Friday, April 30, 2010
The Gateway to Existence.

(6) I love this image of an Asian Woman in pink panties. Very naughty! Granted, the pose is very provocative - maybe even inelegant - but sexual activity is 'inelegant,' almost by definition. The reason for that, of course, is that 'religion' abhors sex. Sex is 'generative,' whereas Gods - The Ultimate Gods - always existed, needing no 'mothers.' And those 'Gods' who needed 'mothers' in order to be born, were not born in the usual way. Nor were They conceived in the usual way.
Tonight's Underpants
Whew! It's been a long night, folks. And I'm not yet done with 'structure.' I refer to my underwear, of course: nylon panties. Tonight's panties are hot pink nylon satin size 13, made in Honduras. Viva Honduras! The waist elastic is a bit too large, and today I made sure not to allow the waist of my outward shorts to 'secure' the waist of my underpants because I suspected that those beautiful nylon underpants would eventually slip down to the point that they would eventually hang out of my shorts. I was correct. They did it and I enjoyed it. Once was enough. It took at least an hour.
Time is short. I need to do a photo. Can I do it in the current context?
Yes I can. Too bad I couldn't feature in on my blog.
Good night and Good Luck.
Whew! It's been a long night, folks. And I'm not yet done with 'structure.' I refer to my underwear, of course: nylon panties. Tonight's panties are hot pink nylon satin size 13, made in Honduras. Viva Honduras! The waist elastic is a bit too large, and today I made sure not to allow the waist of my outward shorts to 'secure' the waist of my underpants because I suspected that those beautiful nylon underpants would eventually slip down to the point that they would eventually hang out of my shorts. I was correct. They did it and I enjoyed it. Once was enough. It took at least an hour.
Time is short. I need to do a photo. Can I do it in the current context?
Yes I can. Too bad I couldn't feature in on my blog.
Good night and Good Luck.
Ambushing Jesus
me: Jesus should be welcomed unconditionally, but not 'worshipped.'
lu: We know.
me: Jesus is a virgin.
lu: We assumed that, of course.
me: Jesus has done foreskin restoration.
lu: That we didn't know.
me: Jesus is horney.
lu: Ok...
me: Jesus is hetero.
lu: Ok...
me: We need to get Jesus 'layed' as soon as possible.
lu: Obviously. Suggestions?
me: Jesus loves women wearing granny panties.
lu: Noted.
me: Nothing else.
lu: Noted. We can do this!
me: Do you have someone in mind?
lu: Yes.
me: Ummm... may I know?
lu: You are not cleared for that information. Sorry. (click)
me: Jesus should be welcomed unconditionally, but not 'worshipped.'
lu: We know.
me: Jesus is a virgin.
lu: We assumed that, of course.
me: Jesus has done foreskin restoration.
lu: That we didn't know.
me: Jesus is horney.
lu: Ok...
me: Jesus is hetero.
lu: Ok...
me: We need to get Jesus 'layed' as soon as possible.
lu: Obviously. Suggestions?
me: Jesus loves women wearing granny panties.
lu: Noted.
me: Nothing else.
lu: Noted. We can do this!
me: Do you have someone in mind?
lu: Yes.
me: Ummm... may I know?
lu: You are not cleared for that information. Sorry. (click)
The Importance of LSD
Beer number 9 at 1800L. Good thing I cooked supper before I got involved in this weekly booze/blog stuff. And 'the list' in (1) below is our list for tonight:
I love (b) (below) because I am such an expert in that particular category. I can ramble on and on more or less endlessly and be not only accurate but interesting! And the reason for that is that I occupy the mid-point between Atheism and Religious Fundamentalism: I am an Atheist who has done LSD. I know, you don't know. And you want to know! Result: I am interesting. You read my blog. I know you. You want to know me.
But I digress. Lets get to tonight's blog structure. I've done the 'religion' thing already, have I not? That leaves 'photo, Astronomy, music.' Let's get right to the music: Beethoven Piano Concerto 4, movent 1.
Now for the Astronomy link: Sunset on the Golden Sea is a glorious photo of our sun at 'sunset' when Earth's rotation brings us into nighttime, every night. But I love it also for 'utilitarian purposes,' specifically for my version of the Judeo-Christian myth: it is the perfect picture of my imagined sunset on HELL, the planet circling a Red Dwarf Sun in the constellation Centaurus. I was so impressed by the photo that I contacted Lucifer on the Brown Telephone:
lu: Hello?
me: Been a while. How's it going?
lu: Swimmingly as usual.
me: I have an upload. Are you ready to receive?
lu: Let's do it.
(I upload the above photo)
me: This is a sunset on Earth.
lu: Astonishing! I thought for an instant that you had somehow got the image of one of our sunsets! Amazing! Earth? Really? It looks so familiar!
me: I thought it would seem familiar. Heard from Jesus lately?
lu: He's approaching at just the right angle, according to our data, but he seems reluctant to communicate.
me: That's Jesus' style: Strong Silent Type. He'll be buzzing your collective ears off just before he hits HELL's atmosphere. Be ready.
lu: Figured that. Do you have suggestions regarding how we should interact with Jesus once he has arrived in our midst?
Beer number 9 at 1800L. Good thing I cooked supper before I got involved in this weekly booze/blog stuff. And 'the list' in (1) below is our list for tonight:
I love (b) (below) because I am such an expert in that particular category. I can ramble on and on more or less endlessly and be not only accurate but interesting! And the reason for that is that I occupy the mid-point between Atheism and Religious Fundamentalism: I am an Atheist who has done LSD. I know, you don't know. And you want to know! Result: I am interesting. You read my blog. I know you. You want to know me.
But I digress. Lets get to tonight's blog structure. I've done the 'religion' thing already, have I not? That leaves 'photo, Astronomy, music.' Let's get right to the music: Beethoven Piano Concerto 4, movent 1.
Now for the Astronomy link: Sunset on the Golden Sea is a glorious photo of our sun at 'sunset' when Earth's rotation brings us into nighttime, every night. But I love it also for 'utilitarian purposes,' specifically for my version of the Judeo-Christian myth: it is the perfect picture of my imagined sunset on HELL, the planet circling a Red Dwarf Sun in the constellation Centaurus. I was so impressed by the photo that I contacted Lucifer on the Brown Telephone:
lu: Hello?
me: Been a while. How's it going?
lu: Swimmingly as usual.
me: I have an upload. Are you ready to receive?
lu: Let's do it.
(I upload the above photo)
me: This is a sunset on Earth.
lu: Astonishing! I thought for an instant that you had somehow got the image of one of our sunsets! Amazing! Earth? Really? It looks so familiar!
me: I thought it would seem familiar. Heard from Jesus lately?
lu: He's approaching at just the right angle, according to our data, but he seems reluctant to communicate.
me: That's Jesus' style: Strong Silent Type. He'll be buzzing your collective ears off just before he hits HELL's atmosphere. Be ready.
lu: Figured that. Do you have suggestions regarding how we should interact with Jesus once he has arrived in our midst?
Ugly Child Abuse
Whew. Such a simple post required one shot of Canadian Mist and five beers! Next time I'll look at the modem lights before calling Comcast. It is very clear, however, that Local Jewish Dog Shit is responsible for this blog 'interruption.'
First of all, I need to comment on Sandra's bizarre welcome to her new son. And I need to comment from the point of view of an ordinary human male, not from the point of view of some or other 'expert.'
The superficial verdict might be that Sandra 'has identity issues,' given that she, a white, non-Jewish woman, adopted a black child, then mutilated him sexually in the Jewish manner, even though neither she nor her husband was black nor Jewish.
Sandra obviously believed that male circumcision was beneficial to the circumcate. She suffered from female ignorance. My guess is that her husband is also mutilated in the Judeo-Muslim manner (circumcised) and that she - like most women - loved being fucked by whatever dick was available. Not at all surprising. And Sandra had never been fucked by a natural dick - that is to say, by an unmutilated dick. She never felt Father Nature inside her. She only felt The Jew inside her. The Ugly Jew. Wanting the best for her beautiful new baby boy, she ignorantly transformed him into an Ugly Jew. Yuck.
That is the 'kindest face' I can put on the scenerio. There are other possible interpretations, all unlikely.
Whew. Such a simple post required one shot of Canadian Mist and five beers! Next time I'll look at the modem lights before calling Comcast. It is very clear, however, that Local Jewish Dog Shit is responsible for this blog 'interruption.'
First of all, I need to comment on Sandra's bizarre welcome to her new son. And I need to comment from the point of view of an ordinary human male, not from the point of view of some or other 'expert.'
The superficial verdict might be that Sandra 'has identity issues,' given that she, a white, non-Jewish woman, adopted a black child, then mutilated him sexually in the Jewish manner, even though neither she nor her husband was black nor Jewish.
