destroy us.'

Yesterday This Day's Madness did prepare...

Sipping on beer #2 at 1500. Kootch and I just finished M, and I am buzzing sluggishly on one beer and half an avocado. (What is it with beer and avocados?) Time to reread last week again... Ok.
Khadafy is dead. The Iraq War is 'over.' We think we won. (Not sure yet. In any case it's too late to dig up Saddam.) The World ends today? We shall see. So far so good. But one thing at least is certain: the Drug War drags on. It seems that 'O'bama' is morphing into 'Oh, bummer.'
Obama: From First to Worst on Medical Marijuana. Bummer.

Obama's Multi-Agency War on Medical Marijuana. National Schizophrenia.

An Open Letter to President Obama on Medical Marijuana and 2012. Read and heed, Mister Prez. And it will be good for the economy too!

Drug Policy Reform Conference: Nov 2-5 in Los Angeles. Be there or be square.

Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization work? Apparently so! Should we try it? Absolutely! Us Americanos WILL have our Pot, Mister President, legal or not legal. End this miserable and costly Drug War. Now!

Gallup Poll: Record High 50% of Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana Use. See?
California Medical Association Calls for Marijuana Legalization. The snowball is rolling downhill... gathering momentum...

Friday, October 14, 2011



Beer #11 at 2035. Yum. Sip. This might be the last post for tonight. Hmm. Lessee... Toke of the town! Yes!
Que Sera Sera. Kootch absolutely loved this song in the early days of our marriage!
MAGIC Star Trails. 'Rotation' explains it all.
Beauty is more than skin deep. It would seem to follow that 'tatoos' are frivolous; ugly, even. Viva virgin skin! Human skin needs no 'decoration.'

Which brings us to beer #12. Sip.

Teaching Self-Awareness: Minding the Machine.

Yes, I 'dropped out' in the sense that Timothy Leary proposed. But the 'reason' for dropping out was not the 'advice' of Tim Leary, but the personal, social, and psychological attacks being directed against me by Gerash. Little did I know!
A lot of water has flowed 'under the bridge' since then, and I have come to understand my 'situation' very clearly. I am now at the apex of my life: I know. I understand!
That's why I don't do Facebook or Google+. What would be the point?
Anderson Cooper is on CNN now. 'Bullying' is the theme. Children need to be taught 'not-bullying?' Huh?
Children need to be taught 'self awareness.'
'Self-awareness' overcomes 'internal dialog.'
Every school child needs a 20 minute timer to 'wake Hir up in the Buddhist sense.' Each child should then be taught to 'observe the machine' for 20 seconds while balancing on one leg. Volunteers should then be encouraged to share the 'results.'
Children need to understand the fact that they are all 'biological machines' and should therefore be 'self-supervised.'

'Til Death do us Part.

Back from the fridge with beer #9. (what happened to beer #8?) Sip.
Most people go through their entire lives on autopilot. I did. Then, in the late 1970s I did LSD. Astonishment! I 'died' and was 'resurrected.' I did many (10 or 15) 'Acid Trips.' I began reading 'esoteric stuff.' I quit 'working.' I had 'discovered myself.'
'They' say that 'only (the prospect of) death will wake you up.' But then it's often too late. LSD woke me up and I began investigating myself. Fun! Carlos Casteneda and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh provided the information I needed. Poor Kootch: 'Til death do us part.' Kootch was always 'the babysitter' and never did Acid with the rest of us. I would observe Kootch 'ministering' to us as we tripped. Goddess! Kootch was a Goddess! The kids never noticed. They only enjoyed tripping. LSD is wasted on the young.

Checking the Autopilot.

Awareness. I know myself. I watch 'the machine within.' I also watch the machines around me. It's not that I am 'always aware' in the Buddhist sense, but that I have learned to 'call in fairly often.' Like you, I am usually 'on autopilot,' but I 'check in' from time to time. My current method is the 20 minute (tap) timer. I use it to not only to move my body as an anti-DVT procedure but as a 'wake-up call' which instantly brings me 'into the moment.' I spend the next minute or so 'observing myself on autopilot.' I watch myself walk. I could never do that without 'autopilot.' I watch myself opening a beer. (tap) Stuff like that. 'Opening a beer' is actually a very complex physical procedure. I watch myself in autopilot mode 'opening a beer.' I am a pilot who checks up on the autopilot at regular intervals. I would be hopelessly lost if I had no autopilot. The task of managing all those sequential muscle contractions would be too overwhelming. I wouldn't move much, if at all.
Then I go back on autopilot for another 20 minutes or so.

The Culture Explosion.

Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1631, buzzing nicely but sleep (tap) deprived. By the way, I was recently able to confirm my theory that intense microwave radiation would cause Cataracts due to the lens' lack of a (cooling) blood supply. The protein in the lens would 'cook like a steak.' This is probably not a concern for cell phone users because of the extremely low power of cell phones. (Relax. Call yo mama. Normally, cataracts are caused by ultraviolet radiation over a lifetime.)
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1650. Buzzing nicely. Sip. So, what's in the 'Interesting' file? Lessee... (Kootch just walked by, smiled, waved, and said, 'Busy?' I laughed.)
Are female orgasms a 'bonus?' If so, Kootch got more than her share. Indeed, so did I! Viva 'au naturel!' (I use the term in the anti-circumcision sense, of course.)
The end of the world is nigh - again. This is an example of 'obsolete culture.' 'OC' is a new term invented by me just now (sip). Burp. Back from the fridge with beer #6 at 1722. Buzzing nicely. Who needs sleep? (Kootch just walked by, waved, and said, 'Now. Goodnight!' I reciprocated. Me and my beers are alone now. Sip.
'Culture' has changed slowly over time but the rate has recently accelerated due to technological advances and the 'culture curve' now appears to be 'exponential.' Fun! 'May you live in interesting times' was a 'curse' in the old days (of rapid culture change) but is fun nowadays from my point of view. I don't participate as much as I could, (tap) of course but I do participate via this blog. Sip. (Back from the fridge with beer #7, buzzing really nicely.) How do I resist getting my very own Facebook or Google+ account? What is my secret?

The Nightly Radiation Routine.

TGIF! Beginning beer #2 at 1518. Kootch and I just finished M. Rereading last week I spotted a few things which could be improved... Ok. I added a link to #1 and rewrote the god interview. Lessee... Now what... Sip.
Rotsa radiation recentry - as usual - so lets give you a sample of what's currently going on from last night's 'gas log:'
Bed at 2300. (Heavy rad 2315-0100, 0330-0530, TCR 0830-0900)
Up at 0900
0941 LR TCR suddenly stopped. 0953 Again. 0957 Again. 1012 Constant gas until (1100). 1029 TCR again. 1125 R eye watering, IRFS. 1150 Heavy Nose Rad while on potty visit. Much sneezing. 1207 Gas, R eye watering. !236 --> BR. (Record ends.) (tap)
It's very unusual for TCR to stop (faint boom) suddenly, but it has happened before. TCR is caused by pulses of energy (another fb) and usually 'fades away' as the pulse width is lengthened to continuous wave. TCR causes no 'detectable' heating, unlike CW. The 'nightly routine' usually begins with CW which causes swelling in the nasal passages and throbbing of face and gums. It always begins on the L side if I'm laying on my back. My defenses include a metal cookie sheet and four light aluminium flat pans (duct-taped together)about the size of the cookie sheet. I can also 'turn away' by laying on my right side. TCR usually wakes (tap) me up in the mornings.
I could go on and on but that would be TMI.

Friday, October 07, 2011



Fun! Making fun of 'god' is such fun!
Back to 'The Meaning of Life:' I understand the concept because those religious 'mentors' who influenced me back in the early '50s were basically 'scum.' Jewish scum. I would eventualy formulate a 'new theory of my life.' (tap)
That 'theory' would work its way slowly into my understanding. 'Slowly' because it seemed to be so totally bizarre. The theory eventually proved to be overwhelming. I came to understand that Jews were attacking me and my family. Why? Maybe I was  'guilty' but the rest of my family were innocent. Why?

Pooparazo Possibilities.

2220 and time to wrap this up. Slurp. Buzzing outrageously. Slurp.
The Jewish god WHTZSNM must be 'tuned in' to our current situation. Slurp. I therefore decided to call Him on The Brown Telephone. Truth be told, my intention was to Irritate the Old Bastard.
I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna:' God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: I am a very naughty person.
gd: I know. And so?
me: You are especially interested in my 'doings.'
gd: Yes. And?
me: (silent)
gd: And?
me: Do You speak Yiddish?
gd: Yes. I (tap) speak all languages, especially Yiddish. Get to the (tap) point.
me: Do you also speak Italian?
gd: Italian?
me: Rome is in Italy.
gd: Oh, Italian! Yes I do. What is your question. And make it quick.
me: What is Yiddish for, 'Pooparazo?'
gd: (hangs up)

Fuck Those Ancient Gods!

Buzzing beautifully at 2133 on beer #11. Yum! Does my life have 'meaning?' Of course! Your life has 'meaning' too because 'meaning' is a higher concept. Your life fits into that 'total information' and therefore has 'meaning.'
But 'meaning' is an otherwise worthless concept: 'Meaning' has no meaning!' 'Meaning' is only a part of the 'description of 'process.'' Huh? 'Meaning' is an idea which is based on 'higher speculations.' There is no such thing as, 'meaning.'
Poof. Figure it all out if you can.
My advice is to enjoy your life. Take pleasure in whatever you are wont to do if that does not inflict pain (evil) on 'The Other.'
Fuck those ancient Gods!

Glorious Beauty. Glorious Truth.

