Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Mad Mirror Molester = Phantom Caller

Who could that somebody be? And why was I so interesting to Somebody?
I then made the obvious connection between somebody (who later became known in my blogs as Mad Mirror Molester) and The Phantom Caller. (More on this next week, maybe.)
Meanwhile I am on my ninth beer. Fun. (If it ain't fun don't do it.) I will therefore end this very serious part of my weekly blog at 2141L. What's left? Three beers!
Hmm. I need to post the picture of a beautiful sexy woman for my dispirited circumcised male viewers. Lessee... Hah! Feast your eyes on this, boys!
I post it in honor of my meeting last night with Kootch as she was entering the bathroom half asleep just as I was exiting said bathroom wearing wet white cotton panties (size 12) after taking a shower. Here is the background: I had hit the sack earlier, but it soon became obvious that my greasy face should be washed. Then it became clear that it would be a long time before I cooled down, especially in view of the fact that my body would have to deal with the usual microwave radiation. Solution?
Take a tepid shower wearing underpanties. Go to bed wearing said wet underpanties. Pull covers over body which was wearing wet underpanties. Go to sleep. Allow for evaporative cooling to offset the combination of microwave radiation and high ambient temperature. Enjoy sleep.
The procedure worked! True, the wet panties were at times uncomfortable, but they dried out by morning. And importantly they kept me cool in spite of the radiation. A plus was that I was used to sleeping in wet underpants from age of 12 -14 having been a bed-wetter in those days. (I would wake up wet in the middle of the night, having to pee again. Rather than going out to the boy's potty on the back porch I would pee in my wet pants and jerk off to a stunning orgasm then fall asleep again within minutes.)
Kootch probably does not remember the incident.