Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ultimate Questions
Time to wrap this up with a final link: Colorado Marijuana.
Oh... my... god! I love this link so much!
And now I am wondering: Will I ever be able to convince a Kaiser PCP that I need Ganja as a spiritual aid? Will my story as a 'substance abuser healed by Ganja' ever make an impression on a Kaiser PCP who can prescribe said drug? Will my claim that Marijuana is a 'booze terminator' ever be believed? Absolutely not!
But I love it that Marijuana Seeds are flowing into Colorado, and that I stand a chance to acquire some of those seeds from Users, eventually!
Ah, Love: Could you and I with Fate Conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire
Would we not shatter it to bits and then
Remould it nearer to The Heart's Desire?
Would but some Winged Angel ere too late
Arrest the yet unfolded role of fate
And in that stern recorder otherwise
Enregister? Or quite obliterate?
Good night and good luck.
I Worry Not
Popped open my last (12th) beer at 2050L. A visit to the fridge reveals that tonight's main theme is 'health care.' Seems that it is the old familiar theme of the 'haves' versus the 'have nots' with Unfettered Capitalism thrown in: the H worry that the HN will deprive the H of health care in that the H will be forced to wait while more needy and deserving HNs suck up HC rescourses. Most worry that H - old bastards like me - will die waiting while HNs suck up HC. It's a very naughty idea.
I must admit that at my advanced age I don't worry at all that my request for an appointment will be deferred because of a more urgent HN request. Not at all. I believe in the principle of triage as a moral test. Indeed, I understand that as an Old Bastard leaching on public funds, I am liable to be deferred in favor of younger folks. No problem! I am - as an old person - close to death. This realization frees me: Old muthafucks like me have no fear of death unless we are Christians who believe in nonsense, in which case we suffer from extreme anxiety concerning the direction our souls will take in the 'afterlife.' I have no such anxiety. I have no soul. I worry not.
Yes We Did!
Beer #9 at 1903L.
The big news this week seems to have been the The Prez's characterization of the arrest of a Harvard Professor as, 'Stupid.' Wow! I must tell you, folks, that I absolutely loved it! Here's why: A black man was arrested by an Irish cop for being too 'uppity.' The 'black man' was unfortunately a college professor, and the incident blossomed in media. An irresistable Media Bubble resulted. All eyes became focused on CNN (et al). Much money was made by certain advertisers. Black and White Americans became concerned. WTF!?
I loved it because I am half Irish. I loved it furthermore because my experiences with the local police (ACSD) have been 'historically unfortunate' (They think I am a fucking Devil Worshipper!).
The Prez later admitted that in view of the volatile nature of the situation he could have 'calibrated' his public comments concerning the matter more appropriately.
Many people apparently think that The Prez should have stayed out of it. I disagree. I think that The Prez acted appropriately in view of the fact that he is the very first AA president. His response was, in my opinion, perfect. Think about it:
Did we not know at the beginning that it would eventually come down to something like this? Yes we did! And The Prez stepped up to the plate and hit a Home Run!
The result is that both Black and White versions of 'Racisism' are being aired on national media. That is a good thing.
I can tell you this, folks: Until the day comes when all of our racial and religious differences have 'muddled out' genetically and historically, we will have to deal with Darwin and Acquinas.
Should be fun!
Circumcision Link Dump
Which brings us to some of the stuff I have been preparing for my faithful and glorious readers recently:
8 terrifying instruments doctors used on your... We've come a long way since those days. Thank god!
Or have we?!? A Short History of Circumcision in the U.S. in Physician's Own Words. It's very clear, of course, that circumcision arrived in America at about the same time Jews arrived in America. Hume might call that, 'a temporal conjunction' and he would be correct. The sheer hatred of the natural penis which is exposed in this link is astonishing!
Male Circumcision May Reduce Some STD Risks. This 'Large New Study' apparently overlooks some basic information concerning the Immunological Functions of the Human Prepuce.
