Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Jewish Junk

I opted out of the whiskey just recently and ate supper while I watched The Evening News. It's over now, but one phrase sticks with me: 'Don't touch my junk.' The word 'junk' refers to genitalia in this context, of course. We all know that. But why would a young male person refer to his genitalia as 'junk' unless he felt contempt for that thing hanging between his legs? I have never thought of my genitalia as 'junk.' Why, 'junk?'
My guess is that the young man was circumcised in the Jewish manner and was expressing contempt for his current situation - perhaps without realizing it. His genitalia was mutilated 'junk.' Jewish junk.
Nighty night!

Mystic Path to Cosmic Power

Reading tonight's previous posts, I am impressed. They're much better than I imagined near the beginning. Sip. Working on beer #11 at 2020. I especially liked the #3 post describing books/authors who influenced me. And I have many, many more books! Stay tuned!
Beginning beer #12 at 2030. Sip. But not to worry: I have whiskey and diet pop backup. I remember a beautiful woman on The Today Show today advising against mixing diet pop and whiskey, but I forgot... standby... Ahh! Artificial sweeteners make you absorb alcohol more quickly. Hmm. Now I know. Cheers. Slurp...
Ok. One last book. You don't deserve this:
Vernon Howard (gassed out of the room just after writing that): Mystic Path to Cosmic Power. I loved this book as much as The Master Game. I read it in DeCovend Park on hot summer afternoons, peeing in my pants. These two books saved me in some very real sense.
Good night and good luck.

All the Way to Tao

Sipping on beer #8 at 1731 - oops, gotta watch the news... sipping on beer #9 at 1759 now. I think we're done with tonight's political issues for the moment, so I will digress to some unfinished business: authors who influenced me. In no particular order they are:
John C. Lilly, M.D. Simulations of God (The Science of Belief). This is a paperback from the '70s. I must have bought this book at a gathering of book sellers. Interesting. I don't remember it, but I am sure I read at least most of it. Recommended.
Alan Watts: The Book: (On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are). I read every word of it, and loved it but don't remember it! Reading the description just now I can say that Alan Watts knew (Hindu) stuff that Jill Boulte Taylor discovered during her stroke and wrote about in her book, My Stroke of Insight. This suggests that much of ancient Eastern Religion was inspired by recovering 'stroke victims' and much other religion was inspired by 'brain events' induced by various 'entheogenic drugs.' Recommended.
Robert S. DeRopp: The Master Game (Pathways to Higher Consciousness Beyond the Drug Experience). I loved this book and remember every word of it! (Figuratively speaking.) I read it mostly in DeCovend Park on tree-shaded summer afternoons, while peeing quietly in my pants. Highly recommended. There is a written notation by me on the first page (otherwise blank) under the seller's price of '$7.00' which reads: 'Bought at the Paris-on the Platte 5-17-87 at the chess tournament.' (Graffiti on the POTP bathroom read, 'Your Being thunders so loudly that I can't hear what you are saying.'
Thomas Merton: The way of Chuang Tzu. Glorious book! Written by a Catholic priest who studied Eastern Religion. I circled 'The True Man' on page 50. Here is the first verse:

What is meant by a "true man"?
The true men of old were not afraid
When they stood alone in their views.
No great exploits. No plans.
If they failed, no sorrow.
No self-congratulation in success.
They scaled clifts, never dizzy,
Plunged in water, never wet,
Walked through fire and were not burnt.
Thus their knowlege reached all the way
To Tao.

The First Atomic Penis War?

