Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Female Genital Mutilation


A Google search for 'bloomberg circumcision' yielded a Slate article by Christopher Hitchens, which saves me from having to type it out of his book, 'god is not Great.' Hitchens does a much better job in this article than I would have done, saving me the trouble. Newborn children, it seems, must be granted 'freedom of religion' even though it may kill them. More on this later.

Speaking of grotesque sexual mutilations, these Female Genital Mutilation photos show a series of mutilated vulvas. The photographs are 'not intended to be pornographic.' Compare with the normal vulva.

And this youtube video demonstrates how 'clitoris envy,' an analog of 'foreskin envy,' feeds the purposes of the male and female circumcision cults: The 'have nots' want us all to be as mutilated as they are. The ugly old bitch doing the 'operation' is the equivalent of a Jewish 'mohel' (or Muslim version thereof). Furthermore, she is not far removed, psychologically, from the many modern American physicians who routinely perform neonatal male circumcisions for money and various so-called 'health reasons' (See next post). The father of the soon-to-be-circumcised young women also bears psychological resemblence to modern day American parents who mutilate their newborn sons so they will 'look like daddy down there.'

A handy bunch of calculators here.
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