Wednesday, September 10, 2008


All the World Wants to Know

Continuing with local personal news, I am now on page 99 of my new potty book, 'My Stroke of Insight.' Very interesting and informative. I am actually learning new things about the human brain. Page 99 describes how the author relearned how to piece a puzzle together, reminding me of the nights when we would try to assemble a very large puzzle while stoned on pot listening to Beethoven.
I continue to find Sarah Palin unattractive. She is physically beautiful, of course, but she comes across to me as a shrill, ignorant, delusional, lying bitch who likes killing animals. The idea that she will be a heartbeat away from the presidency would be frightening were I significantly younger. The fact that the 72 year old McCain chose her as his running mate proves to me that McCain is an irresponsible power-hungry creep who will do whatever it takes to feed his immense and disfunctional ego and advance the interests of his disfunctional political party. I predict a landslide for the Democrats. On the other hand, I live in a world full of fucking idiots. You never know... I might be wrong... The problem Democrats have in this election is that this will be an election based on logic versus emotion. The Democrats have logic on their side; the Republicans have emotion. Right now we are seeing how emotion can overcome logic in the short term. But I predict that Obama's logic will win in the long term. Obama should avoid the temptation to go emotional.
Natalie! Natalie gave birth to a darling baby boy. Luke is his name. Will she allow them to mutilate his little penis? If so, will she have the nerve to actually watch the 'procedure?' All The World wants to know.
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