Friday, July 27, 2007
Nighty Night!

I love this photo of a young Japanese woman ready for bed. What panties! What a glorious body!
This photograph would have been my absolute favorite back in my teenage years when I used 'pictures' as an aid to masturbation (I was a big fan of the Sears Catalog back in those days - not that I needed much 'help' in that regard).
Remembering those days I was amused by this site which offers 'cures' for masturbation. Masturbation needs a cure?! I think not. Masturbation is not a disease. Masturbation is a sexual outlet. Furthermore masturbation is a sexual teaching tool which enhances adult sexual performance: the more you masturbate as a teenager the more proficient you become sexually as you mature. This is especially true with men, who, through masturbation, learn to control the approaches to ejaculation (and orgasm), preventing the accident of premature ejaculation during later sexual encounters. Women must certainly benefit from masturbation too. How could they not? Hot chicks masturbate. Cold chicks join the convent.
One of the reasons I laughed about Jewish men having 'wet dreams' (nocturnal emissions) is that I cannot remember ever having had a 'wet dream.' In fact, when I first heard one of my peers describe the phenomenon I was a bit jealous: I wanted to have a wet dream. Only much later would I realize that I had masturbated so frequently during those teenage years that my body never needed to expel excess semen. Hence I never had a 'nocturnal emission.' Darn.
I've had plenty of sex dreams during my long life, of course, but so far as I can remember, they all involved women and their panties. You might be a bit surprised by who I have almost had sex with in the middle of the night.
But I'll never tell...
Yes I Know
Blog publishing seems to be going alright so far (boom) tonight but I'm way behind my usual pace due to the aformentioned events. It seems to me that here is a good time to call up WHTZSNM for another interview. You may recall that I ended last week with an interview with WHTZSNM during which I - drunk as a skunk - made sport of The Almighty. I failed to note that at the end of that interview God slammed down the receiver instead of hanging it up in the usual manner, and that it was obvious to me at the time that God was highly pissed off (being gassed here). I concluded that He has no sense of humor and that little digs in that regard were counterproductive. I chalked it up to an 'ego problem.' It seems to me that now is a good time to call God up and 'make nice.' Standby...
gd: Damn!
me: Missed again, Idiot.
gd: You have more lives than a cat.
me: I take it You have no sense of humor. You need to correct this personality defect. You will be much happier.
gd: Now you're a psychiatrist?
me: You know I'm right.
gd: So, were you afraid?
me: A little. I understand the laws of physics.
gd: But you don't understand the laws of God.
me: Well, maybe, but I was truly impressed by Your ability to conjure up tonight's weather.
gd: Nothing to it. And consider it a warning. I am not to be trifled with.
me: But You missed again!
gd: And You know exactly why I missed.
me: Yes I know. Tell me: why 613 commandments?
gd: (hangs up)
A Heavy Thunderstorm
As you can see from (1) below, I have no format control at all, this on a night of heavy hacking complicated by a heavy thunderstorm. Whoa! My entire blog is fucked up! Lessee... last change I made was in the settings... 'convert line breaks... changed 'yes' to 'no'... ok. I changed back to 'yes' and things appear to be 'normal' again. Weird.
A huge thunderstorm this evening really interfered with my blog, I think, but hacking is obvious also. I won't bother you with the hacking details, but you might be interested in the effects of the storm, which was... disconcerting: heavy rain accompanied by frequent close (loud) lightening strokes. I almost felt under attack by God. Kootch, on the other hand, totally enjoyed the spectacle, going out on the patio at the height of the fireworks. I joined her for about a minute before yielding to the 'self-preservation instinct' and retreating to my usual place on the couch. I warned her that it could be dangerous out there but she ignored me. There was even a runner going by on the Highline Canal Trail during the heavy rain and lightening. She was female, and so I grabbed the (10x) binocculars and imaged her, as usual. The rain obscured my view. Also she was wearing what appeared to be a black two piece ensemble. No wet marks were visible. Darn. I don't think she realized how much danger she was in. I told Kootch at the time that the tree across from us had been hit at least three times and that I thought God had it in for me. She laughed. She is very familiar with my 'relationship' with God. In fact, it was Kootch who came up with the 'name' WHTZSM, sort of: I was pointing my finger toward the apartment upstairs. Forgetting the name of the tenant I used "what's his name." She thought I was referring to God, and WHTZSNM was born, back in the late '80s. I got to use this 'invention' for the first time in the late '80s with a woman who knocked on my door. She was proselyzing. She thought that my characterization was, 'Disrespectful.'
