Thursday, April 15, 2010
Adding Structure
Rereading my blog last week I concluded that it needed a little more 'structure' to it. 'Extemporising while getting drunk' has a certain charm to it, no doubt, but I thought there was too much of that recently, and that I needed to add some 'structure.' So I came up with a list:
There must be at least one:
1. Photo.
2. Astronomy Link.
3. Music Link.
4. Anti-Religion Link.
5. A List, to remind me as I become inebriated.
(Face Rad as I write this requires frequent nose-blowing. Nasal tissues throbbing. Nose dripping.)
OK. So I've done the list. Next, the photo.
Rereading my blog last week I concluded that it needed a little more 'structure' to it. 'Extemporising while getting drunk' has a certain charm to it, no doubt, but I thought there was too much of that recently, and that I needed to add some 'structure.' So I came up with a list:
There must be at least one:
1. Photo.
2. Astronomy Link.
3. Music Link.
4. Anti-Religion Link.
5. A List, to remind me as I become inebriated.
(Face Rad as I write this requires frequent nose-blowing. Nasal tissues throbbing. Nose dripping.)
OK. So I've done the list. Next, the photo.