Friday, September 05, 2008


Sleeping With the Enemy

I would have done this yesterday but for the fact that Kootch and I had one of our rare arguments and were both really 'bummed out.' Getting drunk is no fun when you're pissed, so I played C-III instead. We finally 'made up' this afternoon about 18 hours after our unfortunate encounter. I could tell that 'all was forgiven' when she leaned against her bedroom door and moaned, presenting her aching back for a massage. I gently pounded her back with my fist in the usual places until she was satisfied. You psychologists out there who interpret this behavior as sexual frustration are probably correct.
This brings me back to my Friday night schedule, finally.
My 'Test Dummy report' (below) seems to have produced a significant change in the nightly radiation pattern: TCR disappeared on the night of 8-31. Other radiation patterns remained, however. The night of 9-1 saw the beginning of a new pattern of TCR, which I have labeled (tenatively) VLRR (Very Low Rate Radiation). The 'low rate' refers to the pulse modulation rate, not the fundamental frequency. I estimate the new PMR at about 5 cps, which is below the audible frequency. I can't hear it anymore, I can only feel it. The old familiar TCR sounded a lot like a cat purring (except that the 'purring' was constant, all night). I sleep as well with VLRR as I did with TCR.
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