Friday, April 29, 2011
I Only Wanna Know...
Working on beer #8 at 2215. I have one more beer left over from last week. Right now it looks like I won't be opening that new 12-pack, especially since I also have whiskey available.
Am I still competent enough to describe my most recent potty experiences, bookwise? I'll try:
Book: The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant (paperback version).
Current subject: Epistemology, which is 'The Theory of Knowlege.' Totally fascinating. I like the subject because, like Judas, 'I only wanna know.'
Working on beer #9 at 2314. Aha! Judas! I dialed Lucifer's number on The Brown Telephone:
lu: Hello?
me: I'm wondering about Judas Iscariot.
lu: He's fine.
me: That checks out. My recent phone call to WHTZSNM indicated that Judas was 'down there' - oops - 'out there.'
lu: Correct. In fact, Judas is an absolutely essential player in the Weekly Agony Show. He has never missed a single episode. It is his mission in life (tap), and he takes it very seriously.
me: I'm curious. Have Jesus and Judas met in Hell yet?
lu: Oh, yes. They exchanged kisses on first contact, in fact. Still friends after all these years.
me. Excellent. Have you ever watched, Jesus Christ, Superstar?
lu: Yes. We have our own version of that opera. It's quite good.
me: Thanks. I only wanted to know.
gd: Got it! You are wrong as usual. Alabama is on the West Coast.
me: Wrong.
gd: How can I be wrong? I am God!
me Your map is fucked up. You need a better map.
gd: Let's settle this: My map shows Tuscaloosa Alabama at 37.7 Latitude, and 122.3 Longitude.
me: Wrong. That's San Francisco's coordinates.
gd: Oops. Did San Francisco recently conspire to make circumcision illegal?!
me: Yep.
gd: Oops. San Francisco and Tuskaloosa coordinates appear to have been switched...
me Are 'apologies' in order?
gd: (hangs up)
Working on beer #6 at 2037. Whew. Post #1 was complex and consumed rotsa beer and neuronal activity. Sip. So to lighten things up a bit I decided to contact the Jewish god, WHTZSNM concerning recent severe weather activity in Alabama and other southern states. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: The weather has been really wild recently. You have anything to do with that?
gd: Where are you? Specify.
me: Earth.
gd: Earth?!
me: We circle a star in NGC 0 at about 93 million miles.
gd. No such number.
me: Can we cut the comedy please? I have a serious question.
gd: You people need to get cataloged.
me: I know. My question concerns all the recent weather-related deaths in Alabama.
gd: Alabama?
me: A southern state on the Gulf of Mexico. Many people have died in the recent tornados. Churches have been destroyed. Many homes have also been destroyed.
gd: Be more specific. I don't have time for this.
me: Earth. North American Continent.
gd: Searching...
The Two Spocks
First sip at 1709. I begin this week's posts with only several dim ideas of what I might write about. Sip. As the booze begins to dis-inhibit my CNS a bit, those Ideas might or might not 'bubble up' as subjects. Sip. Might as well reread last week's posts. That's always a good start... Ok. End of beer #1 at 1724. Burp. Time for The Evening News... Ok, that consumed beer #2. Buzzing nicely at 1816, but slightly depressed. This may be a very slow night. Sip. It is obviously time for a Link Dump:
Letter to Atheists from Christopher Hitchens. Oops. Also depressing.
Backers of SF circumcision ban say they have signatures needed for ballot. God is not gonna like this. We need to talk...
Giant Galaxy NGC 6872. Alright! Things are looking up. The interesting shape of the leading edges suggests (to me) that the galaxies have been 'critically close' during about the last 180 degrees of the larger galaxy's rotation. The smaller galaxy presumably rotates much faster than the larger and therefore shows minimal (asymetric) distortion. The bright star slightly lower-left is in our own galaxy and shows an interesting color pattern suggesting that the telescope optics are not quite perfected yet. But damned good nevertheless!
