Friday, April 29, 2011
gd: Got it! You are wrong as usual. Alabama is on the West Coast.
me: Wrong.
gd: How can I be wrong? I am God!
me Your map is fucked up. You need a better map.
gd: Let's settle this: My map shows Tuscaloosa Alabama at 37.7 Latitude, and 122.3 Longitude.
me: Wrong. That's San Francisco's coordinates.
gd: Oops. Did San Francisco recently conspire to make circumcision illegal?!
me: Yep.
gd: Oops. San Francisco and Tuskaloosa coordinates appear to have been switched...
me Are 'apologies' in order?
gd: (hangs up)
gd: Got it! You are wrong as usual. Alabama is on the West Coast.
me: Wrong.
gd: How can I be wrong? I am God!
me Your map is fucked up. You need a better map.
gd: Let's settle this: My map shows Tuscaloosa Alabama at 37.7 Latitude, and 122.3 Longitude.
me: Wrong. That's San Francisco's coordinates.
gd: Oops. Did San Francisco recently conspire to make circumcision illegal?!
me: Yep.
gd: Oops. San Francisco and Tuskaloosa coordinates appear to have been switched...
me Are 'apologies' in order?
gd: (hangs up)