Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Acid Seeks You
Pink Nylon Panties
Mutilation Theory
I am listening to this glorious Mozart Sonata as I type this. Beautiful.
I will close tonight with my 'Mutilation Theory.'
1. Sexually mutilated males will seek revenge against the wrong people: Their children; other people's children; always children, because children have no defense and the offense needs to be unadmitted. Hidden. They were children... they were mutilated...
2. Sexually mutilated males will rarely zero in on parents-as-cause. But some inevitably will.
3. Therefore a Jew is defined as the offspring of a Jewish female. She is to blame. She is responsible. Her real name is Eve.
Time to wrap this up as I sip my last beer. But I need visuals!
The Seven Steps to New Art
Before proceeding I need to mention again that this blog makes much more sense after you have downed a beer or a shot of whiskey. Enjoy.
And at the risk of generating competition I will now describe the procedure whereby I convert a pair of white cotton panties into a work of art:
1. Acquire a pair of white cotton panties. Put them on under your shorts.
2. Drink some beer. This will speed the process.
3. Sit at the computer in a chair which has a waterproof exterior. Put your feet up such that your butt is the lowest part of your anatomy. Gravity is your friend here. Wait.
4. When your bladder signals, 'Ok! Pee if you must, but I need to empty!' then relax and enjoy.
5. Sit there for at least 30 minutes after you have peed in your pants. The pee will need that time to fully infiltrate all of the available clothing and produce a definitive stain.
6. Move your lower body around slightly as a way of savoring your soaked pants. Enjoy.
7. Finally, get up and change clothes. Evaluate the pee stain on your white panties. Decide whether it is of artistic quality. If so, hang the panties out to dry. Repeat once a week. You will inevitably produce occasional works of art.
The Definition of Art
I am a fan of CBS Sunday Morning, which is a really interesting and sophisticated Sunday morning show lasting about 1.5 hours. I TiVo it religiously. I love it. The show seems to be directed at the Local (New York City) Jewish Intelligensia, a moneyed group which is apparently fond of making 'artistic bets.' Various forms of art surface prominently and frequently on the show. The interesting (to me) aspect of that is the totally ludicrous amounts of money which are often paid out for 'art' which seems to me to be 'crap.' My jaw drops every Sunday Morning. 'Huh?! One million dollars for that shit?! Somebody has waaay too much money!'
So I've recently been wondering whether I can 'get in on the action' with my unique art form which I call, 'Pee-Stained Panties.' Really. I am not joking. Here is the background:
I love to pee in my panties, as you know. I've had a panty fetish plus a panty-pee fetish since I was 12 years old. These fetishes have served a most glorious aspect of my sexual life and I still enjoy them at my advanced age. I will never give them up. I love them.
But can I make them profitable? Can I invent a new art form? Can I actually sell some of my pee-stained panties as works of art? To New York Jews with too much money? Hmm! I like the idea!
I am not being frivolous here: I actually experience a sexual-artistic sensation sometimes (when I am hot) when I hold up an old pair of peed panties to view. With very few exceptions the panties are white, which tends to enhance the pee stain. Once I have determined that a particular pair of peed panties is 'artworthy' I retire them to my collection. I have at least 20 pair now. At least. I add them at the rate of about one every two weeks, but I can increase that to one a day at least should demand eventually suggest.
Because of Me
Whew. That idea is finally 'out of the way' and I can relax now. Lessee... link dump:
'Because of me.' A nurse speaks out against infant sexual mutilation. Good girl.
What kind of monster are you? Halloween approaches. I have candy...
Christian Nymphos. God wants you to have sex! Go for it, girls...
Silk Purple Panty Bounce. Very sexy.
Yellow and pink... Same woman. What a glorious butt!
Well, surprise, surprise! Joe Lieberman, the senator from Israel, intends to vote against 'the public option' in the proposed new health care bill. Figures: Lieberman is a Jew and he is voting his tribal interest. Jews control the health care industry and much of the insurance industry, and reform would mean that Jewish Tribal Interests would suffer under health care reform: The Jewish Tribe would make less money. Aww... Darn...
(Kootch just looked in to tell me she was hitting the sack and that supper was waiting on the stove. I said, 'So, whadaya think? Could you masturbate me using a pair of chopsticks?' She replied, 'Goodnight!' My take is that she's good but not that good - at least not at my age.)
