Friday, May 28, 2010
The Pringles Project.
I just returned from the kitchen with the last beer. Buzzing. Hungry! I noticed (sip) a towering container of Pringles (being gassed here) chips on the counter. Both Kootch and I love Pringles. I bought the most recent container a day or two ago. I gave it to Kootch, but I have been eating more than Kootch lately. I used the opportunity to explain to Kootch that the Pringles container suggested a huge phallus. Kootch was unimpressed. I then suggested that it might be a neat thing if she used that Pringles container to create a represention of a huge penis, including crocheted 'skin.' Kootch remained unimpressed. I dropped the idea. Next day I brought the subject up again. 'The skin' can be 'crocheted.' Different colors can represent different aspects of penile skin covering. Kootch remained unimpressed. Darn.
I did not want to reveal to an innocent Kootch my current 'domination of the circumcision question.' She would not have understood. 'Huh?' So I dropped the subject. (Being gassed here, RLG.) I won't bring it up with Kootch again.
But it seemed to be such a good idea! I call it 'The Pringles Project:' Enterprising females could use Pringles containers to fashion faux penises complete with skin. 'Skin' could be crocheted using vari-colored yarn and/or other materials including nylon. 'Pink,' for example, could be used to represent inner foreskin structures. Red could be used to represent extremely sensitive structures like, 'Mucocutaneous Junction' and 'Ridged Bands.' What a great idea! There could be a contest to determine the winning idea. 'Detail' would be important, as well as 'functionality.' Thus, the winning Pringles version would take into account the narrower 'mucotaneous Junction' which - due to smallness and the resulting vascular constriction - contributed to erectile quality when 'skinned back' during erection.
I just returned from the kitchen with the last beer. Buzzing. Hungry! I noticed (sip) a towering container of Pringles (being gassed here) chips on the counter. Both Kootch and I love Pringles. I bought the most recent container a day or two ago. I gave it to Kootch, but I have been eating more than Kootch lately. I used the opportunity to explain to Kootch that the Pringles container suggested a huge phallus. Kootch was unimpressed. I then suggested that it might be a neat thing if she used that Pringles container to create a represention of a huge penis, including crocheted 'skin.' Kootch remained unimpressed. I dropped the idea. Next day I brought the subject up again. 'The skin' can be 'crocheted.' Different colors can represent different aspects of penile skin covering. Kootch remained unimpressed. Darn.
I did not want to reveal to an innocent Kootch my current 'domination of the circumcision question.' She would not have understood. 'Huh?' So I dropped the subject. (Being gassed here, RLG.) I won't bring it up with Kootch again.
But it seemed to be such a good idea! I call it 'The Pringles Project:' Enterprising females could use Pringles containers to fashion faux penises complete with skin. 'Skin' could be crocheted using vari-colored yarn and/or other materials including nylon. 'Pink,' for example, could be used to represent inner foreskin structures. Red could be used to represent extremely sensitive structures like, 'Mucocutaneous Junction' and 'Ridged Bands.' What a great idea! There could be a contest to determine the winning idea. 'Detail' would be important, as well as 'functionality.' Thus, the winning Pringles version would take into account the narrower 'mucotaneous Junction' which - due to smallness and the resulting vascular constriction - contributed to erectile quality when 'skinned back' during erection.
The Majority Rules.
Reading this just now I 'get it' that the concept of 'subconscious' has become much too popularized. Everybody seems to know what it means, even psychologists and psychiatrists! Will wonders never cease. Hmm. Perhaps I should use the term, 'subcortical processes.' Would that work? Yep. Not only does that term explain exactly what I meant in the previous post, it describes the brain functions - especially in regard to memory - that I wanted to address: 'We' are - moment to moment - the sum of those processes. 'We' remain stable, moment to moment, so long as all subcortical processes are nourished in the usual way. Booze fucks things up.
To answer the question posed below, therefore: The Majority Rules. The Brain is Democratic.
The implications of that are enormous.
Those implications explain why drugs so powerfully influence behavior. Those implications explain why LSD works so well to transform human consciousness, producing in a single trip, changes which would have otherwise required more than a human lifetime. Day-to-day brain changes produce 'results' very, very, slowly, but a massive dose of LSD changes the brain significantly, probably because LSD seeps up beyond previous threshholds of inebriation. 'Boss' neuronal structures are affected. The brain 'disintegrates.' The 'mind' follows suit. Chaos results. As 'the mind' rebuilds itself - structure first - 'the tripper' is astonished, then mesmerized in a kind of 'religious awe.'
What has actually 'happened' is that there has been a 'presidential election.' The Tripper emerges a new citizen, with new ideas.
Reading this just now I 'get it' that the concept of 'subconscious' has become much too popularized. Everybody seems to know what it means, even psychologists and psychiatrists! Will wonders never cease. Hmm. Perhaps I should use the term, 'subcortical processes.' Would that work? Yep. Not only does that term explain exactly what I meant in the previous post, it describes the brain functions - especially in regard to memory - that I wanted to address: 'We' are - moment to moment - the sum of those processes. 'We' remain stable, moment to moment, so long as all subcortical processes are nourished in the usual way. Booze fucks things up.
To answer the question posed below, therefore: The Majority Rules. The Brain is Democratic.
The implications of that are enormous.
Those implications explain why drugs so powerfully influence behavior. Those implications explain why LSD works so well to transform human consciousness, producing in a single trip, changes which would have otherwise required more than a human lifetime. Day-to-day brain changes produce 'results' very, very, slowly, but a massive dose of LSD changes the brain significantly, probably because LSD seeps up beyond previous threshholds of inebriation. 'Boss' neuronal structures are affected. The brain 'disintegrates.' The 'mind' follows suit. Chaos results. As 'the mind' rebuilds itself - structure first - 'the tripper' is astonished, then mesmerized in a kind of 'religious awe.'
What has actually 'happened' is that there has been a 'presidential election.' The Tripper emerges a new citizen, with new ideas.
Tapping the Subconscious
Kootch just hit the sack at 1855L. Buzzing my brains out on beer #9. Sip. Very close to wrapping this up.
But I need to address (6) below: WTF? As I reread it sober it made no sense. I then dialed my Subconscious on TBT:
sc: Hello?
me: Got a problem for ya. What exactly was going on when I wrote post (6) last week?
sc: No idea.
me: Get to work on it immediately. Report back to me.
sc: Yes sir!
I let the question fester, so to say, as I did other, unrelated stuff, and a few hours later during a 'nap' I heard the phone ring. I answered immediately.
sc: Reporting back as ordered, sir!
me: About time. Report.
sc: You were drunk.
me: No excuse.
sc: Your drunk brain confused the phrase, 'Cogito Ergo Sum' with the term, 'Incognito.' You naively assumed that 'Descartes incognito in the afterlife' could be an interesting subject for contemplation.
me: Grrr!
sc: Sorry. Part of my job. Sir.
me: You can go now...
sc: Thank you sir!
Which brings us to the question: Do you rule your subconscious or does your subconscious rule you?
Kootch just hit the sack at 1855L. Buzzing my brains out on beer #9. Sip. Very close to wrapping this up.
But I need to address (6) below: WTF? As I reread it sober it made no sense. I then dialed my Subconscious on TBT:
sc: Hello?
me: Got a problem for ya. What exactly was going on when I wrote post (6) last week?
sc: No idea.
me: Get to work on it immediately. Report back to me.
sc: Yes sir!
I let the question fester, so to say, as I did other, unrelated stuff, and a few hours later during a 'nap' I heard the phone ring. I answered immediately.
sc: Reporting back as ordered, sir!
me: About time. Report.
sc: You were drunk.
me: No excuse.
sc: Your drunk brain confused the phrase, 'Cogito Ergo Sum' with the term, 'Incognito.' You naively assumed that 'Descartes incognito in the afterlife' could be an interesting subject for contemplation.
me: Grrr!
sc: Sorry. Part of my job. Sir.
me: You can go now...
sc: Thank you sir!
Which brings us to the question: Do you rule your subconscious or does your subconscious rule you?
Like Eye Without Eyelid
In passing I need to comment on The Intactivism Pages' stance of 'abject political correctness' compared with Wikipedia. In fact, it was this link on TIP which 'got me going.' It is so... politically correct! So Jew-friendly! (Beginning beer #7. Time to watch the news.) As I watched the animation I said, That's not how it works.' Reviewing that animation just now I can say that, so far as it goes it is more or less accurate, but stops waaaay too soon. Notice, for example, that the 'excess' penile skin 'piles up' behind the sulcus, and that more penile skin 'piles up' lower on the shaft. I wanted to see exactly how the penile foreskin 'acted' during coitus. What happens, for example, when the penis is thrust deeply into the vagina? The animation doesn't say (depict). The animation more or less accurately describes a penis being 'skinned back.' That much is true. But what the animation fails to graphically show is how the penis presents itself to the vagina as a kindred internal organ, as the penile skin is fully extended by vaginal friction. The sensitive inner foreskin literally replaces excess penile shaft skin, which piles up at the penile base, such that most of the penile covering is sensitive inner foreskin, interacting with slippery inner vagina.