Bubbles of Delusion
I see this as an interesting blip in the ongoing evolution of religion. A Google search for 'drug religions' turned up this interesting site. And speaking of evolution and religion, Pope Benedict takes a view that is compatible with modern science. Alright! The video, You are delusional seeks to reveal your 'bubble of delusion,' which is invisible from the inside but which is obvious from the outside. He begins with the Mormons, moves on to the Muslims, and finally to the Christians. If your faith is a bit shakey you might want to skip this one. I recently read the chapter on Mormonism in my potty book, god is not Great. Very interesting. I was quite surprised to learn that the first Mormons emigrated to North America around 600 BC, (where they apparently became American Indians?). The Mormon story is part of a chapter in my 'potty book,' god is not Great. I found the account very funny. Curious, I googled 'mormons and circumcision.' Google returned some interesting sources, among them this site which perports to advise the reader on the best ways to 'overcome masturbation.' Really. I think you'll find this site interesting.
Gorby speaks out. Having lived through the same amount of history (almost) I tend to agree with him. Is intense 'patriotism' yet another bubble of delusion?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Will This Publish?
Revisiting this blog today I discovered that last Thursday's posts didn't show up When I hit the 'view blog button.' So I copied the post addresses and published them on Non Serviam. I just now discovered that they are indeed viewable if you chose the July archive view. very wierd.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Apparently I am Drunk
Strange things are happening. I am unable to formulate a coherent theory in regard to 'reality' (tap). I feel that I am experiencing (tap) a relatively chaotic series of sensations which I am unable to fit into my previous understanding of my life. My sensations are undeniable because as raw sense data they are incontrovertible. But so far I am at a loss to construct an acceptable version of 'reality.'
Apparently I am drunk. Yes! That must be it! I am fucking drunk! Alright! I knew it!
(If you have never been drunk you should try it.)
Which brings us to philosophy: is god interested in my cognitive state? And furthermore why should I care? I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone:
gd: You're drunk.
me: Ahh!
gd: Anything else?
me: Forgive me, but we wonder...
gd: Wonder what?
me: We wonder about You. You seem to be so... grotesquely mathematical.
gd: You see my logical side. Anything else?
me: Umm, that was a joke. Nighty-night?
Anti-Semitism is a Curse
I was very impressed with the article cited below concerning 'anti-Semitism.' I knew that the charge of 'Anti-Semitism' was bogus on the face of it. I also knew that it was a Jewish weapon which American Jews used from time to time to create a cultural result favorable to Jews. I attributed the power of the said charge to the mid twentieth century Holocaust. I thought that American Jews were capitalizing politically in their own tribal interests, including the circumcision of America, which eventual state would relieve American Jews of tribal/sexual angst in the midst of an uncircumcised Christian Society: Jews would feel at home in a nation which circumcised infants for health reasons.
Therefore American Jewry (tap) promoted infant sexual mutilation. It worked. We all know that. But what were the psychological processes involved?
I eventually came up with the theory that Jews controlled the Medical Establishment (tap) due to overwhelming numbers in said establishment and that furthermore Jews controlled the political processes due to their tribal wealth which allowed them to virtually control various candidates in all American elections: Jews were rich and therefore Jews dominated (faint boom) the American political processes.
I would never have (tap) even considered these questions had not I been attacked by Jews.
What I love about the above link is (tap) that the arguments stunned me: 'AntiSemitism' is not so much a description as a curse. That is to say that the charge of 'Anti-Semitism' is in the nature of a curse which no 'supernatural being' responds to, but which a certain tribe responds to: God does not bother about your ethnic feelings, but Jews do: having been charged, you are forever vulnerable. That is to say that you have been cursed (tap).
