Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Beer #10 at 1935L. This will be a short night. But before wrapping this up I need to present some music links in honor of current events: Compare Michael Jackson with Amadeus. Both are stunning culture-changers. Both are culturally incorrect. And then there is Beethoven.
I must admit that I was not a fan of MJ because my musical tastes were quite 'old-fashioned.' Also I preferred to watch women (in preference to men) dancing. I couldn't help but observe MJ over the years, of course, and note his amazing physical abilities, but I was not a fan.
Last beer at 2057L.
2100L And I write this more or less hungry, drinking 3.2 beer, listening to Beethoven at 2111L...
Good night and good luck.
(last sip at 2117)
Luscious Beauty
0619L now and I am on my 6th beer. Interestingly the previous beers were not downed on an 'empty stomach' as usual because I had had lunch before visiting Kaiser. Tonight's supper is Split Pea Soup: one pound split peas, One onion chopped, two carrots chopped, one can of Spam Light sectioned appropriately, water, season appropriately, cook appropriately, fart all night. Sounds fun. I did the chopping and other preparation, Kootch finished up while I wrote this. Beer #8 at 1838L:
While doing a bit of research last night I stumbled on this amazing story by a woman who is opposed to infant male sexual mutilation (circumcision). She titles her piece, Luscious Beauty. And while I might argue with her female esthetic evaluation of the natural penis, I do understand her. This link is well worth researching if you are an expectant mother wondering whether or not to circumcise your newborn male child. But be advised that if you follow all of the reference links you will be exposed to multiple photographs of natural (uncircumcised) penises, some of which are compared photographically to their circumcised counterparts. (Beer #9 at 1902L.) Not for the faint of heart. Circumcised men should not view these photographs unless they are considering the question of whether they want to circumcise their newborns.
One link in particular will astonish you. Go there only if you dare.
A Very Valuable Day
I'm back a bit early this week with some good news: I really like my new doctor; she was very straightforward and direct, and took advantage of our 'get to know you' appointment by learning about some of my health habits and making recommendations based on my health profile. For example, Diet Pepsi is a no-no; water is better. I committed to reducing my Diet Pepsi intake to one or two per day. She was also diplomatic: booze is bad news, but she did not press me in the matter. I volunteered to consider reducing the weekly booze night to 6 beers... maybe... eventually... The most interesting result of the visit: I am not diabetic, based on historical tests of (?). She removed the 'diagnosis' but ordered blood and urine tests for several possible problems. Amazingly, she gave me a printed list of all health problems Kaiser currently 'charges me with' including 'delusional disorder!' This is the very first occasion on which a Kaiser physican has made me aware that my old (early '90s?) diagnosis of 'delusional disorder' was known to every physician I have dealt with since that time. No wonder none of them took me seriously! She even gave me a 'referral' to the kaiser Mental Health Clinic concerning said disorder, and I explained to her that (mental health professionals) and I 'do not get along.' But the referral does open the door to a possible negation of that ancient 'diagnosis...' hmm... we shall see...
I was wrong about the 'glaucoma' diagnosis. It was actually a 'Cataract' diagnosis. A meeting with Kristine today (after that with Melissa) corrected my error. I remember researching both. What was the cause of the mistake? Booze-related memory problems? Probably. Kristine explained that (thump above) cataracts are age-related somewhat like grey hair, hence no 'prognosis.'
To sum up, today was a very valuable day. I rarely get to meet two beautiful people in one day.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Last Beer
Just popped open my 12th (last) beer at 1845L. Gonna be a short night. Time to wrap this up with a few links:
misterdeity is an extremely Jewish site designed to make money from the current new-age interest in 'atheism.' Funny and informative, but fails to see that god's hatred of orgasm began with circumcision. Try it if you can endure Jewish Culture for at least ten minutes.
Faux antisemitism. Slightly funny, but worthwhile if you have some time on your hands.
Neutron Stars are very wierd. The incredible scientific universe. This is not a joke.
Nor is this! PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) released a statement in regard to O'bama's recent 'fly swat.' PETA apparently regards that 'swat' as unethical. Huh?!
UNIQLOCK: Yokyo Time. Kootch is asleep now at about 1030 AM Tokyo Time. Beautiful. I love it. Nighty night!
