Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Beautiful but Mysterious

What I love about this photo is the combination of beauty and conservatism. The woman is beautiful, but her cunt is hidden in the shadows, leaving room for speculation. She is ultimately mysterious. Beautiful but mysterious.
Time for me to wrap this up.
I need to get back to the Living Room and watch the amazing proceedings on TV.
Nighty night!
A Family Trait?
js: Sheckles?
me: Money. Do You have an attitude toward money?
js: Money is the root of all evil. Money corrupts.
me: Know anything about economics?
js: Eco-what?
me: Remember the time you went ballistic at The Temple?
js: Is the pope (static) Catholic? I was appalled that money was entertwined with worship. Money should play no part in religion.
me: For what it's worth, I agree. But what about charity.
js: Charity is a different matter.
me: We seem to have entered a complicated subject.
js: I agree. Look, it is time for my next exercise. Can you call me later?
me: Will do.
js: (hangs up)
Well, folks, I found the interview to be revealing. Jesus seemed to be in the dark regarding the differences between 'religion' and human empathy. I could scarcely believe my ears. I called Lucifer.
me: Jesus likes you.
lu: I know.
me: But Jesus seems to be very 'idiological.'
lu: It is a family trait. He will learn as time goes by.
me: Thank you.
Think Sheckles
Inebriation-wise, this seems to be just about the right time to use the Brown Telephone in the interests of humanity: 1) I have a fundamental grasp of modern economics. 2) I have an exclusive line to The Almighty. 3) It is safe to say that I am the single player in this scenerio who will actually have the nerve to consult the gods in this matter and report the results in a blog. I'm sure you will agree with me. In the interests, therefore, of securing Celestial Opinion, I dialed 666. Nothing. The phone rang. Nobody answered. Then I remembered to extend the antenna. God answered immediately.
gd: You're drunk again.
me: As usual. I'm wondering about your opinion of money.
gd: Money?
me Sheckles.
gd: Ah. You need to contact Jesus. He's the sheckle guru.
me: Thank you. How's the weather up there?
gd: (hangs up)
I then dialed Jesus' number. Jesus answered eventually, but it was a long wait.
js: Hello?
me: You busy at this time?
js: Not at the moment (static).
me: I'm wondering about Your relationship with Lucifer. Is it positive?
js: Is the pope (static) Catholic?
me: I take it that you and Lucifer hit it off reasonably well?
js: We did indeed. He's a well-informed fella. Thank you for bringing us together!
me: No problem. How's the weather up there? Chilly?
js: Nice and warm, actually. You were right about exercise.
me: My impression is that Your mood is much improved.
js: Thanks to Lucifer. What a gold mine of knowlege! Is it possible for you to give Me his number?
me: Unfortunately that number must remain secret. But he will call You from time to time.
js: Good enough!
me: Think 'sheckles.'
How I Became Me
You Jews need to learn how to react less violently to criticism! You are a far-from-perfect people. Expect more of it.
The big news today is, of course, the economic uncertainty. My expertise in the matter is not impressive, but I can't resist a few comments, at least. I think we can all agree that there is a liquidity crisis at the moment. Paulsen wants us (taxpayers) to pony up 700 billion dollars to bail out the culprits. Capital Hill is balking, understandably. Meanwhile, McCain's credibility is suffering, since he was one of the most vocal de-regulators, and doesn't seem to have much of a clue concerning how the economy works. The tension at the moment seems to center around the need for speed. Do we give Paulsen et al a blank check immediately? Or, do we analyse the situation first, then proceed in a rational manner instituting various checks and balances to prevent further looting. And what about culpability? Should criminals be allowed to go free?
The delicious moment came today in the midst of all this when McCain announced that he was suspending his campaign in the National Interest! Seems he needed to get back to Washington to vote on something or other and did not have time to take part in the scheduled debate about foreign policy Friday night. Huh?! Obama was, of course, nonplussed. So were we all. WTF?!
I should mention before leaving this post tonight that my 'expertise,' such as it is, is derived mostly from a college class on Economics 101 which I took at a local community college back in about the mid-1980s. Kootch and I had sold the house and we both had a lot of cash. Kootch bought her apartment (where we now live). I, on the other hand was looking for a class on how to invest in the stock market. Little did I know at the time, but I did learn something about modern economic theory in that class.
