Friday, December 31, 2010
Your Favorite Radiation Test Dummy
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2041. That short round trip produced a slightly (tap) runny nose, indicating that I had walked through a radiation 'beam' somewhere on the path. The 'beam' was obviously from above (my head is closer to the ceiling than to the floor). Indeed, I have many references in my 'gas log' which say, 'Nose runs when I stand.' 2046 and the residual swelling in the left nostril is barely detectable. I've found that breathing in through the nostrils and breathing out through the mouth helps to cool the mucosa, resulting in slightly faster recovery.
The 'face/head' area is not the only 'targeted area' (tap). All parts of the body have been 'targeted' at some time or other. My impression is that 'they' are constantly improving/updating their equipment. For example, 'Rad welts' (which occurred only on the right hand) disappeared months ago. There is also less 'skin rad' and more DPR (Deep Penetration Rad). Nasal irritation (nose rad) followed by tearing and sneezing is the most common example, but I have also experienced deep bone pain in the upper extremeties (tap) from time to time. The pain comes and goes quickly, and disappeares when the affected limb is moved. (I need a hammock with a little motor on it which will swing me from side to side! Or maybe a rotating bed! Then I will only have to worry about the heating effect of the radiation! Yes!) But seriously, I have often experienced unusually high body temperatures given the fact that the fans next to me were blowing very cold air into my bedroom. Nowadays I... (Tonight's first coughing just now. (tap) I don't know whether this is due to DPR or to gas. Both nasal mucosa slightly swollen by whatever the fuck it was.) ... control body temp by turning the fans on (when I'm too warm) and off (when I'm too cold). In extreme cases I either shiver violently (tap) or pull the covers down to my waist. Both 'fixes' work, eventually. For example: I usually wake up shivering (vibrating) due to pulsed radiation (both in summer and in winter). I shiver more in winter, of course, and turn the fans off immediately. In the summertime I shiver until 'they' turn off ' pulse mode.' I am your favorite radiation test dummy. So far I have been unable to detect any brain tumors. Don't worry about your cell phones.
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2041. That short round trip produced a slightly (tap) runny nose, indicating that I had walked through a radiation 'beam' somewhere on the path. The 'beam' was obviously from above (my head is closer to the ceiling than to the floor). Indeed, I have many references in my 'gas log' which say, 'Nose runs when I stand.' 2046 and the residual swelling in the left nostril is barely detectable. I've found that breathing in through the nostrils and breathing out through the mouth helps to cool the mucosa, resulting in slightly faster recovery.
The 'face/head' area is not the only 'targeted area' (tap). All parts of the body have been 'targeted' at some time or other. My impression is that 'they' are constantly improving/updating their equipment. For example, 'Rad welts' (which occurred only on the right hand) disappeared months ago. There is also less 'skin rad' and more DPR (Deep Penetration Rad). Nasal irritation (nose rad) followed by tearing and sneezing is the most common example, but I have also experienced deep bone pain in the upper extremeties (tap) from time to time. The pain comes and goes quickly, and disappeares when the affected limb is moved. (I need a hammock with a little motor on it which will swing me from side to side! Or maybe a rotating bed! Then I will only have to worry about the heating effect of the radiation! Yes!) But seriously, I have often experienced unusually high body temperatures given the fact that the fans next to me were blowing very cold air into my bedroom. Nowadays I... (Tonight's first coughing just now. (tap) I don't know whether this is due to DPR or to gas. Both nasal mucosa slightly swollen by whatever the fuck it was.) ... control body temp by turning the fans on (when I'm too warm) and off (when I'm too cold). In extreme cases I either shiver violently (tap) or pull the covers down to my waist. Both 'fixes' work, eventually. For example: I usually wake up shivering (vibrating) due to pulsed radiation (both in summer and in winter). I shiver more in winter, of course, and turn the fans off immediately. In the summertime I shiver until 'they' turn off ' pulse mode.' I am your favorite radiation test dummy. So far I have been unable to detect any brain tumors. Don't worry about your cell phones.