To continue briefly with the 'cutting' theme, I wondered today about that most fascinating nation, Korea. North Korea recently showed off its astonishingly modern (buzzing my fucking brains out!) centrifuge system for separating lighter and heavier Uranium, the purpose of which is to amplify power output of that material by concentrating it. Heavier Uranium (U-238) radiates more intensely than lighter Uranium (U-235) (being gassed here); therefore the more 'purified' Uranium 238 works better in bombs and also in nuclear reactors. (Did I get that right?) Westerners were recently treated to a tour of that surprisingly modern new facility. And within days of that revealment, South Korea advised North Korea that it was going to conduct a bit of target-shooting on an island in a sensitive region of the yellow sea between the two Koreas (operation Hoguk). The North replied by shelling the offending island. Fascinating stuff. Are we about to see a new war on the Korean peninsula? Should be fun to watch on TV!
The war in Korea has been going on most of my lifetime. During that time South Korea has become a modern 'technological superpower' while North Korea has become a Technological Joke headed by Deity. (If you think the American political system is fucked up, take a look at North Korea: There but for the graces of Modern Philosophy go us!)
But there is a deeper question: circumcision. Soon after American Forces rescued South Korea from invasion from the North, South Koreans began to routinely circumcise their infant sons in the American Jewish manner. There is a story which no one has told, and I suspect that part of the answer will be the influence of American military doctors - many Jewish - who convinced the dumbass Koreans that 'circumcised soldiers win wars' and in any case 'the money is good... for the doctors.'
Question: Did the North Koreans also adopt the Jewish-American practice of routine male sexual mutilation? Or did they continue their policy of 'live and let live,' peniswise? I wonder, but I think I know: We are about to witness the very first Atomic Penis War. And notice that Korea vaguely resembles a giant penis and that it is cut... in... the middle...

From the Ridiculous to the Sublime, and the origin of 'Google.'

Halfway through beer #1 at 1348, a day early. Been reading some of the comments on this CNN piece about circumcision/comments. Amusing.
Working on beer #2 now at 1405. Buzzing slightly as I reread the 'McLean' post, it dawned on me that I might have got the name wrong there too. Was it Maclain? Too bad I don't have that yearbook.
The C-III game is still rolling on (face rad causing right eye watering, mucus buildup, and - presumably - lens heating). After surviving a war with The Chinese, then another with the Persians, I continued to amass huge numbers of 'Modern Armor' units and finally attacked the Persians. The British and French were already at war with Persia, so I only had to bribe the Chinese into siding with me. I have now conquered almost half of the Persian Empire. This is an unusually long game for a vet like me. But I WILL win.
Beginning beer #3 at 1436. Buzzing nicely. How 'bout a rink dump!
'Intactivists' to San Francisco: Ban circumcision. This is the article which spawned the above link.
Speaking of 'cruel cuts:' A Museum Dedicated to China's Cruelest Cut. Yeesh.
Ninety successive cuts gets you down to the size of an atom. The Lives of the Stars, starring Carl Sagan, shows you how you came to be. You need to know that if you really want to 'know yourself.' And who invented 'Google?' Hmmm.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Oyasumi Nasai

Time for me to 'sign out.' Nighty-night.

Fighting The Jew

Why have I not been successful in fighting Gerash (tap) within The Criminal Justice System? Jews own the American Criminal Justice System. Gerash is a Jew. But on every occasion where I have 'challenged' Gerash by pleading 'not guilty' to a charge, Gerash has 'backed down.' His 'employees' have moved out. Since then, no dumbass ACSD cop has dared to charge me with a 'crime.'
My successes have come on The Internet via Google. A few people read me (tap). That is enough. It only takes a few.
Gerash finds himself in somewhat of a quandry: the symbolic target of people who hate International Jewry. Gerash represents that category, which is increasing second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month, year by year. His days and nights are numbered. He is afraid (tap).
But enough of that.

We Shall See...

Whew. Working on beer 11. Kootch (tap) is sleeping. But notice that 'the gloves are off' (tap) now: I will use the full names of people (including Kaiser Permanente personnel) with whom I might have 'issues.' Suck on it. Stop me if you can. I think you can't. We shall see.
Which brings us to 'Home Invasion,' the last item on last week's list. This obvious subject will have to wait.
I would like to continue with those people who influenced me. I would add, 'The British Empiricists.' If you really want to know how I think, then you need to read that link.
Kootch doesn't have a clue, of course, concerning the above. We have never even discussed it. There was never any kind of 'substrate' for that. Kootch and I have always interacted on the most superficial possible level. But the sex was good! Nowadays there is no more sex, and we continue to communicate on the most superficial possible levels: She smiles. I smile. She cooks. I cook. She remembers. I remember. We watch one and only one TV program together: Millionaire. We enjoy. She goes to bed early (tap) and wakes up early. I go to bed late and wake up late. Gerash, on the other hand, 'understands' me and often taps during my conversations with Kootch. Kootch doesn't notice. Gerash thinks that he and I are married. He thinks that we are in an abusive relationship. He abuses me with gas and microwave radiation. I abuse Gerash with my fingertips. Gerash and I are much more married than Kootch and I are married. It is the result of (thump) more that 40 years of study by Gerash and his associates. Kootch is clueless. I understand.