Ripe Fruit!
Beer #9 at 1632L, which brings me back to the idea of comparing my personal experiences of 'being stalked' with those mentioned in previous links. Where shall I begin?! Lessee...
Let us begin with this link. I shall compare my experience over the years with that of others who have been 'gang stalked.' BTW, I recently order David Lawson's latest book on the subject from Amazon, which at the moment is 'out of stock.'
'Why is this happening?' There is no way to know, of course. In my particular case I can only conjecture, but I am confident in that 'conjecture.' Here it is:
Walter L Gerash, rich Jew lawyer and bully, discovered me sometime between 1948 and 1985. Being a Jew who was obsessed with the Jewish history of persecution, Gerash felt the need to 'get even with somebody.' Previous Jewish persecutors were long dead, but Gerash felt determined to 'get even' nevertheless. Gerash was not a 'muscle bully' (like you might encounter is a schoolyard); instead, Gerash was a 'money bully.' Gerash was also a lawyer. Gerash was a rich Jew lawyer who needed to get revenge for past sins against Jews dating back to about 1000 BC. He faithfully read the book, Every Day Remembrance Day, every fucking day!
The book fueled his hatred of 'Goyim,' and he loved the feeling of hating other people in general and 'Goys' in particular. (Goy means 'them,' as in 'us and them.') His hatred eventually overflowed even his satisfying practice of 'lawyer' and threatened to upset his image in the community. He needed somebody to hate on a daily basis in order to prevent a violent outburst which might destroy his reputation. He eventually discovered me and my family. 'Thank You God!!!' Hate was like medication, calming his Judeo-faggot rage.
He began the 'stalking process.' That is to say he began to satisfy his need to hate by selecting an unsuspecting individual. A plus was that the selected individual had a wife from far away in Japan. Another 'plus' was that the individual was not at all associated with any 'church' or other religious group. The target was, furthermore, an 'Atheist.' He immediately grasped the significance of that as 'useful:' The 'Target' had little if any community support, and everybody hates an Atheist (Nose radiation at 1820 until 1825. Much sneezing and mucus flow. Some nasal swelling.)
(By the way, I do not think of myself as an 'atheist.' I do believe in the Jewish god WHTZSNM, but I think that he is a complete fucking idiot.)
Yes it is
Kootch was furious, of course, because I could have fucked her that night instead. Our marriage went downhill, but later recovered somewhat. I would not suspect Filthy Bill for many years.
(1520L and I just popped open my 7th beer. Kootch just advised me that she was going to her room to eat.)
Here is my theory of what actually happened: Filthy Bill took me to that bar where the woman was waiting for us. She made her 'availability' known and engaged us in conversation. We exchanged information, including the information that she was hot for our bodies. Filthy Bill lived in Kansas at the time and was obviously 'out of the loop,' leaving only me to quiet the woman's raging hormones. I fell for the trap and called her from Dalhart. The rest became 'history.'
Does the film of my naked body still exist in Gerashian 'archives?' Almost certainly.
Uh-oh. 1541L and my alcohol intake is exceeding my liver's ability to detoxify. Which brings us to the next level: Beautiful Women. Beautiful Women who have interested me this week are, Christina Chang and Neda.
I saw Christina Chang for the first time several days ago while watching a PBS documentary about Greece. As I watched the show I thought, 'This must be Ann Curry's daughter! The voice, the personality, the facial expressions so much resemble those of Ann Curry!' But after a bit of research it became clear that the illusion was only coincidental. Nevertheless, thumbs up on Christina Chang!
Poor Neda. That beautiful young woman fell victim to an odious religion. (I claim that all 'religions' are more or less odius cultural manifestations which need to be discarded in this scientific age. Morality is innate and needs no 'religion' to justify it. Indeed, 'religion' is usually the excuse for the most obscenely immoral behavior, as in this case. The ancient Jews, for example, had more than 600 'rules' but no 'morality.' They have improved slightly since then, but still have a long way to go. (Check the nearest penis. Is it mutilated in the Judeo-muslim manner?)
The Setup
Kootch went to KSS just now to pick up some milk and green chilli. Don't ask.