Kootch's attitude represents the psychological state of 'denial.' I have learned not to press the issue with her: it never works. Also it tends to increase tension between us (tap) which is not a goo(stomp above me)d thing. She needs to deny (stomp) for her own reasons and I go along with her psychological need in that regard. I've photographed the damage and may publish it, but not now: tonight is fun night. BTW, I opted to do my blog tonight in view of the possibility that I won't feel so good tomorrow night. And on this subject I must report that since my threat to press my case with KP and then the ACSD, gassing and EMR have decreased significantly and I have been sleeping fairly well recently.
Bringing us to possible subjects for consideration:
FGM in Britian
Tom Segev - Fareed Zacharia
Nova Science Now
L.A. Archdioses - Roger Mahoney
Scientology banned in Germany
Harry Potter on sale Saturday
On the first subject, CNN had a piece a couple weeks ago to the effect that FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) was banned in Britian four years ago but that so far there have been no prosecutions although there is an active culture in that regard. I think that MGM should also be banned, and not only in Britain but in the USA. It follows that all non-Jewish/Muslim countries should condemn this grotesque mutilation by law. (Screw your stupid fucking religion whatever it is!)
The second subject refers to a Fareed Zacharia interview with an Israeli journalist regarding the
Palestinian-Israeli problem. Great interview.
Nova Science Now is glorious! I am a big fan.
And the LA Archdioces is in hock over the recent cave-in to 508 victims of priestly (boom) pedophilia.
Scientology has apparently been banned in Germany because it is essentially (boom) an economic enterprise. Hmm! Could German Evangelism be far behind?! If so, what about The 700 Club?
Finally, Hairy Potter: Seems that Saturday is sale day for the latest (and final?) book. This day is unfortunate in the sense that in Israel (tap) many book stores intend to remain open in spite of the government ban forbidding business on Shabbat (the Jewish sabbath). Eli Ishai, (boom) ultra-orthodox Israeli politician, has called for a ban. Who will prevail? All the world wants to know.
MGM... Interesting...
Unconvincing Evidence
Once again we have a publishing problem, but although I can't view new posts in the context of the entire blog I can view each published post individually. Good enough.
Kootch and I are at odds again concerning my stalking 'theory.' Kootch wakes up early and goes to bed early, whereas I tend to wake up late and go to bed late. Therefore, during the summer heat, we like to get the apartment as cool as possible early in the morning while the OAT is near its low. (We don't use the A/C any more because of the history of sabotage, plus I like to keep air flowing through the apartment in order to remove gas.) So during summer (tap) we open the patio door early in the morning. This allows the living room to cool rapidly as air is drawn into the LR directly and doesn't have to make its way through my bedroom and the hallway, during which journey it becomes warmer. We close and lock the patio door screen during those 'airings' in order to keep bugs out. But the screen door lock broke and I have not been able to (tap) fix it (I have better things to do than fuck with a screen door lock).
It occured to me, of course, that the open screen door presented an opportunity for Gerash operatives to enter the apartment on nefarious missions. Therefore I concocted an alarm system whereby - if the screen door was opened - a loud noise would alert Kootch, who would then scream and wake me up so that I could grab my .357 and kill the unlucky cocksucker who set off the alarm. That was the plan.
It was meant to be a deterent to pranks, of course, because a determined assassin could easily defeat such a crude device. Furthermore, and more importantly, it was a trap: if Gerashian pranksters actually fucked with the alarm system in a significant way there might be evidence of that tampering. Sure enough. Kootch asked me before she left this morning whether I had screwed around with the device. I replied in the negative. She then showed me the damage to the screen door.
After seeing the damage I suggested that since I didn't do it, and she didn't do it, somebody else must have done it. Kootch denied my suggestion with the thought that maybe she had done the damage. I countered with the obversation that she had had weeks of practice and was therefore unlikely to have inflicted such damage. Kootch was unimpressed with that argument, and we left the matter unresolved. It is still unresolved (tap).