Sandra obviously believed that male circumcision was beneficial to the circumcate. She suffered from female ignorance. My guess is that her husband is also mutilated in the Judeo-Muslim manner (circumcised) and that she - like most women - loved being fucked by whatever dick was available. Not at all surprising. And Sandra had never been fucked by a natural dick - that is to say, by an unmutilated dick. She never felt Father Nature inside her. She only felt The Jew inside her. The Ugly Jew. Wanting the best for her beautiful new baby boy, she ignorantly transformed him into an Ugly Jew. Yuck.
That is the 'kindest face' I can put on the scenerio. There are other possible interpretations, all unlikely.
Return to Structure: Link Dump. Ambush.
TGIF. Since last week's effort was somewhat erratic I've decided that 'structure' is better after all. Let's do the link dump first:
a) The dangers of Aliens discovering Planet Earth are much in the news recently. Should we worry?
Seed Magazine answers the question. Why We Haven't Met any Aliens.
b) Tune in. Turn on. Drop out... not! Doctors 'tune in' to Hallucinogens Again. I totally agree with the results of this study, having done LSD many times in the late '70s.
c) Vocal cords in concert. Glottal Opera.
d) Near-Death Experiences Explained? National Geographic.
e) Will Jesus return soon? Follow the action day-to-day on The Rapture Index. Anything above 160 means that Jesus is right around the corner. Be ready. Wear clean white cotton undies.
f) Infant Circumcision causes 100 Deaths each year in the US. More dangerous than cribs.
g) I got this from Intactivism News, which revealed recently that Sandra Bullock inflicted a Bris on her newly adopted African-American son. (could not contact Blogger - called Comcast and they 'reset' my connection. I talked to 'Charlie.' He claims that nobody at Comcast can do that to me. Hmm. We shall see.)
TGIF. Since last week's effort was somewhat erratic I've decided that 'structure' is better after all. Let's do the link dump first:
a) The dangers of Aliens discovering Planet Earth are much in the news recently. Should we worry?
Seed Magazine answers the question. Why We Haven't Met any Aliens.
b) Tune in. Turn on. Drop out... not! Doctors 'tune in' to Hallucinogens Again. I totally agree with the results of this study, having done LSD many times in the late '70s.
c) Vocal cords in concert. Glottal Opera.
d) Near-Death Experiences Explained? National Geographic.
e) Will Jesus return soon? Follow the action day-to-day on The Rapture Index. Anything above 160 means that Jesus is right around the corner. Be ready. Wear clean white cotton undies.
f) Infant Circumcision causes 100 Deaths each year in the US. More dangerous than cribs.
g) I got this from Intactivism News, which revealed recently that Sandra Bullock inflicted a Bris on her newly adopted African-American son. (could not contact Blogger - called Comcast and they 'reset' my connection. I talked to 'Charlie.' He claims that nobody at Comcast can do that to me. Hmm. We shall see.)
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Universal Mother
As I sit here in wet shorts and underpanties, I am amused. I am so totally enlightened! Really. (Not to mention, drunk.)
Thank god the previously-mentioned gas attack has abated! I did not deserve that.
I need to contact Jesus. I know that Jesus will absolute love the previous image. I dialed Jesus on the Brown Telephone:
js: Hello?
me: I have an upload.
js: Glorious!
me How's it going out there?
js: Better. Much better!
me: I have a magnificient female image to upload. Will You agree to receive the upload?
js: Is The Pope Catholic? Please proceed!
me: (I upload the previous image)
js: Oh My God!
me: I thought you'd like it.
js: What magnificent hips!
me: She is a 'mother.' Her wide hips fascilitate her job on Earth.
js: Awesome! Is her name, 'Mary' by any chance?
As I sit here in wet shorts and underpanties, I am amused. I am so totally enlightened! Really. (Not to mention, drunk.)
Thank god the previously-mentioned gas attack has abated! I did not deserve that.
I need to contact Jesus. I know that Jesus will absolute love the previous image. I dialed Jesus on the Brown Telephone:
js: Hello?
me: I have an upload.
js: Glorious!
me How's it going out there?
js: Better. Much better!
me: I have a magnificient female image to upload. Will You agree to receive the upload?
js: Is The Pope Catholic? Please proceed!
me: (I upload the previous image)
js: Oh My God!
me: I thought you'd like it.
js: What magnificent hips!
me: She is a 'mother.' Her wide hips fascilitate her job on Earth.
js: Awesome! Is her name, 'Mary' by any chance?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Warm Sexy Feelings
Whoa! It published! Whoa! I love that woman's beautiful hips! She is a baby-making machine!
(I peed in my pants as I wrote that, sitting here. I ignored the 'urgency' of the moment because I am not a follower of 'rules.' I didn't realize that the occasion was so 'dire,' and I continued writing this blog as I was surprised by the warm feeling in my crotch as I lost control of my bladder.
So I sit here (tap). I will now change my underwear and my shorts, having totally enjoyed my most recent half-hour.
Do you ever pee in your pants for fun?
Try it! You'll love it.
Whoa! It published! Whoa! I love that woman's beautiful hips! She is a baby-making machine!
(I peed in my pants as I wrote that, sitting here. I ignored the 'urgency' of the moment because I am not a follower of 'rules.' I didn't realize that the occasion was so 'dire,' and I continued writing this blog as I was surprised by the warm feeling in my crotch as I lost control of my bladder.
So I sit here (tap). I will now change my underwear and my shorts, having totally enjoyed my most recent half-hour.
Do you ever pee in your pants for fun?
Try it! You'll love it.
Beautiful Hips

Shivering in my chair as I write this, having turned on the fans during the previous gas attack. Fans off just now at 2235. I am still, at 2250, clearing my throat from the result of the gas. Time to wrap this up. Can I come up with an image?
No. Judeo-faggot forces will not allow that. Cool with me. Fuck the Jew, Gerash. Sue me, faggot! Well, I am unable to 'add an image,' presumably because Local Jewish Dog Shit (LJDS) is somehow preventing that result. Oh well.
But LJDS seems unable to prevent me from adding a link!
The Most Violent Attack Ever
My overwhelming inclination at this advanced inebriation point is to provide a sexy visual. Sexycutepanties is my choice. (A huge unprecedented gas attack just hit me after I wrote that. Quite horrible. I thought I might die. I coughed violently for at least fifteen or twenty minutes. It was the worst gas attack I have ever been forced to endure. Blogger went 'belly up' during the attack. Things have settled down now, at 2157L.
What might have sparked the attack? Who knows? The Jewish Terrorist Gerash is obviously insane, and there is no understanding The Insane Jew.
My overwhelming inclination at this advanced inebriation point is to provide a sexy visual. Sexycutepanties is my choice. (A huge unprecedented gas attack just hit me after I wrote that. Quite horrible. I thought I might die. I coughed violently for at least fifteen or twenty minutes. It was the worst gas attack I have ever been forced to endure. Blogger went 'belly up' during the attack. Things have settled down now, at 2157L.
What might have sparked the attack? Who knows? The Jewish Terrorist Gerash is obviously insane, and there is no understanding The Insane Jew.
I am Taboo! But You Love Me Anyway. I Love You Too.
But that is me. It is my 'liberty' as an 'awakened being.' I do it because I know how to do it.
You, on the other hand, 'follow the rules:' You don't know. I know. You are Biological Machines.
But you like me! Otherwise you would not be reading this. You understand your situations and you want to wake up from your 'cause-effect slumber.' Impossible? Maybe. Probably! But I offer an alternative to the usual. You are drawn to me yearning for truth and beauty. You read me. You want to connect with me. And I want to connect with you.
But we must keep our distance.
But that is me. It is my 'liberty' as an 'awakened being.' I do it because I know how to do it.
You, on the other hand, 'follow the rules:' You don't know. I know. You are Biological Machines.
But you like me! Otherwise you would not be reading this. You understand your situations and you want to wake up from your 'cause-effect slumber.' Impossible? Maybe. Probably! But I offer an alternative to the usual. You are drawn to me yearning for truth and beauty. You read me. You want to connect with me. And I want to connect with you.
But we must keep our distance.
Do Rules Rule You?
I realize, of course, that this particular 'booze night' has arrived too early. On the face of it this is a bad sign, and I am determined to avoid too much alcohol in a single week. Reason? I really dislike hangovers; also, too much booze is not healthy. (Come home Kootch! I miss you so much! (But Don't Tell Wifey.))
Hmm. Does this 'impromptu' scenerio release me from my plan to 'structure' my blog - at least in this particular case?
(No! We need to follow the current rules.)
(Yes we don't! No fucking way ho-fucking-zay!)
