Sunday, April 25, 2010


Do Rules Rule You?

I realize, of course, that this particular 'booze night' has arrived too early. On the face of it this is a bad sign, and I am determined to avoid too much alcohol in a single week. Reason? I really dislike hangovers; also, too much booze is not healthy. (Come home Kootch! I miss you so much! (But Don't Tell Wifey.))
Hmm. Does this 'impromptu' scenerio release me from my plan to 'structure' my blog - at least in this particular case?
(No! We need to follow the current rules.)
(Yes we don't! No fucking way ho-fucking-zay!)
Why not? Here is why:
Things change, moment to moment, and we need to adjust, moment to moment. 'Rules' are only theoreticial constructs which we use to 'suggest' future behavior. Reality occasionally intervenes, forcing us to deviate from current 'rules.' We 'follow rules' at our peril sometimes.
I like 'rules' of course as a social device. But the concept can be carried too far. And I personally make it a point not to follow rules which seem silly to me: potty rules, for example, and underwear rules.
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