February Gas Log
As you can see from the following, I was able to access the text mentioned in 'Wierd Stuff' (below). I'll publish the rest of it in Enough... Maybe. I'm thinking of yet another blog devoted exclusively to my drog. We shall see.
"02-05-03 This is the beginning of ‘gas log,’ in which I will document the the gas problem. Easier than writing...
They have been gassing me heavily (600 coughs per hour) since midnight and it is now 03:45 AM. Solid gas. Can’t sleep. In fact I am coughing so much that I am sweating from the effort. I intend to keep this program running 24 hours a day from now on and will enter each and every gassing event. I would describe tonight’s gassing as ‘sadistic.’ ‘Violent’ and ‘sadistic.’ The apparent purpose of these night gassings is to deprive me of sleep. During the gassings the demented people upstairs bang the walls and stomp the floor frequently. They stay up all night every night and whenever I am awake at night I hear them doing their bizarre and demented dance above, as they ‘punctuate’ my coughing sounds with their own, apparently sounds of celebration. The did allow me to sleep from about 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM last night, however.
Got a couple of hours of sleep this morning. They did not gas me at the computer and I spent a few hours playing C-III. They gassed me awake and continued heavy gassing which forced me out of bed around 11:15. They continued gassing me in the living room while I fast-forwarded through the Today Show. Also much stomping on the floor above me as I was gassed. Heavy gassing in the LR has forced me to the computer again, from which I will leave the apartment for the outside world shortly in an attempt to recover somewhat. Extremely sleep-deprived at this point, 11:45 AM.
Arrived home around three-ish after a little shopping, excercise and other business. Since then gassing has been subdued and episodic but persistent. Kootch and I have decided to replace the rug with a "hardwood floor" in an attempt to seal off the gas route.
Gassing seems to have tapered off to virtually zero between about 6:00 PM and now (11:00 PM)."
I continued writing this log through 02-21-03, when I concluded that the log was providing too much feedback to the gassers. (later) Reading through my drog I see they are already gassing me heavily in 2001. There is a huge amount of information in the drog, most of which I forgot. Might be a good idea to make an outline of it as a sort of 'nav aid.' There is also lots of similar information on veryoldcomputer, which is the one I began using Creative Writer with. Hmm. Then there are the old floppy disks I created with Word Salad on my Apple II+ back in the late '80s - late '90s.
Et tu Google?
613 commandments. This is an amazing list. Christianity represents a sort of evolutionary breakthrough in that it does away with them and replaces them with the summation, 'Love one another.' Apparently 'baptism' and 'confession' replaced 'mikveh.' These changes, along with deleting the need for 'circumcision' allowed the religion to grow and evolve rapidly (in evolutionary terms) into the single largest religion. Today Judaism is a vestigal remnant, like the human appendix. (Just checkin'. Eheh.)
The Jewish Establishment. You will never read something like this in your newspaper. Here are some exerpts:
"The single most powerful Jewish lobbying group is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which, as its former director Thomas Dine openly boasted, controls Congress."
"It's pointless to ask what "anti-Semitic" means. It means trouble. It's an attack signal. The practical function of the word is not to define or distinguish things, but to conflate them indiscriminately - to equate the soberest criticism of Israel or Jewish power with the murderous hatred of Jews. And it works. Oh, how it works."
"What is true of "anti-Semitism" is also true to a lesser degree of other bogus predicates like "racism," "sexism," and "homophobia." Other minorities have seen and adopted the successful model of the Jewish establishment. And so our public tongue has become not only Jewish-oriented but more generally minority-oriented in its inhibitions."
Did the Zionist Lobby Drive the U.S. Into the Iraq War? Obviously it helped considerably, but it took an idiot from Texas to actually give the orders. I wonder: Are Texas politicians pugnatious by nature? Does the saying, 'Don't mess with Texas' give rise to unconscious redneck bravado in such politicians? I think so. I would suggest that no Texas politician be elected to high office during the rest of this century. Texas needs to figure itself out before we again allow one of those dumb bastards to run amok with our military.
Finally, given their long history of persecution and their current position of power in the United States, Jews are 'touchy.' Even Google takes note of this...
Friday, July 13, 2007
No Fucking Way!