An Unofficial Jewish Experiment?

But sometimes I speculate that I am part of a 'Jewish Experiment' regarding circumcision. Here is the 'scenerio:'
A Jewish 'doctor' mutilated my brother soon after we entered the orphanage back in about 1947. I was left 'intact.' Here was obvious fodder for an unofficial 'case study' where Jews could 'follow' our lives for many years, the purpose being to produce 'evidence' to the effect that circumcision is beneficial in all aspects of life. (This is only conjecture.) But the result was that the Jews who were doing the 'following' became involved (tap) in our lives: they tended to aid my circumcised brother and they tended to inhibit (uncircumcised) me. The result was that I 'failed' in life and my brother 'succeeded.' I ended up a Staff Sergeant. My brother ended up a Colonel. Jewish conclusion: Circumcision is beneficial in economic life.
I admit that this is a totally unlikely scenerio. Unlikely but not impossible. You decide...

Chan - Yu

And they make money doing it. Rotsa money. Circumcision is a Jewish Industry in America: first they chop it off, then they sell you 'lubricant.' I have never used or needed lubricant.
Kootch and I just recently had our usual 'argument' about (tap) 'being stalked.' She 'believes' the 'Kaiser' version which faults me as 'delusional.' (She just walked by and tossed me a 'Goodnight.' I ignored her. She doesn't uderstand.)
Her 'doctor' at Kaiser is a piece of Chinese Dogshit name of Chan. He was one of my very first Kaiser doctors back in the early '90s. He 'turned me off' one day when he suddenly grabbed me by the testicles (thump) during a visit. I fired the bastard. He later became Kootch's 'doctor.' I think that Chan is on the Gerash payroll, and lies here and there to the other doctors to the effect that I am (for example) an 'abusive husband.' They believe him. If I am correct, Chan was 'recruited' because of his ethnicity: China was invaded by Japan. Interestingly, my 'doctor' was also Chinese, a (could not contact Blogger) beautiful Chinese woman. One day she asked me whether I used alcohol. I smiled slyly and said that I got drunk once a week as I wrote my 'computer diary.' She reacted with 'facial horror' as if I had just admitted that I had 'killed her mother.' She was gone in two weeks to California. Unforgetable.
I think that Gerash (tap) - the predator - 'chose me' because (tap) I was vulnerable: I was married to a Japanese woman who had a very limited understanding of my American culture. Gerash is a 'people-player' and was eventually able to 'play' Kootch against me. Why did Gerash select me? I don't know, I can only speculate. And I don't have time for that now.

Point Made... I Presume

Which brings us to the question of how American Jewry should proceed in the face of the growing national realization that The American People have been sexually mutilated by a small segment of the population for reasons of 'penis envy.' Should Jews proceed with the century-old 'circumcision scam' or should they bow out of the contest, come around to the scientific point of view, and slowly and carefully 'admit' to the American People that universal sexual mutilation might not be such a good idea after all. That is the dilemma. I would suggest the latter, because such a scam cannot possibly be successful in the Internet Age. Jews need to 'come clean' (Eheh). Failure to do so could possibly be horrendous. Can't we all just get along?
Mother Nature has her share of disasters - that much is true - but here some examples of Jewish idiological disasters. NSFW. Go there if you dare...
And here is a most interesting site because when I clicked on the pink panty butt in the lower left corner I got a video instead of a photo. The video showed a Japanese woman 'jacking off' a (presumably) Japanese man. The penis was 'natural' (uncircumcised). The video is definitely NSFW, but it clearly shows the viewer the advantages of the 'natural penis:' She was able to 'massage' that penis to the point of orgasm, no 'lubrication' needed. How was that possible?
Because the penis lives inside a skin which is 'mobile' (somewhat like the eyelid). The woman simply 'massages' the penis from the outside using that skin mobility. Circumcised penises do not have that degree of mobility because the 'mobile reservoir' of skin was removed at birth. The result is that mutilated men cannot masturbate without 'lubricant.' The natural penis has its own natural lubricant - inside the skin! That 'excess skin' also aids in coitis, allowing the penis to slide to and fro in the vagina with ease, partially inside its own skin! Jews know this. They know that their mutilated penises are inferior. They know that they are sexually deficient. They suffer from penis envy. They seek to 'level the playing field' by mutilating those around them. They perpetrate hundreds of frauds in the forms of various lies in attempts to gull the surrounding populations into believing that circumcision is theraputic. And they have been successful in America!
You idiots!!!