Darn. I'm already outa links. Guess I've been playing too much C-III lately. I'm on game #45, currently.
(Alright! I just finished beer #3, and the resulting 'shields down' CNS environment just allowed me to make a connection between Alabama and California which I will later 'investigate.' Eheh. Viva beer! Sip.)
And speaking of 'shields down' I've recently been noticing an interesting aspect of the original Star Trek: Spock's 'yarmulke of light.' Kootch and I watch most of the reruns on channel 3, and this 'Kippah shine' was something which I never noticed back in 1968, but which is obvious to me now: Spock's black shiney, round head reflects light in the form of a 'kippah.' I do not think this was an 'accident.' Indeed, I think that 'Spock' was something of a 'Jewish role model' back in those days. (Both 'Spock' and 'Captain Kirk' are Jews in 'real life,' a fact which tends to support my conjecture.) Most people would not have known that, except, perhaps, Jews. Then there is the antipathy (in Star Trek) between Spock (the Jew) and McCoy (the Irishman), suggesting in a very subtle way that there was a war going on between the Jews and the Irish. That also escaped me back in '68. Does that suggest something? Did Jews not yet control the American Medical System? Or - was the intent to suggest that Jews were not disproportunately represented in that medical system? Enter the 'circumcision link:' Doctor Spock. His book, The Commom Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946) recommended infant circumcision. I think (conjecturate) that Nimoy the Jew adopted that screen name in support of the real-life Doctor Spock out of what I call, 'Jewish Penis Envy.' Are you a circumcised American male born after 1946? Blame the two 'Spocks' and the Jew-dominated American Medical Establishment.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Only Now Matters.
Which brings us to the meaning of 'now.' Why is 'now' so important? Because joy can only be experienced 'now.' But 'now' is often wasted in 'then.' And 'then' is often painful. We often tend to drift away from 'now' into 'then.' The result is that our 'now' is more painful that it otherwise might have been. 'Tomorrow' is another trap for 'now.' We live in an imaginary world called, 'tomorrow.' That world can be pleasant or unpleasant. But that world is not now.
Now is the only reality. Enjoy all the aspects of Now.
Judas Burning
I promised to answer the question of Judas. Is Judas in Heaven? Is Judas in Hell? Only I have the Brown Telephone - a direct link to the Jewish god Whtzsnm. It is therefore my duty to investigate the answer to that question. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
me: I'm calling about Judas. Where is Judas?
gd: Which 'Judas?'
me: Judas Iscariot.
gd: Ahh! That Judas! He's burning in Hell.
me: Why?
gd: He betrayed Jesus.
me: But it was 'prophesied.' He 'had to do it.' It was his job.
gd: Too bad. He burns even as we speak.
me: Thank You.
The Only Time for Us is, Right Now!
This realization is extremely important to modern civilization, and is beautifully expressed in Swinburne's, The Garden of Proserpine:
From too much love of living,
From hope and fear set free,
We thank with brief thanksgiving
Whatever gods may be
That no life lives forever;
That dead men rise up never;
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea.
This important poem by Swinburne signifies in verse, humanity's emancipation from 'religion' and 'priests.'
This emancipation is variously expressed with words like, 'Atheism,' 'Agnosticisism,' 'Humanism,' 'Pantheism,' (I prefer 'Pink Pantheism'), and 'Nontheism.' The central 'tenet' of them all is the notion that our lives are but small 'windows' in an endless chain of existence. Each of us gets a brief 'glimpse' of The Universe and then we 'wink out' forever. 'Time' does not otherwise affect us. As far as we are concerned, the 13.7 billion years which preceeded us 'went by in a flash.' And likewise, the remaining life of the universe - however long that may be - will also 'go by in a flash.'
It follows that the only time for us is, 'now.' Right now! There is no other time for us. All else is flash.
Enjoy now!
