Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Current Events

Beer #8 @2031. Feeling gooooood! (but not that good)
Which brings us to Kaiser Permanente. I got a bill from Kaiser yesterday which duns me for the fifteen dollar co-pay of July 2009. Mellisa had refused to 'see me' and as a result I had done a 'refund' on my credit card. Kaiser Financial has apparently taken issue with my reason for declining payment. Hmm. What to do?
I am a lover not a litigant, of course. You know me. And fifteen dollars is nothing to me. I would gladly pay (stomping above me - quiet all night until now) Kaiser, even to protect Mellisa. But as I examined the bill I saw the charge to the US Government of $69.97 minus my co-pay of $15.00. Government cost: $54.97. Question: If I send a check to Kaiser for 15 dollars the government would be required to pay Kaiser almost 55 dollars! (Little did I know!) and that payment would be fraudulent, based on my evaluation as a patient. Can I agree to that? No. I will therefore reluctantly adviser Kaiser Permante that I cannot in good conscience pay their bill.
Beer #9 @2122.
Continuing with 'current events,' the apartment below (104) is still up for grabs. And you even get a garage! Meanwhile other residents below serve to replace you, managing the microwave cannons against me. Nothing new.
You need to move in soon, or forget it forever...
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