Friday, December 31, 2010
The Levels of Consciousness
2143 and I'm off to the fridge for beer #6 at 2146. Anderson Cooper is on CNN at Times Square. Looks like fun. Suzanne Malveaux has a twin sister named Suzette! I saw them today on CNN. Hmm. Oops! 2156 and it's almost 2011 in New York City... standby... back at 2208. Awesome! I even teared up a little bit. New Year's Eve would be a great time to do an Acid Trip! Plan to drop about 4-5 hours before midnight EST. That way you can watch it all while you are filled with Wonder and Awe. Who is Kathy Griffin? Oh. I like.
2302 and I am enjoying a really boring drunk due to all the food I ate for supper. That will definitely teach my dumb ass.
Hmm. 2314. Boring buzz. I can't possibly drink the remaining beers before midnight. Ok. One last beer. I'll save the remaining four beers for another night. Sip. What to do until midnight... Brr. I'm cold. Room temp is 74 degrees. Nose blow to clear mucus. They are obviously still zapping me. 2331. Sip. Ok. I'll entertain us with quotes from The Master Game:
... One can affirm, on the basis of considerable evidence, that roughly five levels of consciousness are possible for man:
1. Deep sleep without dreams.
2. Sleep with dreams.
3. Waking sleep (identification).
4. Self-transcendence (self-remembering).
5. Objective consciousness. (cosmic consciousness).
Nature guarantees that man shall experience the first, second, and third levels of consciousness... She does not guarantee that he shall experience the fourth and fifth states...
And I could go on and on of course. I can personally verify that it is possible to experience the fourth state of consciousness. Been there, done that. It's actually quite fun! (Kootch just opened her door on the way to the bathroom, looked in at me, smiled, and said, 'Fifteen more minutes.' I replied, 'Actually, ten more minutes.' Sip. I'm cold and hungry.) It is also quite a challenge. 'Self remembering' requires your brain to be aware on two levels. Level three is your normal brain state. Level four is a supervisory state which 'watches' your 'level three state.' It is a kind of diffuse, generalized awareness. A kind of 'double awareness.' (Ok, ok, I just popped open beer # nine. Sip. Food can wait.) At first glance you might be inclined to think that you already possess that particular state of awareness, but you would be wrong. True, you might have brief glimpses now and then, but a continuous fourth state of consciousness (awareness) is rare. Few ever achieve it. The good news is that it may be possible for many people to actually train their brains in that regard. The bad news is that it takes years of practice. The worse news is that once you finally achieve it, it 'disappears!' Note the 'quotes.' 0027. Sip. Especially when you're drunk.
Your Favorite Radiation Test Dummy
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2041. That short round trip produced a slightly (tap) runny nose, indicating that I had walked through a radiation 'beam' somewhere on the path. The 'beam' was obviously from above (my head is closer to the ceiling than to the floor). Indeed, I have many references in my 'gas log' which say, 'Nose runs when I stand.' 2046 and the residual swelling in the left nostril is barely detectable. I've found that breathing in through the nostrils and breathing out through the mouth helps to cool the mucosa, resulting in slightly faster recovery.
The 'face/head' area is not the only 'targeted area' (tap). All parts of the body have been 'targeted' at some time or other. My impression is that 'they' are constantly improving/updating their equipment. For example, 'Rad welts' (which occurred only on the right hand) disappeared months ago. There is also less 'skin rad' and more DPR (Deep Penetration Rad). Nasal irritation (nose rad) followed by tearing and sneezing is the most common example, but I have also experienced deep bone pain in the upper extremeties (tap) from time to time. The pain comes and goes quickly, and disappeares when the affected limb is moved. (I need a hammock with a little motor on it which will swing me from side to side! Or maybe a rotating bed! Then I will only have to worry about the heating effect of the radiation! Yes!) But seriously, I have often experienced unusually high body temperatures given the fact that the fans next to me were blowing very cold air into my bedroom. Nowadays I... (Tonight's first coughing just now. (tap) I don't know whether this is due to DPR or to gas. Both nasal mucosa slightly swollen by whatever the fuck it was.) ... control body temp by turning the fans on (when I'm too warm) and off (when I'm too cold). In extreme cases I either shiver violently (tap) or pull the covers down to my waist. Both 'fixes' work, eventually. For example: I usually wake up shivering (vibrating) due to pulsed radiation (both in summer and in winter). I shiver more in winter, of course, and turn the fans off immediately. In the summertime I shiver until 'they' turn off ' pulse mode.' I am your favorite radiation test dummy. So far I have been unable to detect any brain tumors. Don't worry about your cell phones.
