Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Unforseen Consequence of LSD: Oops!
Beer #10 at 1940L. Damn I'm having fun! Here's a little Beethoven for my readers who are into that sort of thing. I call this music, Trip Music, or 'Acid Music.' I enjoyed many hours of this music during the late '70s. Naughty me! Naughty, naughty, naughty!
Which brings us to the idea of how to end tonight's 'seance.' Two beers left... whiskey backup...
Lessee... Uh-oh, the violent third movement has begun at 1955L. I always hated this part while I was tripping. I still dislike it. But now it is beginning to morph into the beautiful stuff that I love at 27:11. It is all uphill from here! Utterly beautiful! (I just told The Faggot above me that LSD was the most beautiful thing he ever did to me. The Faggot tapped in response.)
Beer #11 at 2018L: Black in America II on CNN. Soledad Obrien. Beautiful woman. I'll catch it on the rerun.
Beer #10 at 1940L. Damn I'm having fun! Here's a little Beethoven for my readers who are into that sort of thing. I call this music, Trip Music, or 'Acid Music.' I enjoyed many hours of this music during the late '70s. Naughty me! Naughty, naughty, naughty!
Which brings us to the idea of how to end tonight's 'seance.' Two beers left... whiskey backup...
Lessee... Uh-oh, the violent third movement has begun at 1955L. I always hated this part while I was tripping. I still dislike it. But now it is beginning to morph into the beautiful stuff that I love at 27:11. It is all uphill from here! Utterly beautiful! (I just told The Faggot above me that LSD was the most beautiful thing he ever did to me. The Faggot tapped in response.)
Beer #11 at 2018L: Black in America II on CNN. Soledad Obrien. Beautiful woman. I'll catch it on the rerun.