The internal parts of the penis interact perfectly with the internal parts of the vagina when the foreskin is inverted.
Circumcision changes all that. The penis becomes 'externalized.' The result is a dry, externalized sexual organ, insensitive and difficult to masturbate. Furthermore, the 'externalized' glans may actually become 'too sensitive' because it lacks normal protection from clothing, a service provided by the foreskin. Circumsision fucks up everything.
In passing I need to comment on The Intactivism Pages' stance of 'abject political correctness' compared with Wikipedia. In fact, it was this link on TIP which 'got me going.' It is so... politically correct! So Jew-friendly! (Beginning beer #7. Time to watch the news.) As I watched the animation I said, That's not how it works.' Reviewing that animation just now I can say that, so far as it goes it is more or less accurate, but stops waaaay too soon. Notice, for example, that the 'excess' penile skin 'piles up' behind the sulcus, and that more penile skin 'piles up' lower on the shaft. I wanted to see exactly how the penile foreskin 'acted' during coitus. What happens, for example, when the penis is thrust deeply into the vagina? The animation doesn't say (depict). The animation more or less accurately describes a penis being 'skinned back.' That much is true. But what the animation fails to graphically show is how the penis presents itself to the vagina as a kindred internal organ, as the penile skin is fully extended by vaginal friction. The sensitive inner foreskin literally replaces excess penile shaft skin, which piles up at the penile base, such that most of the penile covering is sensitive inner foreskin, interacting with slippery inner vagina.
The internal parts of the penis interact perfectly with the internal parts of the vagina when the foreskin is inverted.
Circumcision changes all that. The penis becomes 'externalized.' The result is a dry, externalized sexual organ, insensitive and difficult to masturbate. Furthermore, the 'externalized' glans may actually become 'too sensitive' because it lacks normal protection from clothing, a service provided by the foreskin. Circumsision fucks up everything.
You Girls are Gonna Love This One...
Working on beer #3 at 1513L. Kootch and I did Millionaire during beer #2. I was already buzzed after beer #1! Short night in prospect? We shall see...
Checking The Intactivism Pages recently, I noticed that The American Academy of Peniatrics (and recently Pussiatrics) has withdrawn its new policy on female genital cutting. Good idea. Is this the beginning of a trend? I also stumbled on this link comparing the AAPP positions based on gender (the blue/pink portion). I don't have time to read it all now, obviously, but I will read it next week when I review tonight's posts. Looks interesting.
During my investigations I also stumbled on this link on Wikipedia. I was shocked. Shocked! Is that legal?! As I skimmed the entire article I noticed no description of The Foreskin. So I 'Wiked' it. More shock! However I saw immediately what I was looking for. Whadya call it?! Frenelum? Nope. At that point I resorted to my penile links, searching. Aha! Mucocutaneous Junction! The dude in the Wiki 'foreskin' link has one very wicked Mucocutaneous Junction. (I just saw Kootch in the kitchen and gave her a friendly slap on the butt. 'All kinda things to eat,' she said as she munched on some kabocha.) I point to this particular part of the (normal) male anatomy because of its extreme sensitivity, a fact I enjoy every time I take a shower in my underwear. The burgeoning erection causes the MJ to press against the wet panties deliciously. It's a game I play with myself. My previous 'shower game' needed huge panties which gradually slipped down as they absorbed water, eventually 'plopping' on the bathtub (being gassed here: RLG) floor. Those huge panties eventually began to disintegrate due to the frequent 'wringing out,' and so I was forced to invent a new shower panty game. This one is even more erotic.
Will I describe it at this time? Uh... no. Invent your own shower-panty game.
Working on beer #3 at 1513L. Kootch and I did Millionaire during beer #2. I was already buzzed after beer #1! Short night in prospect? We shall see...
Checking The Intactivism Pages recently, I noticed that The American Academy of Peniatrics (and recently Pussiatrics) has withdrawn its new policy on female genital cutting. Good idea. Is this the beginning of a trend? I also stumbled on this link comparing the AAPP positions based on gender (the blue/pink portion). I don't have time to read it all now, obviously, but I will read it next week when I review tonight's posts. Looks interesting.
During my investigations I also stumbled on this link on Wikipedia. I was shocked. Shocked! Is that legal?! As I skimmed the entire article I noticed no description of The Foreskin. So I 'Wiked' it. More shock! However I saw immediately what I was looking for. Whadya call it?! Frenelum? Nope. At that point I resorted to my penile links, searching. Aha! Mucocutaneous Junction! The dude in the Wiki 'foreskin' link has one very wicked Mucocutaneous Junction. (I just saw Kootch in the kitchen and gave her a friendly slap on the butt. 'All kinda things to eat,' she said as she munched on some kabocha.) I point to this particular part of the (normal) male anatomy because of its extreme sensitivity, a fact I enjoy every time I take a shower in my underwear. The burgeoning erection causes the MJ to press against the wet panties deliciously. It's a game I play with myself. My previous 'shower game' needed huge panties which gradually slipped down as they absorbed water, eventually 'plopping' on the bathtub (being gassed here: RLG) floor. Those huge panties eventually began to disintegrate due to the frequent 'wringing out,' and so I was forced to invent a new shower panty game. This one is even more erotic.
Will I describe it at this time? Uh... no. Invent your own shower-panty game.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Houston We Have A Problem
I'm out of beer, so this will be short and sweet. I decided to check with the Jewish God WHTZSNM concerning the current location of Descartes. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Descartes. Rene Descartes. Pronounced, 'day cart.' Can you put him on the line?
gd: Nobody by that name lives here.
me: Sorry to bother You.
gd: (hangs up)
I next dialed Lucifer's number:
lu: Hello?
me: Rene Descartes. Does that name ring a bell in Hell?
lu: I know him well, but no bell. Have you tried Dumbass?
me: Yep. Just talked to Him. Not there either.
lu: Interesting.
me: Houston, we have a problem.
lu: That we do.
I'm out of beer, so this will be short and sweet. I decided to check with the Jewish God WHTZSNM concerning the current location of Descartes. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Descartes. Rene Descartes. Pronounced, 'day cart.' Can you put him on the line?
gd: Nobody by that name lives here.
me: Sorry to bother You.
gd: (hangs up)
I next dialed Lucifer's number:
lu: Hello?
me: Rene Descartes. Does that name ring a bell in Hell?
lu: I know him well, but no bell. Have you tried Dumbass?
me: Yep. Just talked to Him. Not there either.
lu: Interesting.
me: Houston, we have a problem.
lu: That we do.
The French Think Otherwise.
Writing this week's blog just now I came across DesCartes, who famously said something like, 'I think, therefore I am!' This is obvious unless you are a philosopher. If you are a philosopher it is not at all so obvious. The reason for that is that philosophers rely on logic alone. Philosophers are a special breed of folk who suffer from the condition of 'congenital monohemisphericality.' It is a rare condition where the subject posseses only a left brain. It is common among intellectuals. Moreover, that left hemisphere swells in the absense of a corresponding right hemisphere, resulting in the scientific condition of 'mono-L-Brain Syndrome: The left hemisphere literally 'grows into' the vacuum in the right cranium, with the result that the affected individual grows up emotionally bereft, but logically gifted. (Just peed in my pants unintentionally. Rare. I sat here typing this, enjoying, but determined to intervene appropriately. I failed. Just returned from the bathroom with a totally soaked butt. It could have been worse.) Where was I?
Ah. DesCartes. The Logician. (Day-Cart)
Writing this week's blog just now I came across DesCartes, who famously said something like, 'I think, therefore I am!' This is obvious unless you are a philosopher. If you are a philosopher it is not at all so obvious. The reason for that is that philosophers rely on logic alone. Philosophers are a special breed of folk who suffer from the condition of 'congenital monohemisphericality.' It is a rare condition where the subject posseses only a left brain. It is common among intellectuals. Moreover, that left hemisphere swells in the absense of a corresponding right hemisphere, resulting in the scientific condition of 'mono-L-Brain Syndrome: The left hemisphere literally 'grows into' the vacuum in the right cranium, with the result that the affected individual grows up emotionally bereft, but logically gifted. (Just peed in my pants unintentionally. Rare. I sat here typing this, enjoying, but determined to intervene appropriately. I failed. Just returned from the bathroom with a totally soaked butt. It could have been worse.) Where was I?