Religion is 'business' from the point of view of the 'priests.' It is their livelyhood. And that 'business' can go bankrupt like any other business if it fails to provide a saleable product. Jesus was needed in order to save Judaism from the priests. Jesus was the 'promised Messiah' who has always been 'just around the corner.'
True, the priests lived large at the expense of the faithful (as usual), but there seemed no end to the processes of sexual mutilation and donation. Add to that the fact that the Jewish God was a veritable Monster, a serial Killer, and you have a religion which is literally balanced on the edge of forever. A 'savior' was needed. A Messiah. A Messiah who was always lurking 'just around the corner' but who never actually showed up. Jesus screwed the system: he actually arrived. Oops.
Jesus brought Heaven and Hell with him. Either, or. Either you believed in Jesus as 'savior' and went to Heaven after you died - or you went to Hell after you died. Strange idea: you 'died' but then 'lived forever' in Heaven or Hell?!
The priests explained that, 'Souls can never die. You will live forever whether you liked it or not.' Yeesh. The ultimate 'gotcha!'
'Soul' explained 'Mind' back in those days. Few people could imagine their personal 'non-existence.' They believed. Nowadays we know that 'brain' produces 'mind' and that when the brain dies, 'mind' dies with it. We do not live forever after all. Whew!
Jesus Christ, Superstar
Especially when I'm drunk. Sip.
I pretty much missed Lent. Most of it went by before I realized what was happening, but I did manage to sort of get into Holy Week a little bit. This guy really celebrated lent! I don't think I could do that.
Judas betrayed Jesus. Question: Did Judas end up in Heaven, or did he end up in Hell? This preacher doesn't know. Neither do I, in fact, but I will find out before the night is over. Stay tuned.
And what is Holy Week all about, anyway? This link will tell you the official version. I have my own theories on the subject, of course, but first some scenes from the 'rock opera' Jesus Christ, Superstar: King Herod's Song. I love that scene! I also love this scene where Judas sings, 'I only wanna know.'
You Tube has more scenes from the movie, which I have watched numerous times (while boozing). I don't know how to love Him is another favorite scene with Mary Magdelene.
But why Jesus?
Losing my Senses
TGIF! And not only is it Friday, it's Good Friday (isn't every friday a good friday?), and it's also Earth Day. Interesting contrast: Good Friday commemerates Jesus' death on the cross 2000 years ago, while Earth Day is a modern commemeration based on the sciencific point of view that a burgeoning human population is drastically affecting Earth's climate and Earth's various species.
Working on beer #3. Kootch and I just finished a Millionaire. Time for me to reread last week's posts... Ok, pretty much as I remembered. I should update the 'cold chronicles' to record that the 'cold' is dis(thump)appearing slowly except for the nasal manifestations. My nasal mucosa has been constantly swollen since last week and I have lost all ability to smell anything due to constant, heavy microwave radiation. Is this permanent? We shall see... In adition to the loss of my sense of smell I must periodically (every 30 minutes or so) blow my nose to clear away huge amounts of congealed mucus. I should also mention that the radiation has caused significant vision loss by increasing the lens' opacity (cataracts). Gerash and his 'friends' living above and below me are not very nice people.
I, on the other hand, am a very nice old guy.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Beginning beer #7 at 2315. Buzz is stable. I have two possibilities for 'discussion:' 'Life Begins When?' and, 'The Machine Within.' The latter seems to be the simpler, so I'll leave the former for next week. (another modem reset required)
But now that I think about it half drunk, neither subject seems appropriate in my condition. Ok. Fine. So what would be appropriate? Ha! Hows about this: How to get rid of smegma. I remember seeing 'smegma' at about age 12 or so, and thought nothing of it. The article seems laughable to me now. I giggled at the part where the author advises that, after washing, the head of the penis should be dried before skinning it forward again. Nonsense. The very act of 'skinning it forward' removes any excess moisture. See the associated link, How Smegma Serves the Penis.