Eleanor was a great fuck, of course. We did it in the back seat of my old buick which I bought on the Goose. By the end of the 18 month tour I was ready to divorce Kootch and marry 'Schatze.' I sent Kootch a 'Dear Joan' letter advising her to stay in Japan and keep the two girls. She declined the invitation and was waiting for me at my mother's house in Atlanta when I returned from 'The Goose.' I could hardly refuse her invitation to continue our marriage. Schatze visited me in Rapid City where I advised her to move on. (Kootch is back at 1407L. BTW, when she asked me just now, 'You wanna change?' (I had given her some money for the food run) I replied in the negative. I tell you, folks, the woman is a born accountant! She even advised me, recently, that I owed her $250. Seems I had rashly promised her my share of the recent 'stimulus' and she was not about to forget it! Oh, well...)
Beer #5 at 1415L. Where was I? Ah, 'setup.' Bill visited me in Denver in about '69, and we met a woman at a bar. She and I 'hit it off.' Bill returned to Kansas. I was a commercial pilot at the time working on an additional rating and took her for a ride. 'Do these things ever blow up?' She asked me before we took off. 'Naw.' Soon thereafter I went to Dalhart, Texas for a week or so on a job for Honeywell IPG. The woman was obviously 'hot to trot,' so while in Dalhart I figured to spend the night with her before returning home the next day. Naughty me. I drove from Dalhart to her (fairly remote) little house south of littleton. I planned to arrive home the very next day after some 'strange pussy.' Bad idea: it was a setup right from the beginning and they were both 'in on it.' I arrived late in the afternoon or early evening. It was clear at the beginning that I was gonna 'get some tonight.' I went to the local booze shop and picked up some beer. Meanwhile JF forces set up the lights and cameras. I returned with the beer to a scenerio where I would appear naked for the cameras. We did the beer (I did most of it, of course, then we took a bath. It was a very strange scenerio where she had prepared a tub in the middle of the room. We both got naked, then bathed in the tub. I remember here face when she got her first look at my naked body: she was staring at my partially erect penis, smiling. After the bath we fucked. I think she sucked my dick for a while. After I 'came' we called it a night and went to sleep in her bed.
Next morning I discovered that my wallet was missing. It could only have been left at the booze shop the previous night. I visited the booze shop and was advised that I had left the wallet there after paying for the beer the previous night. The 'owner' then advised me that he had called my home phone and advised my wife that I had forgot my wallet and that he was holding it for me. Kootch went to the booze shop and picked it up. It was waiting for me when I got home.
Thank God it was a Woman
It is 1219L and I popped open my first beer at 1212L. No buzz yet, but I'll keep you informed. Tonight's supper will be tacos (flat) with refried beans (vegetarian), green chilli sauce, and cheese. Spread bean paste on taco, apply some chilli sauce, sprinkle on some shredded cheese, and heat in microwave onion. They good! First buzz beginning at 1226L.
A visit to the LR at 1235 reveals the major news networks showing the governor 'fessin' up to having an affair with a married woman. Coulda' been worse, I guess.
(Buzz progressing nicely at 1257. Back from the 'fridge with beer #3.)
BTW, I myself have had my share of 'affairs' during my long (52 year) marriage to Kootch. Most of them happened when I was 'out of state' and pussy was not available - not that my location justified the (two) affairs. There were also two 'one night stands.' Booze was involved, of course. One, in particular, is of interest because it was a 'setup' involving a long-time 'friend' of mine from Salina, Kansas. Bill fleming was his name. He and his family moved in next to us when we lived in Salina, Kansas at 805 Hancock (eheh) street back in about '61-'62. My Air Force duties required us to leave Salina, where we moved to Biloxi, Miss., then to Omaha. Neb.; then Kootch went to Japan with the kids while I did an 18 month tour in Goose Bay, Labrador. We visited Bill et. al. just before splitting up. I left my 2.4 inch Unitron with bill, and picked it up when I returned to the U.S., headed for Rapid City, SD. Bill and family moved to Goodland a year or two after I left the USAF for civilian life in Denver. (BTW, Bill had recommended Denver because there were 'a lot of good-looking women in Denver.') We visited Bill and family in Goodland on a couple of occasions, staying overnight for a day or two or three. By that time Gerash had the keys to our apartment in Littleton and no doubt explored our little home during the time we were gone. Bill was certainly an accomplice by that time, if not right from the beginning.