Ah. DesCartes. The Logician. (Day-Cart)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Blogs I Love
I'm still truckin' at 2233L. Time for me to check in to my favorite blogs. This will take awhile. Lessee...
Joan is a very busy girl! I love Joan, but don't tell anybody.
Mohammed is very, very touchy. Dead for more than 1200 years, but still very touchy.
American doctor figures out that sexual mutilation is unethical! I am impressed!
The Antennae. Galaxies interacting gravitationally. Also impressive.
We Belong Here. Modern Art. (and we do belong here)
Free Rice. Donate small amounts of rice to hungry people while playing a vocabulary game.
Presurfer. Always very interesting. I need to contact Lucifer about this... Stay tuned.
Cosmic Log. This is the blog I would always read, even if I could read only one blog.
I'm still truckin' at 2233L. Time for me to check in to my favorite blogs. This will take awhile. Lessee...
Joan is a very busy girl! I love Joan, but don't tell anybody.
Mohammed is very, very touchy. Dead for more than 1200 years, but still very touchy.
American doctor figures out that sexual mutilation is unethical! I am impressed!
The Antennae. Galaxies interacting gravitationally. Also impressive.
We Belong Here. Modern Art. (and we do belong here)
Free Rice. Donate small amounts of rice to hungry people while playing a vocabulary game.
Presurfer. Always very interesting. I need to contact Lucifer about this... Stay tuned.
Cosmic Log. This is the blog I would always read, even if I could read only one blog.
Condoms Protect Jews

The folks upstairs moved out again today - the folks with the kids, that is. They also moved out a month or two ago soon after I pointed out on my blog that this was a 'high radiation environment.' I got to interact with the kids as I returned from a shopping trip to King Soopers this afternoon. Two beautiful boys, and maybe a little girl or two. I even got to say 'hello' to the male parent (apparent). The interaction with the children was refreshingly 'real,' but the interaction with the male parent was utterly phoney, as we both 'acted our way past each other.' All is quiet now.
Hmm. Lemmee check my 'Interesting file.' (tap) Standby...
Skepchick. I read it from time to time. Very fun, especially for you girls out there.
Protection in Porn. This sudden 'concern for Porn Stars' is extremely phony and represents the Jewish Agenda to circumcise America. The Jews don't want you to see the obvious differences between normal, natural, penises and mutilated (circumcised) penises. The Jews want porn stars to conceal their penises using condoms. Condoms thus acquire a heretofore unknown protective quality: the ability to protect Jewish religious practices from public scrutiny.
In the LR just now I see that Men in Black is playing. I love that movie.
All my other 'Interesting' links appear to involve sexy female fotos. Here is an example: (See above.) I actually own at least one pair of similar panties! In my particular case they are size 14 - much too large - and when I put them on I always run my fingers around the leg openings in order to 'fold them under' such that they 'bloom out' a bit, producing more detectable 'pantie lines.' Naughty me. I do this in spite of the fact that I never wear them in public.
Thank You God!
The subject of this particular entry will be a critique of (4) below: 'God is Numb.' I made that assertion (boom) because the Jewish God is obviously jealous of the human ability to feel sexual pleasure. God has no penis. God can feel no sexual pleasure. God therefore seeks to mitigate His deficiency vs His human 'subjects' by mandating the desensitizing 'procedure' of 'circumcision.' The sexually desensitized individual feels uncomfortable in the presence of more sexually sensitive people (dogs included). That individual therefore seeks to feel more comfortable by desensitizing The Other. God is no exception. Neither is your daddy. Neither is the Jew who works in the next cubicle. Neither is Yo Mama, as the dumbass bitch Sandra Bullock recently demonstrated. (Some particularly bereft circumcates might wish to circumcise their male dogs too, but I have not stumbled across any examples in modern media. That said, I will do a Google Search: Yeesh!)
The article is interesting, but my attention was drawn to the very last paragraph:
'The Hispanic respondents reported a higher-than-average level of health concerns, but the survey found, "Hispanics are more sexually active and satisfied than the general population."'
My response is that this result is explainable in terms of Hispanic Intactness. Hispanics are more sexually intact than other Americans, and Hispanics therefore enjoy a higher level of sexual satisfaction, including not only the various forms of coitis, but masturbation as well. Insofar as Hispanics expressed 'a higher level of health concerns' I doubt the cause was sexual intactness. More likely, the cause was the relatively lower level of health care, a factor which - paradoxically! - contributed to their intactness in the first place and therefore to their higher level of sexual satisfaction.
Interestingly, when I first read this post, I noted the point that, 'Men over 45 reported a decrease in sexual satisfaction.' But I cannot find it in this particular version. Was it 'revised?' Probably.
For my part I can report reliably that I did not notice any decrease in sexual satisfaction/pleasure before the age of 65. If memory serves in this case, it suggests that circumcision literally takes 20 years off your sexual life. Thank you God!
Thank you Doctor (insert name of Jewish Pediatrician).
The subject of this particular entry will be a critique of (4) below: 'God is Numb.' I made that assertion (boom) because the Jewish God is obviously jealous of the human ability to feel sexual pleasure. God has no penis. God can feel no sexual pleasure. God therefore seeks to mitigate His deficiency vs His human 'subjects' by mandating the desensitizing 'procedure' of 'circumcision.' The sexually desensitized individual feels uncomfortable in the presence of more sexually sensitive people (dogs included). That individual therefore seeks to feel more comfortable by desensitizing The Other. God is no exception. Neither is your daddy. Neither is the Jew who works in the next cubicle. Neither is Yo Mama, as the dumbass bitch Sandra Bullock recently demonstrated. (Some particularly bereft circumcates might wish to circumcise their male dogs too, but I have not stumbled across any examples in modern media. That said, I will do a Google Search: Yeesh!)
The article is interesting, but my attention was drawn to the very last paragraph:
'The Hispanic respondents reported a higher-than-average level of health concerns, but the survey found, "Hispanics are more sexually active and satisfied than the general population."'
My response is that this result is explainable in terms of Hispanic Intactness. Hispanics are more sexually intact than other Americans, and Hispanics therefore enjoy a higher level of sexual satisfaction, including not only the various forms of coitis, but masturbation as well. Insofar as Hispanics expressed 'a higher level of health concerns' I doubt the cause was sexual intactness. More likely, the cause was the relatively lower level of health care, a factor which - paradoxically! - contributed to their intactness in the first place and therefore to their higher level of sexual satisfaction.
Interestingly, when I first read this post, I noted the point that, 'Men over 45 reported a decrease in sexual satisfaction.' But I cannot find it in this particular version. Was it 'revised?' Probably.
For my part I can report reliably that I did not notice any decrease in sexual satisfaction/pleasure before the age of 65. If memory serves in this case, it suggests that circumcision literally takes 20 years off your sexual life. Thank you God!
Thank you Doctor (insert name of Jewish Pediatrician).
All The World Wants to Know
TGIF again as I attempt to resynch booze/blog night with the approaching weekend. Last week's effort was certainly premature, and the result was a severe hangover. Even the next day was somewhat hungover. So the current plan is for a short night.
Kootch is pretty much back to normal. So was I until I downed a shot of Canadian Mist and Diet Pepsi. Designed to make my (totally forgotten) blog psychologically pleasant rereading, the booze worked. But the reread generated the need for more... booze... you know how that goes... So I'm back, buzzing.
First project tonight is music. Hangover music. Simple and soothing. Mozart Piano Concerto 1,
second movement. Enjoy.
Second project: Comments on (2) below: Forked! Muddy waters! Deep psychological Doo-doo. Worse than current oil-infested gulf waters! Bathe at your own risk! Even the Dolly Lama may have taken exception, as he appeared on Today for the first time yesterday. (But I am delusional, of course.) I like the Dolly Lama's willingness to update Buddhism in keeping with modern brain science. But has The Dolly ever done LSD? All the world wants to know. 'Science' has yet to describe an LSD Trip in the simplest terms. I have done so. Would The Dolly agree?
And then there is 'Existentialism.' So sad! So sad to discover that The Jewish Monster your dumbass mother believed in and taught you to 'pray' to, doesn't really exist: Angst. Despair. Absurdity. Alienation.
Rat fuck! My reading of Existentialism is that it is not so much Philosophy as Psychology. Another way of putting it is that Existentialism is left-brain thinking mixed with too much right-brain thinking. (Raw Logic, marinated in Emotional Sauces.) And I have done a little reading of the subject: The Myth of Sisyphus, for example. I liked it. I also read The Outsider. I liked that too. Both books no doubt infiltrated my subdural environment to some extent, although I could not today describe any of the main themes except in the obvious case of Sisyphus rolling a rock up a hill. The subject infiltrated me at the time, filling some or other void. I soaked it up.