I covered this 'April Fool's Joke' on America some time back. Written by Charles Hirshberg, a Jew, the article seems to treat the act of sexual mutilation in almost celebratory terms - sorta like a Bris. I especially liked the name he chose for his 'doctor:' Wang.
Naughty Me!
And so we end 'the Melissa affair.' Her letter made no mention of the details of 'our recent visit,' so I will keep my recorded version in self defense. (I wish you well too, Melissa. Sayonada.)
It will be a while before I gather the courage to approach Kaiser concerning a replacement for Melissa.
And, by the way, Melissa was a 'test' of sorts: I deliberately chose Melissa some months ago, but refrained from seeing her during those months. I wanted the local JF Forces to 'indoctrinate' Melissa as much as possible before we met for the first time. The idea was to meet somebody who was totally sold on the local Kaiser JF propaganda. Naughty me. And the result was astonishing!
At our first meeting Melissa asked me about my previous job experience. Huh? Then she asked me whether I ever 'heard things that were not there,' or 'saw things that were not there.' I laughed and replied in the negative: 'I'm perfectly sane, Doc.' She seemed satisfied with my answer, but 'charged' me with 'substance abuse' when I told her that I wrote a blog once a week while drinking a 12-pack of 3.2 beer. She 'referred' me to the appropriate Kaiser unit. I thereby became a 'delusional drunk' so far as Kaiser was concerned. Naughty me.
She also 'referred' me to the Kaiser Mental Clinic. Whoa! I laughed: 'Those folks and I don't get along, Doc!' 'Maybe you can blog with them,' she replied.
She ended the first meeting by presenting me with a list of physical and mental problems Kaiser had discovered about me. It was the most spectacular document (about me) that I had ever seen! Wow! I was impressed. I was one fucked-up SOB! I told her during an earlier part of the interview that, 'You are very straightforward and direct, Doc. We're gonna get along just fine.' I began to think in terms of 'magnificient Melissa.'
True, she was a 'take charge' type of woman. I found in her a refreshing change from my previous PCP, who seemed to be a bit 'wishy-washy' and evasive. Melissa eventually became too much of a 'dominatrix,' however, and had to be 'fired.' I did it gently as we walked out of the examining room: I put my hand lightly on her sholder and whispered, 'You're fired, Doc.'
The Badass Blog Botherer
I discovered the 'unpublished' post #6 when I signed on to Blogger today. I made a slight improvement, then published it. I doubt that I let such a funny post escape publication, so I am presuming that the Mad Mirror Molester has morphed into the Badass Blog Botherer, and that he 'unpublished it.' I will admit that it is possible that I forgot to publish it. (Nose Rad at 1502L. Seven sneezes. Eyes watering. Huge mucus flow. Slight swelling of internal nasal tissues. Damn that was fun!) Beer #2 @ 1508L...I wanted to discuss other 'issues' with Melissa, of course, specifically the 'charge' of 'delusional:'
- Has this information always been available to my PCP?
- How do I go about getting that 'charge' removed?'
- Do I have to 'prove' that I am not 'delusional?' If so, how should I go about doing that?
- Can I get the 'charge' dropped without talking to some fucking idiot Kaiser psychiatrist?
I also wanted to share with her the information that wearing sneakers was extremely beneficial to the recent self-cure because it tended to cushion and stabilize both feet, and probably aided venous blood flow in the foot by squeezing blood upward with every step. (Kootch is cooking today and since I usually cook this dish (stuffed bell peppers), called me into the kitchen to bestow my imprimature on the results. They look yummy!)
To wrap up Matters Melissa, the good doctor sent me a registered letter last Friday:
"This letter is in regards to our recent visit. Unfortunately I will be unable to serve as your primary care provider. Please call (Kaiser) to choose another primary care doctor.