Testing... Alright! This post published immediately! Maybe the problem is fixed! So lessee...
Ok: been a while since we talked to the Jewish God WHTZSNM, so an interview might serve to reinforce existing emotional positions in that regard. On the other hand such an interview might serve to undermine such emotional positions. Let's test the question...
(I presume that you already know about the Brown Telephone: I alone possess such a telephone. Furthermore the Brown Telephone is a one-way device: only my end can initiate a call. There is no calling capability whatsoever on the other end.)
I dialed 666, expecting an answer from the Jewish God, WHTZSNM. God answered immediately:
gd: Would you consider 'calling reciprocity?'
me: Huh?
gd: I would like to be able to initiate conversation. Will you agree?
me: No fucking way.
gd. Then state the purpose of this call, and make it quick. I am a very busy God.
me: I am curious about your reaction to my recent posts. Do you find them in any way offensive?
gd: Your blog is offensive. Reflect on what that means.
me: I presume You refer to Hell?
(thump) gd: Exactly.
me: Is it the sexual aspect?
gd: Exactly.
me: I take it that You can tolerate the philosophic aspect?
gd: Barely. Don't press it.

I love this photo. Here is a good-looking young lady with lots of tit sitting in a sink. What can be the story behind this?! I'll leave it for you to decide, but my guess is that she is a new Jewish convert and is a bit unhappy with the Jewish cleansing ritual known as 'Mikva.' (Newcomputer went apeshit just after I typed that and I had to force a powerdown. Hmm. Did I offend somebody?) Update: The attempt to power up again failed, so I began deleting certain 'processes.' That fixed the problem, but I forgot which 'process deletion' did it. Next time I'll be more observant...
Here is the Google search for Mikva. Clearly I was misinformed about Jewish Mikva (Mikveh), a fact you can confirm by investigating the above link. So I think we can reasonably conclude that the story behind the photo is yet a mystery. (But read the link! It's hilarious! Jewish men, for example, do Mikveh after having wet dreams. Very funny.)
Which brings us back to the Japanese woman sitting in the sink (tap). The mystery will never be solved, of course, but we are free to speculate: 1) Is there water in the sink? 2) If so, is it hot water or cold water? (My guess is that it's cold water.) 3) Finally, was this beautiful young lady used in a Japanese commercial for the 'modern toilet?'
That would be my guess. Which brings up the question: will ancient Judaism be able to adjust to modernity such that it will allow the Japanese toilet experience (tap) as an alternative to the primitive requirement of Mikveh? And if so, will the rules of Mikveh be adjusted accordingly?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Wierd Stuff
Recently I have been poking around in Oldcomputer, looking not only at Japanese pussy but my old 'drog.' I used to write that 'drog' (drunk personal log?) under the influence, and it was fun that way. I could never have written it sober because that would have been way too depressing. Lessee... can I upload a bit of the drog to the blog? Standby... barf. I am unable to 'copy' any of my drog, which was written with a text editor called, 'Creative Writer.' Otherwise I would simply 'copy,' go to my blog, then 'paste' the content into the blog. No joy, 'copy' doesn't work with Creative Writer. Therefore, if I want (boom) to transfer some of my old drog to my blog I will have to type it in by hand. Ok. Will do. Eventually.
But possibly I can access the raw text. If so, I will be able to copy and paste in the normal manner. That will have to wait 'til at least Monday when I will again be in 'technical mode.'
I am again having trouble publishing my blog. Same ole shit as last time. I may be forced to abandon Blogger and get my very own web site (tap). Can do (boom).
Interesting! I am able to view the published version on Oldcomputer, but not on this computer. But I first had to sign out, then sign back in. Will that procedure work with Newcomputer? Nope. Maybe I have to sign out on both computers. Standby... Nope. Even signing out on both computers does not fix the problem. This leads me to believe that I am being 'censored' and that the 'censors' overlooked something. That is to say that the computer which 'published' the post can not view the result, but that other computers can. Very wierd stuff.
This Bud's for You!

Boy's prayers answered. Although the answer was not the one the boy wanted, it was at least an answer. Most prayers are ignored. The boy was, of course, appreciative.