But I never 'became an Existentialist.' There was too much else to consider.
TGIF again as I attempt to resynch booze/blog night with the approaching weekend. Last week's effort was certainly premature, and the result was a severe hangover. Even the next day was somewhat hungover. So the current plan is for a short night.
Kootch is pretty much back to normal. So was I until I downed a shot of Canadian Mist and Diet Pepsi. Designed to make my (totally forgotten) blog psychologically pleasant rereading, the booze worked. But the reread generated the need for more... booze... you know how that goes... So I'm back, buzzing.
First project tonight is music. Hangover music. Simple and soothing. Mozart Piano Concerto 1,
second movement. Enjoy.
Second project: Comments on (2) below: Forked! Muddy waters! Deep psychological Doo-doo. Worse than current oil-infested gulf waters! Bathe at your own risk! Even the Dolly Lama may have taken exception, as he appeared on Today for the first time yesterday. (But I am delusional, of course.) I like the Dolly Lama's willingness to update Buddhism in keeping with modern brain science. But has The Dolly ever done LSD? All the world wants to know. 'Science' has yet to describe an LSD Trip in the simplest terms. I have done so. Would The Dolly agree?
And then there is 'Existentialism.' So sad! So sad to discover that The Jewish Monster your dumbass mother believed in and taught you to 'pray' to, doesn't really exist: Angst. Despair. Absurdity. Alienation.
Rat fuck! My reading of Existentialism is that it is not so much Philosophy as Psychology. Another way of putting it is that Existentialism is left-brain thinking mixed with too much right-brain thinking. (Raw Logic, marinated in Emotional Sauces.) And I have done a little reading of the subject: The Myth of Sisyphus, for example. I liked it. I also read The Outsider. I liked that too. Both books no doubt infiltrated my subdural environment to some extent, although I could not today describe any of the main themes except in the obvious case of Sisyphus rolling a rock up a hill. The subject infiltrated me at the time, filling some or other void. I soaked it up.
But I never 'became an Existentialist.' There was too much else to consider.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sex, etc...
Sitting here. Remembering. 'Below the belt' seems totally normal. Kootch is asleep. I retract my abdominal musculature, feeling the result: my bladder is about 20 percent full. Hmm! I'll keep track of that important information! I write my blog. I realize that I will have to pee in the very near future, but not quite yet!
I dial 666 on The Brown Telephone. The Jewish god WHTZSNM answers immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Must wee, must wee, must wee, wee, wee!
gd: Huh?
me I just peed in my pants, intent on drowning Your Dumb Jewish Ass. Didn't work.
gd: Aww... What is the purpose of this call?
me Sex. Pussy. Penis.
gd: I am not familiar with those terms...
me: Not surprising.
gd: (hangs up)
Sitting here. Remembering. 'Below the belt' seems totally normal. Kootch is asleep. I retract my abdominal musculature, feeling the result: my bladder is about 20 percent full. Hmm! I'll keep track of that important information! I write my blog. I realize that I will have to pee in the very near future, but not quite yet!
I dial 666 on The Brown Telephone. The Jewish god WHTZSNM answers immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Must wee, must wee, must wee, wee, wee!
gd: Huh?
me I just peed in my pants, intent on drowning Your Dumb Jewish Ass. Didn't work.
gd: Aww... What is the purpose of this call?
me Sex. Pussy. Penis.
gd: I am not familiar with those terms...
me: Not surprising.
gd: (hangs up)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Truth is Abrasive.
'Truth' works against you! Really! The reason for that is that 'the truth is abrasive' whereas 'the lie' - on the other hand - is a smooth, pleasant experience.
Not so!
'Reality' is complex. The result is that The Abrasive Truth - (I am peeing in my pants as I write this) - is a significant indicator of 'reality.'
I pee. You pee.
He, she, it, pees.
We pee. You pee. They pee.
English 101.
'Truth' works against you! Really! The reason for that is that 'the truth is abrasive' whereas 'the lie' - on the other hand - is a smooth, pleasant experience.
Not so!
'Reality' is complex. The result is that The Abrasive Truth - (I am peeing in my pants as I write this) - is a significant indicator of 'reality.'
I pee. You pee.
He, she, it, pees.
We pee. You pee. They pee.
English 101.
God is Numb
You eventually discovered my blog. You love my blog and you read it every week.
Fine. Time now to get serious concerning Jewish attempts to dominate America: Jews want to dominate America. Why? We don't know why because we are not Jewish. We can only speculate.
Our attention in that regard begins with The American Penis. American Jews have traditionally mutilated all penises available, Jew and Not-Jew. Normal 'interpretations' of that attitude would tend toward the explanation that either:
a) Jew equals sexual mutilation...
b) Jew equals numbness.
c) Jew equals simplicity.
My personal opinion is that a) and b) and c) are true, and that 'Jew equals numbness' is the most recent example: Jews are numb below the belt! God loves numbness. God is numb.
Therefore Jews are numb.
You eventually discovered my blog. You love my blog and you read it every week.
Fine. Time now to get serious concerning Jewish attempts to dominate America: Jews want to dominate America. Why? We don't know why because we are not Jewish. We can only speculate.
Our attention in that regard begins with The American Penis. American Jews have traditionally mutilated all penises available, Jew and Not-Jew. Normal 'interpretations' of that attitude would tend toward the explanation that either:
a) Jew equals sexual mutilation...
b) Jew equals numbness.
c) Jew equals simplicity.
My personal opinion is that a) and b) and c) are true, and that 'Jew equals numbness' is the most recent example: Jews are numb below the belt! God loves numbness. God is numb.
Therefore Jews are numb.
What I take away from that is that we love gods of the opposite sex. This is only natural unless we are homosexual, in which case we love gods of the same sex. In any case we fantasize sexually concerning our 'gods,' but those fantasies remain 'sub-dural.' We fail to discern the sub-cortical implications of our fantasies because we fail to acknowlege those fantasies which seem to conflict with our ideas of Self.
This brings us to the ancient idea of Male Superiority.
Which idea springs from the obvious superiority of comparative Male Strength. Previously, Female Superiority ruled the ancient religious world because ''The Female' was the obvious 'pathway' to existence.' Males were strong but males could not reproduce. All gods were female. This changed.
God became male. Ouch. Bad idea.
Females became accessories. The female role in human generation was downplayed and ignored.
God created The Universe.
God was male.
God's mother was female.
The Male Version of Creation prevailed. It was myth. The myth seeped down, generationwise.
Your mother eventually spoke that myth to you while you were still six years old. You believed her because whatever she said was not unbelievable. You carried that myth with you until you realized that you had thoughts which conflicted with your inherited information.
You 'exhumed' all 'knowlege' as you enjoyed fundamental sensations minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, as you did LSD. You doubted. You had arrived.
What I take away from that is that we love gods of the opposite sex. This is only natural unless we are homosexual, in which case we love gods of the same sex. In any case we fantasize sexually concerning our 'gods,' but those fantasies remain 'sub-dural.' We fail to discern the sub-cortical implications of our fantasies because we fail to acknowlege those fantasies which seem to conflict with our ideas of Self.
This brings us to the ancient idea of Male Superiority.
Which idea springs from the obvious superiority of comparative Male Strength. Previously, Female Superiority ruled the ancient religious world because ''The Female' was the obvious 'pathway' to existence.' Males were strong but males could not reproduce. All gods were female. This changed.
God became male. Ouch. Bad idea.
Females became accessories. The female role in human generation was downplayed and ignored.
God created The Universe.
God was male.
God's mother was female.
The Male Version of Creation prevailed. It was myth. The myth seeped down, generationwise.
Your mother eventually spoke that myth to you while you were still six years old. You believed her because whatever she said was not unbelievable. You carried that myth with you until you realized that you had thoughts which conflicted with your inherited information.
You 'exhumed' all 'knowlege' as you enjoyed fundamental sensations minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, as you did LSD. You doubted. You had arrived.
Kootch and I just did a Millionaire together. Missed the Evening News pretty much, but I have most of it on TiVo. Buzzing. Gonna be a short night. Lemme check my 'to do' files... Whoa!
'Titter Ye Not' is a very recent acquisition. Jews are so dumb! But you knew that.
Dalai Lama discusses the problem of cause/effect in human psychology with talented Western mystic/reporter Richard Davidson. Both completely miss the point.
More to the point is this report of cause/effect relationships: Letting go of gods... is interesting from the point of view of 2oth Century Religion/Philosophy. I liked the 'Father Gomer' video because of it's references to modern 'Existentialism.' The good father is typically naive in his description of that philosophy. PZ Myers is appropriately outraged. As I watched the video I got the impression of a male homosexual priest whose sexual fantasies involved a male god. I conjectured that his deep subconscious fantasies involved God fucking him up his ass, and him sucking God's penis: He thus became God's consort in the manner of Yin-Yang, those fantasies lying far below his everyday awareness.
