Friday, April 29, 2011
The Two Spocks
First sip at 1709. I begin this week's posts with only several dim ideas of what I might write about. Sip. As the booze begins to dis-inhibit my CNS a bit, those Ideas might or might not 'bubble up' as subjects. Sip. Might as well reread last week's posts. That's always a good start... Ok. End of beer #1 at 1724. Burp. Time for The Evening News... Ok, that consumed beer #2. Buzzing nicely at 1816, but slightly depressed. This may be a very slow night. Sip. It is obviously time for a Link Dump:
Letter to Atheists from Christopher Hitchens. Oops. Also depressing.
Backers of SF circumcision ban say they have signatures needed for ballot. God is not gonna like this. We need to talk...
Giant Galaxy NGC 6872. Alright! Things are looking up. The interesting shape of the leading edges suggests (to me) that the galaxies have been 'critically close' during about the last 180 degrees of the larger galaxy's rotation. The smaller galaxy presumably rotates much faster than the larger and therefore shows minimal (asymetric) distortion. The bright star slightly lower-left is in our own galaxy and shows an interesting color pattern suggesting that the telescope optics are not quite perfected yet. But damned good nevertheless!
Darn. I'm already outa links. Guess I've been playing too much C-III lately. I'm on game #45, currently.
(Alright! I just finished beer #3, and the resulting 'shields down' CNS environment just allowed me to make a connection between Alabama and California which I will later 'investigate.' Eheh. Viva beer! Sip.)
And speaking of 'shields down' I've recently been noticing an interesting aspect of the original Star Trek: Spock's 'yarmulke of light.' Kootch and I watch most of the reruns on channel 3, and this 'Kippah shine' was something which I never noticed back in 1968, but which is obvious to me now: Spock's black shiney, round head reflects light in the form of a 'kippah.' I do not think this was an 'accident.' Indeed, I think that 'Spock' was something of a 'Jewish role model' back in those days. (Both 'Spock' and 'Captain Kirk' are Jews in 'real life,' a fact which tends to support my conjecture.) Most people would not have known that, except, perhaps, Jews. Then there is the antipathy (in Star Trek) between Spock (the Jew) and McCoy (the Irishman), suggesting in a very subtle way that there was a war going on between the Jews and the Irish. That also escaped me back in '68. Does that suggest something? Did Jews not yet control the American Medical System? Or - was the intent to suggest that Jews were not disproportunately represented in that medical system? Enter the 'circumcision link:' Doctor Spock. His book, The Commom Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946) recommended infant circumcision. I think (conjecturate) that Nimoy the Jew adopted that screen name in support of the real-life Doctor Spock out of what I call, 'Jewish Penis Envy.' Are you a circumcised American male born after 1946? Blame the two 'Spocks' and the Jew-dominated American Medical Establishment.
First sip at 1709. I begin this week's posts with only several dim ideas of what I might write about. Sip. As the booze begins to dis-inhibit my CNS a bit, those Ideas might or might not 'bubble up' as subjects. Sip. Might as well reread last week's posts. That's always a good start... Ok. End of beer #1 at 1724. Burp. Time for The Evening News... Ok, that consumed beer #2. Buzzing nicely at 1816, but slightly depressed. This may be a very slow night. Sip. It is obviously time for a Link Dump:
Letter to Atheists from Christopher Hitchens. Oops. Also depressing.
Backers of SF circumcision ban say they have signatures needed for ballot. God is not gonna like this. We need to talk...
Giant Galaxy NGC 6872. Alright! Things are looking up. The interesting shape of the leading edges suggests (to me) that the galaxies have been 'critically close' during about the last 180 degrees of the larger galaxy's rotation. The smaller galaxy presumably rotates much faster than the larger and therefore shows minimal (asymetric) distortion. The bright star slightly lower-left is in our own galaxy and shows an interesting color pattern suggesting that the telescope optics are not quite perfected yet. But damned good nevertheless!
Darn. I'm already outa links. Guess I've been playing too much C-III lately. I'm on game #45, currently.
(Alright! I just finished beer #3, and the resulting 'shields down' CNS environment just allowed me to make a connection between Alabama and California which I will later 'investigate.' Eheh. Viva beer! Sip.)
And speaking of 'shields down' I've recently been noticing an interesting aspect of the original Star Trek: Spock's 'yarmulke of light.' Kootch and I watch most of the reruns on channel 3, and this 'Kippah shine' was something which I never noticed back in 1968, but which is obvious to me now: Spock's black shiney, round head reflects light in the form of a 'kippah.' I do not think this was an 'accident.' Indeed, I think that 'Spock' was something of a 'Jewish role model' back in those days. (Both 'Spock' and 'Captain Kirk' are Jews in 'real life,' a fact which tends to support my conjecture.) Most people would not have known that, except, perhaps, Jews. Then there is the antipathy (in Star Trek) between Spock (the Jew) and McCoy (the Irishman), suggesting in a very subtle way that there was a war going on between the Jews and the Irish. That also escaped me back in '68. Does that suggest something? Did Jews not yet control the American Medical System? Or - was the intent to suggest that Jews were not disproportunately represented in that medical system? Enter the 'circumcision link:' Doctor Spock. His book, The Commom Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (1946) recommended infant circumcision. I think (conjecturate) that Nimoy the Jew adopted that screen name in support of the real-life Doctor Spock out of what I call, 'Jewish Penis Envy.' Are you a circumcised American male born after 1946? Blame the two 'Spocks' and the Jew-dominated American Medical Establishment.