Why not? Here is why:
Things change, moment to moment, and we need to adjust, moment to moment. 'Rules' are only theoreticial constructs which we use to 'suggest' future behavior. Reality occasionally intervenes, forcing us to deviate from current 'rules.' We 'follow rules' at our peril sometimes.
I like 'rules' of course as a social device. But the concept can be carried too far. And I personally make it a point not to follow rules which seem silly to me: potty rules, for example, and underwear rules.
I realize, of course, that this particular 'booze night' has arrived too early. On the face of it this is a bad sign, and I am determined to avoid too much alcohol in a single week. Reason? I really dislike hangovers; also, too much booze is not healthy. (Come home Kootch! I miss you so much! (But Don't Tell Wifey.))
Hmm. Does this 'impromptu' scenerio release me from my plan to 'structure' my blog - at least in this particular case?
(No! We need to follow the current rules.)
(Yes we don't! No fucking way ho-fucking-zay!)
Why not? Here is why:
Things change, moment to moment, and we need to adjust, moment to moment. 'Rules' are only theoreticial constructs which we use to 'suggest' future behavior. Reality occasionally intervenes, forcing us to deviate from current 'rules.' We 'follow rules' at our peril sometimes.
I like 'rules' of course as a social device. But the concept can be carried too far. And I personally make it a point not to follow rules which seem silly to me: potty rules, for example, and underwear rules.
Not According to Plan
I did not plan this. But here we are again, very early. (I got 'waylaid' by booze as I did my weekly reading of my previous blogpost (which I prefer to enjoy buzzed on booze)). It went a bit too far tonight, as I observed the disappearance of both whiskey and beer rescources during my 'read,' which had 'pleasured' me so much. Kootch's absense may have been a contributing factor. She is my sole contact with you, aside from this blog. She is gone for now and I am very alone. But 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina!'
I am far from 'devastated' during her vacation, of course, as usual. I am a rock! Been playing C-III, as usual, and this particular game is perhaps the most intriguing thus far.
I did not plan this. But here we are again, very early. (I got 'waylaid' by booze as I did my weekly reading of my previous blogpost (which I prefer to enjoy buzzed on booze)). It went a bit too far tonight, as I observed the disappearance of both whiskey and beer rescources during my 'read,' which had 'pleasured' me so much. Kootch's absense may have been a contributing factor. She is my sole contact with you, aside from this blog. She is gone for now and I am very alone. But 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina!'
I am far from 'devastated' during her vacation, of course, as usual. I am a rock! Been playing C-III, as usual, and this particular game is perhaps the most intriguing thus far.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I know you and you know me and we know we!
Which brings us to a beautiful aspect of the internet: sex.
(At least one hour later I returned to my blog. I know. You don't have a clue.)
I know you and you know me and we know we!
Which brings us to a beautiful aspect of the internet: sex.
(At least one hour later I returned to my blog. I know. You don't have a clue.)
Buzzing my brains out at this point, beer gone, sipping on Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist, loving all that is me... you included. (Really. You are a small part of me, like it or not. (tap))
Kootch is gone. She has abandoned me. It is an annual sort of thing. She gets away from me and connects with her family in Japan. She brings 'Gifts from America,' and when she returns she will bring 'Gifts from Japan.'
I contributed my share in the form of Private Selection Pecans, two 'Slow Roasted' and one 'Praline.'
Her family will appreciate my gift and will return that gift in the form of love and condiment. We do this every year. Kootch brings 50 pounds of America to Japan, and she returns to America with 50 pounds of Japan. Yummy!
A Jewish woman asked me recently, 'Why don't you go too?'
I replied that, 'She escapes from me and meets with her family in Japan. If I went with her, they would feel obliged to 'entertain' my American Dumbass. They can be totally themselves in my absense.'
So I stay, enjoying my total aloneness. And they enjoy familial simplicity.
Buzzing my brains out at this point, beer gone, sipping on Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist, loving all that is me... you included. (Really. You are a small part of me, like it or not. (tap))
Kootch is gone. She has abandoned me. It is an annual sort of thing. She gets away from me and connects with her family in Japan. She brings 'Gifts from America,' and when she returns she will bring 'Gifts from Japan.'
I contributed my share in the form of Private Selection Pecans, two 'Slow Roasted' and one 'Praline.'
Her family will appreciate my gift and will return that gift in the form of love and condiment. We do this every year. Kootch brings 50 pounds of America to Japan, and she returns to America with 50 pounds of Japan. Yummy!
A Jewish woman asked me recently, 'Why don't you go too?'
I replied that, 'She escapes from me and meets with her family in Japan. If I went with her, they would feel obliged to 'entertain' my American Dumbass. They can be totally themselves in my absense.'
So I stay, enjoying my total aloneness. And they enjoy familial simplicity.
Pink Panties

That published, I need to do an image. Lessee... Ok. I thought at first that this photo was of a woman who had peed in her pink pants, but I now think that the impression of wetness is due to 'light reflection.'
Time for some more Mozart Piano Concerto 12: movement number three.
Do it!
Which brings us to the obvious anti-religion link. 'Nuf said?
Logically, of course, we need now to proceed to the Astronomy Link. Is this the 'eye of god?'
Alright! Here is tonight's Music Link: Mozart Piano Concerto 12, first movement.
Now for the photo link. Hmm. Been feeling horney lately, so I've been looking for some sweet softporn panty images, somewhat like my previously published images from the early part of the millenium. Whoa! 'Softporn' has changed! What do I mean by 'softporn'? My definition of 'softporn' is that the image must be 'woman only.' No part of a male body can be allowed to intrude, not even a male hand. No naked cunt/asshole photos. Granny Panty photos preferred.
It seems to be a lost art, folks. The porn industry has changed significantly since about 2002. It has become much more 'aggressive.' True, I have been able to find many 'sweet panty images,' but those are buried amidst hundreds of much more explicit images, both female and male.
And although I try to avoid looking at the many images of male cocks mixed in with the panty images, I've seen enough of them to realize that most of those cocks are uncircumcised. What can this mean?
I can only conjecture, of course, but I figure that the 'softporn industry' has understood the American Tragedy of Infant Sexual Mutilation, and is 'making a statement on behalf of Mother Nature.' If so, I applaud the Porn Industry! Go for it boys and girls!
Do it!
Which brings us to the obvious anti-religion link. 'Nuf said?
Logically, of course, we need now to proceed to the Astronomy Link. Is this the 'eye of god?'
Alright! Here is tonight's Music Link: Mozart Piano Concerto 12, first movement.
Now for the photo link. Hmm. Been feeling horney lately, so I've been looking for some sweet softporn panty images, somewhat like my previously published images from the early part of the millenium. Whoa! 'Softporn' has changed! What do I mean by 'softporn'? My definition of 'softporn' is that the image must be 'woman only.' No part of a male body can be allowed to intrude, not even a male hand. No naked cunt/asshole photos. Granny Panty photos preferred.
It seems to be a lost art, folks. The porn industry has changed significantly since about 2002. It has become much more 'aggressive.' True, I have been able to find many 'sweet panty images,' but those are buried amidst hundreds of much more explicit images, both female and male.
And although I try to avoid looking at the many images of male cocks mixed in with the panty images, I've seen enough of them to realize that most of those cocks are uncircumcised. What can this mean?
I can only conjecture, of course, but I figure that the 'softporn industry' has understood the American Tragedy of Infant Sexual Mutilation, and is 'making a statement on behalf of Mother Nature.' If so, I applaud the Porn Industry! Go for it boys and girls!
Do it!
Holy Hydrogen
I've come up with yet another mandatory link, a 'pro-science link' (face rad as I write this causing much mucus buildup but no sneezing yet). Sip. The Periodic Table of Videos has a blurb on tonight's subject. Water (H2O), as you know, is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen. But did you know that most (if not all) the Hydrogen in your body was created in the Big Bang approximately 14.7 billion years ago? Yep. And since the human body is at least 70% water, that means that the Hydrogen component of your particular body is as old as The Universe itself. You are ancient! (At least the Hydrogen part of you is ancient.) What about the Oxygen part? Lesee... If I remember my Cosmology correctly, the Oxygen part of your body was created much later in the bowels of giant globes of glowing hydrogen (stars), which were so huge that the sheer pressure of gravitation heated the core to such high temperatures that the hydrogen began fusing into Helium. (Thunder as I write this. WHTZSNM is not pleased.) The Helium later fused into the heavier elements, as Hydrogen was depleted in the star's core. The process (Rolling thunder. Sip) continued up the chain of elements until Iron, at which point the star imploded, then exploded, scattering the Iron and the lighter elements (like Oxygen) out into the local stellar neighborhood, where Hydrogen and Oxygen eventually met and got married to form a Water molecule. The water molecule eventually found itself orbiting yet another star in the form of part of a carbohydrate molecule in your brain. (Could not contact Blogger) Carbon! What an element! You would not exist without Carbon! But the most ancient part of you is Hydrogen.