The Most Unfriendly Neighbors
Beginning beer #2 at 1855, having just reread last week's posts. I made a minor correction to the first post, but the other posts were pretty much hopeless so I didn't bother with them. Sure had lots of fun writing them! The Jewish god and I do not get along...
I'm about two days and 4 hours late this week because it's New Year's eve. Happy New Year. Halfway through beer #2 and still no buzz (tap). Guess I ate too much 'supper' with Kootch. Hopefully this slower inebriation rate will allow me to stay up until at least midnight.
The night-time gas/radiation attacks have been quite ferocious this week. I'm also 'under the weather' with an upper respiratory problem. This is rare for me, the last case I can remember having occurred back in the late '90s. I wrote about it in my 'drog' at the time, which is why I remember it. Apparently the isolani lifestyle protects one from other people's germs. Hmm. Still no buzz at 1919. Last sip of beer #2 at 1928. Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1930. Very subtle buzz beginning. Larry King Live 25 is on CNN. I was a fan. My OAT gage reads zero! Sip. Interestingly, the gas and radiation attacks seem to have ceased - at least since I began my (tap) blog. Oops. Radiation from my left side (203?) is now causing swelling in the left nasal mucosa. (Don't remind them, dumbass!) That 'subtle buzz' has now (at 1950) become much less subtle. Alright! I was worried there for a while... more than four hours to midnight... last sip of beer #3 at 1953. Back with beer #4 at 1958. Star Trek (the original series) is being rebroadcast on channel 5. I'm TiVo-ing the series, then replaying the next day. (Nose blow at 2001 to remove mucus generated as a result of the above-mentioned Rad attack at about 1940. Left nasal mucosa is still indicating presense of microwave radiation from the left.) We all watched the original broadcasts back in the late '60s... Just did a 'walk around' to test whether the slight swelling in the L mucosa would disappear. It did not, indicating that the swelling was residual. During heavy facial Rad attacks at night I can always get immediate relief by getting out of bed and going to the LR. The swelling takes some time to disappear completely. Ah! I just remembered Kootch's 'glaucoma problem.' Laser surgery is indeed indicated in some cases. In fact, microwave radiation capable of penetrating to the nasal mucosa also penetrates the eyes and causes cataracts. The people who are zapping us with their microwave 'cannons' are destroying our sight.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Current Game Update
Time to sign out now. But first I need to bring you up to date regarding my current Civilization III activities: I eventually defeated The Chinese, leaving me with my two perennial allies, The French and The English. I kissed them both then began a new game. That game turned out to be the shortest game of all when I achieved my goal of defeating all but the French and the English. In fact, I was able to defeat 'the rest of the world' even before my civilization had reached to 'Motorized Transportation!' It was my shortest game ever.
My current game is equally fascinating. I have virtually defeated both The Persians and The Babelonians. I am currently in my favorite phase of the game: building a national railroad system. My intuition is that this game too will be 'short and sweet.'
Walking The Mystic Path.
Here is the situation:
1. You are born. Perhaps circumcised.
2. Your mother teaches you the basics. Your father assists.
3. Your culture amplifies those ideas.
4. But eventually some or other incident clashes with those 'certainties.'
5. You become 'philosophically disoriented.'
6. You seek your previous state of 'orientation' by gathering information.
7. But 'information' confirms that your 'certainties' were crap.
8. You adjust to a new world: You explore, hoping against hope.
9. Hope fails. You accept a new life of possibility. You learn new stuff. You do Acid.
10. You walk the Mystic Path.
Kootch recently (tap) returned from a visit to a Kaiser 'specialist' who informed her that her vision problems were glaucoma-related and could be resolved by laser surgury. Huh?! My knowlege of (tap) the physiology of vision suggests that the 'glaucoma' diagnosis is bullshit. My diagnosis is radiation-related cataracts. Hmm. Did she get the 'diagnosis' wrong? Can cataracts be corrected by lasic surgury? We shall see. Stay tuned.