Halfway through the last beer (#7) at midnight. Buzz is stable. Gonna do a little 'surfing' now. Nighty-night!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Circumcision is a Baaaaad Idea
(Looks like I must always specify Verdana as the font.)
Time is short tonight, so let's get on to a more user-friendly subject. Hows about some Pussy! Soft Pink. Did I do that one already? Oh well...
Leading Atheist Publishes Secular Bible. (Calls it, The Good Book. Eheh.)
Should Teens Make Circumcision Decision? This one also from CNN. Written by a Jewish female (I think), it is nothing less than Jewish tribal propaganda in the face of dramatically falling American circumcision rates. Now, don't get me wrong: I've seen her on CNN, and she is a good-looking, competent woman. But if I am right about her 'tribal connections' her piece is riddled with tribal prejudices. Example:
One doctor suggests considering this approach: Stop circumcising newborns altogether and allow boys to make their own circumcision decision when they approach puberty, in the years before they become sexually active, since that's when they'll get the benefits of the procedure.
This sounds superficially reasonable: 'Let the little guy decide at age, say, 10, before he has had his first orgasm from (yuck) masturbation, whether or not he wants the juicy parts cut off.'
Superficial and dumb! I say, let him wait until the traditional age of 'consent,' age 18. By that time he will have become very familiar with his penis from having masturbated to orgasm hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times (in my case it was thousands). He will have learned how to prolong the period before ejaculation significantly, for example. Those years will have been 'training years.' He will have learned Mother Nature's most powerful male 'self-nurturing procedure.' He will have navigated the treacherous waters of sexual maturation. He will have become a real man. (thump) And if, at the age of 18, he agrees to be circumcised for 'cosmetic' or other reasons, then 'god bless 'im.'
Concerning circumcision's ability to prevent sexually transmitted disease, that is mostly nonsense. What circumcision does prevent is... sexual satisfaction.
And finally, the article suggests that cutting off the juicy parts does not affect penile 'sensitivity.' Utter nonsense! Thousands of specialized nerve endings are lost to circumcision. Furthermore, the glans, previously protected by the foreskin, loses its protection and becomes dry and 'keratinized.'
Circumcision is a Baaaaad idea.
Tribe Stalking
First sip of beer #4 at 2002. (Wrong font -reset - cable connection lost - reset modem - service restored.) Gerash wants you all to know that he is 'on the job.'
Which brings us to 'stalking behavior' in general. (What a dreary subject!) I think I have discovered a 'new' such behavior, 'Tribe Stalking.' (The Google link currently has no idea what I'm writing about.) 'Tribe Stalking' might be related to 'Gang Stalking' as a sub-category, but in my opinion might be the dominant category if 'tribe' is used in a very general sense. (tap) How does Gerash fit into this? Gerash is a Jew. He belongs to the Jewish 'tribe.' Jews are strongly 'tribal,' possibly because of Abraham's invention of male circumcision as a tribal identification feature. Butt Gerash also belongs to the homosexual 'tribe.' Gerash often uses his 'tribal connections' to both groups to aid his 'stalking lifestyle.' Which brings me to the end of this depressing subject, at least for tonight. Yeesh.
Back-tracking and Remembering
Back with beer #2 at 1809. Buzzing appropriately. I'm 'playing' with the editor now. Looks like Verdana will be the new 'chosen font.' Time to reread last week's posts... Ok. I noticed that I failed to provide a link to Fitzgerald's final version of The Rubaiyat. Here it is.
(And rereading tonight's first post suggested to me that the 'reason' for the font change may have been to draw attention to himself as the source of Kootch's (and subsequently my) infection, or to take credit for it. (Kootch has no idea how she acquired her 'cold.' I asked). The 'reason' makes sense given my reclusive lifestyle, which allows of near zero human contact. Poor Kootch.)