I presume that the same (more or less) kinds of fantasies affect female homosexuals who join the Catholic Sisterhood. I read somewhere that in the case of female sexual/god/devil fantasies, some women fantisized that being Fucked by The Devil involved a special forked organ that He inserted both vaginally and anally simultaneously.
It is difficult to believe that those men and women are (were) actually aware of those sub-conscious fantasies. But maybe they are.
Kootch and I just did a Millionaire together. Missed the Evening News pretty much, but I have most of it on TiVo. Buzzing. Gonna be a short night. Lemme check my 'to do' files... Whoa!
'Titter Ye Not' is a very recent acquisition. Jews are so dumb! But you knew that.
Dalai Lama discusses the problem of cause/effect in human psychology with talented Western mystic/reporter Richard Davidson. Both completely miss the point.
More to the point is this report of cause/effect relationships: Letting go of gods... is interesting from the point of view of 2oth Century Religion/Philosophy. I liked the 'Father Gomer' video because of it's references to modern 'Existentialism.' The good father is typically naive in his description of that philosophy. PZ Myers is appropriately outraged. As I watched the video I got the impression of a male homosexual priest whose sexual fantasies involved a male god. I conjectured that his deep subconscious fantasies involved God fucking him up his ass, and him sucking God's penis: He thus became God's consort in the manner of Yin-Yang, those fantasies lying far below his everyday awareness.
I presume that the same (more or less) kinds of fantasies affect female homosexuals who join the Catholic Sisterhood. I read somewhere that in the case of female sexual/god/devil fantasies, some women fantisized that being Fucked by The Devil involved a special forked organ that He inserted both vaginally and anally simultaneously.
It is difficult to believe that those men and women are (were) actually aware of those sub-conscious fantasies. But maybe they are.
I Live in a World Full of Idiots
Monday is a bit early to be resuming this blog, but I sort of bushwhacked myself with a couple of Natural lights on an empty stomach 'for blog-reading purposes' (I prefer to read my last blog entries slightly buzzed instead of cold sober). I can usually resist the urge to continue to the booze/blog stage, but not today. Darn.
The result, of course, is that I'm not quite as prepared as I would like to be. On the other hand, there is something to be said for 'spontaneity.' Photos, for example, will be delayed 'til next week, but current 'thoughts' will substitute. Sip. Finished beer #3 @ 1604L.
First current thought: As I watched 60 Minutes (live) last night I was 'transfixed' by the description of the disaster on the Deepwater Horizon. I sat down to watch. When the survivor, Mike Williams, was describing the explosions aboard the drilling platform, he used the expression, '...take your vision away' (among others) to describe the explosive violence. At that point there was a tap above and to my left, followed by a similar tap above and to my right. There was also a similar reaction from above yesterday as I watched the TiVo replay. (tap) This sort of thing is very typical (Kootch just brought me beer #5 - Sip), happening almost daily. It also has a long history beginning in the early '90s. Back in those days it was much more violent: a loud stomp from above. In my Drog I called those stomps, VSDTs (Very Subtle Death Threats). I should probably have used the term, Obvious Death Threats (ODTs). Nowadays the VSDT label seems to be more applicable. But what fascinated me most about this particular incident was its specificity: 'take away your vision' (tap) is a very specific threat (boom). And they are doing that! My vision continues to deteriorate rapidly, the most recent reminder being my difficulty in reading the Kaiser Permanente 'Prescriptions Ready' board today at the pharmacy. Last month that display was much more readable, normal even.
I would report all this to the folks at Kaiser Permanente (tap); I would also (of course) report all this to the ACSD. But my experience with all those folks tells me that it would be a waste of time: they are all biological machines which have been pre-programmed to ignore my cries for help.(tap). I live in a world full of biological machines. The difference between you and me is that I know it and you don't know it.
Acquinas: 'Every agent acts for an end.'
Aristotle: 'All causes are beginnings.'
Modern Philosophy: 'Effects result from causes.'
Me: 'I live in a world full of idiots.'
Monday is a bit early to be resuming this blog, but I sort of bushwhacked myself with a couple of Natural lights on an empty stomach 'for blog-reading purposes' (I prefer to read my last blog entries slightly buzzed instead of cold sober). I can usually resist the urge to continue to the booze/blog stage, but not today. Darn.
The result, of course, is that I'm not quite as prepared as I would like to be. On the other hand, there is something to be said for 'spontaneity.' Photos, for example, will be delayed 'til next week, but current 'thoughts' will substitute. Sip. Finished beer #3 @ 1604L.
First current thought: As I watched 60 Minutes (live) last night I was 'transfixed' by the description of the disaster on the Deepwater Horizon. I sat down to watch. When the survivor, Mike Williams, was describing the explosions aboard the drilling platform, he used the expression, '...take your vision away' (among others) to describe the explosive violence. At that point there was a tap above and to my left, followed by a similar tap above and to my right. There was also a similar reaction from above yesterday as I watched the TiVo replay. (tap) This sort of thing is very typical (Kootch just brought me beer #5 - Sip), happening almost daily. It also has a long history beginning in the early '90s. Back in those days it was much more violent: a loud stomp from above. In my Drog I called those stomps, VSDTs (Very Subtle Death Threats). I should probably have used the term, Obvious Death Threats (ODTs). Nowadays the VSDT label seems to be more applicable. But what fascinated me most about this particular incident was its specificity: 'take away your vision' (tap) is a very specific threat (boom). And they are doing that! My vision continues to deteriorate rapidly, the most recent reminder being my difficulty in reading the Kaiser Permanente 'Prescriptions Ready' board today at the pharmacy. Last month that display was much more readable, normal even.
I would report all this to the folks at Kaiser Permanente (tap); I would also (of course) report all this to the ACSD. But my experience with all those folks tells me that it would be a waste of time: they are all biological machines which have been pre-programmed to ignore my cries for help.(tap). I live in a world full of biological machines. The difference between you and me is that I know it and you don't know it.
Acquinas: 'Every agent acts for an end.'
Aristotle: 'All causes are beginnings.'
Modern Philosophy: 'Effects result from causes.'
Me: 'I live in a world full of idiots.'
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Beautiful Veil of Femininity

Time to wrap this up with a visual. Kootch is asleep. We are alone. Enjoy. What I love most about this image is not only her body but her panty. Awsome! The Dumbass Muslims don't understand that The Woman's most sexual attributes are located between her waist and her thighs, not above her sholders. The result is that they (Kootch just walked by at 0004L and waved to me) seek to hide the wrong parts behind clothing.
The Biological Machine
Pussies. We all love pussies.
Penises. We all love penises too.
Reason? Each one of us has either one or the other, and we all love both.
And furthermore we all desire to become involved with one or the other, sexually.
So what is the problem? Why do we mutilate our children sexually? What is the point of that?
The answer, of course, is 'social:'
We mutilate our children in order to 'please our next door neighbor!' (I shit you not!)
(Gas as I wrote that: RLG. About 8 coughs. Nasal dripping. Hmm.)
I frame that explanation in the broadest possible terms: our existing social connections trump the sudden appearance of a new member within our own family. The new family member has no social standing, and therefore suffers socially (physically in this case).
What we have here is the expression of 'biological mechanicality' where the Biological Machine performs according to the rules of Biological Cause and Effect, in this case, Socially.
Thus parents can mutilate their children in the interests of social solidarity. And they do that. The result is traditional sexual mutilation over hundreds and thousands of years.
Pussies. We all love pussies.
Penises. We all love penises too.
Reason? Each one of us has either one or the other, and we all love both.
And furthermore we all desire to become involved with one or the other, sexually.
So what is the problem? Why do we mutilate our children sexually? What is the point of that?
The answer, of course, is 'social:'
We mutilate our children in order to 'please our next door neighbor!' (I shit you not!)
(Gas as I wrote that: RLG. About 8 coughs. Nasal dripping. Hmm.)
I frame that explanation in the broadest possible terms: our existing social connections trump the sudden appearance of a new member within our own family. The new family member has no social standing, and therefore suffers socially (physically in this case).
What we have here is the expression of 'biological mechanicality' where the Biological Machine performs according to the rules of Biological Cause and Effect, in this case, Socially.
Thus parents can mutilate their children in the interests of social solidarity. And they do that. The result is traditional sexual mutilation over hundreds and thousands of years.
The Very Jewish AAP.
I just opened Kootch's door at 2012L The room was dark. I whispered softly, 'Still awake?' No reply. I carefully closed the door.
More next week concerning Kootch's most recent visit with her other family in Japan.
Meanwhile I have beers left. Hmm. (Sip.)