Working on beer #12 at 1920! Gonna be a short night. Sip.
I've recently been rereading 'those old books' whenever I find myself sitting on the potty. Of those old books revisited, I count 'The Master Game' and 'The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power' the most influencial. I am a glorious being. Those two books are components of that. LSD is also a component of that.
You are also glorious beings, but you don't know it yet. You need to do LSD. Only then will you understand.
I count 'The Mystic Path...' as the single most influential book in my life.
Close Enough...
God was the ultimate Capitalist Egotist. God therefore decided that even an infinite number of sheep and goats could not be of equal value for all the souls burning in Hell, not to mention all those future souls headed for that destination. God needed more value. Hmm... Blood... But even a world with seas full of blood wouldn't quite... Aha!
God needed the blood of another god! The ultimate scapegoat!
Unfortunately only humans (and other animals) have blood in them. Hmm. Ha!
God decided to create a 'god on Earth' who would be destined to become the ultimate scapegoat who's blood would soothe and soothe and soothe... the god.
But there was a problem: God hated sex. Yuck. Moreover, god has no organ suitable for impregnation. God was (is) penisless. No dick. God suffered from really intense penis envy as a result. (Indeed, god would have had The Israelis cut off the entire penises of their newborn males if that would not have resulted in the extinction of his 'Chosen People. God settled instead for cutting off only the 'juicy parts.')
God decided to impregnate an innocent young woman using 'The angel Gabriel.'
The result of that impregnation was Jesus, half man, half god. Close enough...
Jesus' blood would eventually appease god.
God then had his 'son' Jesus crucified. Blood everywhere.
The result was that god was finally, finally, finally, finally, (and I could go on and on) appeased.
The Myth of Christmas: Payment in Blood
Beginning beer #6 at 1615. Buzzing nicely. Now what?
Christmas. It's true, folks: I'm gonna do an analysis of Christmas. Bewarned...
First of all, Merry Christmas!
That said, I need to break the bad news to you all that 'Christmas' is a myth. Sorry.
I love the music! I love the festivities! I love the spirit of Christmas! And myths are really fun. I love myths. But most people think that myths are actual history. They don't understand the difference between history and myth. That misunderstanding leads to tragedy. Endless tragedy. Here is the myth of Christmas:
The god gets bored, creates 'pets' in the form of humans. The 'pets' amuse the god for a while. The god gets bored again. The god decides to complicate the pet game. The god makes rules. The pets must obey the rules or suffer. The pets fuck up, break the rules. Imperfect pets! The pets must be punished for their imperfections! Hmm.
Death sentence. The pets are sentenced to death for their imperfections. The pets die. More pets are born, fuck up, and die. Gods eventually becomes bored yet again. God decides to 'jazz things up.'
God creates 'The Afterlife.'
Dead pets aren't dead after all! Hallemotherfuckinglajuh! Pets live on in either Heaven or Hell!
All pets go to Hell. Heaven is empty. No fucking pets. Hmm. Gotta fix that... Gotta figure out a way for some pets to get into Heaven with god. God won't be so lonely... Hmm.
God does LSD. Whoa! God becomes enlightened!
God realizes that doomed pets need to be rescued from Hell! Revelation!
But god is a Capitalist at heart. God needs to be reimbursed with blood (money has yet to be invented). All those pets in Hell represent a valuable commodity. God is willing to exchange all those residents of Hell for an equal value of really, really valuable blood.
I Can Do Everything!
First beer with a small lunch at 1322. Beginning beer #2 at 1355, buzzing slighty. Gotta reread last week's blog. Standby... Ha! Pooparazi! Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes. I was just kidding about blogging on that subject, of course, and I'm not on Twitter. Relax, take a deep breath... let it out slowly...