Sip at 2022. We need to change the subject from odius (tap) to obvious: Beauty. Hmm. I love girls who wear pink panties. (I love girls anyway.)
So where was I? Ah: politico-tribalism. I know a lot about that: We don't need it.
So... Now is the time for tonight's goodie goodie link: The Meaning of Life: Deciding to be Better.
Beauty is an obvious fundamental quality of The Universe. 'Beauty is Truth, Truth, Beauty.' That I have always believed, and that probably influenced my preference for 'The Oscillating Universe' (The Cyclic Model). The beauty of that model is that there is no 'beginning' (Who created the creator?). Beauty is simple, not grotesque. Truth is simple. Lies are grotesque.

Is TMI an Oxymoron?

Working on beer #7 at 1927. Yum. And in the following (tap right above me) link dump I will 'connect the dots' between the previous dump and the current dump. ('Dump' has a kinda 'double entendre' aspect to it which I might address later. We shall see...)
Occupy Wall Street. This appears to be the American version of The Arab Spring. Sip. Which brings up the question: Is TMI an oxymoron?
And then there's 'Get the Money Out,' a related phenomenon. And note the obvious: this link dump is clearly related to the previous link dump! Jews. Jews are the problem!? (Check the nearest dick.)
Back from the fridge with beer #8 at 1953, buzzing beautifully. Who needs whiskey?
Where was I...? (tap above) War of the World Views! I saw that subject on CNN just now as I returned with beer #9 just now. Fuck! You folks need to do this kinda stuff on Thursday nights, not Friday nights. Really. I'm very busy at my computer on Friday nights. Really. (Kootch just walked by on her way to the potty at 2009. I said, 'Hey Kootch.' She ignored me. When she exited the potty she headed for the LR. I asked her why. Answer: (TMI)

Tonight's Naughty Naughty Link Dump.

Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1800. Sip. I concluded that Gerash (a member of the chess club) was (tap) stalking me. I began attacking the creepy Jewish son-of-a-bitch in my drog. I would eventually conclude that Gerash was only the most obvious manifestation of a much larger phenomenon: 'Tribe Stalking.' That remains the current theory. It's me against The Jews. A bit daunting. (Back from the fridge with beer #6 at 1822, buzzing beautifully!)
So, in the spirit of that current theory I offer the following naughty naughty link dump:
'The Protocols' for Goys. Very interesting!
Did Hitler have a reason to hate The Jews? This totally blows my theory in that regard. I thought it was all about the national penis. Uhuh. Nope. Not!
Docs: Most vulnerable hurt if circumcision funding cut. Glorious subtly! (Beginning beer #7 at 1852, buzzing beautifully.)
Rupert Murdoch: (tap) Zionist Jew. Now FOX NEWS makes much more sense! Whowouldathought! Fox News thus falls into a new category: The Jewish Illusion of Political Variety.
Historical Jewish Expulsions. Will America be next on that list? (I report, you decide. Sip.)

Oh What a Tangled Web...

Beginning beer #2 at 1630. Sip. Recovering from the effects of a recent 'Face Rad' attack. Sniff. Sip. It's been an interesting week currenteventswise: Steve Jobs died, and Amanda Knox was freed from the clutches of a delusional Italian prosecutor. (Still sniffing, L nasal mucosa slightly swollen.)
Who in the world was not influenced by Steve Jobs? Certainly not me. I learned about the Apple Computer quite late for somebody who had spent ten years as a 'computer technician' who would much rather have been a 'computer programmer.' Only after I had quit Honeywell Information Systems in 1981 (?) did I discover a used Apple II+ computer somewhere, bought it, and taught myself how to use it and program it. Fun! But I was waaay behind the curve back in those days and my two 'creations' for the Apple II (Word Salad (a cryptographic text editor) and a chess-player web site called, 'The Chess Board') fizzled as Apple was overshadowed by Microsoft and both companies evolved new technologies faster than I could teach myself about them. So I began 'having fun' in other ways, among them, writing my 'Drog' (Drunk Log) on my then obsolete Apple IIE after playing chess at the Denver Chess Club once a week or so. I would replay and analyze that night's game, recording the game and my 'observations,' while drinking Malt Liquor. That eventually evolved (tap) (about 90% recovered from that 'Face Rad' at 1713) into a (Kootch just waved to me and smiled as she entered her (faint boom) room, ready to hit the sack) 'prototype blog' as my drunken (and at first, encrypted) thoughts fell victim to an electronic eavesdropping technique which effectively rendered my 'cryptographic word processor' ineffective. I stopped encrypting my 'drog' as it slowly dawned on me that it was being read (faint thump) by people who appeared hostile to me. It was a bizarre realization: 'Little ole me?!' WTF!?
I began 'attacking' those creepy (faint boom) unknown people in my drog. 'They' responded in various ways both 'private' (stomping above me, for example), and 'public' (various forms of 'street theater' like mix-race 'couples' - very black, loud, talkative male w/white female - whenever I visited a public place which they could predict based on constant eavesdropping info. I would then mention those 'attacks' in my Drog. Meanwhile I slowly 'zeroed in' on the prime suspect who turned out to be Walter Gerash, Denver's 'most famous lawyer.'   

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