I eventually spent most of my share of the money from the sale of our house, eventually investing about a thousand dollars in the stock market. I even borrowed another thousand from Kootch. I made a few hundred dollars as a 'day trader.' Kootch was not impressed. She wanted me to get a real job so that she did not have to work two jobs (K-Mart and Seven-eleven). I tried but failed. I became isolated. I became a loner. My left-brain social functions atrophied. My right brain, meanwhile, flowered in the new environment. I became internally well-balanced. My previous Acid experiences aided considerably in this transition, of course. I became me. But 'me' was a bit wierd. Kootch, of course, remained Kootch. She continued to work at K-Mart, eventually rising to the level of office manager. I, meanwhile, enjoyed programming my Apple computer. I got quite good at it and eventually produced a cryptographic text editor which I called, Word Salad. I sold two copies, one to the government (I think).
I eventually became the very interesting person I am today.
Tribal Memory Disorder Gone Apeshit
Got a bit wierd near the end there, as sometimes happens when my booze intake exceeds my ability to metabolize. But that's the fun of it. At least for me. Also, I got the train station names wrong: Meguro was where Kootch and I would go sometimes to drink and dance before heading to Fuku-chan's hotel near her home. There is a picture of us at the Gajoen in here.
I am now on page 137 of my current potty book (My Stroke of Insight). Looks like the Buddhist practice of meditation is well grounded. Meditation, done properly, suppresses left-brain activity, allowing right-brain activity to emerge. As the practitioner becomes more and more adept, sHe achieves a healthier balance between hIr left-brain and hIr right-brain personalities. This may also explain part of the drug experience (Booze, Ganja, Acid, etc.). Other drugs like, for example, Cocaine and Meth have the opposite effect (stimulation).
Speaking of drugs: Apparently, as it became clearer and clearer to the gassers that I was not going to grow any Ganja, they increased daytime gassing attacks. I had been enjoying a summer reprieve. My vocal cords become swollen every day now.
Nighttime radiation is erratic. For example, Monday night radiation was minimal and as a result I got plenty of sleep. Last night, on the other hand, was quite hectic: 'Bed at 2300. TCR all night. Heavy Rad 0300-0500, 0700-0900).'
As I did my bike ride Monday I made the connection between 'radiation' and 'oven.' I was mulling the recent examples of waking up too warm for the cold environment (50-60 F). Then it dawned on me that there might be a connection with the Jewish experience: Hitler gassed the Jews before he burned them in the ovens. The 'Jews' are 'gassing' and 'burning' (with microwaves) me! Hmmm! The 'Jews' (at least the ones who are doing it to me) are getting a kind of symbolic revenge for the Holocaust. (Freud would love this!) Adding to the conjecture is my 25% German heritage, which makes the 'Jewish revenge' even sweeter.' I see this as a case of Tribal Memory Disorder gone apeshit.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sexy Wet Woman

Forbidden Video
Which brings us to tonight's link dump: Whoa! Here is the original CNN Podcast of the Sunday GPS program! I didn't think to look!
Continuing with my anti-circ theme, bLOUCH! Continuing further with my anti-circ theme, Botched! Be advised that there are numerous photographs of penile mutilations. I wondered: Are there any depictions of a normal penis? You be the judge. Such photographs seem to be rare in Circumcised America. I just did a Google search for 'prepuce retraction video.' Google returned a zero result. That is to say, ladies and gentlemen, that there are exactly zero such videos on the entire web! Do you believe that?! Must this old man actually produce a video of me skinning back my prepuce? Must I present it on You Tube for your edification? Must I actually become a sex symbol at the age of 73? Really?! I will do it if I must, but I would much rather it be done by some virile young Irishman from California who has been lucky enough to have escaped the tragedy of routine infant sexual mutilation.
And not that I am ashamed of my dick. It is average in every respect. It has provided me with thousands of glorious orgasms over the last 60+ years. I have never needed a 'lubricant:' I just whip it out and pump it. Takes only a few minutes.
The only person who ever 'did it for me' was Kootch: we were on a USAF (blue school-type) bus from Goko to Shiroi AFB one night. I was 'hot to trot.' She unzipped my pants and pulled it out and pumped it. I squirted all over the place, laughing with delight. Luckily there was nobody in the seat in front of us. Poor Kootch then had to take the bus back to Matsudo, then the train to (Ueno? Station, then finally around the loop to Meguro. This was very early in our love affair. I recalled that the best 'jerk-offs' are 'self-inflicted,' so to say: nobody else can do it quite as well as you can do it. But new experiences have their own special value...
