Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The First Atomic Penis War?

To continue briefly with the 'cutting' theme, I wondered today about that most fascinating nation, Korea. North Korea recently showed off its astonishingly modern (buzzing my fucking brains out!) centrifuge system for separating lighter and heavier Uranium, the purpose of which is to amplify power output of that material by concentrating it. Heavier Uranium (U-238) radiates more intensely than lighter Uranium (U-235) (being gassed here); therefore the more 'purified' Uranium 238 works better in bombs and also in nuclear reactors. (Did I get that right?) Westerners were recently treated to a tour of that surprisingly modern new facility. And within days of that revealment, South Korea advised North Korea that it was going to conduct a bit of target-shooting on an island in a sensitive region of the yellow sea between the two Koreas (operation Hoguk). The North replied by shelling the offending island. Fascinating stuff. Are we about to see a new war on the Korean peninsula? Should be fun to watch on TV!
The war in Korea has been going on most of my lifetime. During that time South Korea has become a modern 'technological superpower' while North Korea has become a Technological Joke headed by Deity. (If you think the American political system is fucked up, take a look at North Korea: There but for the graces of Modern Philosophy go us!)
But there is a deeper question: circumcision. Soon after American Forces rescued South Korea from invasion from the North, South Koreans began to routinely circumcise their infant sons in the American Jewish manner. There is a story which no one has told, and I suspect that part of the answer will be the influence of American military doctors - many Jewish - who convinced the dumbass Koreans that 'circumcised soldiers win wars' and in any case 'the money is good... for the doctors.'
Question: Did the North Koreans also adopt the Jewish-American practice of routine male sexual mutilation? Or did they continue their policy of 'live and let live,' peniswise? I wonder, but I think I know: We are about to witness the very first Atomic Penis War. And notice that Korea vaguely resembles a giant penis and that it is cut... in... the middle...
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