Buzzing nicely halfway through beer #3. Time for a rink dump. I'm still stuck on the subject of LSD, the 'most beautiful drug...'
I love this very short You Tube video (LSD Girl ) and must have watched it 20 or 30 times. Apparently this adorable young woman is describing her sensual experiences as she begins an LSD trip. (Back from the fridge with beer #4 - The Prez is on TV.) She lives 'in a monochromatic world' (color blind?) but is seeing color for the first time. The shape of the tennis ball is also fascinating. It's all about color and shape. This is very typical for the beginning of an Acid Trip. She is totally 'in the moment' for the very first time. I think she is about an hour into it. She will 'peak' in another hour or so, as the 'disassembly phase' progresses. She may spend some time in the 'chaos' state, and then the remainder of her trip will be 'recovery and reassembly,' all of which will be totally astonishing to her. She will never forget it. It will change her forever. And that's a good thing.
From the sublime to the hilarious: This short You Tube video shows British troops on LSD. This was a test to determine how LSD might affect soldiers during combat conditions. The troops were only 'on an exercise' at the time, therefore the premise of the experiment is flawed, but interesting nonetheless. One soldier even climbs a tree in an attempt to 'feed the birds.' I suspect that under actual combat conditions, soldiers on LSD would behave very erratically. Eheh.
Scientists even tested LSD on spiders. Really. They observed significant changes in the spiders' web-building behavior. This funny video illustrates and illuminates those various experiments. Enjoy.
Finally, Cat on LSD. This was obviously a massive overdose. Hopefully the cat recovered and eventually became a really enlightened cat.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Just For You!
2103. CNN. Anderson Cooper. I love AC. Heavy (tap) Nose Rad. Much sneezing and mucus flow,
As usual: Sniff. Snort. Swallow. Yum.
And now that I know of your Poopararazi interests in my excremental habits... I will blog that interesting subject from time to time. Just for you!
Nighty night.
The Pooparazzi.
(1932 - Barbara Streisand on LKL! - Sip. Working on beer #11.)
Butt lastly - and I have building up to this - 'they' apparently take great pleasure in my 'poops,' tapping, for example, at about the time the toilet paper contacts my poopy butthole. Pooptime has always been a favorite with my 'observers.' Clearly, they absolutely love my poop and/or my poop-related activities. Strange. Unusual. Very unusual. Can there actually be a psychological category of 'poop stalkers?' I doubt it, butt I am not exactly a specialist in poo poo observation. (I have never observed another person pooping in any kind of detail).
Butt since there is an obvious interest in my excretory functions which is clearly connected with the 'stalking scenerio,' I thought about it during the week. And you will be very pleased (tap) to know that as a result of those cogitations I will now define an entirely new psychological category: Pooparazzi: individuals who are very interested in the excretory habits of 'celebrities.'
Hopefully I am not a 'celebrity' butt if I am I can deal with it.
12 beers gone. Working on Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Sip.
My Sensual Life
'Privacy (tap) violation' seems to be their 'Modus Operandi.' Apparently they theorize that whenever they demonstrate their ability to violate my privacy they cause me psychological harm. Perhaps they also theorize that given enough such 'psychological harm' I will be minded to 'end it all.' Toward that end they routinely tap, thump, boom, stomp, etc, punctuating the long complicated sentences of my life with their 'comments.' They do it every day, every night. But over the years I have learned to adjust to their 'comments:' I live my sensual life in spite of those 'comments.' I have come to understand that I have virtually no privacy at all, and I have 'adjusted' to that realization (tap). Mostly.
My bathroom experiences are good examples: they tap 90 percent of the time whenever I pee. Apparently they want me to know that I am being 'watched' as I stand there at the potty. At first this tended to inhibit urination, so I made it a habit to turn on the noisy bathroom fan while I peed (tap). It worked. Over the years I peed quite well in that welcome noisy environment.
