Friday, September 05, 2008

The photo to our right is intended to honor our beloved Republican readers. The color is red. Panties are the current political theme (on this blog). But how should the photo be 'interpreted?'
Here is my (official) interpretation:
The Republicans are 'Red.' Hence the panty color.
That much is obvious.
But what is the significance of the moisture stream? Is the woman peeing in her red panties? Not. The source of the moisture is obviously above the photo upper limit and is most probably a hose delivering a steady stream down her torso. She appears to be peeing. It's a paraphilic sexual theme.
But even more than that, it represents the moisture which was prayed for by Republican Christian nutcakes who asked god to rain on the Obama Parade as he accepted the Democratic nomination at Mile High Stadium. The prayer didn't work, obviously.
But was the prayer unheard? That is the question.
My conjecture is that the prayer was indeed heard by god, who then initiated the physical processes necessary to answer the said prayer: God brought into motion various natural forces under His command, the object of which was to rain on Obama's parade.
The problem was that God had imperfect control of the forces of Nature due to His eternal ignorance. The result was that God's conjurization resulted in Hurricane Hugo which slammed into New Orleans on the first day of the Republican Convention. Oops. Waaay too late.
Curious about that result, I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: You been following the American political processes?
gd: Not exactly.
me: Been dabbling in west-atlantic weather patterns?
gd: Not exactly. Get to the point. I am a busy God.
me: You ever taken a lie-detector test?
gd: Huh?
me: Are You a Republican or a Democrat. Which?
gd: I cannot tell a lie. Next question. Ha-ha!