The 'Bio-Ethics Committee' of the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has 'caved in' to the (mostly Muslim) cultural need to 'carve up' female genitalia. The AAP suggests 'nicking' those newborn pussies (tap) instead of excising large parts of them, presumably in order to 'please the powers that be.' The reason given is that this will give dumbass Muslims an alternative to leaving the country with their newborn females for the purpose of mutilating those newborn pussies in the traditional manner. This is reminiscent of the Jewish practice of allowing reluctant Christians and others who might wish to convert to Judaism to forego total foreskin amputation in favor of a small genital cut which produces only a drop of blood. Very Jewish. The AAP is very Jewish.
Does that surprise you?
I just opened Kootch's door at 2012L The room was dark. I whispered softly, 'Still awake?' No reply. I carefully closed the door.
More next week concerning Kootch's most recent visit with her other family in Japan.
Meanwhile I have beers left. Hmm. (Sip.)
The 'Bio-Ethics Committee' of the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has 'caved in' to the (mostly Muslim) cultural need to 'carve up' female genitalia. The AAP suggests 'nicking' those newborn pussies (tap) instead of excising large parts of them, presumably in order to 'please the powers that be.' The reason given is that this will give dumbass Muslims an alternative to leaving the country with their newborn females for the purpose of mutilating those newborn pussies in the traditional manner. This is reminiscent of the Jewish practice of allowing reluctant Christians and others who might wish to convert to Judaism to forego total foreskin amputation in favor of a small genital cut which produces only a drop of blood. Very Jewish. The AAP is very Jewish.
Does that surprise you?
Pleasantville. The Movie.
I just finished interacting with Kootch concerning the movie, Pleasantville, which surfaced on cable recently. I had recorded it on DVD, and Kootch had not seen it. So I gave the DVD to Kootch to watch, and we just checked it out together to see if it would play. It played, and she will watch it at her leisure. I did not tell her that it was this movie which prompted God to 'create' The Universe, because I didn't think she would 'get it' the way Jews or Christians would 'get it.' Nevertheless, the movie is profoundly 'spiritual' and I am sure she will 'get it' in that sense. The movie is unique in that it links sex and spirituality in a fundamental way.
I used this movie to introduce my version of The Creation into the Blog World.
Kootch just advised me that she was 'hitting the sack' at around 1950L
We are alone now... you and me...
I just finished interacting with Kootch concerning the movie, Pleasantville, which surfaced on cable recently. I had recorded it on DVD, and Kootch had not seen it. So I gave the DVD to Kootch to watch, and we just checked it out together to see if it would play. It played, and she will watch it at her leisure. I did not tell her that it was this movie which prompted God to 'create' The Universe, because I didn't think she would 'get it' the way Jews or Christians would 'get it.' Nevertheless, the movie is profoundly 'spiritual' and I am sure she will 'get it' in that sense. The movie is unique in that it links sex and spirituality in a fundamental way.
I used this movie to introduce my version of The Creation into the Blog World.
Kootch just advised me that she was 'hitting the sack' at around 1950L
We are alone now... you and me...
The Tokyo High. The Denver Low.
Kootch always benefits altitude-wise when she visits Japan every year, and always suffers on her return to Mile High Denver (stomp above me). We both noticed this 'altitude effect' as soon as we arrived in Denver back in 666 (June 1966). So I am very aware of what she goes through every year. It will take her about two weeks to re-adjust her red blood cell count to the Denver altitude. She enjoys an exhilarating three weeks in Japan every year as compensation, due in part to her excess red blood cell count which contributes to a generalized need for 2 - 4 hours less sleep every night.
Interestingly, she tells me that she and her (slightly younger) sister often watch Japanese TV together but that she remembers very little of the experience because she and her sister are almost constantly talking with each other. Both their brothers have passed away and they are the only remaining siblings.
I remain in Denver for obvious reasons, enjoying my aloneness as best I can.
Kootch always benefits altitude-wise when she visits Japan every year, and always suffers on her return to Mile High Denver (stomp above me). We both noticed this 'altitude effect' as soon as we arrived in Denver back in 666 (June 1966). So I am very aware of what she goes through every year. It will take her about two weeks to re-adjust her red blood cell count to the Denver altitude. She enjoys an exhilarating three weeks in Japan every year as compensation, due in part to her excess red blood cell count which contributes to a generalized need for 2 - 4 hours less sleep every night.
Interestingly, she tells me that she and her (slightly younger) sister often watch Japanese TV together but that she remembers very little of the experience because she and her sister are almost constantly talking with each other. Both their brothers have passed away and they are the only remaining siblings.
I remain in Denver for obvious reasons, enjoying my aloneness as best I can.
All is Well.
I had prepared for her return modestly, by cleaning up the kitchen a bit, expecially the ricemaker. I had also prepared two possible meals: (1) Leftover fried salmon (half of which I ate the previous evening), and (2) Kootch's Special Pasta Sauce for rice or noodles. (3) Rice, no noodles. Kootch wasn't hungry so I ended up eating the fish with rice as we watched Millionaire. Tonight's supper (for me) will be rice and pasta sauce; Kootch had some rice, beans, and anchovies, part of her 'haul' from Japan. I have photos and anecdotes for next week.
So my life is 'normal' again! Whew. Time for The News... nothing much new... back to the blog.
For the record I'm mixing leftover Natural Light with (newbought today) Coors Light. There is actually a slight difference in taste, noticed immediately when I transitioned from 12 ounce Natural to 24 ounce Coors. But at the moment I could not tell the difference. Kootch just informed me that the 'probiotic yogurt' I bought for her today is 'Raspberry. Makes me shiver.' I'll buy her previous choice next time. All is well.
I had prepared for her return modestly, by cleaning up the kitchen a bit, expecially the ricemaker. I had also prepared two possible meals: (1) Leftover fried salmon (half of which I ate the previous evening), and (2) Kootch's Special Pasta Sauce for rice or noodles. (3) Rice, no noodles. Kootch wasn't hungry so I ended up eating the fish with rice as we watched Millionaire. Tonight's supper (for me) will be rice and pasta sauce; Kootch had some rice, beans, and anchovies, part of her 'haul' from Japan. I have photos and anecdotes for next week.
So my life is 'normal' again! Whew. Time for The News... nothing much new... back to the blog.
For the record I'm mixing leftover Natural Light with (newbought today) Coors Light. There is actually a slight difference in taste, noticed immediately when I transitioned from 12 ounce Natural to 24 ounce Coors. But at the moment I could not tell the difference. Kootch just informed me that the 'probiotic yogurt' I bought for her today is 'Raspberry. Makes me shiver.' I'll buy her previous choice next time. All is well.
Kootch returned from her vacation in Tokyo yesterday, right on schedule. Whew! I had been checking the patio window fairly often (every ten minutes or so) and when I saw the strange commercial van I knew instantly that it was her. I stepped out on the patio just as the driver wheeled her second (and last) piece of luggage toward her. He was smiling. It was obvious that he liked her. I could see her standing there after I opened the door and walked out. She looked up at me. I smiled at her and waved. she smiled and motioned for me to come down and help her with the luggage. I took pleasure in demonstrating that I could still carry her large (50 pound) cargo up the stairs.
(Kootch just barged in wearing her new (Tokyo-bought) 'jeans.' They are actually stretch pants designed to look like jeans with no zipper. I humored her with a photo and a pat on the butt. (I'm taking various photos of her trip this time beginning with her departure. I'll publish a few next week.) I must say that she still looks pretty sexy for a 76 year-old!)
It's really great to have her back! Whew.
Kootch returned from her vacation in Tokyo yesterday, right on schedule. Whew! I had been checking the patio window fairly often (every ten minutes or so) and when I saw the strange commercial van I knew instantly that it was her. I stepped out on the patio just as the driver wheeled her second (and last) piece of luggage toward her. He was smiling. It was obvious that he liked her. I could see her standing there after I opened the door and walked out. She looked up at me. I smiled at her and waved. she smiled and motioned for me to come down and help her with the luggage. I took pleasure in demonstrating that I could still carry her large (50 pound) cargo up the stairs.
(Kootch just barged in wearing her new (Tokyo-bought) 'jeans.' They are actually stretch pants designed to look like jeans with no zipper. I humored her with a photo and a pat on the butt. (I'm taking various photos of her trip this time beginning with her departure. I'll publish a few next week.) I must say that she still looks pretty sexy for a 76 year-old!)
It's really great to have her back! Whew.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
The Simple Path
Utilitarian? Maybe. Maybe not. But most of us wish that our decisions will 'Increase The Good.'
Hmm. How have I deviated from my 'rules' tonight? Hmm...