Which brings me to my first affair: she was a good-looking German woman name of Eleanor Lainer. She was a waitress at the local NCO Club.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Being God is Always Interesting
2011L and I seem to be fairly stable inebriationwise, so I just popped open beer #10. And at the 10th beer I am always in the mood to write about either Pussy or Philosophy. Tonight it will be Philosophy.
I love this article about 'Biocentrism' (compare Ethnocentrism) because the ideas involved have interested me since I first learned, long ago, that 'the world around me' was only 'a model created by my brain,' and that 'the real world' was ultimately unknowable due to that necessary interposition of 'brain.' Conclusion: to know about 'the world' was to know only about 'a model created by the brain.' But the concept of 'brain' was itself necessarily a construct of 'brain!' Barfalonius: 'Reality' therefore was forever unknowable. One was forced to rely on the model alone, which was suspect right from the start because it posited itself as The Knower: Brain invented itself!
This realization was instrumental in the formulation of my later (current) interest in philosophy.
Which brings us to the raw sensations of everyday experience. Must we rely on current experience in order to construct a framework of 'truth?' Must we infer, moment to moment, massive ideas concerning morality? Are there no eternal principles? This is ludicrous on the face of it.
The result is that we seem to live in a Universe which is forever ultimately incomprehensible, but which seems to make sense moment to moment as we go about our daily lives. We are entities who create a universe - not the other way around. How weird is that?!
Which brings me to the point: we can always escape, like Einstein, to a better place when we really want to...
Good News
Boy, that was fun! I especially liked the relative logic involved. Don't get me wrong: I love O'bama. Indeed, I usually agree with Bill Maher, but his criticism of The Prez today concerning his 'rock star' appearances on national TV was, in my opinion, mis-directed: O'bama does not control 'media' and therefore cannot be blamed for frequent appearances thereon. Maher loved it whenever Bush appeared on national media because Bush was 'guaranteed comedic fodder.' O'bama, on the other hand, provides little such fodder, and the result is that Maher is left grasping at straws.
Working on beer # 10 at 1945L. Oooowee! Gonna be a short night...
Tonight's big news is the Iranian Revolution. Seems that Modernity is furiously engaged with Ancientanity in Iran, and that Modernity is putting up a really good fight, if not winning outright. This is good news for us all.
Gene Pool Politics
I'm back a bit early with a possible faux 'Onion article' concerning today's senate vote to officially apologize to America's Black Population for our National Past regarding Slavery. I see such a resolution as a practical alternative to 'reparations' during these tense economic times. The faux article follows:
Balancing Act
In an astonishing move today, the United States Senate has passed a controversial resolution to apologize to African-Americans for historical wrongs in regard to the kidnapping, illegal transportation, and slavery of ethnic Africans during the period 1607-1865. The bill will now be passed on to the House of Representatives where it will be debated, possibly modified, and brought to a vote. The bill is expected to pass overwhelmingly, and President Obama is expected to sign it into law immediately. Senate observers explained the sudden senate move as 'necessary in order to forestall a debilitating debate on the issue, which debate might sabotage a quick passage.' Senate insiders, meanwhile, pointed to the lingering dread of (Jewish) economic advisers that a 'reparations bill' could totally sink the current administration's economic plan and bring the nation to a state of bankruptcy. 'Better apologize than pay,' seemed to be the administration's mantra, 'especially at this critical time in American economic history.'
Certain House members, meanwhile, have pointed out that this entire scenerio is 'ludicrous given that, at bottom, it is a clear case of gene pool politics.' 'What we have here is a case where certain European genes are apologizing to certain African genes!' 'Moreover,' they say, 'those genes are actually apologizing for transporting a technically deprived bunch of genes, bringing them to America, and teaching the entire bunch a sophisticated culture over a period of hundreds of years! How dumb is that?!'
The House spokesperson (who declined to be identified) then confided that House opponents intended to add an embarrassing addenum to the proposed bill should it ever pass The Senate again: 'We intend to offer an amendment which would bill the African gene pool for all expenses related to this issue including, acquisition, transportation, and education. We furthermore intend to provide for 'back interest on the accumulation of debt.' We predict that the said final billing amount will exactly equal any 'reparations' which the senate may impose, should the matter eventually come down to that.'