Surgeon Generals have been 'missing in action' on the circumcision debate too. I remember back when Joycelen Elders proposed that masturbation was natural and should be taught as part of sex education she was widely booed by the ignorati. But she had a point: most boys and girls discover how to do it as part of their maturation process, and it would be very nice if the educational system at least acknowleged that masturbation was only natural, and that furthermore it was a good way to become sexually proficient while remaining disease free. Clearly, if the Surgeon General had spoken up concerning the 'efficacy' of infant sexual mutilation for medical reasons, the American Jewish Establishment would not have been able to confer the status of 'honorary Jew' on the vast majority of American males during the latter half of the twentieth century. (Ignorati: literally, 'the ignorant ones.' Opposite of cognoscenti. I invented the word today for use in this post.)
What Evolution left behind. Very interesting! The prepuce is not mentioned.
Today is Friday the thirteenth; also, I have exactly thirteen beers available, a true coincidence. Concerning the image above, the woman is quite good-looking of course, but her crotch is spectacular! Front and rear gusset lines are (for me) a most charming aspect of women's underpants. Beer-wise, I am drinking 3.2 Natural Light, not Bud, but I like Bud too.
Saturday, July 07, 2007

Friday, July 06, 2007
Lost in Translation
The previous reasoning might partially explain the recent 'doctor rage' in Great Britain. The Brits are mostly uncircumcised (as are The French and other European cultures), and the new British Muslim doctors might well have been shocked by witnessing actual British penises being skinned back for medical observation. Indeed, such a scenerio might have been so emotionally devastating to those Muslim physicians that they decided to become terrorists. But there are thousands of Muslim doctors now operating in the Mother Country. My guess is that most of them will now proceed to circumcise the Brits, using the US template. I predict that we will soon see a blizzard of new 'medical reasons' for male sexual mutilation in Britain, if not in the USA.
Which brings us to an interesting development in Catholic religious culture: the Tridentine Mass. Seems that Pope Benedict has reinstated the Latin Mass. Since there is now a limited number of priests capable of speaking Latin, the new mass form is only optional at the present time. I like the idea. Hopefully it will eventually become mandatory.
As a former altar boy I was always a fan of the Latin Mass. It seemed to me that The Mass 'lost grandure' when the latin text was replaced by (whatever) local text. The mass sounded so much more appealing to me in latin, whereas the English version sounded ludicrous. I call it the 'mumbo-jumbo effect.'
'Oremus' (o-ray-moose), for example, is instantly accepted by a Latin Innocent: no question arises in the supplicant mind, for example, such as, 'Did it work?' Or, 'Pray for what?'
Or, 'Huh?'
I loved the 'suscipiat' (boom) during the Latin Mass because I got to speak it out loud to the large group of nuns gathered there. I had absolutely no idea what it meant...
Existential Penis Envy
Bloomberg is a Jew, and is most probably circumcised. And as a circumcised Jew Bloomberg probably has the Jewish aversion to the male prepuce. Circumcates literally hate that natural aspect of the human penis. They hate it. I know:
Back in the '90s I used to play chess at the Denver Chess Club when it was located on South Broadway. We would gather there once a week for some informal speed chess, socializing and boozing. One night the subject got around to circumcision, and I took the opportunity to explain the function of the human prepuce to the players there. Using a blackboard I illustrated the sensory function of a skinned-back dick where the prepuce was inverted behind the glans by the retraction and in position to sense the vagina.
My 'prepuce class' infuriated one of the Jews there (lots of Jews (boom) play chess) and he threatened to 'take me out into the parking lot and circumcise me with his pocket knife.' That particular player was not very good, chesswise, and I usually kicked his Jewish butt in speed chess. Clearly he did not like me. He was a 'locksmith' by trade (tap) and I suspected he was the Gerash 'employee' who furnished Gerash with keys to our apartment and our automobiles.
Jews hate prepuces. Muslims presumably also hate prepuces.
Which brings us to the question of why Muslims in America are so well 'assimilated' Whereas those same Muslims in European countries have not only failed to 'assimilate' but are actively seeking to blow stuff up. Why?
