Friday, April 30, 2010


Ugly Child Abuse


Whew. Such a simple post required one shot of Canadian Mist and five beers! Next time I'll look at the modem lights before calling Comcast. It is very clear, however, that Local Jewish Dog Shit is responsible for this blog 'interruption.'
First of all, I need to comment on Sandra's bizarre welcome to her new son. And I need to comment from the point of view of an ordinary human male, not from the point of view of some or other 'expert.'
The superficial verdict might be that Sandra 'has identity issues,' given that she, a white, non-Jewish woman, adopted a black child, then mutilated him sexually in the Jewish manner, even though neither she nor her husband was black nor Jewish.
Sandra obviously believed that male circumcision was beneficial to the circumcate. She suffered from female ignorance. My guess is that her husband is also mutilated in the Judeo-Muslim manner (circumcised) and that she - like most women - loved being fucked by whatever dick was available. Not at all surprising. And Sandra had never been fucked by a natural dick - that is to say, by an unmutilated dick. She never felt Father Nature inside her. She only felt The Jew inside her. The Ugly Jew. Wanting the best for her beautiful new baby boy, she ignorantly transformed him into an Ugly Jew. Yuck.
That is the 'kindest face' I can put on the scenerio. There are other possible interpretations, all unlikely.
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