I've come up with yet another mandatory link, a 'pro-science link' (face rad as I write this causing much mucus buildup but no sneezing yet). Sip. The Periodic Table of Videos has a blurb on tonight's subject. Water (H2O), as you know, is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen. But did you know that most (if not all) the Hydrogen in your body was created in the Big Bang approximately 14.7 billion years ago? Yep. And since the human body is at least 70% water, that means that the Hydrogen component of your particular body is as old as The Universe itself. You are ancient! (At least the Hydrogen part of you is ancient.) What about the Oxygen part? Lesee... If I remember my Cosmology correctly, the Oxygen part of your body was created much later in the bowels of giant globes of glowing hydrogen (stars), which were so huge that the sheer pressure of gravitation heated the core to such high temperatures that the hydrogen began fusing into Helium. (Thunder as I write this. WHTZSNM is not pleased.) The Helium later fused into the heavier elements, as Hydrogen was depleted in the star's core. The process (Rolling thunder. Sip) continued up the chain of elements until Iron, at which point the star imploded, then exploded, scattering the Iron and the lighter elements (like Oxygen) out into the local stellar neighborhood, where Hydrogen and Oxygen eventually met and got married to form a Water molecule. The water molecule eventually found itself orbiting yet another star in the form of part of a carbohydrate molecule in your brain. (Could not contact Blogger) Carbon! What an element! You would not exist without Carbon! But the most ancient part of you is Hydrogen.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Obama is Alive, Wading in the Shallows

But the preceeding is only 'philosophy.' The important thing is that, You Are Alive! (tap)
(Clearly, if you were not alive you would not be reading this.)
Shall we do one last visual? Yes we shall. I know you.
Good night and good luck.
The Unimaginable Nothing
Oh... My... God!
AC360 (CNN) has 'Doctor Kevorkian' on, even as I type this! Suicide is the question. Do you need help? Do you want to 'end it all' but are unable to gather the guts to do it to yourself? Doctor K will help you do it!
Is suicide a good idea?
Good question. Allow me to provide you with the answer.
The question rests on 'consequences.' Is there an 'afterlife?'
This question is laughable, so far as I am concerned, because of my understanding of modern science.
There is no 'afterlife' because 'mind' is a product of 'brain:' No brain, no mind. Sip.
Given this scenerio, 'death' is terminal.
What happens after 'death?'
Brain-dead, we experience nothing. But 'nothing' is unimaginable (not surprising, given that we can not imagine 'somethingness' while we are dead.)
This brings us to the idea that 'brain death' means 'something or other, but probably nothing.'
Oh... My... God!
AC360 (CNN) has 'Doctor Kevorkian' on, even as I type this! Suicide is the question. Do you need help? Do you want to 'end it all' but are unable to gather the guts to do it to yourself? Doctor K will help you do it!
Is suicide a good idea?
Good question. Allow me to provide you with the answer.
The question rests on 'consequences.' Is there an 'afterlife?'
This question is laughable, so far as I am concerned, because of my understanding of modern science.
There is no 'afterlife' because 'mind' is a product of 'brain:' No brain, no mind. Sip.
Given this scenerio, 'death' is terminal.
What happens after 'death?'
Brain-dead, we experience nothing. But 'nothing' is unimaginable (not surprising, given that we can not imagine 'somethingness' while we are dead.)
This brings us to the idea that 'brain death' means 'something or other, but probably nothing.'
I was correct, of course. My ship has come in, and it is named, 'The Doo-doo Maru.' Eheh. Well, maybe.
Time to rinse this out. I will be back next week with my usual version of 'astonishment.' Read my blog and be astonished.
Good night and good luck
I was correct, of course. My ship has come in, and it is named, 'The Doo-doo Maru.' Eheh. Well, maybe.
Time to rinse this out. I will be back next week with my usual version of 'astonishment.' Read my blog and be astonished.
Good night and good luck
The Doo-Doo Maru
LSD is the ONLY WAY. There is no other way. Try LSD, and if it doesn't work for you, then improvise as best you can. Good luck.
Which brings us finally to the 'anti-religion link,' appropriately named, 'Understanding Religious Delusion.' I went through this process as I met various people in my life who believed what seemed to me to be utter nonsense. I determined that they all believed crap (eheh) taught to them by their ignorant parents, and they were passing on their ignorance to their children. Very typical.
LSD is the ONLY WAY. There is no other way. Try LSD, and if it doesn't work for you, then improvise as best you can. Good luck.
Which brings us finally to the 'anti-religion link,' appropriately named, 'Understanding Religious Delusion.' I went through this process as I met various people in my life who believed what seemed to me to be utter nonsense. I determined that they all believed crap (eheh) taught to them by their ignorant parents, and they were passing on their ignorance to their children. Very typical.
Invaluable LSD
I am amazed by how well I have been able to conduct today's proceedings in spite of my currently sluggish neuronal processes! (Kootch just waved 'goodnight' with her sweet smile.) I am not having as much fun as usual. Really. But I am doing a creditable job! Work is where you can find it.
My LSD experiences convinced me that everything (tap) is holy. You can only come to that realization as you witness the systematic disassembly of YOU. There is no other way. And that is the ultimate value of LSD. Never turn down a chance to do LSD. Do it! LSD will disassemble you. As you dissolve, you will realize how much you are losing. And as you 'reassemble,' you will realize what a glorious being you really are.
There is no other way.
I am amazed by how well I have been able to conduct today's proceedings in spite of my currently sluggish neuronal processes! (Kootch just waved 'goodnight' with her sweet smile.) I am not having as much fun as usual. Really. But I am doing a creditable job! Work is where you can find it.
My LSD experiences convinced me that everything (tap) is holy. You can only come to that realization as you witness the systematic disassembly of YOU. There is no other way. And that is the ultimate value of LSD. Never turn down a chance to do LSD. Do it! LSD will disassemble you. As you dissolve, you will realize how much you are losing. And as you 'reassemble,' you will realize what a glorious being you really are.
There is no other way.
Everything is Holy
js: Tragic?
me: Did you receive my latest upload?
js: Yes! Awesome! I loved it!
me: I knew you would. Water is holy.
js: Not to mention that woman!
me: Agreed. Everything is holy.
js: Everything is holy.
me: Talk to ya later.
js: Sour noodles. Call again soon.
js: Tragic?
me: Did you receive my latest upload?
js: Yes! Awesome! I loved it!
me: I knew you would. Water is holy.
js: Not to mention that woman!
me: Agreed. Everything is holy.
js: Everything is holy.
me: Talk to ya later.
js: Sour noodles. Call again soon.
I Love Maria
Which leaves us with the only remaining mandatory link, MUSIC. Hmmm! What would be appropriate? Lessee... My most recent interaction with COMCAST regarding my problems with COMCAST cable and COMCAST TV concerned a brief relationship with a Latino woman name of 'Maria.' She was my COMCAST contact. I asked for her name and she replied, 'Maria.' I said, 'I love Maria.' She stayed with me until the problem was resolved. (I am such a charming muthafuk!) So I offer this musical homage to Maria.
Which brings us now to my exclusive version of the Judeo-Christian Myth: Jesus is approaching an unknown Red Dwarf Sun in the constellation Centaurus. Badly damaged by interstellar radiation, Jesus is recovering after slowing down to a more manageable speed, radiationwise, and Jesus is due to 'enter orbit' around the planet HELL some time during this 'year of our Lord, 2010.' That's right, folks: Jesus is headed to HELL, where he will recuperate from His extreme high speed environment. Lucifer et al are aware of Jesus' approach and have agreed to disable planetary defense systems. All is 'go' for Jesus' arrival. I chose this scenerio for an attempt to reconnect with Jesus:
js: Hello?
me: Thank God! I mean, Alright!
js: we were cut off.
me: I know what you mean. Tragic.
(Kootch just interacted with me concerning tonight's supper.)
Which leaves us with the only remaining mandatory link, MUSIC. Hmmm! What would be appropriate? Lessee... My most recent interaction with COMCAST regarding my problems with COMCAST cable and COMCAST TV concerned a brief relationship with a Latino woman name of 'Maria.' She was my COMCAST contact. I asked for her name and she replied, 'Maria.' I said, 'I love Maria.' She stayed with me until the problem was resolved. (I am such a charming muthafuk!) So I offer this musical homage to Maria.
