Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Very Scary.

The most solid 'evidence' that I am being stalked manifested itself in the late '80s - early '90s. The (many) incidents were absolutely incontrovertible in their implications. Here is the scenerio:
I would go to the supermarket (or bank or whatever) to shop. I would park the car in the parking lot. I would always lock the car before leaving. It was 'automatic.'
I would do my business, then I would return to my locked car. I would open car and deposit the groceries in the car.
I would then start the engine and look in the rear view mirror prepartory to backing out of my parking space. It was my standard 'ritual.'
But every month or two during the years 1988-1994 I would find that the rear view mirror had been rotated in the socket such that it was vertical instead of horizontal. I would then reset the RR mirror and drive home. (A variation on the above was that the windshield wipers would begin to oscillate furiously as soon as I started the engine.)
These are facts but what do those facts imply? (You 'logicians' out there need to get in on this, and keep my reasoning pristine.)
I came to the following conclusions based on the above facts:
1. Somebody has the keys to our cars (both cars).
2. Somebody wants me to know sHe has the keys to our cars.
3. Somebody wants me to know that my everyday activities are interesting to somebody; interesting enough that somebody follows me from time to time.
Very scary.
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