I wish you well.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Routine Infant Sexual Mutilation
The possible consequences of today's interaction with Kaiser Permante personnel are of general interest, of course. For example, can a Kaiser Permante circumcision procedure be legally recorded? Audiowise? Videowise? I think not, unless Kaiser is oblivious to the (recording) event. My take on the question is that Kaiser would never allow any kind of audio/video record of such an event to be recorded on modern media. I think you will agree with me on that particular proposition.
I think we can all agree that such an audio/video would be so incriminating that Kaiser would be forced to eventually cave in to a 'class action lawsuit.' Millions of dollars would be at stake! Kaiser would be forced to pay out millions of dollars to 'subscribers.'
But Kaiser is a 'non-profit' organisation! Eheh. Oops!
Time for me to wrap this up at 2308L.
Goodnight and good luck.
Malissa the Philosopher!
2100L and I am on my last beer. Time to wrap this up. I will do so with the narrative I would have presented to Malissa had she chosen to go 'on record' today:
me: You will be happy to know that my foot problem has disappeared!
ma: I will? Howso?
me: I deduced that since it was not a gout problem and not an arthritis problem it was probably a bloodflow problem.
ma: Sheer speculation.
me: Correct. But I tested the theory.
ma: How?
me: I increased blood flow to the affected foot.
ma: Nonsense. How?
me: I set a local timer for 15 minutes. When the timer sounded I went into the LR and pumped my Stationary Bike 100 times. I did this for several days and the problem disappeared two days ago.
ma: Proves nothing. Hume would say that this was not a cause-effect situation at all, but rather a coincidence, a temporal conjunction. Read your English Philosophy before you bother Kaiser with your wacky theories of cause and effect.
me: Hume?
ma: David Hume. He's British. Get on The Web. Do a Google search on 'blood flow.'
me: Thank you doctor! You are so totally beautiful on the inside!
ma: I know. I know.
The Unforseen Consequence of LSD: Oops!
Beer #10 at 1940L. Damn I'm having fun! Here's a little Beethoven for my readers who are into that sort of thing. I call this music, Trip Music, or 'Acid Music.' I enjoyed many hours of this music during the late '70s. Naughty me! Naughty, naughty, naughty!
Which brings us to the idea of how to end tonight's 'seance.' Two beers left... whiskey backup...
Lessee... Uh-oh, the violent third movement has begun at 1955L. I always hated this part while I was tripping. I still dislike it. But now it is beginning to morph into the beautiful stuff that I love at 27:11. It is all uphill from here! Utterly beautiful! (I just told The Faggot above me that LSD was the most beautiful thing he ever did to me. The Faggot tapped in response.)
Beer #11 at 2018L: Black in America II on CNN. Soledad Obrien. Beautiful woman. I'll catch it on the rerun.
Radiation Test Dummy Report
I continue to study the effects of microwave radiation, of course, having no other choice in the matter, especially at night. And I've come up with a new theory for TCR (Teeth Chattering Radiation). First some background:
When I wake up after two or three hours asleep, the first thing I notice is the vibration. The feeling varies from 'light' to 'heavy.' The worse case scenerio feels like the bed is vibrating. It is not the bed, however, that is vibrating, but the muscles in my upper body including the jaw muscles. I know from previous experience that as long as I don't move, the vibration will probably continue, but that ten to fifteen minutes after I move, the vibration will have slowly disappeared, to be replaced by other 'symptoms' like, for example, IRFS (itching of the face and/or scalp), PRUB (pricking radiation upper body) and IBT (increasing body temperature). IBT is, like THR (throbbing radiation) a recent discovery. Several symptoms can appear simultaneously.
As your official 'radiation test dummy' I make it my business to observe symptoms and remember them. It's the least I can do. But what has puzzled me until recently is that the total radiation increases as the vibration decreases. Very counterintuitive. I've therefore come up with a new theory of how TCR works:
TCR is caused by the interference pattern formed when two transmitters near the same fundamental frequency alternately 'add' and 'subtract' as the faster transmitter overtakes the slower transmitter. The result is that the two signals alternately either cancel each other out or combine with each other to increase effective power. The result is that my nervous system responds to the combined (peak) power and relaxes when the two signals cancel each other. If this is correct, then the maximum vibration occurs when two transmitters (only) are operating at very nearly the same frequency, producing periodic 'peaks and valleys detectable by surface motor nerves.'
