Tuesday, July 03, 2007
What a Woman!

Good news for Andrew Speaker, the lawyer who flew home from Europe to be treated for TB. Apparently, his TB can be treated by antibiotics alone. This means he may not have to undergo circumcision or other operations. For those of you who may be in the dark as to how circumcision relates to TB, I recommend 'History of Circumcision from Earliest Times to the Present,' by Peter Charles Remondino, wherein the author claims that TB can be spread by uncircumcized males through sexual intercourse. I have not actually read the book, but it comes highly recommended by Edward Wallerstein in, Circumcision: an American Health Fallacy.' According to Wallerstein, Remondino claims that 'circumcision also cures or prevents about 100 other diseases including: alcoholism, asthma, epilepsy, hernia, syphilis, cholera, plague, gonorrhea, masturbation, enuresis, paralysis, chorea, rectal prolapse, gout, feeble-mindedness, rheumatism, kidney disease, lunacy, and tuberculosis.' Remondino may have had a circumcision fetish. Does your obstretician have such a fetish? Your pediatrition? Your urologist? Your mohel?
The most recent claims for the efficacy of circumcision seem to be that it makes urinary tract infections in the male somewhat less likely, and that it makes the transmission of HIV/AIDS somewhat less likely. And as Pat Robertson himself has pointed out, it tends to diminish the chance that a sexual pardner will transmit the virus which causes cervical cancer. Pat wants you to circumcise your sons on the off-chance they might otherwise infect their future wives with a possible cause of cervical cancer. Huh? Clearly, if you fuck your wife a hundred times you will transmit the disease whether you are or are not mutilated sexually. Shouldn't Pat be preaching abstinence, marital fidelity, and vaccination instead of infant sexual mutilation?
I was particularly interested in Remondino's characterization of masturbation as a 'disease.' My personal experience of masturbation is that it is very far from a 'disease.' My personal exp(stomp)erience of masturbation is that it is a blessing.
And speaking of the blessings of 'manual orgasm,' here is a glorious example of the sort of visual image which serves to fascilitate male manual orgasm. I have other ways at my advanced age, but I sure could have used this when I was 15. What a woman!