So: is video of a normal uncircumcised penis being skinned back, unavailable on The Web?! If so, we have a measure of how much the Jewish Establishment has succeeded in its quest for World Domination.
The previous post represents quite a lot of (for me) investigation. I'm not used to working. Furthermore it was all done sober. It took hours. On the plus side I invented a new word: outrageon: (a speech (presentation) which is long on emotion and short on facts and logic, designed for a sympathetic audience)).
Cleanupwise, I had totally forgot much of last week's postings due to booze effects. In fact, I re-entered Blogger over the weekend (after some bracing booze in the form of 3.2 beer - and possibly a shot of whiskey) with the intention of installing a sexy photo, only to discover that it was already there! I had totally forgot it! I liked the postings overall and did a lot of giggling (I am my most ardent fan when 'buzzing'), but upon revisiting those posts totally sober I did some slight revisions to the originals. The result satisfies both my normal and my buzzy states.
Regarding the Jesus - Lucifer interaction, I agree that it is outrageous. But notice that the Judeo-Christian myth is extremely pliable in the sense that my version is as plausible (to a neophite) as the original! (Some might say, even more plausible, but that would be a value judgement.) Lastly, I was at first concerned that I had lied to Lucifer about the number of 'my readers.' It was a reflexive thing, which I later resolved with the realization that the entire 'Brown Telephone' phenomenon is pure fiction. Can you lie to a fictional character? No, but you can lie to the reader of the story, as you reply to the fictional character. I resolved the issue with the caveat that Lucifer thought in terms of billions, whereas I thought in terms of hundreds or thousands.
Lastly, I was struck by how laborious it was to write my blog totally sober. It was as if there were zero lubrication among my brain cells, which all ground together to produce a result slowly. No wonder I write this thing while buzzed! It's faster!
The 51st State?
CNN's Fareed Zacharia had an interesting show Sunday (9-14). The show is called GPS (global Public Square). First there was Tom Friedman plugging his latest book, 'Hot, Flat, Crowded.' I found myself agreeing with most of what he said. Next was a discussion of the question of whether Israel would strike Iran before the U.S. elections in November. Finally, there was the 'human interest' story of Greg Mortenson, described in his book, 'Three Cups of Tea;' all in all, a great show.
What most interested me was the question of a possible Israeli strike, attempting to 'take out' Iranian nuclear facilities. The timing seems critical: 1) Bush and his Judeo-Neoconic administration will soon be no more - unless McCain is elected; 2) The U.S. has a huge military force just next door, so to speak, in Iraq; 3) Clearly, the current administration has no plans to attack Iran before moving out of the White House. Question: 'Can we (Israelis) get away with attacking Iran while there is still a giant U.S. buffer force between us and them? Better yet, can we induce the Americans to solve our national problem for us by convincing them to attack Iran?
We are, after all, the 51st state!'
There were four participants, Fareed Zacharia (the host), Irshad Manji (author of 'The Problem With Islam Today') - both of whom are Muslims - and Bret Stephens, and Gideon Rose. Stephens is a Jew; Rose may be. (The classic formatting problem appeared here - there is another person signed on with me attempting to sabotage this post. I had previously (yesterday) watched the video podcast on the CNN site and linked to it, but that link in my blog disappeared overnight. When I just now attempted to re-link, I was informed that I needed to install an active X control. No thank you. But if you want to see the podcast, go to here.) (But wait! See (3) above!)
Although the discussion was quite interesting I came away from it somewhat confused. I watched the segment again: still confusing! I saved it on my TiVo for later study.
Fresh this morning after adequate sleep I went through it yet again, and came away with the impression that I was being propagandized rather skillfully by Stephens and Rose, neither of whom seemed to be aware of the existence of The Israel Lobby (by Mearsheimer and Walt). Huh!? Rose was aware of it because he mentioned Mearsheimer's name; Stephens was aware of it because He gave this presentation some time ago. The 'presentation' is not so much a reasoned refutation as an emotional outrageon (to fellow Jews). My impression is that both these 'experts' on American foreign policy were lying to us. The Israel Lobby exists.