Clearly this series of posts has focused on a single idea: 'Enlightenment Through Chemistry.' Nothing wrong with that. There may be no other simple path! Indeed, Chemistry seems to be The Way, The Truth, and The Light. (could not contact Blogger) Chemistry may be the 'short cut' which will save us all. Viva Chemistry!
By 'chemistry' I mean 'brain chemistry' of course. Traditional brain chemistry takes thousands of years to produce results: Jesus. Buddah. Long time. Slow results.
Modern chemistry has changed all that. No longer does an elegant social idea need to rely on the plodding chemistry of genetic changes or social processes. We do not need to wait for the next Jesus or the next Buddah! We can do our own personal chemical experiments! We can simplify!
Our culture is awakening to that realization.
Utilitarian? Maybe. Maybe not. But most of us wish that our decisions will 'Increase The Good.'
Hmm. How have I deviated from my 'rules' tonight? Hmm...
Clearly this series of posts has focused on a single idea: 'Enlightenment Through Chemistry.' Nothing wrong with that. There may be no other simple path! Indeed, Chemistry seems to be The Way, The Truth, and The Light. (could not contact Blogger) Chemistry may be the 'short cut' which will save us all. Viva Chemistry!
By 'chemistry' I mean 'brain chemistry' of course. Traditional brain chemistry takes thousands of years to produce results: Jesus. Buddah. Long time. Slow results.
Modern chemistry has changed all that. No longer does an elegant social idea need to rely on the plodding chemistry of genetic changes or social processes. We do not need to wait for the next Jesus or the next Buddah! We can do our own personal chemical experiments! We can simplify!
Our culture is awakening to that realization.
Oh Thank You God!
Which brings us to stage 3, 'reassembly.' This is the mystical stage. This is the most valuable stage. This stage will 'enlighten you.'
After about four hours or so, your body will have 'metabolized' that dose of LSD. Your Central Nervous System will no longer be subjected to the effects of that drug. The result will be that your CNS will begin the rebuilding process spontaneously. As the drug disappears your CNS will begin to assume its traditional structure. Your mind will follow suit because your brain generates your mind. You will remember: 'Acid Trip! I am on an Acid Trip! Oh thank you god!'
Having established that fundamental point of reference your brain (mind) will witness its reassembly in awe. Religious awe.
Entoptic phenomen will decrease significantly. Social capabilities will reappear. Euphoria will be an accomplice to pleasure as you become you again. Right angles will become right angles again. The World will morph into its previous state, more or less, but the colors of the world will seem to be much more intense. That effect will never leave you. Never. Furthermore your 'understanding' of 'your world' will have changed: You will 'understand' your world in a different way forever.
The seed of enlightenment has entered you. Your belly is swelling. It is blossoming inside you.
Most valuable of all, you will be able to see The Others as the beautiful beings they really are.
Which brings us to stage 3, 'reassembly.' This is the mystical stage. This is the most valuable stage. This stage will 'enlighten you.'
After about four hours or so, your body will have 'metabolized' that dose of LSD. Your Central Nervous System will no longer be subjected to the effects of that drug. The result will be that your CNS will begin the rebuilding process spontaneously. As the drug disappears your CNS will begin to assume its traditional structure. Your mind will follow suit because your brain generates your mind. You will remember: 'Acid Trip! I am on an Acid Trip! Oh thank you god!'
Having established that fundamental point of reference your brain (mind) will witness its reassembly in awe. Religious awe.
Entoptic phenomen will decrease significantly. Social capabilities will reappear. Euphoria will be an accomplice to pleasure as you become you again. Right angles will become right angles again. The World will morph into its previous state, more or less, but the colors of the world will seem to be much more intense. That effect will never leave you. Never. Furthermore your 'understanding' of 'your world' will have changed: You will 'understand' your world in a different way forever.
The seed of enlightenment has entered you. Your belly is swelling. It is blossoming inside you.
Most valuable of all, you will be able to see The Others as the beautiful beings they really are.
The Ultimate Nadir
So far as I can remember, I am the only one who 'pushed the envelope' dosewise. The kids were content to do a single dose. They loved doing Acid in our family environment, and I used the opportunity to advise them about other drugs: Never do injectable drugs. Never do snortable drugs. Indeed, do only Booze, THC and LSD. ('Legality' never entered the argument.)
Which brings us to stage 2: Chaos. There is no more convincing argument that 'brain generates mind.' LSD will convince even the most obtuse religious dumbass that the brain produces the mind, and that 'the soul' is imaginary and produces nothing.
'Chaos' is indescribable except that it is very undesirable. Nothing 'makes sense.' 'You disappear.' A few minutes of Chaos is very, very, beneficial to the neophyte who needs to discern the ultimate nadir. Chaos is the ultimate nadir.
So far as I can remember, I am the only one who 'pushed the envelope' dosewise. The kids were content to do a single dose. They loved doing Acid in our family environment, and I used the opportunity to advise them about other drugs: Never do injectable drugs. Never do snortable drugs. Indeed, do only Booze, THC and LSD. ('Legality' never entered the argument.)
Which brings us to stage 2: Chaos. There is no more convincing argument that 'brain generates mind.' LSD will convince even the most obtuse religious dumbass that the brain produces the mind, and that 'the soul' is imaginary and produces nothing.
'Chaos' is indescribable except that it is very undesirable. Nothing 'makes sense.' 'You disappear.' A few minutes of Chaos is very, very, beneficial to the neophyte who needs to discern the ultimate nadir. Chaos is the ultimate nadir.
A Sea of Sensuality
'Disassembly' eventually progressed to the point where our 'social capabilities' deteriorated. We then went our separate ways. Kootch and the kids went into the FR where they could all watch TV together. I went into the LR where I could relax on the couch and listen to Beethoven's symphony number six through earphones. I would be very aware at this point of how 'crooked' my world had become: angles didn't add up. Familiar views seemed somehow strange. I put on the earphones and listened to Beethoven's Symphony Number Six. I closed my eyes. Awesome!!
As the music entered my brain it affected my visual system entoptically. Music provoked optical response. Beethoven became not only an auditory experience but a visual experience. The music generated glorious rivers of the most intense color, flowing, changing, synchronizing with the music. Synthesia! I was 'seeing' Beethoven's music! Gloriously beautiful!
I was beyond 'social capability' at this point, and so were the kids. Kootch alone remained competent as we all disassembled in 'a sea of sensuality.'
'Disassembly' eventually progressed to the point where our 'social capabilities' deteriorated. We then went our separate ways. Kootch and the kids went into the FR where they could all watch TV together. I went into the LR where I could relax on the couch and listen to Beethoven's symphony number six through earphones. I would be very aware at this point of how 'crooked' my world had become: angles didn't add up. Familiar views seemed somehow strange. I put on the earphones and listened to Beethoven's Symphony Number Six. I closed my eyes. Awesome!!
As the music entered my brain it affected my visual system entoptically. Music provoked optical response. Beethoven became not only an auditory experience but a visual experience. The music generated glorious rivers of the most intense color, flowing, changing, synchronizing with the music. Synthesia! I was 'seeing' Beethoven's music! Gloriously beautiful!
I was beyond 'social capability' at this point, and so were the kids. Kootch alone remained competent as we all disassembled in 'a sea of sensuality.'
Stage One: Disassembly
'The edge' is stage 2, of course. You need to experience it at least once, but you don't want to stay there for long.
Chaos is not describable, but I can describe stage one. Druggies call it, 'going up.' I call it, 'disassembly.'
We always did Acid on an empty stomach for some reason. I suppose it was because of my experience that booze had more 'punch' on an empty stomach. No doubt, doing Acid after eating would slow the process considerably. Would that make the experience more or less interesting? Hmm. My guess is less, but not much less.
'Disassembly' begins with the feeling that 'something isn't quite right.' It is a vague, uncomfortable feeling. The feeling intensifies. Concurrently there is a need to take deep breaths. This is soon followed by a 'buzz' not unlike a booze buzz. The uncomfortable feeling disappears as the buzz intensifies to the point that it exceeds the booze buzz and enters a stage which I can only describe as 'sensual.' Booze never got that far. I felt not only buzzed but extremely sensual. I loved. I went to our bedroom and changed into my pink nylon panties (under my clothes, of course). I returned to the others (Kathy, Jenny, and Mark tripping with me, and Kootch, our 'babysitter.') We interacted, exchanging information concerning our experiences, which were very similar. Kootch was our 'guide' in some sense although she had never done LSD. She was our anchor back in the 'real world.' As our normal neuronal configurations disintegrated she was available. For a while we had fun together, waving our arms in the air, generating 'trails' as the drug's effects caused a kind of visual persistence. We laughed a lot together. We even got down on the floor on one occasion as I interacted with our Austrian Shepard, Bee Bee. We all crawled around on the floor 'in Bee Bee's world.' Bee Bee loved it as he walked around with us.