'Showering' is another bathroom event which seems to be fascinating to my 'Jewish fans.' They tap often during my showers. True, I perform a very sensual ritual with my panties almost every time I take a shower - that much is true - and there are numerous taps from above while I take my shower. I am still at a loss concerning how 'they' can possibly 'observe' me during showertime.
Thank You.
Ok, I'll go with it: JF - Gerash and 'friends' (aka Local Jewish Dog Shit) - haunt me. Literally. It is 'them against me.' And there is only one of me. I am at a disadvantage. It is war. They watch me. They listen to me. They are totally fascinated with me! I would have surrendered long ago, but to whom? Nobody will admit that we are at war! So I fight with my fingertips. I tap softly, surely, effectively. You have noticed. Thank you. (The editor seems to be operating normally now.)
Sniff. Swallow. Yum. Sip.
Working on beer #6. Buzzing beautifully. Sip. (whoa! the editor has suddenly gone apeshit again, this time adding unwanted carriage returns.)
I see this development as 'emphasis.' Jewish forces have guessed my intentions. They wish to 'add emphasis.' JF wishes to demonstrate 'power and control.' (And by 'Jewish forces' I mean Gerash and friends.) (Whoa. The editor now does not add that unwanted carriage return. Hmm. What's going on?)
(It's baaaack. Apparently JF can do and undo (no tap) at will: a demonstration of power and control. Sip.) Ok. I will 'work around.' (Constant 'face rad' is causing me to sniff up excess mucus as I write this. Sniff. Swallow. I'm good at that. Sniff. Swallow. Yum. Sip.
Tripping With Jewish Psychiatrists? Huh?!
First sip of 3.2 Natural Light at 1400. Cheers. Gotta reread last week's posts. Standby... Ok, finished that first beer at 1415. Buzzing slightly. Working on beer #2 at 1420. I liked last week's posts!
Continuing with the 'books which influenced me' theme, I should also mention 'The Power of Myth,' a PBS Television series in which Bill Moyers does extensive interviews with teacher/author Joseph Campbell. I absolutely loved that series. Highly recommended. It's not on HULU (last time I looked) but you can find Campbell-related TV fare at this Clicker site. You may also be able to order the series from PBS.
I still have books and books to go, but first, I had a really good laugh at this first line of The Private Sea by William Braden: 'At a party in Chicago, a young man under the influence of LSD seized a live kitten and ate it. Later, in an effort to explain his action, he said he had felt an urgent need to experience everything.' Braden goes on:
'The story is revolting, of course, and possibly apocryphal; but the incident is by no means improbable, and it does make the point - that LSD is powerful medicine, and that the consequences of its use are often bizarre and terrifying.'
Sheeeit. Braden obviously knew nothing at all about LSD when he wrote that. In fact, Braden probably never did even one LSD trip! He did one Mescaline trip, however, and writes about it in a 'postscript' to that remarkable book. It describes his Mescaline experience at 'the Ridgeway psychiatric hospital in Chicago on May 16, 1966.' It was a baaad trip - not at all surprising given the 'set and setting' of the experiment: you do not do these kinds of long-acting hallucinogenic drugs at a hospital in the presence of Jewish fucking psychiatrists! No! Not! Negative! You do do (tap) these kinds of drugs in the presence of family and friends. (Buzzing my brains out on beer #4 at 1547.) Braden eventually requested his psychiatrist 'babysitters' to give him the antidote, Thorazine. They complied of course, leaving Braden with a very memorable experience and a tape (tap) of the conversations. The experience was apparently so intensely existential that he did considerable research in the various Eastern religions, which research eventually culminated in his book, The Private Sea. Sipping on beer #5 at 1616. Yum.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Die Before ye Die
Time to wrap this up. Beer gone down the tube (tap). Working on Canadian Mist and (vanilla) Diet Pepsi. Yuck. Sip.
One last book for tonight: Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse. Here is a quote from page 21: 'Die before ye die,' declared the Sufi Mystics. Take note of that idea, doctor Oz.
I died. But I am not dead yet!
Nighty night! See you next week.
