Tuesday, April 06, 2010
She Never Felt a Thing. So Sad.
What did Gerash find most offensive? Your guess is as good as mine, but I think it might have been the title, 'Holy Fucking Week.' 'Holy' and 'Fucking' are inappropriate in the same sentence. But is that really true? Aren't the best 'fucks' also 'holy' in some sense? (You girls know what I mean - you boys... maybe not.) (being gassed here, R burning)
It's very clear that the Jewish god WHTZSNM does not consider 'fucking' to be 'holy.' The New Testament clearly indicates that Jesus' conception was not the result of a really good fuck - holy or otherwise - but 'an act of the Holy Ghost.' Presumably, the act of Jesus' conception was done under cover of darkness one night while Mary - the Mother of God - was sound asleep. She never 'felt a thing.' So sad. Nor was she consulted! She was 'raped by the Holy Ghost' one night as she slept, and only advised later by an angel!
And, generally speaking, 'gods' tend to shy away from sex. For example, The Buddah was not born (or conceived) via the usual vaginal route, but from his mother's 'side.' Hmm.
What, exactly, is it about The Gods' aversion to sex? We can only guess. My guess is that 'the gods' needed to establish a territory outside the human chain of 'fuck -> baby.' Otherwise they were not gods, only human.
What did Gerash find most offensive? Your guess is as good as mine, but I think it might have been the title, 'Holy Fucking Week.' 'Holy' and 'Fucking' are inappropriate in the same sentence. But is that really true? Aren't the best 'fucks' also 'holy' in some sense? (You girls know what I mean - you boys... maybe not.) (being gassed here, R burning)
It's very clear that the Jewish god WHTZSNM does not consider 'fucking' to be 'holy.' The New Testament clearly indicates that Jesus' conception was not the result of a really good fuck - holy or otherwise - but 'an act of the Holy Ghost.' Presumably, the act of Jesus' conception was done under cover of darkness one night while Mary - the Mother of God - was sound asleep. She never 'felt a thing.' So sad. Nor was she consulted! She was 'raped by the Holy Ghost' one night as she slept, and only advised later by an angel!
And, generally speaking, 'gods' tend to shy away from sex. For example, The Buddah was not born (or conceived) via the usual vaginal route, but from his mother's 'side.' Hmm.
What, exactly, is it about The Gods' aversion to sex? We can only guess. My guess is that 'the gods' needed to establish a territory outside the human chain of 'fuck -> baby.' Otherwise they were not gods, only human.