Before leaving the subject of 'panties' tonight I want to add a new feature to this weekly blog: 'My Current Panties.' I got the idea from a blog wherein a woman blogged about her daily dress using a limited number of colors. Photos included. I found it interesting for a while, but I wondered about her underwear. She never mentioned it and I wished she would have. I thought about asking her to add that information but reflected that my request might be offensive. So I deleted her blog from the list. I often mention my panty fetish on this blog, and so I thought it might be a good idea to add that feature. Here it is: I am currently wearing a pair of size 13 cotton panties. Waaay too big. 'Just My Size' is the brand name. You can find them at Wal Mart and other quality stores. My panties are white with lots of round green dots and slightly larger round orange figures. Unpeed at the moment, but at my age...
Doctor Josef Shlomo Mangele
The forecast is for lots of snow tonight, and that's all the excuse I need to booze it up again. You know me. The first thing I need to get out of the way is Doctor Mangele (named, of course after Josef Mengele of Holocaust fame). The nurses call him, Doctor Mangle. He is the local specialist and has circumcised several thousand babies thus far. His career goal is ten thousand, a figure which seems to be well within his grasp. Doctor Mangle is very good at what he does. If you are a newborn about to be circumcised, you want Doctor Mangle. Doctor Mangle takes pride in the fact that he has a very low 'complication' rate (botch rate): only one death, and only seventy lawsuits from parents of unsatisfied customers. His style is to do a nice tight job. He will cut you no slack, but he will leave you with just enough so that your penis will not distorted itself during erections later in life. No need to worry about sharp curves. His personal motto is, 'Mother Nature takes nine months to assemble it; we take nine minutes to disassemble it.'
(I was supposed to cook up some Pea soup for supper tonight, but since I decided at the last minute to do 'booze night' Kootch is doing the job. I just made a trip to the kitchen for another beer, and noticed the pot of pea soup bubbling slowly on the stove. I looked around for the stirring spoon, intending to give it a stir. No stirring spoon. Kootch walked in just about then and I mentioned that it needed to be stirred every ten minutes. Kootch advised me that she was aware of that, then grabbed a pair of chopsticks near the stove and stirred the mixture. Chopsticks? I said, 'Do you think you might be able to masturbate me using a pair of chopsticks?' She shooed me out of course, but now that I think about it... hmm... Those Japanese are really good with chopsticks!) Back to my story:
Doctor Mangle is Jewish, of course, and does an especially good job for Jewish customers who want to avoid the rigamarole of a formal Bris. Doctor Mangle is furthermore very concientious concerning his 'other' customers: he photographs each and every one of them as they lay naked in the circumstraint. He first places a tiny yarmulke on their heads as they lay there tied down with velcro. Most of them are crying by then. Indeed, if a particular infant seems to be enjoying his situation instead of crying, Doctor Mangle will 'give him a little pinch' just to 'bring him into the moment,' then photograph him. He calls his unhappy charges, 'Honorary Jews.' He photographs them all, Jews and non-Jews alike, before and after. He has quite a collection. He plans to sell the best of them on the New York art market some day to finance his retirement. He plans both a book and an art auction for the very best photographs. He anticipates an eventual 'take' in the neighborhood of 'eight digits.'
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Question Circumcision
Jesus Restores
Concerning last week's posts, if you deduced that Jesus has decided to do a foreskin restoration, you got it right. The reason, of course, is that Jesus is bored on His long trip back home to Heaven, and - BTW - is freezing His Butt off. Jesus therefore exercises to keep warm. His regimen includes masturbation from time to time (even gods love orgasms!) But Jesus needs visual stimulation in order to 'get hot.' Furthermore Jesus is running out of lubricant. Enter Yours Truly: I am Jesus' porn supplier and adviser. I have recently uploaded to Jesus information that it is possible for Him to 'restore His foreskin' thereby eliminating the need for artificial lubrication. Jesus celebrated that information and has begun to 'restore.'
Time to end this segment with a call to the Jewish God WHTZSNM. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Jesus says, 'OMG!'
gd: O-what?
me: MG.
gd: Nonsense.
me: Think 'foreskin.'
gd: Think 'hellfire.'
me: Think 'golden feeling below the belt.'
gd: Think '666 degrees Centigrade.'
Josef Shlomo Mangele
I'm still working on 'The Honorary Jew Penis Disassembly Room.' It's very slow going because I have never been inside a pediatric unit, or in one of the side rooms where circumcisions take place. I know how to talk to God. No problem. I can do a faux interview with God better than most, and I have done a number of them in this blog. It's very easy to make fun of God.
But there has been a problem with making fun of Jews since The Holocaust.