End of beer #2 at 1851. Buzz is stable. First sip of beer #3 at 1855. By the way, one beer was left from last week, suggesting that I drank 15 that night. The hangover was appropriately severe, and the next day I was experiencing cold symptoms.
And I was also thinking just now that the 'blog botherer' need not be actually logged into Blogger 'with me.' He might only need to be on the same cable connection somehow... sorta like (stomp)... (stomp) a shared router. Hmm. Could the reason for Comcast's need to 'inspect and secure' my cable connections last year have been, actually, to acquire knowlege of my system for the purpose of constructing a bogus 'connection' simultaneously available to the stalker Gerash? I now think so. It would have replaced the bogus 'phone line' connection that Gerash has always had. Two parts of that 'inspection/correction' stand out in my memory: First, the 'serviceman' prominently displayed the upper part of his ass to me on our first contact, suggesting that he was a homo. (Gerash is a homo and regularly uses 'employees' who share his sexual predelections.) Perhaps Gerash was hoping for a reaction from me (tap) which would secure the emotional alliegance of that 'employee.' If so, he got it: I told the faggot that he had 'a great ass.' Sarcastically, of course. He responded with what seemed like genuine interest in our spider-web-like cable/tv/computer system, replacing a cable here and there. The last thing he did was have a look at my computer modem. Seeing it, his response was, 'That's simple enough.' I got the distinct impression that identifying the exact type of cable modem was one of the points of his (bogus) visit.
Booze Night
Been sitting here wondering whether to declare 'booze night' or let it go until my 'cold' is gone away. As I pondered the question I tinkered around with Blogger's 'Settings' and discovered that I was using an old editor. Aha! So I switched to the new editor and, bingo! I tested the fix by re-editing one of the previous posts, (7) below. I'll do rest of them some other time.
It's been a miserable week. Kootch came down with a 'cold' with a bad cough about three weeks ago and is still coughing occasionally but is feeling pretty much normal now. She went to the Kaiser about it. They told her she had a cold, to drink plenty of water. They also gave her a face mask which she used for a few days. I wondered: 'Has my immune system ever met those germs?' The question has now been answered. (The font just changed 'by itself' to a smaller font - I am not alone in this editor. Creepy. I corrected the problem, but the Creep probably remains.) (tap)
First sip at 1705. (While I was in the LR just now eating some avocado and soy sauce with Kootch, 'they' gassed me. The gas effects are much worse in the presence of a URI. Whew. Gerash is one sadistic son-of-a-bitch.) Sip. I'm taking a chance mixing a cold with beer, of course. But beer is mostly water... Sip. Maybe I'll limit my intake tonight in the interests of caution. Last sip at 1725. Time for the news.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Life is Now. There is no Other Life.
The Ed Show on TV now. Love it! Oops. Forgot to bring back a beer... Ha! Now working on beer #13 at 2102. Standby while I do a little research... Ah. Omar Khayyam! This is my favorite poem, written long ago by Omar Khayyam and 'translated' by Edward Fitzgerald. One oh Nine. So true. Unfortunately. Time to wrap this up I think. But maybe not! I forgot Tonight's Music. Not to mention Tonight's Pussy! Nothing 'ready' in the 'pussy department' just now. So standby while I delve into my 'pussy archives...' Ok: Sexy Cute Panties. Very naughty stuff. You will love it. 2312 as I sit here doing my weekly thing. Kootch is fast asleep. I need to wrap this up with something 'provocative.' Hmm. Ok. Got it! Tonight's Good Question:
Q: You claim that 'we all live forever.' Explain.
M: Not 'forever.' We don't 'live forever.'
Q: Then what did you mean?
M: We all live 'now.' Now! There is no other life.
Doing Honor to The Unborn.