Living the Ecstatic Life
Whew. Pussy... Time for Pussy... Standby... Japanese Girl Fucked. Rotsa pussy! Also rotsa unmutilated penis. NSFW. Also Penis Envy Alert (PEA): NSFCM.
Ok... Enough is enough. I need to wrap this up with 'My favorite Books' (Heavy 'face rad' causing much sneezing, tearing, and mucus flows for about 5 minutes. Barf.)
Working on beer 12 at 2045. Sip.
Books. I loved books. The Mystic Path and The Master Game were my favorites back in those days judging by the pencil markings. I was a 'total failure' back in those days and I was attempting to 'fix the problem' by a re-evaluation of my most fundamental interactions with my fellow man. Only gradually would I come to realize that I had an enemy who was bent on my destruction, and that that enemy was a deranged Jewish queer who was suffering from 'obsessive-compulsive hatred.' (tap)
Furthermore that Jew was a rich lawyer (tap) who had the financial rescources to pursue the bizarre 'hobby' of destroying my life. And my family's life.
I had wrongly formulated the idea that my failure in life was due to my personal faults. I determined to discover and correct those 'faults.' I read many 'self help' books. I eventually 'woke up.' I became an 'awakened human being.' But only gradually would I come to realize that the problem was not with me.
Now I understand.
Now I live ecstatically.
You can live ecstatically too, but first you need to understand.
Blogger Interrupted
OMG! Countdown has Bernie Sanders on! Bernie is suggesting that we can do a significient national gathering to protest what he sees as a 'cave-in' to the Republicans! Whoa! I love it!
But I'm buzzing my brains out and I need to get back to my blog fans. Oh well.
What's next... Pussy? Sounds good to me. Standby while I browse my sources...
Pope Repeats Lie that Nazis were Atheists... Oops... I need to move from pope to pussy... standby... lessee... P... P... Periodic Table of Nonsense... Oops. Whew. I'm gettin' a little too drunk I think... standby...
Ok. Pussy. Kunt. Cunt. Whatever. Lessee... Oneliners... Rats! I tell you, folks: I might be a little too drunk for this... but we shall continue...
(Oops, I lost all internet connection at that point. I called Comcast and after some experimentation Comcast and I were able to restore the connection. Whew. I woke Kootch up as we trouble-shot the problem. Unavoidable because Kootch keeps the telephone in her room and Comcast had to call me back. (Right lung burning at this time - 2004. Probably gas, although I have not been able to rule out DPR. About 8 coughs, including the usual spray of watery mucus from the right bronchial tube.)
Were we on the subject of 'pussy?'
Oops. Poor Kootch! I just woke her up again when I realized that beer #11 was in her room. Argh. Better publish this and start a new post...
The Hanukkah Conjecture
(Not to mention the fact that I live in a world full of Idiots.) Off to the 'fridge at 1607 for beer #6. I'm missing The Ed Show. Grr.
Which brings me to the end of my 'list.' The rest is gravy. Lessee... Pussy... Religion... Drugs... Aha!
It will please you folks to know that LSD is still out there! Alright! Seems that some students at Columbia University were busted recently for selling various illegal drugs, including LSD. This is good news, folks. It means that LSD is still being manufactured. Go there if you dare and if you can! I'll be with you in spirit. Prepare to be disassembled into individual 'leggos,' then reassembled back into 'you' - almost... not quite. And that's the magic of LSD.
What else... Religion... bingo! Are we still doing Hanukka? Yup? The 'myth' of Hanukka suggests that during the dedication of the temple in Jerusalem back in about the 2nd century BCE, there was only one day's worth of Consecrated Olive Oil available. (Apparently the temple lights burned olive oil, and somebody fucked up and did not consecrate a new batch of fucking olive oil. Difficult to believe.) The temple lights were expected to 'go out.' However the lights continued to burn for eight more days! Hallelajuh! Was God Hirself replenishing the olive oil supply?! Secretly?! At night?! Miracle worth celebrating for another 2000 years! God was not helpless after all! Muthafuck!