It would seem to follow from that, therefore, that the addition of more transmitters of slightly different frequencies would tend to muddle (blur) the peak-valley relationship such that the vibration would disappear while the total radiation effect would increase, causing THRUB, IRFS, PRUB, and general body heating (IBT), along with the disappearance of TCR. Prove me wrong if you can. See the following sources for more edification.
(1820L and The Prez is speaking on Health Care. I love that guy!)
Amplitude Modulation (Wiki)
Amplitude Modulation (Youtube)
Today's Linkdump
Rereading last week's posts, it is obvious that I failed to present a 'link dump' as promised. So here we go, based on my 'nexblog' file:
Free rice. Feed people while you learn new words.
Simply noise. My BR air cleaner broke recently. This left me with a totally quiet bedroom, a very uncomfortable situation (tap) when the intake fans aren't running full blast. I like red/brown best.
In memory of the sexually mutilated child. This link will keep you busy for weeks.
Israeli Propaganda encounters resistance. Are we smarter than they thought?
Two Thumbs Down
If further proof was needed concerning my terrible judgement, I tried out my new glasses for the first time a few days ago. Barf! The new glasses aren't even as good as the ones I already have, which are based on a prescription several years old! Indeed, after getting my eyes checked last time (two or three years ago?) The new glasses were so bad that I settled for replacements based on the previous prescription! I have forgot her (the optometrist) name now, but I remember that it was 'Jewish-sounding.' Her prescription was perfect! It restored my faith in the Jewish People for a while. She apparently didn't last long after that, and was gone from Kaiser the next time I got a vision check. And I so wanted Kristine to be beautiful too... And she may well be: the problem is either with the prescription or the manufacture. We shall see... Stay tuned...
What is the exact problem with the new glasses?
1. One of the eyes is 'way off focus' causing a feeling of disorientation when they are put on.
2. Both pair are focused too far away. Thus the tv sets in my living room are out of focus, but objects on the Highline Canal are 'in focus.'
3. The computer glasses are focused about two feet too far, making the computer screen fuzzy.
I mentioned the 'disorientation problem' to the people in the optical department and was advised to try them for a while and see whether my eyes adjusted to the new glasses. Eheh. Sheeeit! It is clearly the job of the optometrist to adjust the glasses to the eyes - not vice versa. In any case, thumbs down on the suckers!
Merely Melissa
When I signed on a while ago I discovered post #6, unpublished. It's true. I am definitely a fan of Canada.
A meeting with 'Magnificient Melissa' ended in disaster today when she demanded that I turn off my voice recorder. She said, 'Turn it off!' I said, 'No.' She then informed me that she would not see me if I refused to turn it off. She then directed me upstairs to 'patient check-in' for a co-pay refund (of 15 dollars). I complied. How did she know I was recording the conversation? I can only conclude that somebody at Kaiser has been reading my blog (I have been giving this blog address to selected people at Kaiser for some time now). Melissa denied having read it last time we met. But today her nurse asked me during the BP check whether 'we were recording the conversation today.' I replied in the affirmative. She then said something like, 'I don't agree to that, therefore this cannot be used in a court of law.' I said that 'this will never be used in a court of law, that I was only doing it in 'self defense.' Melissa showed up soon thereafter and tried to bully me into turning it off.
Which only goes to prove that I am a terrible judge of character! The demotion of Malissa was, of course, inevitable: when you start at the top the only way is down. (But there is further downside, Melissa: 'Malevolent' comes to mind. Careful, sweetie!)
I fired Melissa, of course. Will I ever find a Kaiser doctor who can tolerate being recorded? We shall see! Stay tuned, folks!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I Love Canada
2130L. I've finished my alcohol.