I claim that those days are gone now. I claim that Jews have used their post-Holocaust history to achieve an unprecedented Tribal Advantage over the rest of us, and that the hard (or soft) evidence of that is that America has been circumcised up to its earlobes by the American Jewish Medical Establishment for 'health reasons.' (Prove me wrong if you can.)
I intend to undo that and I need your help.
Among my recent acquisitions conceptwise in this regard is the name of the physician who specializes in 'neonatal penile modification.' (Circumcision.) His name is, 'Doctor Josef Mangele.' (His middle name, in case you are interested is, Shlomo.) He is a nice Jewish physician. He smiles a lot. You would like him if you were an adult but you would hate him if you were a male infant in his hospital.
And concerning the 'style' of the piece, I have decided on 'charicacture.' Doctor Mang will be a charicature. Indeed, the entire piece will be so. Stay tuned for more next week.
Beautiful Spikes
Been feeling a bit 'under the weather' lately in spite of adequate sleep. I suppose this is due to a 'mini booze night' (Sunday?). Anyway, I seem to be back to my usual self today. Therefore I am now in the process of fucking myself up again! Go figure. Seriously folks, as I go from 'hungover' to 'ready for booze night again' I observe myself, and I can see a steady improvement day by day. If I plotted it on a graph it would resemble a 45 degree up incline at the beginning, which would tend to flatten out somewhat after a week, but which would clearly have some way to go before it would flatline completely after maybe 3-6 weeks. Most of the recovery has been accomplished by the first week, therefore I calculate that it is worth the investment to booze it up and do this blog again. I could spread the booze out over a week instead, and blog a little every night, but I dislike the feeling of being only 'a little drunk.' With me it's either/or. I prefer to live a sober life punctuated by spikes of amazingness.
Time for the Link Dump:
Eight Miles Wide. I love this music! But as you watch the video you need to notice that the woman is mistaken concerning vaginal/penile characteristics: 'My vagina is universal - like a penis but reversible' is in error with regard to the natural (uncircumcised) penis which is - literally - reversible! The vagina is not.
I've loved Bill Moyers ever since he did the series with Campbell on The Power of Myth. His most recent PBS show certainly contains valuable advice for the O'bama Administration concerning the value of War in Afghanistan. Read up on it, folks. Very important.
Just Say No is a somewhat unsettling trend internationally to which the O'bama Administration seems to be subscribing. Bad idea. God needs to be criticized from time to time.
It amazes me that former VP Cheney is not swinging from the end of a rope for War Crimes! Yet here he bombs the O'bama Administration for 'dithering' in its current considerations concerning how to proceed in Afghanistan. Cheney=Evil.
Mother Nature Tattoos Mars. Hmm... Picassoesque?
You Only Live Once. Enjoy it while you can.
Ugly Religion. It amazes me that tribal/religious opinion can control family behavior.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Oops. Time now is 0100 AM. I've drunk all booze. I buzz. I love you. Why? Because the alternative is grotesquely ugly.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tune in Next Week
Which brings us at last to the subject of 'The Honorary Jew Penis Disassembly Room.' You can probably guess that the subject will be an undercover report by a trusted female investigator concerning sexual mutilation in American pediatric units, and you would be correct. I am not yet ready to write the scenerio, but I am willing to name at least the heroine: 'Trish Alfonsi.'
But there will be a surprise! I will impersonate those gloriously sexy pregnant women! I will dress up in women's clothing. I will pretend to be Jewish. I will ask leading questions! I will allow my tummy to protrude appropriately. I will wear women's clothing. I will keep my knees together. You laugh.
You think you know the identy of 'Trish.' You think you know the identity of, 'Alfonsi.' Really?
Maybe you do, but you need to stay tuned as I describe my transformation from a man to a woman. Especially, you need to savor my description of my underwear!
Tune in next week!
Which brings us to Beethoven. You love Beethoven. I know you. Piano Concerto #1. Enjoy.
Then there is Gemma. In pink satin! And gloriously sexy butt! OMG!
And now we abandon tonight's surface phenomenon. We change perspective. We search for meaning in the midst of chaos. We dial 123 on the Brown Telephone. Jesus answers immediately:
js: Hello?
me: Ready for a couple of uploads?
js: Is the pope catholic?
