Friday, July 06, 2007
Would You Vote for Bloomberg?

Well, as you can see, it was impossible to write the previous post without lots of space in it. Something is screwed up with Blogger and has been for some time.
I really like Music Box Dancer. The lyrics are equally beautiful. I was about one sixth of the way through my 3000+ Japanese 'softporn' collection when I stumbled on a photograph to go with the music. It is not exactly 'softporn' of course, though some religious nutcakes might think so.
Which brings us to our next subject: freedom of religion. Should children have freedom of religion? I think so, but Mayor Bloomberg does not think so. (For background information see post number (1) of last week, below.) Bloomberg thinks that parents should have freedom of religion, but not children, especially infants. Bloomberg's thinking on the matter is obscure, but presumably it seems to Bloomberg that freedom of religion for children would put off circumcision until the age of maturity (18?), a point where many if not most would choose to forego sexual mutilation for religious purposes in favor of religious freedom. And since circumcision is a nearly universal requirement for both Jewish and Muslim citizens such liberty would certainly result in religious disintegration in both those communities.
I think that would be a good idea, but Bloomberg thinks that would be a bad idea. Therefore, Jewish mohels in New York City who like to suck the penises of the neonates they have just circumcised remain free to do so even though such a 'procedure' might well spread venereal disease resulting in the death of the infant at worst and chronic infection at best.
Question: Would you vote for a Jew like Bloomberg to be the next president of the United States?