Thursday, October 22, 2009


Beautiful Spikes

Been feeling a bit 'under the weather' lately in spite of adequate sleep. I suppose this is due to a 'mini booze night' (Sunday?). Anyway, I seem to be back to my usual self today. Therefore I am now in the process of fucking myself up again! Go figure. Seriously folks, as I go from 'hungover' to 'ready for booze night again' I observe myself, and I can see a steady improvement day by day. If I plotted it on a graph it would resemble a 45 degree up incline at the beginning, which would tend to flatten out somewhat after a week, but which would clearly have some way to go before it would flatline completely after maybe 3-6 weeks. Most of the recovery has been accomplished by the first week, therefore I calculate that it is worth the investment to booze it up and do this blog again. I could spread the booze out over a week instead, and blog a little every night, but I dislike the feeling of being only 'a little drunk.' With me it's either/or. I prefer to live a sober life punctuated by spikes of amazingness.
Time for the Link Dump:
Eight Miles Wide. I love this music! But as you watch the video you need to notice that the woman is mistaken concerning vaginal/penile characteristics: 'My vagina is universal - like a penis but reversible' is in error with regard to the natural (uncircumcised) penis which is - literally - reversible! The vagina is not.
I've loved Bill Moyers ever since he did the series with Campbell on The Power of Myth. His most recent PBS show certainly contains valuable advice for the O'bama Administration concerning the value of War in Afghanistan. Read up on it, folks. Very important.
Just Say No is a somewhat unsettling trend internationally to which the O'bama Administration seems to be subscribing. Bad idea. God needs to be criticized from time to time.

It amazes me that former VP Cheney is not swinging from the end of a rope for War Crimes! Yet here he bombs the O'bama Administration for 'dithering' in its current considerations concerning how to proceed in Afghanistan. Cheney=Evil.

Mother Nature Tattoos Mars. Hmm... Picassoesque?

You Only Live Once. Enjoy it while you can.

Ugly Religion. It amazes me that tribal/religious opinion can control family behavior.

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