The Jewish Dilemma

Working on beer #4 at 1400. The Jewish Dilemma. Hmm...
The Jewish Dilemma is that American Jews nowadays find themselves in an untenable position with regard to their traditional (mutilated) penis. Their problem is, and always was, that the mutilated version is/was far inferior to the original version provided by Mother Nature. The result was something I call 'penis envy', a term apparently invented by Sigmund Freud to deflect - at least temporarily - an otherwise obvious conclusion. Freud saddled young girls with the penis envy problem. It was a 'maturation issue.' Eheh. Bullshit. The idea crashed as it became clear that men - not women or little girls - suffered from penis envy. And suffer they do. Size is a good example. Men with small schmeckles (is that a Yiddish word?) envy men with larger schmeckles. And furthermore, men with mutilated (circumcised) schmeckles envy men with natural schmeckles. It's only natural. Circumcised men even envy male dogs. Go figure.
Why this envy? Isn't the circumcised version much more 'aerodynamic' and pleasing to the eye? Isn't the natural version much more disgusting with its turtle-neck appearance and its complexity? And what about that vile smegma?! Yuck. And not only that - you have to wash the fucking thing. Takes at least 5 or 6 seconds in the shower. Is that 'time well spent?'
And what about hip-joint disease? (tap) What about all those diseases (including HIV-AIDS) and infirmities which are prevented or cured by circumcision? There must be thirty or forty diseases which can be cured or prevented by circumcision. Are you mad?! The answer is circumcision! You idiot!
That was the Jewish Shtick. It worked well for an entire century (being gassed here) in America. (Right eye watering profusely, right nostril dripping, presumably from microwave radiation above or below- probably from the bathroom. Both nostrils have been dripping after each trip to the fridge for a beer, indicating that most of the radiation comes from above.)
Kootch just returned from getting her eyes checked at Kaiser. She has catracts in both eyes, according to her eye doctor, Kristine Ernewein, who explained that her condition is a normal result of 'old age.' She is the same eye doctor who examined me a year or two ago (much'tapping' above as I typed this, and now the editor is the way it acted (tap) last week.)

C-III drags on...

I'm baaack at 1300, just finishing with beer #1. The first order of business was correcting last week's post (3) wherein I miss-identified Richard McClean as 'Bill McDougall.' I knew a fella named McDougall but he was only an acquaintence I met at a CAP (Civil Air Patrol) gathering, not a friend. The fog of time can be really thick at my age, and Booze doesn't help. Under normal circumstances I would have looked him up in my 1954 BEHS Yearbook and got the name right, but unfortunately that valuable memento was stolen (almost certainly by people working for Gerash) in Orlando Florida back in about 1985. Apparently Gerash had traced me to the motel at which I was staying, and had my old station wagon with all of my most precious 'stuff' in it, towed away by an unscrupulous tow-truck driver. I got a call from the police a couple of years later advising me that they had found the station wagon (which I called 'the big blue marvel) submerged in a swamp. Gerash probably still has most of that stuff. I think he collects it.
And that Doctor Oz show was only about female masturbation, but it brings us to (buzz began at 1307 - really buzzing now at 1322) one of tonight's subjects: The Jewish Dilemma. 'The Doctors' also had a sex show recently in which they - like Doctor Oz - avoided the subject of 'the penis.' Apparently it is not even acceptable to show a diagram of the penis on tv! So what, exactly, is 'The Jewish Dilemma?' See post #2 (above).
My new game of C-III is a disaster in slow motion. It seems that I have violated the original game plan by not conquering the French and the English, then allying with the Chinese to defeat the Persians, then finally the Chinese. I have had to fight off both the Chinese and the Persians, both HUGE empires compared with us three panty-wearers. I was only able to do so by bribing the others with money and/or luxury rescources. Will I be able to save at least one of my female friends? Stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The Brown Telephone