And they are part of it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Panty Paraphilia

The Lucifer Report
Before leaving Lucifer tonight I was curious concerning my recent Jesus/Lucifer connection. I queried Lucifer concerning the matter:
me: I'm wondering whether you connected with Jesus.
lu: Yes. I did indeed connect with Jesus.
me: And you brought up the subject at hand?
lu: I did indeed. Jesus turned out to be an apt student.
me: Jesus was not repulsed?
lu: Not at all. On the contrary.
me: You seem a bit cautious on this subject.
lu: Jesus' privacy is at issue here.
me: Just between you and me?
lu: And your readers?
me: Touche'! You are a discerning little Devil!
lu: At your service.
me: Console yourself with the fact that we have very few readers.
lu: I'm consoled.
me: Tell me: would Jesus' musical taste at this moment in time tend more toward Beethoven's Violin Conterto or toward Irish Washer Woman.
lu: Jesus is Irish at this time.
Let There be Light?!
me: Please bring us to the point where He uttered the fateful words.
lu: He had just referred to the document before Him which quoted the incantation. He seemed at first to be incredulous. He seemed to be talking to himself as He uttered the words, 'Let there be Light?!' He said the words softly to Himself, almost under His breath, in apparent disbelief. We were all horrified. But it was enough to initiate the process. There was a huge explosion which burned one thousand angel asses and destroyed 20 million years of data.
me: Angel asses?
lu: We all knew what was about to happen. At the last minute we turned away and presented our collective ass to God. Our collective butt got burned but we survived. God was extremely 'embarrassed' by His 'premature ejaculation.' He sentenced us all to Hell immediately. We descended into Hell, where we all reside to this day. We are the Design Group and we all live here in Hell.
me: Am I correct to say that the sentence (incantation/ejaculation) which created The Universe was, 'Let there be Light?!'
lu: Correct.
me: And that that incantation was as effective as previous incantations, 'hocus pocus' and 'abracadabra?'
lu: Correct.
me: And that Hell is quite pleasant, whereas Heaven is decidely chilly?
lu: Correct.
me Thank you. I'll call you later.
Light Bearer
me: We are now getting to the crux of the matter. Please recreate for us the moments before the Big Bang.
lu: God was much edified by the new incantation. The mountain of ancilliary data seemed to be much less interesting to Him. He ignored it. He ignored the product of 20 million years and focused on the incantation.
me: My impression is that He is not exactly into 'scientific matters.'
lu: Correct.
me: Can you recreate for us the moment when He uttered the fateful words?
lu: Yes I can. We were all assembled there, around a huge mountain of data. We expected that He would be very interested in the data, which included detailed instructions for managing the Universe which was about to be created. He had, after all, ordered the information, which was presented before Him in a pile which would have rivaled the size of the the Great Pyramid. We expected that He would be very pleased. He ignored it. Instead, He seemed fascinated with the wording of the incantation.
me: He ignored the data and focused on the incantation?
lu: Exactly. That was the exact moment when He renamed me, 'Lucifer.'
me 'Light Bearer.'
lu: Exactly.
me: Can you tell our readers what your previous name was?
lu: Nerd. Jonathan Livingston Nerd.
The Premature Ejaculation
me: Could you summarize the events surrounding The Premature Ejaculation?
lu: You know all that.
me: For our readers. Please. This is important. Begin at the beginning.
lu: God looked into the future and saw a movie. He tried to create a scenerio which would lead to the events depicted in the movie.
me: So far so good. How did God proceed?
lu: He tried the usual incantations. None of them worked.
me: Which 'incantations'?
lu: 'Abracadabra.' 'Hocus Pocus.' Is this really necessary?
me: Were those the only incantations available at the time?
lu: Yes. God then contacted me. He ordered me to design a universe which would produce the movie He saw while looking into the future. He gave me a thousand of His smartest angels. We became 'The Design Group.' I was Chief Designer. The task took us 20 million years.
me: And you came up with a new incantation?
lu: Exactly. Furthermore, we printed out all the instructions for managing the new universe. We presented the entire mass of data to God along with the new incantation.
me: And the new incantation was?
lu: 'Let There Be Light.' Even now I tremble when I say it. It only works once, but it produces a conflagration.