But I have a more mundane theory of what actually happened: Olive oil was in short supply (commercially) at that particular time. Only one day's supply remained in the temple. It was a well known crisis among the 'cogniscenti' but was unknown to the general public. Something had to be done. They waited as long as they dared. They waited for God to fill the olive oil containers. But when it became obvious that God was not going to do a refill, they tapped the only remaining reservoir of olive oil: The Jews' secret sexual supply which they used for masturbation/coitus. 'Donations' were accepted from trusted sources, enough to cover the eight days in question. It was a very hush-hush operation.
It worked. Jews celebrate that 'miracle' to this very day.
Back from the 'fridge with beer #4. Buzzing nicely. Hardball is on. I missed Dylan, darnit. Politicwise, my recent observations of it on tv are superficial but fascinating: my favorite Senator and my favorite (Kootch just appeared in the doorway saying, 'Boy it's good!' while stirring a bowl of her favorite bean dip - Yum) President are totally at odds over the result of recent negotions with the Republicans concerning economic policy. My superficial knowlege of the issues involved leaves me with no real opinion at the moment, but I must say that I liked the emotional displays on both sides. Finally, President O'Bama seems irritated! I love it! And Bernie Sanders is being consistently the 'Outraged Socialist.' My impression of The Republicans is, on the other hand, a 'two thumbs down.' Republicans are the Money Party. Democrats are the People Party. Karl Marx vs Aynn Rand with the truth somewhere in between. (Off to the 'fridge for another beer - #5 - buzzing my brains out.) In my opinion, 'Money' has outweighed 'reason' since the idiot Bush was elected. I thought that after the most recent presidential election Reason would make significant gains, but Reason has been a slower horse than expected. I attribute this result to 'Democracy.'
First Do No Harm
Working on beer #2 (tap) at 1409. Sip. Just finished reading last week's posts again. Was I too (tap) hard on Doctor Oz? Maybe. But before I let the good doctor completely 'off the hook' I must restate my take on his 'circumcision presentation.' It struck me as ignorance combined with penis envy. 'Ignorance' because of his apparent total lack of knowlege concerning the prepuce (foreskin), and 'penis envy' because of his obvious emotional attachment to 'penis reduction surgury' (eheh, I only recently discovered that little sarcasm). I can do nothing to soothe the good doctor's emotional problems, of course, but I can offer a link to preputal awareness: CIRP's Anatomy of the Penis and Mechanics of Intercourse. (And concerning the '12 known functions of the foreskin' I would add a possible 13th function, Erection Maintenance: The tip of the foreskin (muco-cutaneous junction) is usually a smaller part of the foreskin (sometimes too small, requiring legitimate surgical intervention). When the erect penis is 'skinned back' the m-c junction is displaced some distance behind the corona where it acts an a 'tight band' which tends to inhibit return (venous) blood flow thus enhancing and helping to maintain the erection. I would also add one last bit of advice to Doctor Oz: Remember the Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Pussy, Music, and Introspection
Pussy preceeds Music... lessee... Cameltoe! And by the way, I offer this link in support of those 'naturalists' who fight against Judeo-Muslim penis envy. Rotsa unmutilated dicks! (And pussy too, of course. Go there if you dare.)
Musicwise, I offer Beethoven symphony #5, 4th movement (1): (Victory!) And you can go from there. I will report again next week. Meanwhile I plan to relax in my own Personal Private Sea, as usual.
Good night and good luck.
LSD & The Search for God
We will now transition from the ridiculous to the sublime: 'Great books which influenced me.' The first book - which was stolen from me in Florida - is, Games People Play. I absolutely loved this book! Little did I know at the time (late '70s - early '80s) that 'Let's You and Him Fight' (one of the chapters) exactly described one of the Stalker's MOs. I only knew at the time that this strange behavior was manifesting itself in my life. I had no conception of 'stalker' at that time. Highly recommended.
And now for one of my favorite books:
By William Braden.
(LSD & GOD.) 'The Private Sea' (tap) represents 'The Atlantic and Pacific of One's Being,' (which can only be explored alone).
