Thursday, April 01, 2010
Holy Fucking Week.
Happy 'April Fool's Day.' (Heavy 'nose rad' as I write this: much sneezing, mucus, tearing. Sneezing stopped after about two - three minutes, but nose tissues are partly swollen and still producing mucus (tap). Things should be back to 'normal' in about ten more minutes.) Began first beer at about1415L.
Today is also known as Maundy Thursday, and the entire week is known as 'Holy Week.' Coincidentally, the Jewish celebration of Passover is happening this week. Is it unusual for all three 'events' to happen in the same week? Or is this a sign of The Apocalypse? Hmm. Spotted any near-Earth asteroids lately? Is Jesus just around the corner?
First beer gone and I feel slightly buzzed at 1436L, about 30% through beer #2. Sip. Nose rad effects have largely disappeared except for residual swelling of nasal tissues.
What's on the list. Lessee...
1) The Skeptic's Annotated Bible.
2) Bullies.
3) Priests, Rabbis, Scout Leaders.
This being 'Holy Week' I felt moved to read my Skeptic's Bible. Not much! Reading The Bible is not my kinda thing; but Holy Week? I gave it a shot. (More radiation directed at my face now, but less intense than 'nose rad.' Eyes tearing, nose running at 1457L.) Began beer #3 @1455L.
I first selected the book of Job. The reason was that this 'book' made the least sense to me as I listened to a sermon about it in the Cathedral of John The Baptist in Charleston SC waaay back in about 1949. The gist of the sermon seemed to be that God had a conversation with Satan, wherein both engaged in a sort of wager concerning Job: How strong was Job's faith? What would it take to 'break' Job's faith?
It seemed an unfair wager on the face of it given that God was omniscient (knowing everything there was to know), whereas Satan was presumably much less so. Hmm. And furtheremore, Satan was one evil muthafucka! What could be the point of such a 'wager?'
Most of the 'action' is right near the beginning: God gives Satan all power to totally fuck up (tap) Job's life, with the provision that Satan cannot actually kill Job. (Damned white of The Old Muthafuck!) So Satan kills (tap) Job's family! Oops? Apparently not, as God seems to accept this outcome. Satan does other nasty things to Job too, of course, and the Book of Job drags on and on. The book of Job is such inartful crap that I didn't bother to read it all. Can you read it all? Go for it! Eheh.
Happy 'April Fool's Day.' (Heavy 'nose rad' as I write this: much sneezing, mucus, tearing. Sneezing stopped after about two - three minutes, but nose tissues are partly swollen and still producing mucus (tap). Things should be back to 'normal' in about ten more minutes.) Began first beer at about1415L.
Today is also known as Maundy Thursday, and the entire week is known as 'Holy Week.' Coincidentally, the Jewish celebration of Passover is happening this week. Is it unusual for all three 'events' to happen in the same week? Or is this a sign of The Apocalypse? Hmm. Spotted any near-Earth asteroids lately? Is Jesus just around the corner?
First beer gone and I feel slightly buzzed at 1436L, about 30% through beer #2. Sip. Nose rad effects have largely disappeared except for residual swelling of nasal tissues.
What's on the list. Lessee...
1) The Skeptic's Annotated Bible.
2) Bullies.
3) Priests, Rabbis, Scout Leaders.
This being 'Holy Week' I felt moved to read my Skeptic's Bible. Not much! Reading The Bible is not my kinda thing; but Holy Week? I gave it a shot. (More radiation directed at my face now, but less intense than 'nose rad.' Eyes tearing, nose running at 1457L.) Began beer #3 @1455L.
I first selected the book of Job. The reason was that this 'book' made the least sense to me as I listened to a sermon about it in the Cathedral of John The Baptist in Charleston SC waaay back in about 1949. The gist of the sermon seemed to be that God had a conversation with Satan, wherein both engaged in a sort of wager concerning Job: How strong was Job's faith? What would it take to 'break' Job's faith?
It seemed an unfair wager on the face of it given that God was omniscient (knowing everything there was to know), whereas Satan was presumably much less so. Hmm. And furtheremore, Satan was one evil muthafucka! What could be the point of such a 'wager?'
Most of the 'action' is right near the beginning: God gives Satan all power to totally fuck up (tap) Job's life, with the provision that Satan cannot actually kill Job. (Damned white of The Old Muthafuck!) So Satan kills (tap) Job's family! Oops? Apparently not, as God seems to accept this outcome. Satan does other nasty things to Job too, of course, and the Book of Job drags on and on. The book of Job is such inartful crap that I didn't bother to read it all. Can you read it all? Go for it! Eheh.