Abortion, whether 'natural' or 'artificial' is an emotional downer for all involved, of course, and needs to be acknowleged emotionally. Indeed, Kootch and I have both suffered at least one 'spontaneous abortion.' That unnamed embryo was mourned more by Kootch than by me, given the then circumstances. But all such events must be mourned in some sense. I would therefore suggest that it is important that all such 'events' be commemerated both musically and verbally. My 'verbal suggestion' is:
Better, oh better, cancel from The Scroll
Of Universe one luckless Human Soul
Than drop by drop enlarge the flood which rolls
Hoarser with anguish as the ages roll.
From The Rubiat of Omar Khayyam. Utterly beautiful. My 'musical suggestion' is Mozart Clarinet Concerto II.
'Evil' is Based on 'Point of View.'
Sip. Back with beer #10 at 1841. Senator Patty Murray was on TV. Seems The Republicans want to deny 'health care' to women who seek abortions for whatever reasons. This is a complex emotional issue. I understand that. But Planet Earth (stomp above me) seems to have more than enough human beings at the current time. Mother Nature Herself aborts roughly 25% of all fetuses, and the current U.S abortion rate is also about 25%. Yet world population continues to grow at a substantial rate. There is no shortage of humans on this planet. On the other hand, the human population growth seems to be causing widespread decline in the numbers of most other species. Too many humans equals disaster for other species. Can't we all just get along? Apparently not. I decided this was a good subject to bring up with god. I dialed 666 on The Brown Telephone. God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Limbo.
gd: Home of 'The Unbaptized.'
me: Do aborted fetuses qualify?
gd: Of course.
me: My data indicate that roughly 25% of conceptions are aborted.
gd: Right. Question?
me: About the same number of American conceptions are aborted by modern medical technology.
gd. So?
me: Is that evil?
gd: Very evil.
me: What is the difference?
gd: The difference is that I do it. Whatever I do is good. Whatever you do is evil.
me Ahh! Now I understand. Thank you.
Sometimes it Takes a Tribe.
As you know, I'm extremely asocial (is that a word?) because of a long history of vilification by Tribe Stalkers (Yes, Virginia. Sometimes it Takes a Tribe). (Buzzing nicely on beer # ?!) But yesterday's inability to log in to Blogger, my only link to the 'outside world,' shook my asocialism to the point that I considered other modern means of communication. Really. My first thought was, Twitter. I'm not on Twitter. I can't use Twitter. Had I been a 'Twit' I could have tweeted something like, 'Blogger unavailable. Try again tomorrow.' I would rarely need Twitter. I'm now thinking that Twitter could be good 'insurance.' I will therefore become a Twit in the near future, but expect very, very few (if any) tweets from me. I also thought about stuff like Facebook. On Facebook you have 'friends.' But I can't use 'friends' either. I feel like the girl who said, as she gazed at the orange tennis ball in her hands, 'I can't use color.'
Thinking in the Millions.
Buzz is now stable at 1608. Sip. Off to the fridge for beer #6. Whew. This stuff goes down fast. Sip. Yum! 'Beer' is an 'acquired taste' of course, associated with pleasure. Otherwise, 'Yuck.' The most recent two reruns of Millionaire were unfamiliar to both Kootch and I. They probably happened while Kootch was in Japan last year. Kootch is in the shower now. Sip. I'm 'flailing around' for something to write about now. Hmm. Hows about this: Sampson was the first 'suicide Bomber.' Therefore, Jewish Scripture provides 'the role model' for modern Islamic fruitcake behavior! Few Jews resort to such behavior nowadays because Judaism has been around for three thousand fucking years, and it's very clear by now that 'martyrdom' didn't work for the Jews... unless you consider 'The Holocaust.' Six million is a lotta martyrs, however. God is obviously not easily persuaded. Wanna please God? Think in the millions.
