Wednesday, July 15, 2009


ACSD: Tits on a Boar Hog

A week without booze does nice things to my CNS as evidenced by a manic yesterday and today in spite of sleep deprivation. I even got a much-needed bike ride in, yesterday. Lessee... where were we? Ahhh, Phantom Caller.
Phantom Caller was somebody who would call us once a week or so and then hang up as soon as we answered the phone. This happened from about the late '70s to the mid '80s. The calls eventually became so irritating that I filed a police report with the ACSD. I even complained directly to the phone company, to no avail: we got a free change of number, but the PC had the new number within days. It got so bad that I would unplug the phone as soon as I got home from work for the day (unless I was on 'standby'). I eventually stopped answering the phone altogether. (I still don't answer the phone unless Kootch is in Japan.) Kootch and the kids can verify the hangup calls, of course. They were not 'hallucinations.'
I eventually discovered that such calls are a sign that an 'infinity transmitter' is attached to the said phone. Both the ACSD and the Phone Company should have known that, but neither organization mentioned it to me. (My opinion of the ACSD is thay are about as useless as tits on a boar hog. But the phone company at least tried to help us.)
Only after I had moved to Florida in the mid '80s did I begin to realize the nature and extent of what was happening to me: the Phantom Caller found me in central Florida and began doing the hangup calls again. (But clearly, the nature of the calls had changed from attempts to obtain information to attempts to harrass, since I was alone in Florida with nobody to talk to: the eavesdropper would have heard only the sounds of my keystrokes and an occasional fart.)
The ultimate effect of those calls was to enrage me. I made a promise to myself to return to Denver and hunt the caller down and destroy the creepy son of a bitch.
I am currently engaged in that process.
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