Which brings us now to my exclusive version of the Judeo-Christian Myth: Jesus is approaching an unknown Red Dwarf Sun in the constellation Centaurus. Badly damaged by interstellar radiation, Jesus is recovering after slowing down to a more manageable speed, radiationwise, and Jesus is due to 'enter orbit' around the planet HELL some time during this 'year of our Lord, 2010.' That's right, folks: Jesus is headed to HELL, where he will recuperate from His extreme high speed environment. Lucifer et al are aware of Jesus' approach and have agreed to disable planetary defense systems. All is 'go' for Jesus' arrival. I chose this scenerio for an attempt to reconnect with Jesus:
js: Hello?
me: Thank God! I mean, Alright!
js: we were cut off.
me: I know what you mean. Tragic.
(Kootch just interacted with me concerning tonight's supper.)
My Favorite Blogs
Time to do the 'Astronomy Link.' I love this site so much! Indeed, it is one of the very few sites that I check up on, more or less daily.
And here is another site that I absolutely love! (Sip.) I was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, and this site is all about Charleston. I check it almost every day.
I am a HUGE fan of this site and I check it as often as the others above. 'Peezee' (take your choice) is a very prominent figure in the never-ending 'culture war.' I love Peezee! (And I must admit that my advanced age of 75 I do not pee as easy as I used to...) PZ Meyers is on the cutting edge of Science vs Ignorance, blog wise.
I never fail to read this site, which combines intelligence with excellent journalism. Freethinker! Are you a 'free thinker,' or are you a mindless clone propagating ancient crap? Think free. Be free!
The Intactivism Pages is a blog I never fail to visit. As an intact male I understand very, very clearly how much damage is done to infants who are routinely sexually mutilated for 'cosmetic' or 'sanitary' reasons.
And I could go on and on, of course, but I need to close out this entry with, Free Rice.
Time to do the 'Astronomy Link.' I love this site so much! Indeed, it is one of the very few sites that I check up on, more or less daily.
And here is another site that I absolutely love! (Sip.) I was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, and this site is all about Charleston. I check it almost every day.
I am a HUGE fan of this site and I check it as often as the others above. 'Peezee' (take your choice) is a very prominent figure in the never-ending 'culture war.' I love Peezee! (And I must admit that my advanced age of 75 I do not pee as easy as I used to...) PZ Meyers is on the cutting edge of Science vs Ignorance, blog wise.
I never fail to read this site, which combines intelligence with excellent journalism. Freethinker! Are you a 'free thinker,' or are you a mindless clone propagating ancient crap? Think free. Be free!
The Intactivism Pages is a blog I never fail to visit. As an intact male I understand very, very clearly how much damage is done to infants who are routinely sexually mutilated for 'cosmetic' or 'sanitary' reasons.
And I could go on and on, of course, but I need to close out this entry with, Free Rice.
I'M WITH COCO, (the Idiot)

Although my idea of 'late night tv' is NIGHTLINE, I was so impressed with Conan O'Brien's avoidance of THE FOX NETWORK that I felt impelled to endorse Conan's new venture at TBS. I will add it to my TiVo list if I can ever get COMCAST (tap) to communicate to TiVo an accurate list of the cable programs I actually receive, and convince TiVo to actually download information concerning all those programs, which have been in 'limbo' for the last few weeks.
Question: after watching COCO for a week or so, will I actually change my mind? Will I reluctantly admit that maybe COCO is indeed of average intelligence?
Adding Structure
Rereading my blog last week I concluded that it needed a little more 'structure' to it. 'Extemporising while getting drunk' has a certain charm to it, no doubt, but I thought there was too much of that recently, and that I needed to add some 'structure.' So I came up with a list:
There must be at least one:
1. Photo.
2. Astronomy Link.
3. Music Link.
4. Anti-Religion Link.
5. A List, to remind me as I become inebriated.
(Face Rad as I write this requires frequent nose-blowing. Nasal tissues throbbing. Nose dripping.)
OK. So I've done the list. Next, the photo.
Rereading my blog last week I concluded that it needed a little more 'structure' to it. 'Extemporising while getting drunk' has a certain charm to it, no doubt, but I thought there was too much of that recently, and that I needed to add some 'structure.' So I came up with a list:
There must be at least one:
1. Photo.
2. Astronomy Link.
3. Music Link.
4. Anti-Religion Link.
5. A List, to remind me as I become inebriated.
(Face Rad as I write this requires frequent nose-blowing. Nasal tissues throbbing. Nose dripping.)
OK. So I've done the list. Next, the photo.
Radiation Test Dummy Report
That (below) was what I uploaded, of course. I'm sure Jesus loved it.
whew! Local Jewish Dog Shit (LJDS) did not want me blogging today! In fact there is faux 'children running around' right above me as I type this. And last night was very torturous microwavewise: 12 hours in bed yielded 4 hours of sleep and 8 hours of torture (tap) in the form of IRFS, MTRFL, MTRFUB (muscle-twitching radiation, face and upper body), THRFUB (throbbing radiation), and TCR (a kind of 'synchronized' MTR). The result is that I am extremely sleep-deprived. This could be a short night. Sip. Gerash (and his 'gang') wants you to know that he is 'On the job, doing God's work.'
More faux children running and stomping above me as I write this, but there are certainly real children up there from time to time. I wonder if the parents of those children are aware that this is a 'high microwave radiation environment'? It seems to me that children are much more succeptible to the adverse effects of microwave radiation than I am at the advanced age of 75.
Speaking of which, in recent months there has been a concerted effort by LJDS to deliver a constant stream of 'face rad' (radiation which causes tearing of the eyes and mucus buildup in the nasal passages, but not intense enough to cause repeated violent sneezing (nose rad)). 'Face rad' causes just about enough mucus buildup such that I need to blow my nose every 30-60 minutes (and no, it is not Pollen). Concurrent with that 'program' my cataracts (tap) have been 'maturing' at an alarming rate. I can no longer clearly see my tvs, and I need to get about 12 inches closer to my computer monitor in order to see it clearly. This represents about a 30 percent change in focus over the course of the last three months.
That (below) was what I uploaded, of course. I'm sure Jesus loved it.
whew! Local Jewish Dog Shit (LJDS) did not want me blogging today! In fact there is faux 'children running around' right above me as I type this. And last night was very torturous microwavewise: 12 hours in bed yielded 4 hours of sleep and 8 hours of torture (tap) in the form of IRFS, MTRFL, MTRFUB (muscle-twitching radiation, face and upper body), THRFUB (throbbing radiation), and TCR (a kind of 'synchronized' MTR). The result is that I am extremely sleep-deprived. This could be a short night. Sip. Gerash (and his 'gang') wants you to know that he is 'On the job, doing God's work.'
More faux children running and stomping above me as I write this, but there are certainly real children up there from time to time. I wonder if the parents of those children are aware that this is a 'high microwave radiation environment'? It seems to me that children are much more succeptible to the adverse effects of microwave radiation than I am at the advanced age of 75.
Speaking of which, in recent months there has been a concerted effort by LJDS to deliver a constant stream of 'face rad' (radiation which causes tearing of the eyes and mucus buildup in the nasal passages, but not intense enough to cause repeated violent sneezing (nose rad)). 'Face rad' causes just about enough mucus buildup such that I need to blow my nose every 30-60 minutes (and no, it is not Pollen). Concurrent with that 'program' my cataracts (tap) have been 'maturing' at an alarming rate. I can no longer clearly see my tvs, and I need to get about 12 inches closer to my computer monitor in order to see it clearly. This represents about a 30 percent change in focus over the course of the last three months.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Ok. Hows about this?
Time for me to wrap this up. I'll have more 'visuals' next week. Nighty-night!
Seriousness is Never Fun
Zen is such fun!
Judaism (and Christianity and Mohamedism), on the other hand, are no fun at all. Those religions are so, so, so fucking serious! Seriousness is never fun. Seriousness sucks.
Love is never serious. Love is fun.
I need, at this point, to contact Jesus. Bear with me...
js: Hello?
me: How's it going out there?
js: Much better! Thank you for your interest!
me: Awww...
js: I really mean that. You are my anchor in a sea of incomprehensibility.
me: Aww shucks.
js: Really.
me: Ready for an upload?
js: Is The Pope Catholic?! Let's do this!
I need to terminate the interview because of Judeo-faggot interference.
Zen is such fun!
Judaism (and Christianity and Mohamedism), on the other hand, are no fun at all. Those religions are so, so, so fucking serious! Seriousness is never fun. Seriousness sucks.
Love is never serious. Love is fun.
I need, at this point, to contact Jesus. Bear with me...
js: Hello?
me: How's it going out there?
js: Much better! Thank you for your interest!
me: Awww...
js: I really mean that. You are my anchor in a sea of incomprehensibility.
me: Aww shucks.
js: Really.
me: Ready for an upload?
js: Is The Pope Catholic?! Let's do this!