Marijuana in The Onion
And now for the link dump before I get too inebriated:
Sophisticated Bong. Sounds fascinating.
Tony's Law would require marijuana users to inform neighbors.
What a waste! Feds incinerate huge pot cache.
Warning: the above links are Onion articles which might tend to offend straights. Use caution.
1719L. Gotta go watch the Evening Newscasts. 'Bye.
Just finished beer #2 while Kootch and I did Millionaire. Buzzing nicely during M, but it is fading now at 1537L. Time for #3... ok I'm back after a beer run to the fridge. Interestingly, my nose began running (tap) at the fridge; and after blowing it at the keyboard just now there was a thump above me. (Mister tap-tap is always with me. Sorta like Jesus.)
The bad news is that yesterday's visit to the Kaiser opthamologist yielded a diagnosis of 'glaucoma' in the right eye. The good news is that I can detect no loss of peripheral vision yet. Must be early stage. Marijuana anyone? Kristine (the Op doc) didn't seem bothered enough to go into any detail concerning the diagnosis or the prognosis, so I did a bit of research on the web today, which leaves me with questions to ask Melissa in a 'get to know you' appointment. (1558L and I'm finished with beer #3... yep, another beer run to the fridge by way of the LR produced another runny nose at the fridge (but not the LR). I conclude that 'they' have a 'mobile unit' in the apartment above aimed at the front of the fridge.).
I gave this blog address to both the doctor and the nurse (one via the other) in order to combat possible stalker lies about me, and now is the time to to do a little test: 'Dear Kristine, please give this blog address to Melissa. She should know about me because I plan to make an appointment with her next week. Thanks, Ray.' Will it work? We shall see... BTW, I found both women very pleasant to interact with, in spite of my anxiety disorder relating to OPs, MDs, cops, lawyers, neighbors, etc.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Naughty Me
Oh my god! This is a magnificent You-Tube video of women showing us their nylon panties! I love it! The music sucks, but the video is astonishing. This is the sexiest video I have ever seen!
I have always been a female crotch lover, of course, and my left hand was especially talented in the sensory appreciation of the female crotch, especially when it was clad in nylon panties. This talent goes back into my teenage years when my left hand was 'the sensory hand' and my right hand was 'the motor hand.' BTW, those two hands have retained their individual talents over the years: I still rely on my left hand to sense my panties while I masturbate with my right hand.
At age 74 I still love orgasms. I still do it with my 'natural penis.'
I have no need of olive oil.
This ends tonight's seance. See you next week.
Technological Progress Dissolves Ancient Ideas
Ten beers and a double shot of CM later and I am still hanging in there compared to the disaster that was last week. Hmm. This leads me to speculate whether I was gassed on that occasion. Maybe. Maybe not.
In any case, as I was watching this You-Tube video, it dawned on me that the Jewish (and especially the Muslim) cultures devalued the female relative to the Christian culture because of The Virgin, or the lack thereof. Jews and Muslims lacked female heroes. Indeed, Jewish culture blames the female (Eve) for God's wrath. Muslim culture, on the other hand, seems to have been hijacked by a male clique intent on overthrowing the original female god, Allat, changing the god's name to, Allah. The Creator became, in both cultures, male. This is ludicrous on the face of it, because males cannot give birth. Believers overlook this, but skeptics laugh, and skeptics are few and far between. The skeptical minority inevitably loses the battle because it takes more 'consciousness' to be skeptical, while any unconscious dumbass can be a believer.
But apparently, over time, technological progress causes ancient beliefs to fade into the mists of Myth. This process has been accelerated in the 21st Century, and is the substrate of the clash of civilations currently in progress. Thus, modern television can report instances where the Virgin Mary appears in strange places, like, for example, beneath overpasses, or on toast.
What ancient could have guessed that images of The Virgin would appear under railroad bridges? Or on baked bread?