Oops. Beer gone I just finished a Diet Pepsi at 2136. Booze is seeping into my system via Canadian Mist. I love Canada. Oh Can-na-Da! I remember Canada from 'the goose.' I have always loved Canada... Drunk as a skunk now...
Skin for Sale
2022L and I'm not even drunk in spite of the fact that I am on beer #12. Apparently my liver has been able to 'keep up.'
This brings us to a place beyond what I had imagined at the start of today's blog. What follows, therefore is 'unrehearsed' in some sense. But I came 'prepared!'
Linkdump therefore follows:
New Surgeon General. I absolutely love it! Here is an African-American woman who can make a difference! Why? Because she has no penis. Let me explain: Her lack of penis renders her neutral in the Penis War currently in progress. Lacking a penis she has no vested psychological interest in the question. She can therefore be 'above the fray.' Has the woman ever been fucked by an uncircumcised penis? Can she compare her experience with that of having been fucked by a circumcised penis? Will she do so on National TV? Not bloody fucking likely!! The most important question of all is whether or not she will feel it her duty to expose the American Circumcision Industry, an industry which produces many millions of dollars every year through the sale of infant foreskins, and furthermore which industry soothes American Jewish sensibilities from day to day in a volatile world.
That is the question.
Christian Schadenfreude
I've been working on the idea that one of the most satisfying pleasures Saved Souls experience in Heaven is The View of Hell. God permits such views because Saved Souls derive intense pleasure from such views in a kind of schadenfreude sense. The stimulus for this idea originated from a Jesse Jackson interview I saw on TV recently where Jackson made reference to 'a special place in Hell...' I was fascinated by his statement. Does the Jewish God WHTZSNM actually permit the Saved Souls in Heaven to view the grotesque suffering of The Damned in Hell? Really!?
I am a journalist, of course, and my duty is to investigate. You know me. So I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: I saw on TV recently that You actually allow Your heavenly charges to view Hell.
gd: TV?
me: A local method of communication.
gd: Your source is correct. We do that every Sunday morning. What is your question?
me: I wondered about the method of presentation. How do they see it?
gd: They 'see it' in Wide Screen HD. Any more questions?
me: Not at the moment. Thank You.
gd: (hangs up)
Dealing Panko
Sitting here with no music is ok but not optimal. We need some music. Here, therefore, is my best result from a Youtube search on Cosi Fan Tutte. I have a glorious version of that Mozart opera on both tape and (transcribed from said tape) video disk. I would love to share it with you but I don't know how to do it yet. And my version is In English! I will post it on Youtube if I can ever figure out how to do it. Enjoy... Meanwhile, here is the best musical version I could find.
Beer #9 at 1844L. On the way to the fridge I noticed a handful of Tree Swallows swarming around the green bowl on the railing. One of them was obviously a baby, mouth open and wings quivering. Mama was feeding it. My sudden appearance aparently spooked them and they flew away. I took the opportunity to add more Panko to the food bowl, then I did my 'alert' whistle. There was no immediate response.
I recently 'tested' for Tree Swallow Preferences: bread cubes; bananna peel cubes; lettuce cubes; tomato cubes... They rejected all but the bread cubes. I am beginning to feel like a drug dealer who has a group of birds with no money addicted to Panko.
The irony of all this is that the faggot Gerash is virtually immune to my keyboard attacks! But on the other hand his 'friends' are not so immune. I call those 'friends of Gerash,' The FOG. Are you, dear reader, a member of The FOG? Then read on! By all means read on! Eheh.
More on this next week, maybe.
I did a fair amount of research yesterday preparing for today's blog. Subject? Delusion. I also researched Delusional Disorder. Fascinating stuff. (time for beer #6 at 1659L) My reasons for doing so were to get up to speed on this fascinating disorder preparatory to approaching Kaiser Permanente with the suggestion that said diagnosis was, in my case at least, iatrogenic, and should therefore be withdrawn as soon as possible in the interests of Justice and Human Decency. (beer #7 at 1722L...)