I need to terminate the interview because of Judeo-faggot interference.
Being Zenny
Oh... My... God! I love 'The Buddah!' I am so, so... 'Zenny!' Really!
Zen is a psychological attitude, derived from an admixture of Buddaism and Taoism. Zen is, 'Buddah meets Lao Tzu.' These 'Eastern religions' are opposed to 'western religions' which rely on ancient myth. The 'Eastern' religions are 'psychological' in nature, whereas the 'Western' religions are 'historical' in nature.
This brings us immediately to the problems with religion: History vs Psychology.
It is important to realize at the outset that Western Religion is 'mythical' in nature whereas Eastern Religion is 'testable' in nature, relatively speaking. Eastern Religion is far more 'testable' than the Western variety because any Eastern devotee can 'do the math' (meditate).
Western religion, on the other hand, requires 'faith.' And furthermore that 'faith' is not testable. It comes down to a question methodoly.
On a deeper level it is a question of pragmatism. What works better?
Oh... My... God! I love 'The Buddah!' I am so, so... 'Zenny!' Really!
Zen is a psychological attitude, derived from an admixture of Buddaism and Taoism. Zen is, 'Buddah meets Lao Tzu.' These 'Eastern religions' are opposed to 'western religions' which rely on ancient myth. The 'Eastern' religions are 'psychological' in nature, whereas the 'Western' religions are 'historical' in nature.
This brings us immediately to the problems with religion: History vs Psychology.
It is important to realize at the outset that Western Religion is 'mythical' in nature whereas Eastern Religion is 'testable' in nature, relatively speaking. Eastern Religion is far more 'testable' than the Western variety because any Eastern devotee can 'do the math' (meditate).
Western religion, on the other hand, requires 'faith.' And furthermore that 'faith' is not testable. It comes down to a question methodoly.
On a deeper level it is a question of pragmatism. What works better?
The Buddah?!
Kootch remarked to me just recently that '304 is quiet now.' There was a touch of pride in her demeanor as she said it. I agreed. She had used my suggestion that 'people are living downstairs.' Good girl.
Oh my God! In the LR just now I see that my TiVo is recording PBS' 'Hunting the Edge of Space...' I love it! I was presented with my first telescope at an early age and I was astonished by the power of that telescope to reveal 'the far away.'
(We need some music. Lessee... Mozart Piano Concerto #26 - 3rd movement. Yum.
Kootch has hit the sack at 1915L, after making some yummy Miso Soup for me.)
Nowadays I love not only the power of the telescope to reveal the far away, but the long ago. Indeed, 'far away' equals 'long ago.' The reason for that, of course, is that information travels at the speed of light. And our universe is really huge.
(A visit to the LR just now revealed that PBS will soon do a piece on The Buddah. Huh?!)
OMG! It's true! Wednesday on PBS!
(Back after a period of 'could not contact Blogger.')
Which brings us nicely to the question of 'meaning.' What do 'facts' actually 'mean?'
Kootch remarked to me just recently that '304 is quiet now.' There was a touch of pride in her demeanor as she said it. I agreed. She had used my suggestion that 'people are living downstairs.' Good girl.
Oh my God! In the LR just now I see that my TiVo is recording PBS' 'Hunting the Edge of Space...' I love it! I was presented with my first telescope at an early age and I was astonished by the power of that telescope to reveal 'the far away.'
(We need some music. Lessee... Mozart Piano Concerto #26 - 3rd movement. Yum.
Kootch has hit the sack at 1915L, after making some yummy Miso Soup for me.)
Nowadays I love not only the power of the telescope to reveal the far away, but the long ago. Indeed, 'far away' equals 'long ago.' The reason for that, of course, is that information travels at the speed of light. And our universe is really huge.
(A visit to the LR just now revealed that PBS will soon do a piece on The Buddah. Huh?!)
OMG! It's true! Wednesday on PBS!
(Back after a period of 'could not contact Blogger.')
Which brings us nicely to the question of 'meaning.' What do 'facts' actually 'mean?'
She Never Felt a Thing. So Sad.
What did Gerash find most offensive? Your guess is as good as mine, but I think it might have been the title, 'Holy Fucking Week.' 'Holy' and 'Fucking' are inappropriate in the same sentence. But is that really true? Aren't the best 'fucks' also 'holy' in some sense? (You girls know what I mean - you boys... maybe not.) (being gassed here, R burning)
It's very clear that the Jewish god WHTZSNM does not consider 'fucking' to be 'holy.' The New Testament clearly indicates that Jesus' conception was not the result of a really good fuck - holy or otherwise - but 'an act of the Holy Ghost.' Presumably, the act of Jesus' conception was done under cover of darkness one night while Mary - the Mother of God - was sound asleep. She never 'felt a thing.' So sad. Nor was she consulted! She was 'raped by the Holy Ghost' one night as she slept, and only advised later by an angel!
And, generally speaking, 'gods' tend to shy away from sex. For example, The Buddah was not born (or conceived) via the usual vaginal route, but from his mother's 'side.' Hmm.
What, exactly, is it about The Gods' aversion to sex? We can only guess. My guess is that 'the gods' needed to establish a territory outside the human chain of 'fuck -> baby.' Otherwise they were not gods, only human.
What did Gerash find most offensive? Your guess is as good as mine, but I think it might have been the title, 'Holy Fucking Week.' 'Holy' and 'Fucking' are inappropriate in the same sentence. But is that really true? Aren't the best 'fucks' also 'holy' in some sense? (You girls know what I mean - you boys... maybe not.) (being gassed here, R burning)
It's very clear that the Jewish god WHTZSNM does not consider 'fucking' to be 'holy.' The New Testament clearly indicates that Jesus' conception was not the result of a really good fuck - holy or otherwise - but 'an act of the Holy Ghost.' Presumably, the act of Jesus' conception was done under cover of darkness one night while Mary - the Mother of God - was sound asleep. She never 'felt a thing.' So sad. Nor was she consulted! She was 'raped by the Holy Ghost' one night as she slept, and only advised later by an angel!
And, generally speaking, 'gods' tend to shy away from sex. For example, The Buddah was not born (or conceived) via the usual vaginal route, but from his mother's 'side.' Hmm.
What, exactly, is it about The Gods' aversion to sex? We can only guess. My guess is that 'the gods' needed to establish a territory outside the human chain of 'fuck -> baby.' Otherwise they were not gods, only human.
The 'Reviews' are in
I'm back a bit early this week. Weather is a factor this time of year, and 'snow' fits nicely with 'hungover.' (Kootch visited 304 just now to complain about the noise from above. It doesn't bother me that much nowadays, but Kootch apparently got fed up with it. She mentioned it to me as we watched Millionaire just recently, and I replied that 'Maybe they don't know there are people living downstairs.' Eheh. (I finished two beers as we did M, and am fairly well buzzed as we begin this. Gonna be a short night I think.) I didn't quite hear what Kootch said to them, but I'm sure she worked her usual 'Japanese woman magic,' advising them in a very nice, friendly way that we could hear them downstairs. Quiet now. 'Quiet as a mouse in heat.' My guess is that 'the stalkers' appreciated Kootch's visit even more than I did!
'The stalkers' definitely did not appreciate last week's blog entries! Hangover night was a bit more intense than usual (gas/radiation-wise), but the next night was truly sadistic, radiationwise. My log reads, 'Bed at 2015. HEAVY rad 2030-0200, 0500-0730 - TCR otherwise. Worst night ever?' Maybe. The next night was almost as bad, and I spent two days in a kind of depressed fog. Last night was relatively mild, but I am still not quite recovered, although much better.
I'm back a bit early this week. Weather is a factor this time of year, and 'snow' fits nicely with 'hungover.' (Kootch visited 304 just now to complain about the noise from above. It doesn't bother me that much nowadays, but Kootch apparently got fed up with it. She mentioned it to me as we watched Millionaire just recently, and I replied that 'Maybe they don't know there are people living downstairs.' Eheh. (I finished two beers as we did M, and am fairly well buzzed as we begin this. Gonna be a short night I think.) I didn't quite hear what Kootch said to them, but I'm sure she worked her usual 'Japanese woman magic,' advising them in a very nice, friendly way that we could hear them downstairs. Quiet now. 'Quiet as a mouse in heat.' My guess is that 'the stalkers' appreciated Kootch's visit even more than I did!