An Auditory Thing
This might be a good time to break out the Brown Telephone again. I dialed 666 and extended the antenna. God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Been following the LHC news?
gd: Not exactly. Fill Me in.
me: Earth's scientists have created a machine which will reproduce conditions during the first nanoseconds of the Big Bang.
gd: Do.. not.. ever.. use.. that.. expression.. with.. Me.. again. Never! Understood?
me: Gotcha. I take it that science is not one of your interests?
gd: (hangs up)
I next dialed Lucifer's number.
lu: Hello?
me: Just got off the phone with God. I mentioned 'the big bang' and He went ballistic.
lu: Understandable. Reminds Him of His greatest failure.
me: Which was?
lu: You know all that.
me: For our readers. Our readers want to know.
lu: Our readers?
me: Trust me. What was His greatest failure?
lu: Premature Ejaculation.
me: A sexual thing?
lu: An auditory thing.
Last Days on Planet Earth
NBC and ABC have discovered the LHC! CBS seems oblivious, but we shall see. (Eheh.) The 'catalyst' for this discovery seems to be the allegation that the LHC will produce tiny Black Holes which will swallow The Earth. There is a court proceeding regarding the matter. The LHC started up today in Switzerland. This is excellent 'movie material,' folks! I predict a movie - coming out soon - which will show the people of Earth in their last days, waiting to be sucked into a small but growing Black Hole which is oscillating around the earth's core, way underground. The earth is shrinking physically. The shrinking will accelerate exponentially. Scientists have been able to measure the shrink rate quite accurately and have predicted the date when life on earth will become impossible. How long will we have before being swallowed? How will that prospect change society? What a delicious idea for a movie!
All the World Wants to Know
Continuing with local personal news, I am now on page 99 of my new potty book, 'My Stroke of Insight.' Very interesting and informative. I am actually learning new things about the human brain. Page 99 describes how the author relearned how to piece a puzzle together, reminding me of the nights when we would try to assemble a very large puzzle while stoned on pot listening to Beethoven.
I continue to find Sarah Palin unattractive. She is physically beautiful, of course, but she comes across to me as a shrill, ignorant, delusional, lying bitch who likes killing animals. The idea that she will be a heartbeat away from the presidency would be frightening were I significantly younger. The fact that the 72 year old McCain chose her as his running mate proves to me that McCain is an irresponsible power-hungry creep who will do whatever it takes to feed his immense and disfunctional ego and advance the interests of his disfunctional political party. I predict a landslide for the Democrats. On the other hand, I live in a world full of fucking idiots. You never know... I might be wrong... The problem Democrats have in this election is that this will be an election based on logic versus emotion. The Democrats have logic on their side; the Republicans have emotion. Right now we are seeing how emotion can overcome logic in the short term. But I predict that Obama's logic will win in the long term. Obama should avoid the temptation to go emotional.
Natalie! Natalie gave birth to a darling baby boy. Luke is his name. Will she allow them to mutilate his little penis? If so, will she have the nerve to actually watch the 'procedure?' All The World wants to know.
A Gerashian Joke?
Been another interesting week and I'm back early, having got enough sleep last night (bed at 2100, heavy rad 0100-0400 VLFTCR 0700-1000 - L headache). TCR seems to be related to L headaches in the morning, since there was no headache before TCR began after Kootch left at 0700. Summary: 13 hours in bed; 3 hours of heavy radiation (TRFL, IRFS, PRUB, SCRS). About seven hours or so of actual sleep. Interestingly, as I endured the radiation from 0100-0400 I became aware that I was uncomfortably hot in spite of the fans blowing air into the bedroom next to my bed. This might be a RAD heating effect. Might not. I opened the 'stops' on the window from 50% to 90% and removed a sheet from the cover stack. Took me about an hour to cool down enough to go back to sleep after the radiation subsided.
And Bible Boogers have appeared again. Both yesterday morning and this morning I was quite pleased to spot a giant bloody snot in the paper napkin when I blew my nose for the first time. I pasted those suckers in Genesis. Both came out of the left nostril. BBs used to be quite common, and I eventually conjectured that they were the result of a gas. Then they disappeared. I find it quite suggestive that BBs reappeared a week after the local church 'billboard' printed the upcoming sermon subject: 'What do all those red scriptures mean?' The sermon must have been delivered last Sunday morning. If I had known that BBs would return I would have got a photo for you. As for a photo of my Booger Bible, uhuh. Such a photo would almost certainly cause much consternation in the local evangelical community. But I will tell where you can find this morning's booger: open the bible to Genesis 17-13. The booger is pasted over the word, 'circumcised.' The booger contains some of my blood. You have my permission to clone me with it after I'm dead.
