Friday, October 21, 2011
Gerash's Big Mistake.
Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1545. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Sip. Snort (face rad - nasal mucosa swollen).
The REAL drug problem concerns the modern products of Big Pharma. Let's fix that drug problem, Mister Prez. Here is a humerous example.
I love that skit!
The 'drug problem in America' began with a big lie: Marijuana is a drug which deserves to be placed on 'schedule 1.' Not true. Marijuana is actually quite a good drug when used properly. (This link is a 'gold mine' of information. I've read a couple of Grinspoon's books. Highly recommended.) Indeed, it seems difficult not to use it 'properly!'
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1620 (Ha! 420!) Sip.
I know about Marijuana. I've smoked it and grown it. I love it. Back in the late '70s we were introduced to Ganja (Marijuana) by my 'son in law,' Mark. It was an instant 'hit' with us. Mark later introduced us to LSD, another instant hit. Neither Marijuana nor LSD should be 'schedule 1' drugs. Both of those drugs are actually safer than Aspirin, and neither is 'addictive' in the accepted sense of that term. We enjoyed both. I disliked being 'dependent' on a 'drug supplier' and learned to grow my own. Simple. Anybody can do it. I grew the most basic plants: no 'buds,' only rotsa reaves! We harvested leaves only. We chopped them up and dried them out. Three plants became about a cubic foot of dried leaf particulate which we smoked in a hot water bong. We loved it and it drew our family together. So did the LSD. Gerash was not pleased. He wanted to 'destroy us.'
Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1545. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Sip. Snort (face rad - nasal mucosa swollen).
The REAL drug problem concerns the modern products of Big Pharma. Let's fix that drug problem, Mister Prez. Here is a humerous example.
I love that skit!
The 'drug problem in America' began with a big lie: Marijuana is a drug which deserves to be placed on 'schedule 1.' Not true. Marijuana is actually quite a good drug when used properly. (This link is a 'gold mine' of information. I've read a couple of Grinspoon's books. Highly recommended.) Indeed, it seems difficult not to use it 'properly!'
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1620 (Ha! 420!) Sip.
I know about Marijuana. I've smoked it and grown it. I love it. Back in the late '70s we were introduced to Ganja (Marijuana) by my 'son in law,' Mark. It was an instant 'hit' with us. Mark later introduced us to LSD, another instant hit. Neither Marijuana nor LSD should be 'schedule 1' drugs. Both of those drugs are actually safer than Aspirin, and neither is 'addictive' in the accepted sense of that term. We enjoyed both. I disliked being 'dependent' on a 'drug supplier' and learned to grow my own. Simple. Anybody can do it. I grew the most basic plants: no 'buds,' only rotsa reaves! We harvested leaves only. We chopped them up and dried them out. Three plants became about a cubic foot of dried leaf particulate which we smoked in a hot water bong. We loved it and it drew our family together. So did the LSD. Gerash was not pleased. He wanted to 'destroy us.'