(I upload the two previous videos)
js: Oh My (static)!
me: Thought You'd like it. How's it going out there?
js: You really wanna know?
me: Yes. Of course.
js: Can I be very personal with you?
me: Of course!
js: I'm running out of lubricant. I have about a year left.
me: So?
js: I have about 3 years left on my journey.
me: Ah. Hmm. Let me think... my brain is thinking resurrection...
js: Nope. Been there. Done that. But you are beginning to warm up a little...
me: Barf... let me think... Got it! Resection?!
js: Nope. Been there done that too.
me: Thinking... Begins with Re... Restoration?
js: Oh my (static)! Yes!
More Fucking
Oops, I forgot. Before leaving the subject of 'fucking' I need to describe the interaction between my foreskin and her vagina: My foreskin would usually be in position covering about 75% of the glans as I entered her slippery vagina. There would be very little friction as my penis sank into her vagina, but my foreskin would inevitably be retracted by what friction there was, with the result that my foreskin would be completely inverted (turned inside-out) when I 'bottomed.' The result was that my inner foreskin sampled her vagina deliciously. My glans was, of course, in pussy heaven. As I thrusted gently in and out of her, my penis did a combination of sensing vagina and sensing itself - identical sensations! I was masturbating gently inside a gloriously smooth, warm, slippery cunt! No hands needed!
Needless to say, she loved the feeling, especially when I 'bottomed' against her clit with my pubis. She would often clench her legs around me on those occasions and say, 'Yes! Yes! OMG! (or equivalent).
Current Events
Beer #8 @2031. Feeling gooooood! (but not that good)
Which brings us to Kaiser Permanente. I got a bill from Kaiser yesterday which duns me for the fifteen dollar co-pay of July 2009. Mellisa had refused to 'see me' and as a result I had done a 'refund' on my credit card. Kaiser Financial has apparently taken issue with my reason for declining payment. Hmm. What to do?
I am a lover not a litigant, of course. You know me. And fifteen dollars is nothing to me. I would gladly pay (stomping above me - quiet all night until now) Kaiser, even to protect Mellisa. But as I examined the bill I saw the charge to the US Government of $69.97 minus my co-pay of $15.00. Government cost: $54.97. Question: If I send a check to Kaiser for 15 dollars the government would be required to pay Kaiser almost 55 dollars! (Little did I know!) and that payment would be fraudulent, based on my evaluation as a patient. Can I agree to that? No. I will therefore reluctantly adviser Kaiser Permante that I cannot in good conscience pay their bill.
Beer #9 @2122.
Continuing with 'current events,' the apartment below (104) is still up for grabs. And you even get a garage! Meanwhile other residents below serve to replace you, managing the microwave cannons against me. Nothing new.
You need to move in soon, or forget it forever...
Blood sugar is coming up a bit... not fast enough. Beer #5 @1855. Sip.
I have two subjects left to explore tonight:
The Honorary Jew Penis Disassembly Room
Jesus Restores
But first I need to reply to Doctors Oz and Berman:
I am not bragging here, I am merely stating facts:
I am a sexually unmutilated American male born in 1935. I consider myself typical/average, sexually speaking. The size of my penis is average at best and seems to be shrinking with age. I have fucked my share of women (about 15) and found them all virtually identical, cuntwise (taste, smell, sensation, virgin, nonvirgin). All seemed to enjoy the experience with the exception of one woman who complained that it took me too long to orgasm. She was one of many 'one night stands.' I was too drunk at the time and don't blame her. Only Kootch, my lifetime pardner, orgasmed that I know of. She claims a 95% rate. I concur. None of the women complained of pain/dryness. I never used a 'lubricant.' No lubricant was ever needed because I was an uncircumcised 'natural.'
I admit to the practice of squirting the first load near the entrance to the vagina in order to enhance overall 'slipperyness,' then burying my penis as deeply as possible as I pumped out the rest while grinding my pubis against hers. That was my style. One of my lovelies said, 'I can feel it!' (my semen.) Another said, 'I will never find another one like you.' I hope she was wrong about that. There was even one Japanese woman, whom I had already paid for, who said, 'Sankyu betty much!' when I advised her that I was too drunk to perform. Her words had an unmistakable edge of sarcasm, which I still remember. I rolled over and went to sleep.
Concerning first penetration:
She was always on her back naked, legs spread wide open as I mounted her. I would take my penis in my left hand and feel for her cunt with the back of my hand - supporting my upper body with my right arm - or (usually) she would take my penis in her hands and guide it to the entrance of her vagina, where she would always move it around a little as I slowly sank myself into her.
Never Again
'Mada' is also a Japanese word meaning, 'Not yet.'
