Friday, July 13, 2007

I love this photo. Here is a good-looking young lady with lots of tit sitting in a sink. What can be the story behind this?! I'll leave it for you to decide, but my guess is that she is a new Jewish convert and is a bit unhappy with the Jewish cleansing ritual known as 'Mikva.' (Newcomputer went apeshit just after I typed that and I had to force a powerdown. Hmm. Did I offend somebody?) Update: The attempt to power up again failed, so I began deleting certain 'processes.' That fixed the problem, but I forgot which 'process deletion' did it. Next time I'll be more observant...
Here is the Google search for Mikva. Clearly I was misinformed about Jewish Mikva (Mikveh), a fact you can confirm by investigating the above link. So I think we can reasonably conclude that the story behind the photo is yet a mystery. (But read the link! It's hilarious! Jewish men, for example, do Mikveh after having wet dreams. Very funny.)
Which brings us back to the Japanese woman sitting in the sink (tap). The mystery will never be solved, of course, but we are free to speculate: 1) Is there water in the sink? 2) If so, is it hot water or cold water? (My guess is that it's cold water.) 3) Finally, was this beautiful young lady used in a Japanese commercial for the 'modern toilet?'
That would be my guess. Which brings up the question: will ancient Judaism be able to adjust to modernity such that it will allow the Japanese toilet experience (tap) as an alternative to the primitive requirement of Mikveh? And if so, will the rules of Mikveh be adjusted accordingly?
Your guess is as good as mine.