I'm crying now.
Ok, Influential Authors. There were many, but Mark Twain stands out because of a book I read much later in life. Like most of my peers I had read the usual Twain books, but only much later would I read his, 'Letters From The Earth.' I was impressed. My invention of The Brown Telephone was, in fact, my improvement on Twain's 'Letters.' (If letters, why not phone calls?)
Equally influential if not more so were Frederick Neitzsche and Bertrand Russell. But my impression as I write this is that if Mark Twain could read this blog right now he would be laughing his ass off in Hell.
And there is much more in this regard which will have to be saved until next week!
Hmm. Am I justified in my most recent assertion? I decided to 'put it to the test.' I dialed Lucifer on the Brown Telephone...
lu: Hello?
me: Status of Mark Twain...
lu: Present.
me: Thought so. Does he read me?
lu: I don't know.
me: That is a surprise! I like that! Do you really not...
lu: I'm very busy now. Sorry. (click)
That brusque tele-termination (Could not contact Blogger) was strangely pleasing to my right brain as my whole brain considered the 'Hell Scenerio.' I am, as you know, a 'balanced individual' notwithstanding Kootch's recent opinion: I have an imposing 'corpus callosum.' Very thick. Indeed, my particular Corpus Callosum is probably one of the most impressive structures in the neighborhood!
(I have learned how to balance my left brain with my right brain, the result of which is that I am a totally integrated human being.)
Time to wrap this up. Nighty-night!

Three Virgins

Influential Authors! I got this idea from reading a recent Skepchick (tap). The idea is to do a list of authors who influenced you. One of her authors is Carl Sagan (the only one we share, but she is much too young for a fair comparison). I like the idea because I owe so much to the books I have read, and the tv/movies I have watched.
Hmm. This could get really boring. Dave Dawson. I read about four of those books (Dave Dawson and Freddy Farmer) in my teen years after I had been turned on to flying airplanes by my favorite uncle, Frank. I decided to become a 'fighter pilot.' No joy. George W Bush yes; me no. Eheh. Sheeeit. Meanwhile, my two best friends, Leslie MacDonald and Richard McLean succeeded where I failed after the three of us passed the Aviation Cadet Selection Test. I flunked the generic Air Force Qualification Test with a 'too low' score. Barf. I went on to become an enlisted man in the USAF. Les became a fighter pilot and Richard became a transport pilot. I went to work for the USAFSS as a Radio Traffic Analyst. Les was killed in Japan when he ejected from his F-100 on final approach too low after it ran out of fuel. I don't know what happened to McLean, but I should mention that it was he who turned me on to classical music and therefore became one of the most influencial people in my life. He also taught me how to drive his dad's '49 Ford. Strangely, I remember leslie's penis! (We must have pissed together on many occasions): he was half-circumcised. His foreskin came only about halfway down. Leslie introduced me to chess and short-wave radio, and was very influential in my life. None of us was homesexual and we were all 'Catholic virgins.' Amazingly, the last time I ever talked to Les was while I was in Basic Training at Lackland AFB and he was in some sort of OTS or pre-flight training (or possibly I was in training at Kelly AFB). We met there for the last time. He predicted that I would go to Japan and marry a Japanese woman. He seemed angry at the time. Bizarre, but unforgettable.

Holy My Ass!

Going 'downhill' much too fast now as I begin beer #5. I need to do a 'list:' (tap)
Keith is back! I'm a fan...
Bloody snots in Exodus 35, Exodus 21.
New C-III.
Influential authors.
Home Invasion.
The first item above is 'self-evident, but the second item needs a bit of elaboration. As most of you know already I like to express my contempt for the Jewish Religion and its two derivatives, Christianity and Islam. I know very little about Islam, so I focus mainly on Judaism and Christianity, both of which with I am familiar, especially Christianity. Judaism never interested me... until I discovered that I was being 'stalked' by a Jewish homosexual name of Walter Gerash, and that Gerash was 'reading' my 'computer diary' using sophisticated electronic techniques. It was a 'no contest' sort of thing where Gerash (tap) could invade my privacy at will due to his wealth. He seemed to be particularly interested in my (encrypted) diary (tap). I had no interest in Gerash, but he made his interest in me obvious every day. So I devised a counterattack using my fingertips: I would turn against him in my diary and I would pick out any 'bloody boogers' I might find in the napkin when I blew my nose for the first time every morning. Those snots were often bloody (Gerash was gassing me), and I enjoyed the symbology of 'pasting' those bloody goobers into the most Jewish parts of that grotesquely stupid old book which we nowadays call, 'The Holy Bible.'
Which brings us to Exodus 35: Excellent bloody snot from a few days ago. But the best, most artistic bloody smear can be found in Exodus 21, which was pasted just this morning. Van Gogh could not have done better! Those of my readers who are curious about those two entries can find them with the click of a mouse at Skeptic's Annotated Bible/Quoran/Book of Morman.
I finished the previously-mentioned C-III with an 'annoyed' Joan of Arc, and am currently in the midst of a totally 'opposite' game where I am 'sucking hind tit.' I also replaced the Indians with the Chinese.