The answer is that American Muslims experience less penis envy. America has already been circumcised by the American Jewish (tap) Establishment. America is therefore 'penis friendly' to Muslims. Thank the Jews for that.
Would You Vote for Bloomberg?

Well, as you can see, it was impossible to write the previous post without lots of space in it. Something is screwed up with Blogger and has been for some time.
I really like Music Box Dancer. The lyrics are equally beautiful. I was about one sixth of the way through my 3000+ Japanese 'softporn' collection when I stumbled on a photograph to go with the music. It is not exactly 'softporn' of course, though some religious nutcakes might think so.
Which brings us to our next subject: freedom of religion. Should children have freedom of religion? I think so, but Mayor Bloomberg does not think so. (For background information see post number (1) of last week, below.) Bloomberg thinks that parents should have freedom of religion, but not children, especially infants. Bloomberg's thinking on the matter is obscure, but presumably it seems to Bloomberg that freedom of religion for children would put off circumcision until the age of maturity (18?), a point where many if not most would choose to forego sexual mutilation for religious purposes in favor of religious freedom. And since circumcision is a nearly universal requirement for both Jewish and Muslim citizens such liberty would certainly result in religious disintegration in both those communities.
I think that would be a good idea, but Bloomberg thinks that would be a bad idea. Therefore, Jewish mohels in New York City who like to suck the penises of the neonates they have just circumcised remain free to do so even though such a 'procedure' might well spread venereal disease resulting in the death of the infant at worst and chronic infection at best.
Question: Would you vote for a Jew like Bloomberg to be the next president of the United States?

The question seems to be deliciously ambiguous under the circumstances. I liked the playfulness of this photo as soon as I saw it.
Which brings us to, 'kosher.' I noticed a commercial for kosher hot dogs recently by a company called, Hebrew National. The 'catch phrase' of the commercial was, 'No ifs, ands, or butts.' Curious, I looked up 'kosher' and found the following description of Kosher beef:
'Only the forequarters of a kosher animal are allowed for human consumption. For beef, this would include the area from the tenth rib forward. The hindquarters of the animal contain the sciatic nerve and fats, (my emphasis) which are not allowed for consumption. This means that a wide range of beef cuts, such as sirloin and T-bone steaks, are not available as kosher products. Many large food stores stock a range of pre-wrapped kosher beef and frozen kosher beef products.'
I thought, 'Aha! Fat is indeed verboten! This fits with my conjecture that the Jewish god WHTZSNM wants his 'chosen people' to have no access to lubricants which might be used for nefarious sexual purposes!' Hence this particular post. (Is pussy kosher?)
Other possible subjects for tonight:
Should children have freedom of religion?
Why Muslims find assimilation difficult in European countries.
The Tridentine Mass returns.
Speaking of 'edibles,' the lyrics to On top of Spaghetti are funny.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
What a Woman!

Female Genital Mutilation
A Google search for 'bloomberg circumcision' yielded a Slate article by Christopher Hitchens, which saves me from having to type it out of his book, 'god is not Great.' Hitchens does a much better job in this article than I would have done, saving me the trouble. Newborn children, it seems, must be granted 'freedom of religion' even though it may kill them. More on this later.
Speaking of grotesque sexual mutilations, these Female Genital Mutilation photos show a series of mutilated vulvas. The photographs are 'not intended to be pornographic.' Compare with the normal vulva.
And this youtube video demonstrates how 'clitoris envy,' an analog of 'foreskin envy,' feeds the purposes of the male and female circumcision cults: The 'have nots' want us all to be as mutilated as they are. The ugly old bitch doing the 'operation' is the equivalent of a Jewish 'mohel' (or Muslim version thereof). Furthermore, she is not far removed, psychologically, from the many modern American physicians who routinely perform neonatal male circumcisions for money and various so-called 'health reasons' (See next post). The father of the soon-to-be-circumcised young women also bears psychological resemblence to modern day American parents who mutilate their newborn sons so they will 'look like daddy down there.'
A handy bunch of calculators here.