Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Radiation Test Dummy Report

I continue to study the effects of microwave radiation, of course, having no other choice in the matter, especially at night. And I've come up with a new theory for TCR (Teeth Chattering Radiation). First some background:
When I wake up after two or three hours asleep, the first thing I notice is the vibration. The feeling varies from 'light' to 'heavy.' The worse case scenerio feels like the bed is vibrating. It is not the bed, however, that is vibrating, but the muscles in my upper body including the jaw muscles. I know from previous experience that as long as I don't move, the vibration will probably continue, but that ten to fifteen minutes after I move, the vibration will have slowly disappeared, to be replaced by other 'symptoms' like, for example, IRFS (itching of the face and/or scalp), PRUB (pricking radiation upper body) and IBT (increasing body temperature). IBT is, like THR (throbbing radiation) a recent discovery. Several symptoms can appear simultaneously.
As your official 'radiation test dummy' I make it my business to observe symptoms and remember them. It's the least I can do. But what has puzzled me until recently is that the total radiation increases as the vibration decreases. Very counterintuitive. I've therefore come up with a new theory of how TCR works:
TCR is caused by the interference pattern formed when two transmitters near the same fundamental frequency alternately 'add' and 'subtract' as the faster transmitter overtakes the slower transmitter. The result is that the two signals alternately either cancel each other out or combine with each other to increase effective power. The result is that my nervous system responds to the combined (peak) power and relaxes when the two signals cancel each other. If this is correct, then the maximum vibration occurs when two transmitters (only) are operating at very nearly the same frequency, producing periodic 'peaks and valleys detectable by surface motor nerves.'
It would seem to follow from that, therefore, that the addition of more transmitters of slightly different frequencies would tend to muddle (blur) the peak-valley relationship such that the vibration would disappear while the total radiation effect would increase, causing THRUB, IRFS, PRUB, and general body heating (IBT), along with the disappearance of TCR. Prove me wrong if you can. See the following sources for more edification.
(1820L and The Prez is speaking on Health Care. I love that guy!)
Amplitude Modulation (Wiki)
Amplitude Modulation (Youtube)
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