The First Four Beers

Buzzing nicely after one beer. Working on beer #2 at 1410. Sip. Rereading last week's posts it strikes me that I might been a bit too hard on Balmer, but maybe not. I really don't know, but I doubt that Balmer would be bothered by my dumbass opinion anyway.
Kootch passed the 'simple test' I had promised her, so I had to buy her a new laptop. Meanwhile her old laptop had 'revived,' and she was using it. But it was so flakey, and spoke only Japanese... With this new computer I will at least be able to help her when she has a problem. What was the 'simple test' that Kootch passed? I asked her a simple question about her progress in the book and she replied, 'I am reft brain person and you are right brain person.' That was enough for me. I have since read that part - near the end of the book - from which she must have got that impression. So I bought her a new laptop with Windows 7 on it. But it really needed a 'mouse' too, so I bought her a wireless mouse. But the laptop could not understand her favorite disk-based Japanese game. Barf. It might be a language problem, but neither of us understands Windows 7, so I just bought her the Idiot's Guide to Windows 7. (Face rad is causing my left nostril to drip and my left eye to feel wierd, indicating that 'they' are hitting me with microwave radiation from my left side, which would be from apt 203 or (much less likely) from apt 303. There is no apt 103 - that is the laundry room. Left nasal passage slightly swollen now. Stinging radiation left side of left hand.) The package includes a two hour video. Whew.
(Back from the fridge with beer $5 at 1515. Doctor Oz is doing 'male and female masturbation' so I am recording it.)

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Traveler's Tales

Last beer at 1916. Sip. This last (tap) entry will wonder how the Blogger editor 'fixed itself.' Hmm.
It will also report that there have been two incidents where - after 'blowing my nose' - I discovered bloody snots in the paper towel which I then pasted into the Torah (Old Testament).
What else... Hmm...
Enough of that. Let's get to Cosmos. Tonight's episode will be, Traveler's Tales. Watch this!
Time to wrap this up. Nighty-night.

Don't Worry. Be Happy. Smoke Pot.

We need to understand that 'society' loses meaning (the editor is now fixed) in the absense of 'socialism.' Society implies socialism. Socialism implies that the zero-sum game of 'money' needs to be curbed appropriately, that it is - for example - grotesque for a billionaire like Steve Balmer to keep all of his money while a poor farmer in Haiti dies of starvation for lack of money. In an ideal world Balmer would hear of the plight of the Haitian farmer and would contribute sufficient funds such as would preclude the farmer's death. But we do not live in an ideal world. We live in a dog-eat-dog world (evolutionary world). It is therefore up to us citizens to formulate strict govermental (social) processes which will 'force' ass holes like Balmer to do their social duty.
But this idea seems to be 'unnatural' in that it seems to defeat the evolutionary processes which brought us to our current state. Really? I answer that 'evolution' is not a theory limited to individuals. Societies also evolve.
But on the other hand, Balmer's attitude seems actually to benefit human culture given that massive human populations are destroying the environment. Humanity is too successful for its own good. Balmerism allows less successful branches of humanity to die out, thereby limiting the effects of the human population explosion.
What is the lesson from all this?
Don't worry. Be happy. Smoke Pot.

Tax The Money!

