Friday, April 22, 2011


Losing my Senses

TGIF! And not only is it Friday, it's Good Friday (isn't every friday a good friday?), and it's also Earth Day. Interesting contrast: Good Friday commemerates Jesus' death on the cross 2000 years ago, while Earth Day is a modern commemeration based on the sciencific point of view that a burgeoning human population is drastically affecting Earth's climate and Earth's various species.
Working on beer #3. Kootch and I just finished a Millionaire. Time for me to reread last week's posts... Ok, pretty much as I remembered. I should update the 'cold chronicles' to record that the 'cold' is dis(thump)appearing slowly except for the nasal manifestations. My nasal mucosa has been constantly swollen since last week and I have lost all ability to smell anything due to constant, heavy microwave radiation. Is this permanent? We shall see... In adition to the loss of my sense of smell I must periodically (every 30 minutes or so) blow my nose to clear away huge amounts of congealed mucus. I should also mention that the radiation has caused significant vision loss by increasing the lens' opacity (cataracts). Gerash and his 'friends' living above and below me are not very nice people.
I, on the other hand, am a very nice old guy.
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