'The stalkers' definitely did not appreciate last week's blog entries! Hangover night was a bit more intense than usual (gas/radiation-wise), but the next night was truly sadistic, radiationwise. My log reads, 'Bed at 2015. HEAVY rad 2030-0200, 0500-0730 - TCR otherwise. Worst night ever?' Maybe. The next night was almost as bad, and I spent two days in a kind of depressed fog. Last night was relatively mild, but I am still not quite recovered, although much better.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Burn Baby Burn
me: Sorry!
gd: Too late.
me: Can you give me a temperature?
gd: Yes I can.
me: Will You reveal that temperature? I want to prepare myself as best I can.
gd: You cannot prepare!
me: Please help me to understand what awaits me when I die. Please!
gd: You will roast. Deal with it.
me: Temperature, please. My impression is that the temperature is quite moderate.
gd: Wrong again! The temperature of Hell is 300 degrees! Idiot!
me: Argh. Fahrenheit?
gd. Not Fahrenheit. Idiot!
me: Oh dear. Centigrade?
gd: (snickering) Not Centigrade! Not! Idiot!
me: Kelvin?
gd: You're getting very, very warm for an idiot. In fact, you are correct! Congratulations.
me: Oh dear. 300 degrees Kelvin?
gd: Burn baby burn.
me: Sorry!
gd: Too late.
me: Can you give me a temperature?
gd: Yes I can.
me: Will You reveal that temperature? I want to prepare myself as best I can.
gd: You cannot prepare!
me: Please help me to understand what awaits me when I die. Please!
gd: You will roast. Deal with it.
me: Temperature, please. My impression is that the temperature is quite moderate.
gd: Wrong again! The temperature of Hell is 300 degrees! Idiot!
me: Argh. Fahrenheit?
gd. Not Fahrenheit. Idiot!
me: Oh dear. Centigrade?
gd: (snickering) Not Centigrade! Not! Idiot!
me: Kelvin?
gd: You're getting very, very warm for an idiot. In fact, you are correct! Congratulations.
me: Oh dear. 300 degrees Kelvin?
gd: Burn baby burn.
Hot, Hot, Hot
(I should mention that I don't know whether FOX fits into the 'Jew-controlled' category because I don't watch FOX. But I did note that David Frum got fired recently from the American Enterprise Institute (which I call 'The Jewish Enterprise Institute' because of its extremely high 'Jewish personel ratio.') I don't know, but FOX seems to be of Irish origin. Very strange in view of the fact that FOX seems to be the most extreme advocate of 'Jewish Politic.' My current opinion in that regard is that what we really have at work here is 'Jewish Money.')
But enough of that. I have reached the point of 'Non Compos Politico Boozeo'. I need to revisit last week's posts. I finished those last three beers about Sunday night and read those posts. My impression was that I screwed up the logic somewhere during my conversation with God: The conclusion did not seem to follow from the conversation. Standby while I reread it:
Yep. I fucked up. (thump) Booze and logic do not go well together. Good thing I am not a 'perfectionist.' I decided to call God back and apologize. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: I apologize.
gd: About time, but too late.
me: And the implications?
gd: You will burn.
me: Hell?
gd: Yup.
me: Oh dear! Can we negotiate this?
gd: Uh-uh. Burn baby burn!
me: Oh dear.
gd: Yup.
me Hot?
gd: Very, very hot.
me Oh dear. How hot? Do You know?
gd: Very fucking hot. Just you wait.
(I should mention that I don't know whether FOX fits into the 'Jew-controlled' category because I don't watch FOX. But I did note that David Frum got fired recently from the American Enterprise Institute (which I call 'The Jewish Enterprise Institute' because of its extremely high 'Jewish personel ratio.') I don't know, but FOX seems to be of Irish origin. Very strange in view of the fact that FOX seems to be the most extreme advocate of 'Jewish Politic.' My current opinion in that regard is that what we really have at work here is 'Jewish Money.')
But enough of that. I have reached the point of 'Non Compos Politico Boozeo'. I need to revisit last week's posts. I finished those last three beers about Sunday night and read those posts. My impression was that I screwed up the logic somewhere during my conversation with God: The conclusion did not seem to follow from the conversation. Standby while I reread it:
Yep. I fucked up. (thump) Booze and logic do not go well together. Good thing I am not a 'perfectionist.' I decided to call God back and apologize. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: I apologize.
gd: About time, but too late.
me: And the implications?
gd: You will burn.
me: Hell?
gd: Yup.
me: Oh dear! Can we negotiate this?
gd: Uh-uh. Burn baby burn!
me: Oh dear.
gd: Yup.
me Hot?
gd: Very, very hot.
me Oh dear. How hot? Do You know?
gd: Very fucking hot. Just you wait.
How I Came to Love Pussy
The last item on the list concerns people in authority who take advantage of their positions for personal gain - in this particular case, pedophiles. (Time out for the Evening News.)
Pedophilia in the Catholic Church is much in the (Jew controlled) TV media recently, but two other instances of this perversion surfaced recently, involving Jews and Boy Scouts.
Jews?! Boy Scouts!?
The Boy Scout instance surfaced recently in the national TV Media; but true to form, the Jewish Instance failed to make the National Jewish News (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN). Here it is. Enjoy.
I am happy to report that as a young Catholic boy I never had to endure the depredations of a pedophile priest, but I did have plenty of experience with very creepy (tap) nuns while I lived in the Catholic Orphanage in Charleston SC back in the late '40s - early '50s. Two on the nuns come to mind: Sister Charlotte, and Sister Mary.
Sister Charlotte 'adopted me' instantly when I arrived at the orphanage, and placed me right across from her bed in her dormitory. I remember being revulsed by her obvious 'affection,' an attitude that I was not at all 'used to.' I wet my bed that first night. I had never done that before. My 'bedwet' revulsed Sister Charlotte, and she moved me as far away from her bed as she could, with the result that she and I occuppied the opposite corners of a long rectangle. There, away from Sister Charlotte, I wet my bed every night and masturbated my uncircumcised penis to such a stunning orgasm that I would fall back asleep within minutes of my orgasm despite my wet environment. I eventually woke up (to pee) in a dry bed one night, but decided to pee in my bed anyway, then masturbate to a mind-blowing orgasm as usual. I did that for at least two years. Meanwhile, Sister Charlotte hated me and dissed me often during the nightly ritual where she and the rest of us got together to 'say the rosary.'
Sister Mary had her own dormitory for younger children. Also, she was the cook for the boys (The girls lived in another part of the huge building, and we never got to interact (tap) with the girls.) I got on her bad side one evening when I made fun of her chocolate pudding. She overheard me. She never forgave me for that. As punishment, she forced me to scrub her dormitory floor for the next two years on my hands and knees every Saturday Morning while all the other kids were playing. I think she liked the sight of my young butt. Sister Mary was an old, dried up, prune-faced woman. We hated each other.
I think that I missed something very important during my 'maturation' by being isolated from the opposite sex (tap) all those years. The result was that I remained a virgin until I got my first taste of pussy in Japan at the age of twenty. I loved Japanese pussy! I later discovered that I loved pussy in general.
But my main sexual preference continued to be the masturbation of my natural penis. In fact, I had my most recent orgasm only a few days ago. (No tap. Eheh.)
The last item on the list concerns people in authority who take advantage of their positions for personal gain - in this particular case, pedophiles. (Time out for the Evening News.)
Pedophilia in the Catholic Church is much in the (Jew controlled) TV media recently, but two other instances of this perversion surfaced recently, involving Jews and Boy Scouts.
Jews?! Boy Scouts!?
The Boy Scout instance surfaced recently in the national TV Media; but true to form, the Jewish Instance failed to make the National Jewish News (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN). Here it is. Enjoy.
I am happy to report that as a young Catholic boy I never had to endure the depredations of a pedophile priest, but I did have plenty of experience with very creepy (tap) nuns while I lived in the Catholic Orphanage in Charleston SC back in the late '40s - early '50s. Two on the nuns come to mind: Sister Charlotte, and Sister Mary.
Sister Charlotte 'adopted me' instantly when I arrived at the orphanage, and placed me right across from her bed in her dormitory. I remember being revulsed by her obvious 'affection,' an attitude that I was not at all 'used to.' I wet my bed that first night. I had never done that before. My 'bedwet' revulsed Sister Charlotte, and she moved me as far away from her bed as she could, with the result that she and I occuppied the opposite corners of a long rectangle. There, away from Sister Charlotte, I wet my bed every night and masturbated my uncircumcised penis to such a stunning orgasm that I would fall back asleep within minutes of my orgasm despite my wet environment. I eventually woke up (to pee) in a dry bed one night, but decided to pee in my bed anyway, then masturbate to a mind-blowing orgasm as usual. I did that for at least two years. Meanwhile, Sister Charlotte hated me and dissed me often during the nightly ritual where she and the rest of us got together to 'say the rosary.'
Sister Mary had her own dormitory for younger children. Also, she was the cook for the boys (The girls lived in another part of the huge building, and we never got to interact (tap) with the girls.) I got on her bad side one evening when I made fun of her chocolate pudding. She overheard me. She never forgave me for that. As punishment, she forced me to scrub her dormitory floor for the next two years on my hands and knees every Saturday Morning while all the other kids were playing. I think she liked the sight of my young butt. Sister Mary was an old, dried up, prune-faced woman. We hated each other.
