Friday, July 13, 2007


No Fucking Way!


Testing... Alright! This post published immediately! Maybe the problem is fixed! So lessee...
Ok: been a while since we talked to the Jewish God WHTZSNM, so an interview might serve to reinforce existing emotional positions in that regard. On the other hand such an interview might serve to undermine such emotional positions. Let's test the question...
(I presume that you already know about the Brown Telephone: I alone possess such a telephone. Furthermore the Brown Telephone is a one-way device: only my end can initiate a call. There is no calling capability whatsoever on the other end.)

I dialed 666, expecting an answer from the Jewish God, WHTZSNM. God answered immediately:


gd: Would you consider 'calling reciprocity?'
me: Huh?
gd: I would like to be able to initiate conversation. Will you agree?
me: No fucking way.
gd. Then state the purpose of this call, and make it quick. I am a very busy God.
me: I am curious about your reaction to my recent posts. Do you find them in any way offensive?
gd: Your blog is offensive. Reflect on what that means.
me: I presume You refer to Hell?
(thump) gd: Exactly.
me: Is it the sexual aspect?
gd: Exactly.
me: I take it that You can tolerate the philosophic aspect?
gd: Barely. Don't press it.
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