Thursday, April 15, 2010


Radiation Test Dummy Report

That (below) was what I uploaded, of course. I'm sure Jesus loved it.
whew! Local Jewish Dog Shit (LJDS) did not want me blogging today! In fact there is faux 'children running around' right above me as I type this. And last night was very torturous microwavewise: 12 hours in bed yielded 4 hours of sleep and 8 hours of torture (tap) in the form of IRFS, MTRFL, MTRFUB (muscle-twitching radiation, face and upper body), THRFUB (throbbing radiation), and TCR (a kind of 'synchronized' MTR). The result is that I am extremely sleep-deprived. This could be a short night. Sip. Gerash (and his 'gang') wants you to know that he is 'On the job, doing God's work.'
More faux children running and stomping above me as I write this, but there are certainly real children up there from time to time. I wonder if the parents of those children are aware that this is a 'high microwave radiation environment'? It seems to me that children are much more succeptible to the adverse effects of microwave radiation than I am at the advanced age of 75.
Speaking of which, in recent months there has been a concerted effort by LJDS to deliver a constant stream of 'face rad' (radiation which causes tearing of the eyes and mucus buildup in the nasal passages, but not intense enough to cause repeated violent sneezing (nose rad)). 'Face rad' causes just about enough mucus buildup such that I need to blow my nose every 30-60 minutes (and no, it is not Pollen). Concurrent with that 'program' my cataracts (tap) have been 'maturing' at an alarming rate. I can no longer clearly see my tvs, and I need to get about 12 inches closer to my computer monitor in order to see it clearly. This represents about a 30 percent change in focus over the course of the last three months.
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