'The edge' is stage 2, of course. You need to experience it at least once, but you don't want to stay there for long.
Chaos is not describable, but I can describe stage one. Druggies call it, 'going up.' I call it, 'disassembly.'
We always did Acid on an empty stomach for some reason. I suppose it was because of my experience that booze had more 'punch' on an empty stomach. No doubt, doing Acid after eating would slow the process considerably. Would that make the experience more or less interesting? Hmm. My guess is less, but not much less.
'Disassembly' begins with the feeling that 'something isn't quite right.' It is a vague, uncomfortable feeling. The feeling intensifies. Concurrently there is a need to take deep breaths. This is soon followed by a 'buzz' not unlike a booze buzz. The uncomfortable feeling disappears as the buzz intensifies to the point that it exceeds the booze buzz and enters a stage which I can only describe as 'sensual.' Booze never got that far. I felt not only buzzed but extremely sensual. I loved. I went to our bedroom and changed into my pink nylon panties (under my clothes, of course). I returned to the others (Kathy, Jenny, and Mark tripping with me, and Kootch, our 'babysitter.') We interacted, exchanging information concerning our experiences, which were very similar. Kootch was our 'guide' in some sense although she had never done LSD. She was our anchor back in the 'real world.' As our normal neuronal configurations disintegrated she was available. For a while we had fun together, waving our arms in the air, generating 'trails' as the drug's effects caused a kind of visual persistence. We laughed a lot together. We even got down on the floor on one occasion as I interacted with our Austrian Shepard, Bee Bee. We all crawled around on the floor 'in Bee Bee's world.' Bee Bee loved it as he walked around with us.
The Stages Enlightenment
An LSD Trip has at least two, and sometimes three stages depending on dosage. Stage one is properly called the intoxication stage. Stage three is properly called the recovery stage. Stage two (if any) is properly called the chaos stage. (These 'stages' are my way of describing the LSD trip and are in no way 'official'.) Another way of describing the stages of an LSD trip is, 'going up, peaking, and coming down.'
The 'going up' stage is fun. The 'coming down' stage is fun. The peaking stage... not so fun. For simplicity's sake we can call these stages 1, 2, 3. You want to experience stage 2, but you do not want to spend a lot of time there. Five minutes or ten minutes of stage 2 is enough - perfect, in fact. One hour of stage 2 is horrific. Depending on dosage, stage 1 lasts approximately 3 hours; stage 3 lasts approximately 8 hours, but continues in small ways for at least several weeks.
But 'going up' and 'coming down' are 'druggie terms.' A more scientific description would be, 'disassembly' and 'reassembly.'
Most of you, my readers, are stuck in stage 0. You need to escape from there. I wish you success in that regard.
An LSD Trip has at least two, and sometimes three stages depending on dosage. Stage one is properly called the intoxication stage. Stage three is properly called the recovery stage. Stage two (if any) is properly called the chaos stage. (These 'stages' are my way of describing the LSD trip and are in no way 'official'.) Another way of describing the stages of an LSD trip is, 'going up, peaking, and coming down.'
The 'going up' stage is fun. The 'coming down' stage is fun. The peaking stage... not so fun. For simplicity's sake we can call these stages 1, 2, 3. You want to experience stage 2, but you do not want to spend a lot of time there. Five minutes or ten minutes of stage 2 is enough - perfect, in fact. One hour of stage 2 is horrific. Depending on dosage, stage 1 lasts approximately 3 hours; stage 3 lasts approximately 8 hours, but continues in small ways for at least several weeks.
But 'going up' and 'coming down' are 'druggie terms.' A more scientific description would be, 'disassembly' and 'reassembly.'
Most of you, my readers, are stuck in stage 0. You need to escape from there. I wish you success in that regard.
Finding the Edge
Been reviewing last week's 'list,' re-reading b). I love it that the Federal Government has adopted a more liberal attitude toward the study of 'hallucinogens' because my experiences with LSD were among my most valuable experiences. Psilocybin (not LSD) was the drug of choice in this particular study, but since both drugs are 'hallucinogens' they are said to produce similar effects. I did try something called 'shrooms' before my LSD experiences, but it must have been a very mild dose because after ingesting the stuff I was able to drive us all to see the movie Star Wars. The effects began during the movie and lasted for several hours. I drove us all home in a state of euphoria. If the stuff was indeed 'mushrooms' then the drug was indeed Psilocybin. I can make no comparison, however, due to the disparate dosage levels.
My LSD experiences were done at very high dosages, usually at least one 'hit' and more often two 'hits.' Two and a half 'hits' was the strongest dose ever, done only once. (Do two and a half hits of Acid and you will see why I only did it once.) I experimented with the different dosages because one standard hit seemed 'just right' but left me with the feeling that I had 'peaked too soon.' I must have increased the dosage after doing 4 or 5 'trips' at the single dose level. Two hits were a bit too much, and two and a half hits was way too much. One and a half hits was 'right on the edge.'
What do I mean by 'the edge?' See next post.
Been reviewing last week's 'list,' re-reading b). I love it that the Federal Government has adopted a more liberal attitude toward the study of 'hallucinogens' because my experiences with LSD were among my most valuable experiences. Psilocybin (not LSD) was the drug of choice in this particular study, but since both drugs are 'hallucinogens' they are said to produce similar effects. I did try something called 'shrooms' before my LSD experiences, but it must have been a very mild dose because after ingesting the stuff I was able to drive us all to see the movie Star Wars. The effects began during the movie and lasted for several hours. I drove us all home in a state of euphoria. If the stuff was indeed 'mushrooms' then the drug was indeed Psilocybin. I can make no comparison, however, due to the disparate dosage levels.
My LSD experiences were done at very high dosages, usually at least one 'hit' and more often two 'hits.' Two and a half 'hits' was the strongest dose ever, done only once. (Do two and a half hits of Acid and you will see why I only did it once.) I experimented with the different dosages because one standard hit seemed 'just right' but left me with the feeling that I had 'peaked too soon.' I must have increased the dosage after doing 4 or 5 'trips' at the single dose level. Two hits were a bit too much, and two and a half hits was way too much. One and a half hits was 'right on the edge.'
What do I mean by 'the edge?' See next post.
Thoughts of Kootch... Interrupted
Happy (Sunday) Mother's Day, girls! I'm back a bit early, having got enough sleep last night. And since tomorrow's forecast is 'cooler with showers' I have my excuse. I tried eating a small (for me) lunch before beginning the booze, so I'm not getting the usual 'buzz spike' even though my first drink was Diet Pepsi/Canadian Mist. Sip. Back to beer now.
Kootch will return next week so, beginning on Sunday I will tidy things up around here. (Local Jewish Dog Shit (Gerash et al) are obviously 'logged on' with me. This draft page suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a blank page. I needed to go to the Edit Post page, then reselect today's post (1). The 'carriage returns' separating the two paragraphs from the (1) were not entered by me. The faggot Gerash would like to get in bed with me, but this is about as close to that as he dares to get. Notice that he chose the moment when I was writing about Kootch. He is apparently extremely jealous of Kootch, because he will often 'tap' during my conversations with her, especially when we are doing Millionaire. He is thus able to 'horn in' on our conversations. Poor guy...) Where was I? Lessee... cleaning up. No more leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight. No more leaving the potty seat up. No more allowing trash to pile up in the garbage bags... But it will be worth it to have her back again. Also I have learned a little more about cooking, and will volunteer to do more of that.
Happy (Sunday) Mother's Day, girls! I'm back a bit early, having got enough sleep last night. And since tomorrow's forecast is 'cooler with showers' I have my excuse. I tried eating a small (for me) lunch before beginning the booze, so I'm not getting the usual 'buzz spike' even though my first drink was Diet Pepsi/Canadian Mist. Sip. Back to beer now.
Kootch will return next week so, beginning on Sunday I will tidy things up around here. (Local Jewish Dog Shit (Gerash et al) are obviously 'logged on' with me. This draft page suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a blank page. I needed to go to the Edit Post page, then reselect today's post (1). The 'carriage returns' separating the two paragraphs from the (1) were not entered by me. The faggot Gerash would like to get in bed with me, but this is about as close to that as he dares to get. Notice that he chose the moment when I was writing about Kootch. He is apparently extremely jealous of Kootch, because he will often 'tap' during my conversations with her, especially when we are doing Millionaire. He is thus able to 'horn in' on our conversations. Poor guy...) Where was I? Lessee... cleaning up. No more leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight. No more leaving the potty seat up. No more allowing trash to pile up in the garbage bags... But it will be worth it to have her back again. Also I have learned a little more about cooking, and will volunteer to do more of that.