Sipping on beer #7 at 1539. Interacted with Kootch on the way to the fridge. She's sleepy.
Standby while I reread last week's posts... Ok. I did a bit of 'embellishment' a few days ago. And the rest is gravy.
I forgot to include a link to Cosmos last week. But I have been playing various episodes since then. I even showed Kootch the opening music and she remembered it. Those were 'The good old days:' We had all (except for Kootch who never really had an intense LSD experience) done Acid. We knew how magnificient we humans were, although I don't think the kids realized it given their lack of experience. And even I took many years to formulate a coherent theory (disassembly-reassembly) of what basically happens during an Acid Trip. I'm sure the kids remember Cosmos too, and those Acid Trips. For your information I will repeat the most important links concerning Cosmos:
This Wikipedia description of Cosmos is valuable, allowing you to select episodes which might interest you.
And here is the main link to Cosmos on Hulu. You can select various episodes there. I claim that unless you have watched the entire 13 hours of Cosmos (tap?) your 'world view' might be 'incomplete.'
Just finished watching part of ABC News (the other two are on TiVo), and the idea which comes to mind as a result of that is, since we live in a pluralistic society in need of cash, it is only logical to 'tax the money.' (the editor seems to be responding appropriately now.) Tax the rich. Tax those among us who have too much fucking money. Is that not obvious? Money is a zero sum game: take from the grotesquely rich and give to the grotesquely poor. (The editor is working properly now! Go figure.)

Staggering Democracy

I'm off to the 'fridge for beer #5 at 1437... Sip. Oops, that was not a fart... Ok I'm back now with clean underwear and shorts at 1443... Et tu, colon? Damn. I'm surrounded! Butt as you can see I'm able to 'work-around' minor problems like these. Sip. Now the buzzer just went off... I reset it, buzzing nicely now.
Where was I? OK. Next on the list is prop 19. Damn. It didn't pass. I live in a world full of idiots. And I must admit that the fact makes me feel quite superior. But most of all it makes me feel obligated to pass on information. I am, after all, a senior component of our society after having lived for 75 years: I have knowlege that you idiots out there need. It is therefore my duty to pass that knowlege on to you. I do so in this blog. Suck it up! (Whoa! Really buzzing now at 1458!)
It is futile to prohibit people from 'doing drugs.' People WILL do drugs (see, The Long Trip). What we need to do is 'work around' the fact that people WILL do drugs. (Heh! I just put a comma after 'see' in the previous sentence, then continued. It worked. I also added quotation marks to 'work around' in the previous sentence. I now have my 'work-around' as a temporary fix for this editor problem, using the mouse to position the cursor. I am one brilliant muthafuka!)
And concerning the fact that the recent election gave The House to the Republications, I can only agree with the wag who said that 'Democracy is a terrible way to run a country, but the best yet discovered.' (Or something like that.)

Am I Really That Important?

Just after writing the above (1), a huge blast of 'face rad' caused me to leave the room, tearing and sneezing (about 8 sneezes). Then, several minutes later I got the 'could not contact Blogger' message. 'Rebooting' didn't solve the problem, so I called Comcast. They then 'reset my modem.' The 'coincidence' (tap) of local harrassment and on-line harrassment is suggestive. I'm wondering whether the modem problem was cause by an unplugged cable (local) or by somebody at Comcast removing me from the polling list. Hmm. We'll never know, I guess.
Halfway through my second beer now. No buzz yet. Kootch is almost finished reading 'My Stroke of Insight.' When I asked her about it the other day she said something like, 'I am reft brain person; you are right brain person.' Hmm. I wonder what she means by that... I gave her the same advice that I gave her when she read, 'Hawaii:' 'Don't bother to look up the words you don't know, just mumble something and continue. You can usually (this editor is really fucked up) get the gist of it without understanding each and every word. (Buzzing slightly at the end of the second beer. Now I will divert part of my attention to understanding the most recent problem, the editor fuck up. This will really slow me down.)
In other local news this week, the idiots upstairs seemed to have moved out on Halloween night. It is unknown to me at this time whether anyone moved in to "take their place.' (The editor problem is very complex. I think I have eliminated the keyboard...) But clearly, the perennial punks above me are still there doing their thing. So too are the creeps below me, judging from the amount of radiation coming up from below. (Bizarre: whenever I use the <- key or position the cursor into text just written, characters to the right disappear as I type new characters. It is definitely an editor problem which is going to 'cramp my style' as I try to work around it tonight. This makes the 'third anomaly' so far tonight. Hmm! Has Gerash teamed up with Comcast and Blogger to harrass me tonight as I do my weekly blog? Am I that important?

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