I just got that beer. Interestingly, a look out of the patio window revealed a group of three local stalkers (FOG) staring up at me from a position near the mailboxes. I had seen them while retrieving beer #6. Since the one in the yellow shirt and dark glasses was probably staring at me I flipped him an 'ear job.' He took notice and pointed to me. The other two looked up at me. I 'extended the antenna' to them all, then came back to the computer to document the encounter. Will the local TBH show up and charge me with some sort of crime? Eheh. We shall see...
Time for the news at 1733L...
Interesting stuff. BTW, I got a shot of Yellow Shirt a bit later. He was facing me talking to a local tenant. And no ACSD buffons yet... Yellow Shirt had beaconed to me to, 'come on down.' Eheh. I declined, of course.
ACSD: Tits on a Boar Hog
A week without booze does nice things to my CNS as evidenced by a manic yesterday and today in spite of sleep deprivation. I even got a much-needed bike ride in, yesterday. Lessee... where were we? Ahhh, Phantom Caller.
Phantom Caller was somebody who would call us once a week or so and then hang up as soon as we answered the phone. This happened from about the late '70s to the mid '80s. The calls eventually became so irritating that I filed a police report with the ACSD. I even complained directly to the phone company, to no avail: we got a free change of number, but the PC had the new number within days. It got so bad that I would unplug the phone as soon as I got home from work for the day (unless I was on 'standby'). I eventually stopped answering the phone altogether. (I still don't answer the phone unless Kootch is in Japan.) Kootch and the kids can verify the hangup calls, of course. They were not 'hallucinations.'
I eventually discovered that such calls are a sign that an 'infinity transmitter' is attached to the said phone. Both the ACSD and the Phone Company should have known that, but neither organization mentioned it to me. (My opinion of the ACSD is thay are about as useless as tits on a boar hog. But the phone company at least tried to help us.)
Only after I had moved to Florida in the mid '80s did I begin to realize the nature and extent of what was happening to me: the Phantom Caller found me in central Florida and began doing the hangup calls again. (But clearly, the nature of the calls had changed from attempts to obtain information to attempts to harrass, since I was alone in Florida with nobody to talk to: the eavesdropper would have heard only the sounds of my keystrokes and an occasional fart.)
The ultimate effect of those calls was to enrage me. I made a promise to myself to return to Denver and hunt the caller down and destroy the creepy son of a bitch.
I am currently engaged in that process.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Mad Mirror Molester = Phantom Caller

Very Scary.
The most solid 'evidence' that I am being stalked manifested itself in the late '80s - early '90s. The (many) incidents were absolutely incontrovertible in their implications. Here is the scenerio:
I would go to the supermarket (or bank or whatever) to shop. I would park the car in the parking lot. I would always lock the car before leaving. It was 'automatic.'
I would do my business, then I would return to my locked car. I would open car and deposit the groceries in the car.
I would then start the engine and look in the rear view mirror prepartory to backing out of my parking space. It was my standard 'ritual.'
But every month or two during the years 1988-1994 I would find that the rear view mirror had been rotated in the socket such that it was vertical instead of horizontal. I would then reset the RR mirror and drive home. (A variation on the above was that the windshield wipers would begin to oscillate furiously as soon as I started the engine.)
These are facts but what do those facts imply? (You 'logicians' out there need to get in on this, and keep my reasoning pristine.)
I came to the following conclusions based on the above facts:
1. Somebody has the keys to our cars (both cars).
2. Somebody wants me to know sHe has the keys to our cars.
3. Somebody wants me to know that my everyday activities are interesting to somebody; interesting enough that somebody follows me from time to time.
Very scary.
Sounds Funny I Know...