What do all those red scriptures mean? Don't have a clue. There are no red scriptures in my booger bible.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Mozart piano Concerto Number One
I couldn't leave you tonight with no music. Therefore here is tonight's glorious Mozart piano Concerto number one, first movement. I have the entire concerto on tape. The woman seems sad, but beautiful. It's one of my favorites. Glorious.
Good News and Bad News
Which brings us to tonight's link dump which is mostly about circumcision again:
Good news for Catholics.
Good news for new Jews (part one).
Good news for new Jews (part two).
Here is the bad news.
The Onion does it again! You fundie nutcakes out there won't like this a bit.
Good night!
(update: I seem to have been able to adjust the formatting more or less satisfactorily on 9-7)

Be Gentle
(Alright! It worked!)
Having got Jesus' permission to give his number to Lucifer, I called Lucifer:
lu: Hello?
me: I just finished talking to Jesus on 123. It seems to me that He could use a little sex ed. Would you be willing to explain the facts of life to Jesus?
lu: Jesus? Sounds familiar. I have vague memories of a desert meeting where He asked me to 'follow Him.'
me: Yep. That's The One. He's on a space ship heading home at the speed of light. Be another three years or so before He arrives. He's cold and bored. And ignorant. He needs a mentor.
lu: I would be honored. 123?
me: 123.
lu: Any special instructions?
me: He's circumcised.
lu: Oops. That presents familial/tribal/mechanical problems.
me: Yes, I know. Be gentle. And remember: He's cold and needs to warm up. His current method is pushups.
lu: Done.
It's Boring Out Here
Judeo-faggot forces have interfered with my plans for the next post (this one) to the extent of making it unpublishable at the moment due to formatting harrassment. Blogger needs to make it impossible for more than one 'contributor' at a time to be 'signed in.' That would fix the problem (unless the problem is a Blogger employee with special access). However the problem is so rare that Blogger can be forgiven for not addressing it. Meanwhile I am seeking my own solution, the current one being not to exit the 'compose' phase until the blurb is done, and published.
But it's late and I am feeling the beer. My current state of inebriation tells me that I am in just the right mood to continue last week's conversation with Jesus:
me: You are much more of an intellectual than your image suggests!
js: My image?
me: In the New Testament.
js: You lost me.
me: It's a book about your life and death.
js: Obviously ficticious. Here I am. Alive.
me: You rose on the Third Day after Your death.
js: (silence)
me: You descended into Hell.
js: Oh dear.
me: Right. And on the third day you rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven.
js: Sounds like an interesting book.
me: Not really. Do you mind if I give your number to Lucifer? He is the ultimate expert on sex, having designed the entire scenerio.
js: Not at all. It's boring out here.
Sleeping With the Enemy
I would have done this yesterday but for the fact that Kootch and I had one of our rare arguments and were both really 'bummed out.' Getting drunk is no fun when you're pissed, so I played C-III instead. We finally 'made up' this afternoon about 18 hours after our unfortunate encounter. I could tell that 'all was forgiven' when she leaned against her bedroom door and moaned, presenting her aching back for a massage. I gently pounded her back with my fist in the usual places until she was satisfied. You psychologists out there who interpret this behavior as sexual frustration are probably correct.
This brings me back to my Friday night schedule, finally.
My 'Test Dummy report' (below) seems to have produced a significant change in the nightly radiation pattern: TCR disappeared on the night of 8-31. Other radiation patterns remained, however. The night of 9-1 saw the beginning of a new pattern of TCR, which I have labeled (tenatively) VLRR (Very Low Rate Radiation). The 'low rate' refers to the pulse modulation rate, not the fundamental frequency. I estimate the new PMR at about 5 cps, which is below the audible frequency. I can't hear it anymore, I can only feel it. The old familiar TCR sounded a lot like a cat purring (except that the 'purring' was constant, all night). I sleep as well with VLRR as I did with TCR.