A Loophole in the Universe
It's been a while, so I thought I'd give a call to Lucifer in order to see whether God followed my advice concerning learning about modern technology. Apparently not.
me: I'm wondering whether you got a call from God recently.
lu: No. Should I have?
me: Just wondering. In our most recent conversation I suggested that He could improve His understanding of modern science by contacting you. I guess He didn't.
lu: Correct. Does He know my number?
me: I don't know. I haven't given it to Him...
lu: Does He know your number?
me: Ha! You know the answer to that!
lu: (giggling). Good news! Einstein arrived yesterday! We are all celebrating here! It is cultural madness! You would absolutely love it! He sends his regards.me: Please reciprocate for me. This is fantastastic news, but do you know how he managed it?
lu: Via his final theory titled, 'A Loophole in the Universe.' Apparently it's fact.
me: Yes, I remember something about that. But doesn't his departure leave the poor souls in Heaven without a contact with Hell?
lu: Nope. Einstein passed the relevant information on to Pascal. He is now our mole in Heaven.
me: Pascal! How funny!
lu: Einstein's sense of humor. Very typical.
CATCH Them if You Can
I've been avoiding this for some time because of the disagreeable nature of the subject. I'll present the link dump first, then later I'll attempt to construct a series of posts based on the link dump:
Citizens Against Technological and Community-based Harrassment. CATCH! My personal experience is very congruent with the descriptions on this web site.
Organized Stalking. There are similarities here too.
Gang Stalking Summary. And also here.
Microwave Cannon. How to irritate your neighbors (being gassed here, RLG).
More on this subject.
Exactly how to do it. Amazing.
(Judeo-faggot forces are signed on with me in this blog and are preventing me from formatting this post properly by 'entering carriage returns.' So I will close this post for now, and will return next time with my observations on the general subject of 'Organized Stalking.' I plan to relate my experiences over the last 40 years with the information supplied above.)
Link Dump
CNN continues to concentrate on the Holocaust Museum story which, due to my blogging, I am missing. Darn. But I will get updated from time to time. I'm on my 6th beer now (at 1634L) and still feeling relatively sober compared to last week. Sneezing at the moment due to 'nose radiation.' Pounding above. All is normal. Time for a link dump before I strangen' things up with a double shot of Canadian Mist:
Funny Business is an appropriate link given the current mileau. Reserve a spot in Heaven for yourself. Reserve a spot in Hell for your 'friends.' Packages start at $12.79. Money back guarantee. Group rates available.
How to Make Boys Hate Music. Intactivism News.
Children of a Stupid God. Pat Condell agrees with me.
Trusting in God is not a good idea. Mother fucks up.
Trusting in 'believers' is also not a good idea. Irish Catholics mortified.
And here, at 1719L I'm halfway through that double shot (mixed with Diet Pepsi). Buzz increasing, bringing us to the next link dump.
God and Physics
Update at 1508L: The (oops, Kootch is ready to eat. We will do a Millionaire while she eats and I drink beer...) Back at 1544. The T-storm has passed. During M, I told Kootch that I needed to give the Jewish God WHTZSNM a call on the Brown Telephone concerning that 'near miss.' She laughed. She doesn't read this blog, so there's really no way to tell what she was thinking. I made the call just now. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Missed again, Idiot.
gd: Damn...
me: But it was a 'near miss.' You were close enough to kill the power for about 30 seconds. I was on The Web at the time but my backup power supply kept the computer running.
gd: Darn...
me: Just thought I'd give You a call and let You know...
gd: (interrupting) What do you mean by 'the power?'
me: The electrical power.
gd: Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me!
me: 'Electrical power' is not another 'god.' It's electricity. You know, current flow.
gd: Current flow?
me: As in 'lightening strike.'
gd: Are you deliberately trying to confuse Me?
me: Not at all. But I do understand Your problem here. Give Lucifer a call. He can straighten You out on the physics of this.
gd: (hangs up)
A Near Miss
Reading this stuff sober can sometimes be a bit dismaying, so I just popped open a beer. We'll see how it looks after a buzz, but at the moment it strikes me as abusive: violence followed by loving apology. I'm not like that in real life, but constant stalking and harrassment can do things to you after a while. What bothers me about it is not the 'violent' part, but the 'loving' part which is so incongruous and typical of 'abusive relationships' in general. It is out of place here. Interestingly, I had another (4) already written as a draft, but for some reason forgot to publish it:
We all love Israel, of course, in spite of the 'fact' that The Jews are 'God's Chosen People' (Eheh). But us 'outsiders' really treat it as a joke. A Jewish joke. We understand that Jesus invalidated that ancient outmoded concept of Fatherly Rage by becoming the Ultimate Scapegoat. Jesus was crucified, died, visited Hell for three days, and was resurrected. The resurrected version, lighter than air, then floated up to heaven where He resides to this day. That is the story. The Jews don't buy it but the Christians do. The Muslims laugh. People like me giggle now and then. Meanwhile, Christians and Jews carry on with mindless ritual including sexual mutilation. All is right with the world.