Soap and Water vs Disassembly
Oz then performed the 'coupe de grace' on that poor infected penis/woman by pulling on a single string in the sweater, with the result that she became 'circumcised' as most of the turtleneck fell off, leaving her free to dust off the remaining 'bacteria' with her bare hands. No soap and water needed! Amazing! (Gotta go watch The News now... ok I'm back.) One thing about Oz's 'propaganda skit' strikes me as faintly compassionate: he cut her a fair amount of 'slack.'
That about ends our description of Doctor Oz's very bizarre demonstration against soap and water. And even as I watched that stunning show I mused a bit about Oz and his panel of 'experts:' was there even a single foreskin in the lot? Probably not. I would bet on it.
The Whiz-ard of Oz
And favorite books.
But first, Doctor Oz. Wow! I almost missed it yesterday on channel 7. Just as I was about to leave for the bedroom I saw something about Dr. Oz and circumcision. Huh? I quickly ordered my TiVo to record that particular show for later viewing and watched it later that evening. Amazing. I was already pretty sure that Oz was a 'pro-circ' type: The fact that he often 'talked a good sex game' even as he avoided discussing the penis had already convinced me of that, but yesterday's show was a really spectacular demonstration that my intuitions were correct. I was flabbergasted by it. (This will take some time and a couple of beers - beginning beer 4 at 1538.)
Oz begins by stating his thesis: 'Circumcision reduces the likelyhood of disease transmission during unprotected sex.' He then drafts 'Sharon' from the audience to be his demonstration 'penis.' She laughs. She is wearing a turtleneck sweater. Oz then informs us that the reason for the turtleneck is that it represents the penile foreskin, and Sharon's head represents the head of a penis. So far, so good. But then Oz makes his first mistake: he grabs her turtleneck and says, 'When you have a foreskin it looks like this, especially before erection...' (Oops, the foreskin looks like this when it has been 'skinned back,' erect or not, and the 'skinned-back' position is not the normal state.) '...and then you can pull it over...' (he pulls the turtleneck up over her head leaving only the top of her head showing - this is the normal state, erect or not) (beginning beer #5 at 1600) '...and this is what it looks like when it is fully reduced.' (Huh? 'Reduced?') Sharon stands there like an erect penis which has been skinned forward to its norml position, foreskin not quite covering the urinary opening.
Oz then grabs a container full of multi-colored 'confetti' and dumps it on the 'unprotected' part of her scalp, telling us that the confetti represents '...bacteria, viruses, and other issues' that might get into an uncircumcised penis' nooks and crannies and such. (Is the urinary opening a nook or is it a cranny? I wonder.)
Oz then directs her to brush off as much of the confetti as she can - and she makes a dutifully feeble attempt but fails - whereupon Oz points out her problem of unwanted bacteria etc. and suggests a solution. What is his solution? What is Oz's 'solution?' Soapy water?
Uh... no: 'Disassembly' (also known as 'circumcision') is the good doctor's suggestion. Apparently, if you 'disassemble it,' you don't have to wash it. Wow! Think of the time saved!
Happy Hanukkah
Beginning beer #2 at 1425. Happy Hanukkah. Sip.
I'm still playing that same game of C-III: The Persians were destroyed, leaving me with a huge bombed-out nation to clean up and manage. That job is mostly completed and I am now about halfway through the Chinese. Interestingly, just after bribing the English into siding with me and my other ally France, Elizabeth attacked me! France then nuked the Brits! I should finish the game this week.
I'm ready to add yet another mode of attack to the gas/microwave scenerio: intensely loud noise above the normal hearing range, resulting in 'tinnitis.' It's only a theory so far. I've had tinnitus in the right ear ever since flying back to Denver in my newly purchased (used) Citabria in about 1977. The airplane had no volume control on the extremely loud radio, the speaker for which was located just above the pilot's head on the right side. The pilot of the plane (a C-170) which flew us to Nebraska (?) kept yacking incessantly during the flight home, but by the time I realized that my hearing was being damaged and asked him to shut up it was too late. No big deal, though. To me it sounds like a very high-pitched background tone which is easily ignored.
Lessee... that only leaves Music, Pussy, and Doctor Oz.