Friday, October 07, 2011
Fuck Those Ancient Gods!
Buzzing beautifully at 2133 on beer #11. Yum! Does my life have 'meaning?' Of course! Your life has 'meaning' too because 'meaning' is a higher concept. Your life fits into that 'total information' and therefore has 'meaning.'
But 'meaning' is an otherwise worthless concept: 'Meaning' has no meaning!' 'Meaning' is only a part of the 'description of 'process.'' Huh? 'Meaning' is an idea which is based on 'higher speculations.' There is no such thing as, 'meaning.'
Poof. Figure it all out if you can.
My advice is to enjoy your life. Take pleasure in whatever you are wont to do if that does not inflict pain (evil) on 'The Other.'
Fuck those ancient Gods!
Buzzing beautifully at 2133 on beer #11. Yum! Does my life have 'meaning?' Of course! Your life has 'meaning' too because 'meaning' is a higher concept. Your life fits into that 'total information' and therefore has 'meaning.'
But 'meaning' is an otherwise worthless concept: 'Meaning' has no meaning!' 'Meaning' is only a part of the 'description of 'process.'' Huh? 'Meaning' is an idea which is based on 'higher speculations.' There is no such thing as, 'meaning.'
Poof. Figure it all out if you can.
My advice is to enjoy your life. Take pleasure in whatever you are wont to do if that does not inflict pain (evil) on 'The Other.'
Fuck those ancient Gods!