Thursday, July 19, 2007


Et tu Google?


613 commandments. This is an amazing list. Christianity represents a sort of evolutionary breakthrough in that it does away with them and replaces them with the summation, 'Love one another.' Apparently 'baptism' and 'confession' replaced 'mikveh.' These changes, along with deleting the need for 'circumcision' allowed the religion to grow and evolve rapidly (in evolutionary terms) into the single largest religion. Today Judaism is a vestigal remnant, like the human appendix. (Just checkin'. Eheh.)

The Jewish Establishment. You will never read something like this in your newspaper. Here are some exerpts:

"The single most powerful Jewish lobbying group is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which, as its former director Thomas Dine openly boasted, controls Congress."

"It's pointless to ask what "anti-Semitic" means. It means trouble. It's an attack signal. The practical function of the word is not to define or distinguish things, but to conflate them indiscriminately - to equate the soberest criticism of Israel or Jewish power with the murderous hatred of Jews. And it works. Oh, how it works."

"What is true of "anti-Semitism" is also true to a lesser degree of other bogus predicates like "racism," "sexism," and "homophobia." Other minorities have seen and adopted the successful model of the Jewish establishment. And so our public tongue has become not only Jewish-oriented but more generally minority-oriented in its inhibitions."

Did the Zionist Lobby Drive the U.S. Into the Iraq War? Obviously it helped considerably, but it took an idiot from Texas to actually give the orders. I wonder: Are Texas politicians pugnatious by nature? Does the saying, 'Don't mess with Texas' give rise to unconscious redneck bravado in such politicians? I think so. I would suggest that no Texas politician be elected to high office during the rest of this century. Texas needs to figure itself out before we again allow one of those dumb bastards to run amok with our military.

Finally, given their long history of persecution and their current position of power in the United States, Jews are 'touchy.' Even Google takes note of this...
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