The Greatest Scam in History
Currenteventswise, Donald Trump is a 'Birther?!' Huh? He is reputed to have said something like 'Obama's 'citizenship' is the biggest scam in history.' Wrong, Donald. Check your dick. Circumcision is the greatest scam in history. And the big news is the budget fight which threatens to 'shut down the government.' Ho-hum. Yawn. Time for beer #4! Sip. Buzzing nicely at 1515. Sip. Speaking of 'circumcision,' now might be a good time to call Lucifer on the Brown Telephone about Freud's recent new client, Jesus. Should be interesting.
lu: Hello?
me: Can you supply me with any news about Jesus' new relationship with Freud?
lu: Only that they had a discussion about Jesus' foreskin restoration. Freud was impressed by Jesus' ability to masturbate without lubrication. Very impressed. So impressed, in fact, that he is reported to have said, 'OMG! I was wrong! Men suffer from penis envy, not little girls!'
me: Really! Is that an accurate quote?
lu: It is accurate. Actually, I heard the recording.
me: I take it you and Jesus have something of a 'relationship?'
lu: Intellectual only. We are all three hetero.
me: Ah so. I recently talked to god concerning his futurephobia. He totally dissociates.
lu: Long history of that.
me: Very long. Talk to ya later.
Making up for Lost Time.
'Spaces' don't work either. Thus I could not separate (3) from 'Spaces' using spaces. Hmm. 'Draft autosaved at 1:38 PM.' It should read, 2:38 PM. Things are fucked up at Blogger. Buzzing nicely now at 1442. Off to the fridge for beer #3! (Stopped by the potty to pee (tap) on the way to the fridge, and kootch opened her door right behind me. I turned around and said, 'Beatcha!' She replied, 'You did.' Sip. I bought Kootch some 'green' roses at KSW today, then promptly forgot to bring them to the car with the rest of the groceries (they were alone in a separate bag). I remembered them about two blocks later and returned for them. The people there are so nice! I've been keeping Kootch well supplied with flowers recently, and she is wondering 'What's going on?! 'Making up for lost time' said I.
If it ain't Fun, don't do it
I'm baaack. Tonight is officially Booze Night! First sip at 1356. Sip. Ahhh. 16 beers available including the four leftover from last week. I've been known to drink 16 beers in one sitting only once. Sip. I don't like to be in-bed-hungover on the days Kootch leaves early for her morning exercise class, but I should take advantage of my 'fresh brain time' to do this weekly blog. It will help that I am 'in a good mood.' Yesterday's mood was pretty dismal. The editor is still broken so I'll just have to work around it as best I can. First there were too many carriage returns, and now there are not enough. Very strange hacking. Can this be some sort of 'theater?' Working on beer #2 at 1429, buzzing slightly. Also working on game 42 of C-III this week. What would I do without video games? Probably help edit Wikipedia. Sip. If it ain't fun, don't do it.
Blogger Problems...
'Booze night' was cancelled yesterday when I could not log on to Blogger due to a 'pass(tap)word' problem. It was 'just as well,' I guess, because I was extremely sleep-deprived due to heavy microwave radiation from the apartments above and below the previous night. I decided to do it anyway but couldn't log on. I did the 'forgot password' thingie, then clicked on the e-mail link, but still failed to log on. Seemed to me in my zombie state that I was 'getting the runaround' from Blogger. So I hit the sack at 7PM, endured hours of heavy microwave attacks during the night, and got up at 7AM feeling reasonably refreshed (estimated 6-7 hours of actual sleep). I then tried to log on with the 'forgotten' password. It worked, so I've been troubleshooting the problem most of the morning. See below...
(Looks like the 'no carriage return' problem still exists, however. The formatting looks ok as I type it out on the 'page' but when I do a 'preview' all carriage-returns disappear. It is as if the button labeled, 'Remove Formatting from selection' is always 'on.' Lessee... interesting! I can get a carriage return by using 'Bulleted List,' then 'undoing it.' Hmm...Now I get a double carriage return... and can't seem to get rid of it...etc, etc.)
I can't fix the problem. I might be back later to declare 'Booze Night!' again. We'll see...