There was even a (5), which was left blank.
Thunder just now (1440L) in Denver, and CNN has been constantly reporting on a shooting at the Holocaust Memorial in Washington DC. Seems an 88 year old White Supremacist went ape shit there and shot some people.
More thunder. Guess I'll take a look. Whoa! Direct hit! Power went off for about 30 seconds, but my computer stayed online thanks to the backup power supply.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
I am drunk as a skunk at this point (2035) and the result is that all planning, blogwise, is on 'hold,' and I am reduced to 'the immediate,' whatever that means.
Various 'thoughts' bubble up in such a situation: I am writing, drunk as a skunk, to an unknown 'clientelle' (but I love you all nevertheless because you are all so beautiful.) True, I imagine your beauty based on my week-to-week visitations. My rationale is that here you find beauty in some sense, from week to week, otherwise you would not return. I am very, very interested in beauty. You fit the mold especially if you are female.
I've noticed recently that you smile whenever our eyes meet.
The O'bama Phenoma
I still have a lot of beer to drink before doing supper, of course.
The Prez is much in the news during his current foray to the Middle East and Europe. He made a major speech in Egypt today which seems to have been well-received all 'round. I have yet to watch the actual speech, but the media reviews are mostly filled with applause. I like it that he has reversed the Bush/Cheney attitude of 'crusade' vis the Muslim world. And I'm wondering: did the Egyptians play a 'trick' on O'bama with 'ancient writing' depicting a face with big ears, apparently a charicature of O'bama? Let us hope!
Here are two reactions from Newsweek: One. And Two. My personal opinion is that these recent developments are 'bad news for the Jews,' who enjoyed a bizarre historical advantage in the culture wars of the 20th Century. (You may personally check out my opinion by observing the nearest penis: Is it denuded? Is it a tough, insensitive, dried-out charicature of a real penis? In short, is it a Jewish penis? A Muslim penis? An American penis?
1635L and Kootch has finished making supper: cheap Asian-American spaghetti. Boy they Good! Here is the recipe:
hamburger (1 pound)
one half large onion chopped
one large carrot chopped
one third large green pepper chopped
chopped garlic, pesto, Italian seasoning
shitake mushroom
canned tomatoe, diced
Kroger home style pasta sauce with Basil
1 cup water
sautee and cook down appropriately
serve over cooked Chinese bean noodles (vermicelli)
Prove Me Wrong if You Can
Re-reading (5) below it's clear that I was a bit too inebriated and repeated myself.
Concerning (6) below, I was fascinated by implications as I re-read the link: Jews and 'Jewish philosophy' led directly to what seems to be the most horrific 'holocaust' in history, a holocaust which far exceeds the Jewish Holocaust of WW-II. Why didn't I know about this!? Apparently, Jew-controlled American media chose not to report it, that's why. The same media chose to fixate instead on Hitler's WW-II slaughter of six million Jews, a relatively small number compared to the Russian Holocaust. We all know what happened in Europe during 1935-1945: Judeo-American Media (AKA The Circumcised Press) has drummed it into our heads for the last 60 years. But the much greater Russian Holocaust went unnoticed in America insofar as highly placed Jewish Communists were concerned: Jewish involvement was either minimized or not mentioned at all.
Which brings me to the point: Were the Europeans aware of the Russian Holocaust, and that highly placed Russian Jews were deeply involved? Were the Germans 'spooked' by this knowlege? Did they fear a similar Jew-perpetrated holocaust in Germany? Is that why they were so determined to eliminate Jews from Europe, and especially from Germany? Is that why the Germans gassed millions of Jews to Death and then burned them in ovens? Was it a pre-emptive strike against a people who thought of themselves as 'chosen by God over all other people?'
I think so.