I'm off to a slow start, probably due to sleep dep and low blood sugar. Alcohol can't make up for it. On my second beer now (1716), following a shot of Canadian Mist. Linkdump time:
Five ways to hack your brain into awesomness. Hmmm!
Information, please. Beautiful.
Why we need Government-run Universal Socialized Health Insurance.
Doctor Dean Edel on 'Operation Abraham.' Scroll up.
A message to intact males.
Beer #3 @1748. Sip.
And Doctor Oz has done it again, focusing this time on female sexual disfunction. He chose a handsome young couple who had the problem. He wants to fuck; she doesn't: What is her problem?!
First he tried 'hormones.' She might have a 'deficiency.' Eheh, sure.
Or maybe she had a 'stress problem?' Yeah, right.
Ok, How 'bout a body image problem?! Sheeeit. I'd fuck her is a New York Second!
It was at that point that the good (for nothing?) doctor advanced the daring theory of the week: Pain/vaginal dryness. It was at that point that the elephant in the room seized the good doctor around the waist with his trunk, turned him upside down, and tapped his head none too gently on the floor. Nobody noticed, not even the good Jewish doctor himself. Speaking of which, Doctor Oz had a female assistant, Doctor Laura Berman, author of 'Real Sex for Real Women.' Her name suggests a Jewish origin. She was quite good-looking and articulate, of course, but she promptly grabbed Doctor Oz by the hand and together they danced around the elephant in the room. It was quite a dance, but nobody noticed. The poor elephant deflated, shriveled up like a lost erection, and collapsed. Nobody noticed. 'Counciling' was the last subject. I was appalled, of course. I've talked to one too many 'Jewish Councellors.' Never again.
The MADA Approach.
Beer #1 @1600L. Running very late today due to disturbed sleep (again):(Bed at 2330. Heavy rad from above and below 0500-0530. Warm. Up at 0530. 4.5 hours sleep. Bed again at 0715. TCR until up at 1145, cold. THRUB and/or TCR otherwise.) Total of about 6 hours sleep. Good enough.
I have actually been doing research on the Afghanistan Surge question (via CNN, NBC, ABC, and NBC/MSNBC. Also PBS (Frontline: Obaba's War - which I have yet to watch)). Very complex, and far beyond little ole me. Fighting an insurgency in C-III is simple: give 'em some entertainment. Could we apply that principle in Afghanistan? Lessee... we need to entertain millions of primitive people who suffer under the yoke of an ancient and oppressive religion/culture?! Yeesh. How do you entertain The Taliban? I say, make a deal with them and concentrate on Al Queda in Pakistan. We need to stop this 'war against Islam' and address the underlying issues, foremost of which is the Israeli-Palestinian question. Whew. Can I go now?
No? You want a definitive suggestion? Ok, here it is: give every village in Afghanistan a giant HDTV set and a satellite receiver. Require them to watch Sex in the City. Modernity is the Acid which will Dissolve Ancient nonsense.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Beautiful Canada
Last beer finished at 2257. Unwilling to wrap this up. Double shot of Canadian Mist at 2300L. I love Canada! Oh Ca-na-da! Oooooh Caaaa naaaaa daaaa. I love you!
Tomorrow's hangover will be formidable. Time to wrap this up.
But my duty as a citizen again presents itself: where do I stand on the Afghanistan Surge question? I am leaning toward a definitive opinion, which I will present next week. Stay tuned.
Bed at 0030. Nighty night.
Feeling Cunt Under Panties
Doing beer #11 @2145L. Another meeting with Kootch in the bathroom: She was half asleep as she entered while I was peeing out more beer. I grabbed her (frontally) by the crotch. She mumbled in protest. I let her go, then grabbed her crotch from behind as she maneuvered toward the potty. She again protested and I let her go. I love feeling cunt under panties! Especially with my left hand... the sensory hand...
Time for music. Mozart, the last concerto, first movement. Glorious.
First movement part two. Yes!
Second movement, Beautiful. Like you in High School.
Third movement. Like you when you entered kindergarten.
Mozart died before writing another concerto.
Last beer @2234L. Gulp. Sip.