I think that I missed something very important during my 'maturation' by being isolated from the opposite sex (tap) all those years. The result was that I remained a virgin until I got my first taste of pussy in Japan at the age of twenty. I loved Japanese pussy! I later discovered that I loved pussy in general.
But my main sexual preference continued to be the masturbation of my natural penis. In fact, I had my most recent orgasm only a few days ago. (No tap. Eheh.)
Stranger in a Strange Land
1554L. Time for a shot (tap) of Canadian Mist...
(I met Kootch in the kitchen as she got another bowl of tonight's supper (Curry), and opened two bars of dark chocolate for her evaluation: seems that one (only) square of dark chocolate per day is very beneficial to heart health, so I bought some at KSS today. Kootch is to sample both versions and report back to me.)
Where were we? Ah. The List! Bullies. (tap)
I could 'identify' with the Phoebe Prince story this week, about an Irish immigrant teenage girl who was 'bullied to death' by her schoolmates. Very tragic. She was 'a stranger in a strange land.' Her story interested me because I am also such a stranger. The differences between us include sex and age, and the eventual outcomes. (Kootch just reported back: One is slightly sweeter than the other but both taste great.)
Age was my advantage, plus the fact that the 'bullying process' developed over many years in my case, whereas in Phoebe's case it was sudden and violent. She was overwhelmed. Furthermore she was female, whereas I am male. Additionally, Phoebe's experience happened in a world connected by instantaneous communications in a culture which is outstripping the usual cultural constraints. The eventual result was that Phoebe had thoughts of suicide, and eventually killed herself. Been there (tap) - did not do that. I was lucky.
Back in the '50s, 'bullying' was an individual thing: I met several boys my age who tried to bully me. I also witnessed several instances of other boys being bullied, and I learned from that: 'Fight back. Even if you lose, make them pay!' I fought back, and while I can't claim to have won those fights, I inflicted enough damage on the bullies such that they never bullied me again, and furthermore other bullies took note and did not bully me.
But the current situation seems to be unique: The Bully (Gerash) has succeeded in demonizing me to the extent that the average dumbass believes me to be an evil muthafuck!
And maybe I am!
But I am an evil muthafuck who has in his possession a 357 magnum. And I will use it if necessary.
1554L. Time for a shot (tap) of Canadian Mist...
(I met Kootch in the kitchen as she got another bowl of tonight's supper (Curry), and opened two bars of dark chocolate for her evaluation: seems that one (only) square of dark chocolate per day is very beneficial to heart health, so I bought some at KSS today. Kootch is to sample both versions and report back to me.)
Where were we? Ah. The List! Bullies. (tap)
I could 'identify' with the Phoebe Prince story this week, about an Irish immigrant teenage girl who was 'bullied to death' by her schoolmates. Very tragic. She was 'a stranger in a strange land.' Her story interested me because I am also such a stranger. The differences between us include sex and age, and the eventual outcomes. (Kootch just reported back: One is slightly sweeter than the other but both taste great.)
Age was my advantage, plus the fact that the 'bullying process' developed over many years in my case, whereas in Phoebe's case it was sudden and violent. She was overwhelmed. Furthermore she was female, whereas I am male. Additionally, Phoebe's experience happened in a world connected by instantaneous communications in a culture which is outstripping the usual cultural constraints. The eventual result was that Phoebe had thoughts of suicide, and eventually killed herself. Been there (tap) - did not do that. I was lucky.
Back in the '50s, 'bullying' was an individual thing: I met several boys my age who tried to bully me. I also witnessed several instances of other boys being bullied, and I learned from that: 'Fight back. Even if you lose, make them pay!' I fought back, and while I can't claim to have won those fights, I inflicted enough damage on the bullies such that they never bullied me again, and furthermore other bullies took note and did not bully me.
But the current situation seems to be unique: The Bully (Gerash) has succeeded in demonizing me to the extent that the average dumbass believes me to be an evil muthafuck!
And maybe I am!
But I am an evil muthafuck who has in his possession a 357 magnum. And I will use it if necessary.
Holy Fucking Week.
Happy 'April Fool's Day.' (Heavy 'nose rad' as I write this: much sneezing, mucus, tearing. Sneezing stopped after about two - three minutes, but nose tissues are partly swollen and still producing mucus (tap). Things should be back to 'normal' in about ten more minutes.) Began first beer at about1415L.
Today is also known as Maundy Thursday, and the entire week is known as 'Holy Week.' Coincidentally, the Jewish celebration of Passover is happening this week. Is it unusual for all three 'events' to happen in the same week? Or is this a sign of The Apocalypse? Hmm. Spotted any near-Earth asteroids lately? Is Jesus just around the corner?
First beer gone and I feel slightly buzzed at 1436L, about 30% through beer #2. Sip. Nose rad effects have largely disappeared except for residual swelling of nasal tissues.
What's on the list. Lessee...
1) The Skeptic's Annotated Bible.
2) Bullies.
3) Priests, Rabbis, Scout Leaders.
This being 'Holy Week' I felt moved to read my Skeptic's Bible. Not much! Reading The Bible is not my kinda thing; but Holy Week? I gave it a shot. (More radiation directed at my face now, but less intense than 'nose rad.' Eyes tearing, nose running at 1457L.) Began beer #3 @1455L.
I first selected the book of Job. The reason was that this 'book' made the least sense to me as I listened to a sermon about it in the Cathedral of John The Baptist in Charleston SC waaay back in about 1949. The gist of the sermon seemed to be that God had a conversation with Satan, wherein both engaged in a sort of wager concerning Job: How strong was Job's faith? What would it take to 'break' Job's faith?
It seemed an unfair wager on the face of it given that God was omniscient (knowing everything there was to know), whereas Satan was presumably much less so. Hmm. And furtheremore, Satan was one evil muthafucka! What could be the point of such a 'wager?'
Most of the 'action' is right near the beginning: God gives Satan all power to totally fuck up (tap) Job's life, with the provision that Satan cannot actually kill Job. (Damned white of The Old Muthafuck!) So Satan kills (tap) Job's family! Oops? Apparently not, as God seems to accept this outcome. Satan does other nasty things to Job too, of course, and the Book of Job drags on and on. The book of Job is such inartful crap that I didn't bother to read it all. Can you read it all? Go for it! Eheh.
Happy 'April Fool's Day.' (Heavy 'nose rad' as I write this: much sneezing, mucus, tearing. Sneezing stopped after about two - three minutes, but nose tissues are partly swollen and still producing mucus (tap). Things should be back to 'normal' in about ten more minutes.) Began first beer at about1415L.
Today is also known as Maundy Thursday, and the entire week is known as 'Holy Week.' Coincidentally, the Jewish celebration of Passover is happening this week. Is it unusual for all three 'events' to happen in the same week? Or is this a sign of The Apocalypse? Hmm. Spotted any near-Earth asteroids lately? Is Jesus just around the corner?
First beer gone and I feel slightly buzzed at 1436L, about 30% through beer #2. Sip. Nose rad effects have largely disappeared except for residual swelling of nasal tissues.
What's on the list. Lessee...
1) The Skeptic's Annotated Bible.
2) Bullies.
3) Priests, Rabbis, Scout Leaders.
This being 'Holy Week' I felt moved to read my Skeptic's Bible. Not much! Reading The Bible is not my kinda thing; but Holy Week? I gave it a shot. (More radiation directed at my face now, but less intense than 'nose rad.' Eyes tearing, nose running at 1457L.) Began beer #3 @1455L.
I first selected the book of Job. The reason was that this 'book' made the least sense to me as I listened to a sermon about it in the Cathedral of John The Baptist in Charleston SC waaay back in about 1949. The gist of the sermon seemed to be that God had a conversation with Satan, wherein both engaged in a sort of wager concerning Job: How strong was Job's faith? What would it take to 'break' Job's faith?
It seemed an unfair wager on the face of it given that God was omniscient (knowing everything there was to know), whereas Satan was presumably much less so. Hmm. And furtheremore, Satan was one evil muthafucka! What could be the point of such a 'wager?'
Most of the 'action' is right near the beginning: God gives Satan all power to totally fuck up (tap) Job's life, with the provision that Satan cannot actually kill Job. (Damned white of The Old Muthafuck!) So Satan kills (tap) Job's family! Oops? Apparently not, as God seems to accept this outcome. Satan does other nasty things to Job too, of course, and the Book of Job drags on and on. The book of Job is such inartful crap that I didn't bother to read it all. Can you read it all? Go for it! Eheh.