I should take this opportunity - before I leave the subject - to clarify my attitudes toward 'Anal Anna' and 'magnificient Melissa.' Both are beautiful women, especially Anna. Melissa seems to be the more beautiful of the two 'on the inside.' But they are both still young whereas I am o-o-o-l-d. I am therefore more or less 'fixed,' whereas the two women are still learning. I am confident that they will both improve over time, becoming internally beautiful in their respective old ages.
I could be wrong of course, but I doubt it. Both girls show tremendous promise.
Which brings me back to the subject of 'stalking.' Attempting to explain 'stalking' to people who are 'innocent of the subject' (people who don't know shit about it) is a daunting task. Indeed, 'stalking' was not even a crime in the USA until about 1993! My own personal case is one of the several categories of Stalking now called, 'group stalking.' That is to say that I am being 'stalked' by a number of people who are working as a group. It is 'them against me.' (I'm listening to Beethoven symphony #6 as I write this.) (And BTW, Amazon recently sent me an e-mail telling me that it could not secure any copies of the David Lawson book, Cause Stalking.) That group includes - so far as I can determine in my particular case - neighbors, 'strangers,' Kaiser personnel, ACSD policemen, and ACSD Detectives. Sounds funny, I know, but it really is so...
Describe Your Situation in One Sentence
Kootch and I decided to save the Millionaire for another day. It's a rerun, anyway. Working on beer number three at 1630L.
And I've been thinking about Melissa's request to describe 'the problem' in one sentence. Eheh. Hmmm! (Popped open beer #4 at 1642L.) The request was ludicrous, of course, but now that I have time to think about it, very possible to reply to. For example: 'I am being stalked.' The answer succinctly summarizes the situation in general, but appears to bear no relationship at all to the specific charge, 'Believes he is receiving radiation from an evil lawyer and that his family is also at risk.' Given the (specific) nature of the 'charge' the one sentence explanation is much too broad. Indeed such an answer is so far 'off target' that the questioner may be unable to relate question with answer. And we only had a minute or so left to our 'visit.'
But there are other possibilities here:
(a) An Onionesque article: 'Denver man describes last 40 years in one sentence.'
(b) Another blog describing the stalking history in the most succinct possible terms.
Both possibilities are tantalizing. I could do either one, or both. We shall see. (Popped open beer #5 about 1720L.)
Time for the evening news at 1730L.
Popped open beer #6 at 1803L. MJ is mostly out of the news. Thank god!
Magnificient Melissa
First beer at about 1523L. Still working on it at 1534, buzzing slightly on an empty stomach. Kootch is ready to eat and we do today's Millionaire soon.
Did another visit with 'Dr Melissa' today. Problem: 'Possible Gout.' Diagnosis: 'Inflamation, not Gout.' Got an X-ray. We'll see. My ankle began hurting Thursday morning. The pain began to receed Sunday evening, then spread to the big toe Monday morning. Still hurts. Wearing sneakers helps.
During the visit I broached the subject of my 'Delusional Disorder.' Dr M immediately became a bit 'testy.' She did not want to discuss the subject. When asked directly what she thought she knew about the said 'disorder' she said something like, 'You think you are receiving radiation from an Evil Lawyer and that the rest of your family is at risk.' Whoa! That could only have come from Dr. Anna Cosyleon, and is a totally perverted description of what is actually happening. (BTW, I never mentioned that I thought my family might be at risk.) I told the good doctor that that her 'information' was in error and asked her whether she had read any of my blog (I had given her the address of this blog on my first visit (described below). She replied in the negative, then asked me to describe what was really going on 'in one sentence.' 'Not possible. Read the blog.' 'I don't have time for that.' 'I understand; may I quote you in my blog?' 'I would prefer that you did not.' 'I'm going to quote you anyway. Sorry.'
It was an astonishingly honest conversation! And by the way, it was very cordial in spite of the subject and our differing 'takes' on the subject. I very much admire honesty in the other, a quality which seemed to be totally missing from the character of Anna Cosyleon. We're still buddies as far as I am concerned and I will not bring up the subject again with her. Lesson? You can lead your doctor to your blog but she will not have time to read it.