Time to contact Jesus. I dialed 123 on the Brown Telephone:
js: Hello?
me: Are those girls sexy or what!
js: Benny Hinn? Sexy?
me: Oops.
js: I am aware of your ploy, of course, as you know.
me: I know. I know.
js: I presume you have a backup?
me: Yes... oops. No. That nexblog video was deleted too. Sorry.
js: I forgive you.
me I have one other link to upload, but I fear for your psychological state. I don't want to do it.
js: Don't worry about me. Do it.
me: (I upload the link.)
js: Oh... my... (static)...
me It's pretty big...
js: Job security, I guess. But glorious! Utterly magnificient! I would never have suspected!
me: Forgive me, but I wonder about your obligation to other galactic civilizations. Will you be required to save them too?
js: (heavy object dropped above me)
Fuck Doctor Oz
So I will fill you girls in. I will describe the problem to you. I will tell you why you are not sexually fulfilled in your marriages.
Fuck Doctor Oz.
The problem is that your husbands' penises were mutilated at birth. The part of the penis which served to separate the internal aspect of the organ from the external aspect of the organ was severed. The penis, an internal-external organ like the eye, perforce became an external-only organ. It dried up. It became much less sensitive. He couldn't masturbate it during his teen years, and therefore never learned the rudiments of copulation and orgasm. He entered adulthood as a sexual dumbass instead of the sexual genius Mother Nature intended him to be. He became an Honorary Dumbass Jew. He bludgeons you during intercourse as he tries to orgasm. There is no sexual cuddling as he lovingly senses the depths of your gloriously smooth, warm, and slippery vagina. He can't feel it! Therefore he assaults your vagina with violent thrusting. He wields a short irritating beard to discourage you from cuddling. It is not his fault. He is a Jew.
But you can change that. How?
Talk him into doing a foreskin restoration. Threaten to divorce him. Help him do it. Together you can do it! Yes!
Nobody Noticed the Elephant in the Room!
Sometime during writing the previous post I went to the bathroom to pee. Kootch was washing her face, preperatory to hitting the sack. As I was peeing I said, 'Your husband is a fucking genius.' Kootch replied, 'Zere are sin rine between genius and crlazy.' I had to agree. Oyasuminasai. I patted her on the butt as I walked out.
I'm still working on the undercover expose of circumcision in America tentatively titled, 'The Honorary Jew Penis Disassembly Room.' My problem seems to have resolved itself recently and I have settled on a 'style:' (stomp above)
The style will be garish exaggeration. I will do it next week. Stay tuned.
And we all love Doctor Oz. Right? I do. I TiVo him. His shows are always very interesting, usually featuring samples of healthy and diseased internal organs. Yuck, but interesting. So when Doctor Oz presented a show about sexual disfunction in modern America this week I was almost estatic: will he unmask the American Circumcision Cult?! OMG! Please! Please! (being gassed here, RLG)
I was disappointed, of course, because Doctor Oz turned out to be one of the Cult Leaders! So sad for the American Penis! My first clue that Doctor Oz might be a Jew was when a huge elephant appeared right next to him. Nobody noticed! The elephant then proceeded to walk all around the set, often getting in front of The Wiz himself. Nobody noticed! The elephant had 'Male Sexual Mutilation' painted in large letters across his huge body on both sides. Nobody noticed!
The producers of the show were so concerned about the circumcision issue that not even a drawing of a penis was allowed.
Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!
It was touch and go for a while; to blog or not to blog. Here's the background:
'Bed at 2115 (heavy Rad 0400-0530, body overheated, nose swollen; up at 0530. Bed again at 0700 (Rad 0700-0800, 1000-1100). Up at 1100.'
Estimated sleep, seven hours. Enough? As the day wore on I eventually concluded, 'Yup.' So here I am again. As I was doing a recheck just now of last week's links I noticed that the 'gloriously (tap) sexy' link I was intending to uplink to Jesus had been 'removed by the user.' Eheh. It was a very innocent link, actually, which lasted less than a minute. It showed two beautiful young women lifting their skirts and revealing their satin bikini panties. They presented us with both a front view and a rear view. They spoke with a nice British accent. Not at all pornographic. Jesus would have loved it.
I can only speculate, of course, concerning who would remove such an innocent and sexy video, but I think I may have been able to identify the culprit: Benny Hinn. Now, therefore, I hereby substitute this Benny Hinn video in place of the sexy video Which I will upload to Jesus this very night. Stay tuned.
Beer #4 @1715L. Better do the link dump before I get too inebriated:
Ahmadinajad has Jewish roots?! I did an interview with the sucker some time ago, and this may explain his attitude.
God is Imaginary. Fifty simple proofs.
Latest Fight Over the Foreskin.
Psychology of Circumcising.
From Ritual to Science: The Medical Transformation of Circumcision in America.
Nadir of Western Civilization to be Reached This Friday at 3:32 P.M. Hmm. Eastern Standard Time? I'll be watching CNN...