Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Three Virgins

Influential Authors! I got this idea from reading a recent Skepchick (tap). The idea is to do a list of authors who influenced you. One of her authors is Carl Sagan (the only one we share, but she is much too young for a fair comparison). I like the idea because I owe so much to the books I have read, and the tv/movies I have watched.
Hmm. This could get really boring. Dave Dawson. I read about four of those books (Dave Dawson and Freddy Farmer) in my teen years after I had been turned on to flying airplanes by my favorite uncle, Frank. I decided to become a 'fighter pilot.' No joy. George W Bush yes; me no. Eheh. Sheeeit. Meanwhile, my two best friends, Leslie MacDonald and Richard McLean succeeded where I failed after the three of us passed the Aviation Cadet Selection Test. I flunked the generic Air Force Qualification Test with a 'too low' score. Barf. I went on to become an enlisted man in the USAF. Les became a fighter pilot and Richard became a transport pilot. I went to work for the USAFSS as a Radio Traffic Analyst. Les was killed in Japan when he ejected from his F-100 on final approach too low after it ran out of fuel. I don't know what happened to McLean, but I should mention that it was he who turned me on to classical music and therefore became one of the most influencial people in my life. He also taught me how to drive his dad's '49 Ford. Strangely, I remember leslie's penis! (We must have pissed together on many occasions): he was half-circumcised. His foreskin came only about halfway down. Leslie introduced me to chess and short-wave radio, and was very influential in my life. None of us was homesexual and we were all 'Catholic virgins.' Amazingly, the last time I ever talked to Les was while I was in Basic Training at Lackland AFB and he was in some sort of OTS or pre-flight training (or possibly I was in training at Kelly AFB). We met there for the last time. He predicted that I would go to Japan and marry a Japanese woman. He seemed angry at the time. Bizarre, but unforgettable.
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