Friday, October 21, 2011


Sexually Maim, Sexually Lame...

Back from the fridge with beer #6. Yum! Sip. Only 8 beers left (2 leftover from last week.) Now what? Ha!
Another 'social problem' which needs to be addressed in today's America is the problem of infant sexual mutilation. It is a huge cultural problem which decreases our National Net Happiness Quotient (NNHQ) significantly. You wanna outlaw something Mister President? Good: Outlaw infant sexual mutilation (circumcision). We don't need it. We would be much happier without it. Circumcision is an ancient Jewish procedure designed to prevent illicit male orgasms. It's ok for The Jews, who see it as a sign of 'solidarity' with their stupid little god, WHTZSNM (and better them than us!).
But Circumcision enriches unscrupulous 'doctors' and sexually maims defenseless infants. Sip. Gotta check in on the news... back with beer #7, listening to ABC as I type this. NBC and CBS on TiVo.
The 'circumcision procedure' was introduced into American medicine by Jews. It was a 'money thing' but also a 'tribal thing.' Jews knew that the natural penis was far superior to the mutilated Jewish penis. Penis Envy. Jews wanted a 'sexually level playing field.' And there was money in it! Mostly it was the money. Take away the money and the circumcision rate drops significantly.
I therefore offer as supporting evidence, this link which explains the functions of the foreskin. I wholeheartedly agree! Masturbatory orgasms are a huge psychological (self-nurturing) resource for males and females alike, and in the males are significant alternatives to nature's way of 'wet dreams' as a method of eliminating 'old sperm' (which tends to produce more abortions and birth defects). New sperm is better sperm. And the penile foreskin makes it very easy for the male to eject old sperm via masturbation. It also allows young males to teach themselves sexually through masturbation. I know. Furthermore, the uncircumcised male is a far superior sexual partner so far as the female is concerned. Circumcates are sexually lame.
The 'drug problem' and the 'circumcision problem' appear to be related in the sense of 'illicit pleasure.'
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