Wednesday, September 10, 2008


A Gerashian Joke?

Been another interesting week and I'm back early, having got enough sleep last night (bed at 2100, heavy rad 0100-0400 VLFTCR 0700-1000 - L headache). TCR seems to be related to L headaches in the morning, since there was no headache before TCR began after Kootch left at 0700. Summary: 13 hours in bed; 3 hours of heavy radiation (TRFL, IRFS, PRUB, SCRS). About seven hours or so of actual sleep. Interestingly, as I endured the radiation from 0100-0400 I became aware that I was uncomfortably hot in spite of the fans blowing air into the bedroom next to my bed. This might be a RAD heating effect. Might not. I opened the 'stops' on the window from 50% to 90% and removed a sheet from the cover stack. Took me about an hour to cool down enough to go back to sleep after the radiation subsided.
And Bible Boogers have appeared again. Both yesterday morning and this morning I was quite pleased to spot a giant bloody snot in the paper napkin when I blew my nose for the first time. I pasted those suckers in Genesis. Both came out of the left nostril. BBs used to be quite common, and I eventually conjectured that they were the result of a gas. Then they disappeared. I find it quite suggestive that BBs reappeared a week after the local church 'billboard' printed the upcoming sermon subject: 'What do all those red scriptures mean?' The sermon must have been delivered last Sunday morning. If I had known that BBs would return I would have got a photo for you. As for a photo of my Booger Bible, uhuh. Such a photo would almost certainly cause much consternation in the local evangelical community. But I will tell where you can find this morning's booger: open the bible to Genesis 17-13. The booger is pasted over the word, 'circumcised.' The booger contains some of my blood. You have my permission to clone me with it after I'm dead.
What do all those red scriptures mean? Don't have a clue. There are no red scriptures in my booger bible.
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